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I Am Here: The Journey from Fear to Freedom
I Am Here: The Journey from Fear to Freedom
I Am Here: The Journey from Fear to Freedom
Ebook186 pages3 hours

I Am Here: The Journey from Fear to Freedom

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About this ebook

“Everyone can take something beneficial from these powerful words.”  — Rachel Platten

"Ashley is a trustworthy guide, let her grab you by the hand and walk you toward wholeness." — Jen Hatmaker

Following her bestselling memoir, Born to Shine, founder of The Shine Project Ashley LeMieux shows how she found healing and transformation, even in difficult seasons. I Am Here continues this journey using “Clarity Mapping,” a tool that walks women through setting intentions, understanding why you are worthy of the life of your dreams, identifying the things you carry that no longer serve you, noticing the people you can serve, and finally, identifying the truest version of yourself.

I Am Here will help you: 

  • Reframe your thoughts 
  • Reimagine your life 
  • Reclaim your power  

If you've been looking for help to create a plan to start moving toward your dreams, this book has all the inspiration and useful tools to get  you where you want to go. 

Release dateMay 4, 2021

Ashley LeMieux

Ashley Lemieux is the founder and CEO of The Shine Project and the author of Born to Shine. Her company, The Shine Project, is an online community for women that helps them find support, resources, motivation, and encouragement to triumph over the challenges in their lives. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

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    I Am Here - Ashley LeMieux


    All I wanted to do was run.

    After a long court battle that spanned most of our late twenties, the children my husband, Mike, and I had been raising as our own were returned to their biological family. Home was empty without them, life was empty without them, and distance seemed like the only respite. We booked a flight to Italy three weeks after they left us. I was insistent that we go, sure that the farther I went, the faster I went, the less pain I would feel.

    I believed a lie: If I was moving, I was moving forward. If I was going, I was growing. I believed that I could and should outrun my pain, but by refusing to feel it, all I was doing was running in place.

    Three days into our trip, I sat down in the middle of a square in Florence and found myself next to a mom and her daughter. They were eating chocolate eclairs from the same bakery that Mike and I had already stopped at several times over the course of the previous days. The smell of the dough and sugar made it impossible to ever pass it by. It was spring, so all the shop doors were wide open, the air was brisk, and the sun invited us to stay outside until it got dark. The cobblestone streets felt like someone had put us right into the middle of a movie scene, and I had been doing my best to soak it all in. I was brought back to reality when suddenly the little girl shrieked. In her tiny palm she held a tooth the size of a sesame seed. Obviously, the first she had lost. They giggled and hugged and twirled.

    I’d lived that moment with my own daughter, and I watched them knowing I would never live another moment with my daughter like it again. The memory hit hard and my stomach lurched. I didn’t want to be in that moment anymore; I wanted to escape. I got up and sprinted down crumbling alleyways shaded by clotheslines and past terrazzos filled with packs of tourists eating gobs of gelato. I dodged scooters and sightseers. I got lost. That day, I finally realized that pain is something you can’t outrun. No matter how fast or far I went, I wasn’t really moving forward. I was stuck. And I had been stuck for a long time.

    The feeling accompanied me wherever I went, even if my body kept moving. It hung like an invisible cage over me, as if I were in a maze without a real way out. I felt confused and powerless. I’d stopped trusting myself to make decisions, wondering if I was actually going anywhere, and if I was, if I even wanted to be there. I felt bruised from banging my body against the same brick wall of pain, not knowing how to get my life around the immovable force that had me trapped. Feeling stuck is the torment of unlived dreams, unanswered prayers, and a deeper underlying fear that life will stay that way forever.

    Right outside the Duomo, I stopped. With tears running down my puffy cheeks and sweat dripping down my back, I threw my hands up in the air and screamed to the city, I am here! I am right here!

    I heard my own voice ricochet off the old stone building and for the first time in ages, I felt its power. It alarmed me at first. I hadn’t heard my voice for so long, and I was uncertain if I was even allowed to feel the newfound strength that was tingling throughout my body. I’d forgotten about the girl buried inside of me who was so full of life, and I was surprised that she was still in there. I decided to test it again, and yelled, from the deepest part of my belly with my hands straight up to the sky, I am here! I am right here!

    Today I believe that those words, shouted aloud in that moment, surrounded by the pigeons and street musicians and fountain spray, saved my life. That patch of sidewalk was where I went from stuck to actually stepping forward into freedom. And I believe that today, with this book as a guide, you can step forward too.

    As I’ve worked with women over the years, I’ve seen how stuck can look like something as seemingly small as life taking an unexpected turn to the pain of grief and loss. Sometimes we get tripped up by not knowing what we want to do next in our lives, and other times by larger circumstances beyond our control. Whether you’ve been stuck for a day or a year, I want to help you take the first step toward getting unstuck, to find your own moment of realization and ability to shout: I am here!

    * * *

    Before we get started, I need you to understand a few things about the work we’re about to do.

    First, if you’re searching for an easy way out, this book isn’t for you. Not yet anyway. The work that we’re about to do together isn’t about escaping your pain, it’s about embracing it. There is no easy, pain-free magic spell that simply takes us from where we are and plops us down right where we want to be. If that were the case, I’d be sitting in Disneyland right now with caramel apple dripping from my face, while my kids sit next to me inhaling their ice cream, squealing about the next ride. I’m not here to show you a way out of your life; I’m here to show you a way into it, and, my friend, the terrain ahead is as rough as it is beautiful.

    Second, I’m not the expert on your life. You are. What I want is to help you believe that. I’ll be your guide, your cheering section, a fellow traveler even, but this is your journey. You need you.

    Last, you are not alone. I am here with you. Throughout the course of my own healing, I learned that there are thousands of us navigating these same feelings of self-doubt, frustration, and hopelessness. You’re not the only one, so set down that shame and know that you are exactly the person for whom I wrote these words. You are in the right place and I am honored to be here with you, to teach you, and to watch you walk forward out of pain and despair and into triumph, hope, and clarity. You could use a little victory right now in your life. If you don’t believe you can have a win anymore, stick with me. You will believe it by the end of our time together.

    In the pages that follow, I’ll share my journey toward clarity and freedom to aid you in creating a meaningful life. I’ll show how I created forward movement in my life using three key strategies: reframing thoughts, reimagining the future, and reclaiming power.

    Reframing thoughts has become one of my greatest advantages in getting unstuck and is what we will explore in the first section of the book. I have learned that often the feelings of fear, anger, failure, and the desperation to let go are actually feelings that can serve us if we get to the root of why we are really experiencing them. Reframing thoughts is the first step to creating a powerful present and opens up the possibility of a new future.

    Next, I want to give you some practical tools that will help you find a way out of feeling trapped in whatever circumstances have brought you here. In the second section, I’ll introduce you to my most powerful planning tool, the Clarity Map. That’s right, I’m not just giving you a metaphorical map! Toward the middle of the book you might want to keep a pen and paper handy. Clarity Mapping is a simple, essential brainstorming practice designed to help you determine your goals, break them down into clear, actionable steps, move toward them, and sustain that forward momentum. I use it to make every large and small decision in my life, and it’s the single most useful tool I implement with my coaching clients. Clarity Mapping can be like a trusted friend who redirects me back to the one resource that I always need to feel fulfillment and purpose: myself.

    Armed with a new way of thinking that frees you from the past and a map to creating a life you love, you will be prepared to finally reclaim your power in the final section of this book. I’ll walk alongside you as you declare who you are using seven bold affirmations, uncovering a newfound love and commitment to yourself. My hope is that when you put down this book, you will walk forward toward your future with confidence.

    Why me? To start, I’ve had to do this work myself. I wrote a little about that experience in my first book, Born to Shine. The work felt hard and unforgiving at times and was often lonely. When I realized how many women feel lonely on the path to healing, I committed myself to sharing all I’ve learned with women like you, women who need a trusted plan to love life again. Born to Shine was written so that you’d give yourself permission to find light and hope, even in the darkest moments of your life, and I Am Here is the next step that will guide you in using the pain or frustration of your past to regenerate your current power to find more clarity, strength, and alignment than you’ve ever had before.

    In my work with clients, speakers, and online thought leaders, I’ve helped women create a clear path forward in lives that once felt overwhelming, like they were lost in the weeds. Many of my clients tell me that we got more done in four weeks together than they ever could have accomplished in an entire year. I’ve learned where to focus the attention in life, so that we can feel freedom in the areas that once felt like burdens and become our very truest selves.

    Right now, you have two options. The first option is to set this book down and keep running in the same circle, feeling confused and stuck. I know that sometimes this choice feels easier, but I promise you in the long run, it’s not. When you look back, I don’t want you to regret not taking the chance to live your life to the truest extent possible. Living in pain and running ragged is more exhausting than the alternative. Which brings me to your second option: to trust me, and to begin to trust yourself. Allow just an ounce of belief to settle in your body and decide that today you will start moving toward a new destination.

    If you’re still a little nervous or skeptical that this will actually work for you, let’s start here:

    Breathe in. Exhale. Make this proclamation: I am here. I am here in my life, exactly as it is. I give myself permission to stop running. I give myself permission to be here, and I accept a bright, fulfilling, and powerful future. I am safe to be here, and to dream again.

    Good. Now, say it again.

    Acknowledge the power in those words.

    You just took your first step. You were made for this. It’s your time. You deserve to uncover clarity, confidence, and joy.

    Part One




    Why Am I Stuck?

    I spent most of the past five years asking myself this question, struggling with it daily, trying to wrestle it to the ground. Some days I felt like I was on a hamster wheel, running as fast as I could but getting nowhere. Other days, it was more like quicksand, a sludge that stuck to every inch of me and pulled me downward. I was too exhausted and frustrated to even bother clawing my way out. So instead, I sat and I waited. I prayed and I pouted. Every day I believed in myself a little bit less and believed more in the limiting stories I’d been telling myself:

    You’re scared.

    You’re angry.

    You’re selfish.

    You need to let go.

    It was true that I didn’t know where I was headed, but the biggest problem of all was that I didn’t have faith in my ability to get anywhere.

    There are lots of things that prevent us from taking that next step: difficult experiences; negative people; heck, even bad weather, but I believe negative thoughts may do the most damage. Fear, anger, envy, regret . . . they all cause us to feel shame, and nothing will stop you in your tracks like shame.

    Shame looks a little different for everyone. For me, it’s a feeling of unworthiness, the absence of hope, disappointment in who I am, and it creates a pit of despair that feels impossible to climb out of. It can be so powerful that some days, I even feel shame about feeling shame! But, sister, what if there’s nothing to be ashamed of? What if our paralyzing, negative emotions are actually rooted in empowering, positive ones? What if the pain we feel is actually a product of profound love? What if the very things we are afraid of, that are holding us back, are the same things that can propel us forward into a life that feels full and free? And what if our job is to reframe these negative thoughts and emotions into the positive truths that lie beneath?

    I’ve received thousands of messages from women around the world all trying to pin down an answer to the same questions: How do I move forward? Why am I stuck? How do I start to heal? I imagine you’ve found yourself in this place at times, too. Maybe you’re even there now.

    I’m going to share with you what I shared with them: you aren’t stuck, you never have been. I know it feels like you are, which is why I want to make that extra clear: you aren’t actually stuck. But if you don’t believe you can move forward toward the life you want, you’re not going anywhere. I sure wasn’t. I was chained to my past so tightly that the normalcy of it pulling me back felt like business as usual. So let’s learn to believe again and do it together.

    Before I could take my first steps forward, I needed

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