About this ebook
Have you ever experienced rejection by the people closest to you? Are you wondering what your purpose is in life? Perhaps you have experienced many hardships such as failure, disappointments, and tragedies. Spring Taft will share an emotional tale of her life, the heartache, and struggles. She shares her powerful testimony in "The Plug: Pur
Spring Taft
Spring was born on July 4, 1989, and got her start in ministry from her grandfather/mentor, the Late Rev. Levi Gay of Gospel Mission Baptist Church of "Bridgeport, CT." Spring is an author, and Entrepreneur of Youthfullyinspired4Real Global Youth Ministries. Spring has just Blossomed into this new dimension in God. Spring Taft is a natural born leader who has a pure heart, and her only objective is to lead people to the Kingdom of God. At a very early age, she displayed her very unique leadership skills in the kingdom of God by using her creativity to draw more young people like herself to worship and praise God authentically. Hence, "Angels of Mercies Praise Dance Team," was formed. Spring, really got ignited on her 13th birthday when she attended a Young conference in Houston, Texas at Second New Light were the Senior Pastors where Bishop IV Hillard and Pastor Brigette Hillard. Spring, was the youngest one to attend this conference out of the peers from the church. At the conference, one of the older youth and Spring felt the move of God and decided to dedicate their lives back to God. Spring has not only accomplished many things spiritually, but she is accomplishing things physically as well. Spring hosted her first book / Youth & Young adult conference, "Connection Conference," which is based on her Book entitled, "( P. L . U .G ) Purposeful, Living, Unto God." Spring objective for this conference was to show people how to make an authentic connection with God. "Live on Purpose, For Purpose." Spring's future career goals are to open up her own direct care business where she is meeting the needs of others by providing them with life skills, love, appreciation, and discipleship. Also, she is looking to open up a few Youth homes ( Daughters of Leah House) and (House of David). In these homes, she provides these young people with the necessary life skills with a spiritual component to help them become successful in their lives. Spring's lifetime goal is to open up a School, K-12 called the "New Remnant Academy." Spring 's purpose in life is to be the impact this world needs in whatever compacity that is.
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The Plug - Spring Taft
The Plug
Spring Taft
Copyright © 2019 by Spring Taft
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means, graphics, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Spring Taft/Rejoice Essential Publishing
PO BOX 512
Effingham, SC 29541
Unless otherwise indicated, scripture is taken from the King James Version.
Scripture quotation marked (NIV) taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com
The Plug/ Spring Taft
ISBN-10: 1-946756-56-3
ISBN-13: 978-1-946756-56-5
Library of Congress Control Number: 2019907987
This book is dedicated to all the youth, and young adults: domestic and abroad.
Rev. Levi Gay Grandfather (Mentor)
***Dream Inspired*** Live Inspired***Be Inspired***
*** Let God be your PLUG***
Table of Content
New Sound
I can’t sleep because it seems as if the noise of life has gotten so loud. I can hardly hear my thoughts and cries out loud. I feel like I’m racing fast. I prayed to God that I could pass this class. The class is called life, and unfortunately, I’m failing because I keep derailing my dreams, my hopes, my visions, but, ultimately, my purpose. I’m overwhelmed, overworked, and tired. My life is so loud that I can barely hear it. It feels like I’m stuck in the midst of a crowd. And, I’m screaming and no one can hear my sound. I need time so I can go, stretch out, and get inspired. On the altar is where I lay my burdens when I’m tired. My life is so loud that I can barely hear it, like it’s a crowd. My godmother always told me even as a child, Take everything to God in prayer.
Well, I’m asking you, God, to silence the noise and turn up the volume of Your voice because I need You like never before. This man won’t leave me alone. My mom barely knows I exist. What if I just disappeared? Sometimes I wish I didn’t exist. It all seems like an awful, lousy dream. One I can’t wake up out of; that’s scary from scene to scene. I want the noise to stop, and Your voice to be loud and clear. I want to release my own sound; something that rings clear for all to hear. For the joy of the Lord is my strength and refuge. Whom shall I fear? For when my mother and father forsake me, God shall take me up. Please remember me, Lord. I don’t want to give up.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. —Proverbs 3:5-6
A tragedy is described as a disastrous event, calamity, misfortune, or a serious drama typically depicting a significant conflict or situation. Let’s say in this portion of my life, sorrow was my best friend, and I just learned to accept her tragedy.
We’re going to start with my senior year of High School, but before we begin there, I am going to give you some history on a girl named Spring. There were a lot of ups and downs in my life, but God saw me through it all. My entire life, growing up, I was called something other than my name like stupid, fat, special, retard, or reject. Although I was given a unique name, people never called me by it. It was always something negative or derogatory to tear me down, so it stuck with me, all my life. Those were the names I answered to.
Growing up was anything from perfect. My life, honestly, was a circus of constant chaos that never seemed to die down but only multiply the more I stayed around. Growing up, I didn’t have much. I watched my mom struggle with life. As I grew up, I noticed certain things. I had seen certain things, so by the time I made it to High School, I was practically a full-fledged adult, or so I thought. It was my freshman year of High School. I was so excited because I got accepted into an academically gifted High School. It was about an hour away from my house which meant I would have to wake up early to attend. At this time, my mom had gotten behind on bills. We were running extension cords from our neighbor’s home to our home. I felt so bad for my little brother and I because of what we had to deal with: this lousy hand we were dealt called Life.
I wanted to help, but I also wanted to eat. So, I used my body to get the things I needed. I know what you’re saying. How could you? Well, honestly, how could I not at the time is what I thought. It was just one person. We had an agreement. I was ashamed, but I didn’t have a want. I knew who God was. Well, He knew me, but we were not well acquainted at this time.
Now, let’s fast forward to my Senior year of High School. Listen Spring. You’re going to have to pull your weight around here. I need you to go to Walmart and fill out an application. You are the only one eligible to work in the household.
Ok, Ma,
was my reply. I didn’t have much to say. I have always been a helper so helping my family seemed like a no-brainer. It was just balancing everything in my Senior year of High School and my honors’ classes. But I knew it would work for me, it always does. That Friday, I got a call from my Aunt, who was the store manager of Walmart. She told me I was hired. I was thrilled and excited to have my first job. I adjusted my schedule, so I got out of school at noon instead of 2:30 pm. I quickly called my godmother, MA! I got my schedule worked out.
She said, Baby, focus on school. If you can get yourself to work, I can pick you up every night.
I said, That is a plan.
There was so much going on in my life. I am a Senior. I am a young adult. I am on my way to college, or so I thought.
I would not get home from my job till after midnight. All I knew was that I had to sustain my family, but I was so tired and worn out. I still had to study, do my term papers, and projects.
It was payday! I was too excited, but before my excitement could transfer into MONEY MOVES, my mom called me. Spring, please come straight home with your paycheck.
But mom I need…
Come HOME!
So as my mom requested, I went home. I remember my pastor preaching for a few weeks on tithes and offering. Tithes should be 10% of your earnings, and your offering should be a love token to God. So, I was so excited to pay tithes for the first time. Not only was I a Senior in High School, I also formed a praise dance group in the church, and I sang in the choir. I was the first young person in