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Contracted to Mr. Collins 2: Decisions
Contracted to Mr. Collins 2: Decisions
Contracted to Mr. Collins 2: Decisions
Ebook190 pages3 hours

Contracted to Mr. Collins 2: Decisions

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— ‘I Really enjoyed this book. The characters are relatable and lovable. I had a hard time putting it down. — M. Warde

After a run-in with Rebecca’s ex, Alex, the brothers decide to take her up island to meet their grandparents. Excitement is running high until the following morning when they’re set to leave. Max has a sudden awakening that causes friction between him and his brother. Still, with tension high, the planned trip moves forward, and both brothers do their best not to raise alarms, but Nan is no fool.

Nan and Pop take an instant shine to Rebecca and never having grandparents of her own, she’s just as taken by them. Not to mention the tiny village of Gold River they live in.

With the help of Nan and Pop, the brothers finally mend their relationship, and Aiden suggests relocating. It will rid them of Rebecca’s ex, hopefully for good this time and allow them the leisurely lifestyle she’s always dreamed of, especially now.

The decision is made, and the land next to Nan and Pop is purchased. All Aiden has to do now is go back to Victoria for a few weeks to settle Natasha into his position. Rebecca will be okay alone with Max till he gets back, right?

PublisherSJ. Turner
Release dateAug 3, 2021
Contracted to Mr. Collins 2: Decisions

SJ. Turner

Author of the steamy erotic romance series Contracted to Mr. Collins, SJ Turner took a big step out of her comfort zone with the paranormal fantasy Immortal Treasures. Primarily written in fragments, many original pieces never made it into the final storyline. And those that did required artful blending to create the ultimate tale that hopefully finds its way into many hearts and homes.SJ’s love for books began the moment she learned to read. By her early teens, she was sneaking her mother’s romance novels into her room and tucking them under her pillow for late-night reading.While a steamy romance is still her personal favourite, SJ can’t deny a fondness for the many other genres she often enjoys. After all, how could she not indulge in magical fantasies, exhilarating adventures, heart-stopping horrors and relentless drama?Among her favourite authors are Deborah Harkness and Sylvia Day.

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    Contracted to Mr. Collins 2 - SJ. Turner

    Contracted to Mr. Collins 2



    SJ. Turner

    A Cozy Reads Publication, PO Box 58031 Rosslynn RPO, Oshawa ON L1J 8L6 (289)275-8418

    Copyright © 2021 by SJ. Turner

    All rights reserved

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business or establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and specific other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, contact the publisher by e-mail, admin@cozyreadspublishing.com Attention: Permission Request as the subject line.

    Content Notice: Due to explicit adult situations and use of mature language, this book is intended for persons age 18+

    Contracted to Mr. Collins 2


    ISBN – 978-1-7777646-4-7 (Paperback)

    ISBN – 978-1-7777646-3-0 (Ebook)

    Fiction — Romance

    Fiction — Romance — Contemporary Romance

    Fiction — Romance — Women’s Fiction




    Chapter 1 – A Bit of Tension

    Chapter 2 – Crossing the Line

    Chapter 3 – Meeting Nan and Pop

    Chapter 4 – We’re Golden

    Chapter 5 – A Day to Remember

    Chapter 6 – Making Tea

    Chapter 7 – Dr. Hamlin

    Chapter 8 – The Twin Connection

    Chapter 9 – R.A.M

    Chapter 10 – I Do

    Chapter 11 – I Need Some Time

    Chapter 12 – She’s My Wife

    Chapter 13 – So What Now?

    Chapter 14 – It’s Time

    Chapter 15 – The Reveal

    The Collins Brothers Series

    About The Author

    Chapter 1 – A Bit of Tension

    Jesus Christ! Are you fucking kidding me?

    The sight of Rebecca’s supposed best friend straddling Alex on her bed slices into her chest like a knife, and it takes a moment for her to catch her breath. It’s not that she still loves Alex or even has feelings for him, but Emma knows what he’s put her through.

    Max strides across the room, shutting off the stereo while Rebecca stares at them with fire in her eyes. I can’t fucking believe you two.

    She glares at Alex with a freshly found hatred. To think mere hours ago, you were begging me to come back to you – she throws her hand out in Emma’s direction – so much for not wanting her, huh? She laughs sardonically as her eyes shoot to what was once her best friend. And you! How dare you call yourself my friend?! You are not worthy of my friendship. You’re nothing more than a common whore. No wonder he came bouncing straight to you. You always did know where to find a sure thing, didn’t you, Alex?

    Leaping off the bed, Alex sends Emma scurrying to grasp the sheet for cover. He lunges toward Rebecca, but Max’s arm juts out, stopping him before he can reach her. Oh no, you don’t. You stop right there, rockstar. I thought we agreed. Your dealings with Becca are over.

    Standing back, Alex places his palms together, presses his fingertips to his chin and peers at Rebecca through pleading eyes. Becca, please, I don’t want her. This is all a big misunderstanding. I swear. It’s not what it looks like.

    Rebecca bends down, picking up his pants from the floor. As she tosses them at his chest with an eerie laugh, she tips her head. No? I’m pretty sure I can surmise what’s happening here. A play-by-play is definitely not necessary.

    Noticing Alex’s freshly cut lip and swollen eye, she glances at Max. His shrug and half-ass smile speak volumes. There’s no need to elaborate right now. They both know what happened.

    Turning her attention back to Emma, Rebecca’s slight smile fades. You, my dear ex-friend, will need to find a new roommate. I’m moving in with Aiden – tonight. We’ve only come for my stuff. She points to her bed, her nostrils flaring as she takes a deep breath. Don’t worry. You can keep the bed. It seemed to fit you two better than it ever did Alex and me anyway. Her eyes flicker as she turns toward Alex, his earlier words ringing in her ears. You know, I just have one last question for you. Tell me, were you thinking of me while you were fucking her in my bed?

    Watching his face drop, Rebecca nods, allowing a slight smirk to tug at her lips.

    That’s right, Becca. It’s time to cleanse yourself of Alex for good.

    Embarrassment shrouds Emma’s face as she wraps the sheet around herself. Her meek apology is left unaccepted as she dashes past Rebecca. I’m so sorry, Becca.

    Oh, can it, Em, Rebecca retorts, her focus on grabbing a suitcase.

    Taking the large suitcase from Rebecca’s hand, Aiden begins packing. Then, hearing a groan, he glances back – to Max. He’s leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded, scowling at Alex. Hey, let him leave and come help us pack so we can get the hell out of here. He’s not worth the headache.

    Pushing away from the doorframe with a grunt, Max lets Alex pass, kicking the door shut behind him. His grizzly face brightens with a warm smile as he turns toward Rebecca. As much as I’d like to rearrange his face for you. I think Aiden’s right. You probably just want to get the hell out of here. So, tell me where to start.

    Grabbing a row of sweaters from her closet, she places them into a garment bag and peers up at him. Aww, Max, Aiden is right. He’s not worth it. Besides, I’m already worried that you might get into trouble for that eye of his, she says with a smile.

    Meh, it’s his word against mine. He grabs an empty box from beside the bed. What do you want me to pack, princess?

    She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and takes a look around the room. Well, if you could grab anything from my nightstand and desk, that would be great. Then Aiden and I can pack the rest of my clothing.

    Heading for her desk, he stops mid-stride and turns around. Hey, Becca? I know it must have been difficult witnessing – he twists his lips as he gestures to the bed – you know, that little scene. I just want you to know that we’re not insensitive. If you feel the need to take a few minutes alone, or— His voice trails off as he watches her shake her head. All right. Well then, if you feel like you might need a hug, I’d be more than happy to accommodate such a request, he says, opening his arms with a gentle smile.

    The tears she’s been stifling well in her eyes as she walks into his arms. Oh, Max. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you two being here.

    Tightening his hold, he kisses the top of her head. As if we’d be anywhere else, princess.

    Quickly swiping away her tears, she steps back and forces a smile. She made herself a promise she wouldn’t waste another lick of emotion on Alex, and it’s a promise she intends to keep. Thanks, Max. Her smile slowly fades as she peers over at Aiden and heads back to her closet. Just a few more things, and I’m ready.

    To be completely honest, I’m not sure what I’m feeling after seeing Alex and Emma on my bed. Initially, it was a blow to the chest, but now —

    It’s not hurt nor anger.

    It’s not even betrayal.

    At the moment, I kind of feel numb.

    Almost as if I’ve completely disconnected from the situation. In fact, it feels like I walked in on two strangers.

    Turning to face the final pieces of clothing, she shrugs and stuffs them into the last suitcase. As she zips it up, Aiden pushes himself off the doorway where he’s been watching her. He sets the bag down on the bed and takes her hands. Peering up at him, she takes a deep breath and lets it out, her shoulders lifting and falling with the weight of it. Well, I guess that’s everything.

    Lifting her fingers to his lips, Aiden closes them into his palm. Max has already taken everything else down. Are you sure you’re okay, baby?

    She wraps her arms around his waist. Yeah. I’m fine, she says, laying her head against his chest with a nod.

    Placing his finger under her chin, he lifts her eyes to his. You can talk to me – about anything, Rebecca. I want you to know that.

    I appreciate that Aiden, but I really just want to forget tonight.

    All right. Kissing her forehead, he peers around the room. Is it safe to assume we’re ready then?

    Taking the keys from her key ring, she lays them on the desk with a nod. Yep. I’m ready.

    Emma and Alex are sitting in the living room on the sofa as they walk toward the door. Alex stands, and Aiden stops abruptly, raising his hand. Rockstar, I swear, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll sit back down. You must know by now it will only end badly.

    Alex flops back down on the sofa, resting his forearms on his thighs and clasps his hands. Satisfied, Aiden wraps his arm around Rebecca’s waist and guides her out the door.

    They find Max standing at the back gate of his hummer. He grabs the final garment bag from Aiden and tosses it in the back, his eyes shifting between the two of them. Well, is that everything?

    Gazing down at Rebecca, Aiden nods. Yeah. We’re done here.

    Alrighty then, Max says, slapping the back of his truck with a grin. Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get the hell out of here.

    Rebecca and Aiden are snuggled up in the back seat when Max peers at them through the rearview mirror. Hey, I thought maybe we could take a drive out to Nan and Pop’s tomorrow. I think it would be good for Becca to meet them. Don’t you?

    I like the sound of that, Aiden says, kissing the top of Rebecca’s head. It’ll get us out of town for a few days and away from any brewing nonsense. Plus, I’ve never taken a woman home to meet Nan and Pop before.

    Rebecca can’t believe her ears. Even with all the women in his portfolio, he hasn’t taken even one out to meet his grandparents? Do you think they’ll approve of me?

    Squeezing her hand, Aiden smiles down at her with a reassuring nod. Rebecca, there is no question they’ll love you.

    Suddenly, the night they spent in the hot tub together scratches at the surface of her mind, and she quickly tries to hide the pink creeping across her cheeks. Lord knows they won’t approve of her if they know about their three-way shenanigans. Do they live here on the Island?

    Yeah. They live at the northern end in a small logging village, Gold River. Have you been there? Turning into Aiden’s driveway, Max pulls up in front of the door and parks.

    Stepping out of the truck, Rebecca shakes her head. No. I’m not sure that I’ve even heard of it.

    Well, I’m not surprised, Aiden says, opening the hatch. He tosses a garment bag over his shoulder then grabs one of her suitcases from the back of the truck. It’s a tiny village. I think the last I had checked, it only had a population of about thirteen hundred. Nan and Pop literally live in the middle of nowhere, but they love it. I had a house built for them a few years back beside Muchalat lake. He shrugs casually. They’re simple people. Pop tinkers in the garage and fishes almost daily while Nan putters in her garden and bakes. There’s little to no cell service out there, and that’s exactly how they prefer to keep it.

    Opening the door for Aiden and Max, Rebecca peers up with a smile. It sounds wonderful! I’d love to go. I mean, as long as you’re sure they won’t mind.

    Max drops her bags on the floor and heaves her into his arms with a full-body laugh. It’s going to be great! Nan and Pop are gonna love you!

    Setting down the bags, Aiden smacks Max on the back. Okay, Max, put her down. I’ll call Nan and Pop now to let them know we’ll be heading up tomorrow. Grabbing his phone, he motions to the patio. Why don’t you two go ahead and get in the hot tub. I’ll join you when I’m done. I really should check in with Natasha before we leave.

    Rebecca wraps her arms around his waist. You sure you don’t want me to wait?

    No, go ahead and join Max. I’ll only be a few minutes.

    Max swoops in, wrapping his arms around her waist with a burst of roaring laughter and throws Rebecca over his shoulder. He said go to the hot tub, princess. Now let’s go. Darting upstairs with her kicking and slapping at his back, Max yells back, Take your time, bro! I’ll keep her company till you’re done.

    Watching Max and Rebecca head off to get their swimsuits on, Aiden dials Natasha. She wasn’t even expecting them back from Jamaica yet. Still, he wants to make sure she doesn’t need anything before heading out for Gold River. Not to mention, he needs to update her on the happenings with Alex at the pier so she can contact the lawyers in the morning.

    Thankfully when Natasha answers, she’s her pleasant and very efficient self.

    ‘Hey, boss! It’s great to have you home. I already know what you’re going to say. Max called about an hour ago. He mentioned you’d be calling. Don’t worry. I’ll have the lawyers diffuse anything that comes up with Alex Healey. Enjoy your time with your grandparents.’

    Wow. Thanks, Natasha. I don’t know what I would do without you. Had I known Max had already called, I wouldn’t have bothered you. You know how to reach me should you need anything.

    He can hear her fingers flying across the keyboard as

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