The Greatest!: A Free Spirit
About this ebook
There is a need for us all to find out about ourselves; what are our hopes and dreams, and what is the deepest part of our soul all about? Will the things we have become reality in our vision or in the substance produced? Where is the person that we want to become? What will we rely on? Will our intellectual level or our spiritual leadership guide us? These things need to be taught to us; they come from growing as a child, developing, and being given a measure of spirit from the Holy God. Remember that a good spirit finds a way to freedom; an evil spirit will only decline and then perish. We need to always be even and uniformed in the ways we go. Understand that it is fictitious to believe in things not real, which prove over and over their worth to us is a false hope. Only accept the genuine truth, not a lie; therein is where our faith abounds. Is there any faith at all in you? Dont be freewheeling or loosened at hearts door; become sound, safe, and secure in what keeps us in the rim of perfection of Gods loving care. Love your neighbor. Have faith. Keep away from a make-believe world.
James M. Ellison
I want to write, to see things grow, and to see the inspirational good of God to start up in mankind as they read these words. We need hopes, dreams, and faith along with our actions. This is what this man hopes to deliver unto you. I call it encouragement; so let your journey begin.
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The Greatest! - James M. Ellison
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ISBN: 978-1-5127-2381-6 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2015920538
WestBow Press rev. date: 12/17/2015
WE ALL WANT TO REALIZE BECOMING GREAT—and not just great but the greatest. We want to be stirred with emotions and by the feeling that we have much to gain. But most of us—including me—are of the usual
variety. When I was born, I weighed about ten pounds and had blue eyes and no hair—fairly ordinary. Was this ordinariness a sign of things to come? Well, things are what they are.
I grew up in a modest home. We had what we needed, with a few extras thrown in, but I always thought we were a little bit lower class, more so than most who lived around us. My parents were very hard workers and tried to provide for our needs so we kids could grow up to be productive adults.
I was the youngest of five children—three boys and two girls. As I look back at our lives, mine was so different from the lives of my siblings. It was a struggle for me to accomplish anything—I just didn’t seem to have the ability. Everything was hard for me, while everything seemed so easy for my brothers and sisters. Being the youngest, I had to follow in their footsteps, which was a path of greatness. Their goals were so easy for them to reach. My sisters were excellent students and perfect at their chores at home. My two muscular brothers were good in their schoolwork and very good on the athletic field. I was a member of the family, but in my mind, I was like one who had a social disease.
I didn’t know my direction, and neither did my mom or dad. My parents told me to always choose the right path and, when I found it, to walk therein. I thought they were trying to lift my spirits. I guess I was right, but still, nothing worked for me. As I struggled in school and at life in general, I found it hard to be close to anyone. Everyone seemed ahead of me. I believed I’d never advance to their levels of achievement. I even wondered why someone like me had been born. I was stuck in life and didn’t know what I would become.
As time passed, my brothers and sisters went off to college, leaving me all alone at home. Good, I thought. Now I’ll get all the attention my brothers and sisters were getting. But Mom and Dad only talked about my siblings—that they had grown up so fast and how much they missed them. Even when the two oldest ones got married, my parents still talked about them as if they were still at home. There was no word spoken about me.
My life sank deeper and deeper into a dark hole, and I could see no way out. I wondered why I had to suffer so much. Did no one know the pain