How to Make the Most of Your Performance Appraisal: Adopt a winning attitude and reap the benefits
By 50minutes
About this ebook
Performance appraisals are a fact of professional life, but many employees and managers alike view them with great apprehension. However, with the right preparation and mindset, even the most negative performance review can become a mutually beneficial learning experience. Learn how to get the most out of these dreaded meetings and turn them to your advantage with this helpful guide.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
• Understand what performance appraisals entail and what their purpose is
• Learn about the different types of performance appraisal
• Discover the best ways to prepare for your meeting
The Coaching series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at all those who, at any stage in their careers, are looking to acquire personal or professional skills, adapt to new situations or simply re-evaluate their work-life balance. The concise and effective style of our guides enables you to gain an in-depth understanding of a broad range of concepts, combining theory, constructive examples and practical exercises to enhance your learning.
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How to Make the Most of Your Performance Appraisal - 50minutes
How to make the most of your performance appraisal
Problem: how can I prepare for a performance appraisal, and what approach should I take in order to keep the discussion centred on constructive criticism for both manager and employee?
Uses: evaluating results over a fixed time period and setting new objectives with the aim of improving employee skills and ensuring an atmosphere that is conducive to professional development.
Professional context: management, human resource management, professional development.
How frequently should performance appraisals be held?
How can I ensure that the atmosphere of the meeting fosters communication and trust?
Can I talk about anything during the meeting?
How should I react to a negative performance appraisal?
How should I handle an employee who reacts badly to any kind of criticism?
How can I identify the obstacles to the goals set during the performance appraisal and help others to overcome them?
Although all employees must face a performance appraisal at some point, many approach it with dread; even its very name awakens our fear of being weighed and found wanting. However, this meeting is an opportunity for managers and employees to open a dialogue and, when properly managed, it can actually contribute to the company’s development and to individual wellbeing.
So how can we prepare for a performance appraisal and ensure that it leaves us feeling satisfied and motivated? How can we create an atmosphere that fosters communication? How can we reassure employees and put them at ease so that they share and absorb the information that will help them to move forward and adopt new perspectives as they work? In just 50 minutes, you will discover the secrets to overcoming the trepidation associated with performance appraisals and turning the meeting into a constructive encounter. This short book has something to offer for anyone who has a role to play in this process: employers, managers, human resource managers, and of course, employees. The guidance