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Boundless: Living Life in Overflow
Boundless: Living Life in Overflow
Boundless: Living Life in Overflow
Ebook78 pages2 hours

Boundless: Living Life in Overflow

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

- What if there were ways to live that filled you, rather than depleting you? - What if there were an ocean of joy, freedom and wholeness within reach? - What if you could tap into an inexhaustible resource of power and love? - What would your life look like without fear? These are the questions God put deep inside of us, so we'd go looking for more. Looking for more is what this book is all about ' a massive jump into a boundless ocean of love. Take the plunge!
PublisherMonarch Books
Release dateMar 25, 2013
Boundless: Living Life in Overflow

Danielle Strickland

Danielle Strickland is an author, speaker, trainer, and global social justice advocate. Her aggressive compassion has served people firsthand in countries all over the world, from establishing justice departments for the Salvation Army to launching global antitrafficking initiatives that create new movements to mobilize people toward transformational living. Affectionately called the “ambassador of fun,” she is host of the Danielle Strickland Podcast, cofounder of Infinitum, Amplify Peace, and Brave Global, and founder of Women Speakers Collective. Danielle is married to Stephen and lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with their three sons.

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If you are feeling unfulfilled or sometimes defeated in your Christian walk. Wondering if there is more, you need to read Danielle's book. There are so many nuggets in this book I would like to share, but here are just two. " Yes, Jesus can save people from ultimate destruction. But He wants to do so much more than that. He wants to save you from yourself, from sin, from despair, from brokenness, from hopelessness, and more....." " He can saturate you. He can neutralize your natural inclination to act selfishly. He can overflow you with the Holy Spirit. He can accompany you through a boundless life lived in overflow. It sounds almost to good to be true, but it isn't. It's the Gospel truth." Chapter 11, Boundless Overflow, Danielle gives us many scriptures to use as a reference and to affirm her proclamation. She does an excellent job of answering some hard questions in the back of this book, and also explaining salvation. Even though it is a small book, I gained a great deal from reading it and would recommend it. I recently had the opportunity of hearing her speak at our church. If you ever have that opportunity, please go, you won't be disappointed.

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Boundless - Danielle Strickland


A Tattoo, Salvation, and a Song

It took me about eight different tattoo parlours before I found the guy who would be willing to come with me to a large youth conference and give me a tattoo on stage. Actually, even him I had to coax to come. I was speaking, together with my husband, Stephen, to a crowd of teenagers about living life in a way we were meant to. On this day we were getting to covenant – this is living in promise, living with a purpose, living for something and someone larger than ourselves – and we were trying to communicate it to a generation that had been labelled selfish, fickle, and loose.

Tattoos can be a big deal. They are for ever. They are painful. They are obvious – and did I mention painful? So, in front of all these young people and many surprised older leaders I sat in the middle of the stage as my new tattooist friend started up his gun and began the work. My husband broke down the scriptural significance of living for something bigger than your own life, while I publicly endured the pain and embraced being marked for ever. The tattoo I chose was a song – it is the musical theme of this book, with words that a man named William Booth penned more than a century ago. It was about an idea that has completely changed the world. It wasn’t Booth’s idea – he just wrote about it and lived it out. It was God’s idea – from the very beginning.

The world was meant to be good. Actually, when God created it He said it was beautiful (that’s what very good means in Hebrew). But something happened… With our power came great responsibility (think Spiderman) and we blew it. We gave over the power to destruction. And we started to get smaller. So did the world. Marred, broken… is there any more accurate way to view our world today? But God had a plan for even that inevitability.


Salvation is a fancy way of saying that you and I need fixing. But that’s not hard to see for everyone who uses both of their eyes to look in the mirror – we all need fixing. And all of us, together, including the entire created order, need fixing – collectively. If we are going to be fixed it’s going to take an idea that is larger than our problems. And that brings me back to the tattoo.

You see, the tattoo is a song all about this – a boundless salvation – because Boundless is bigger than our curse. I’m pretty tired of people who use God’s plan to save us as a personal path to happiness or success or even to peace, because it’s so much bigger than that. God’s plan is to put right everything that’s been broken in the world. Every one of His children, every one of His created beings. God’s plan of salvation is a plan for the entire world – it’s, well, boundless. It’s bigger than me.

I remember hearing the singer Bono once asked about becoming a politician. He said he had thought about it but then remembered that when a politician gives a speech, he gives it once – maybe if it’s really good people listen to it twice. But when you write a song, it becomes part of you. You feel the song. You live the song. You sing the song.

I got Boundless tattooed on my arm because I want to live the song. I want my life to be immersed in the message of this salvation. This message is larger than me. I want it visible. I want to embrace the pain. I want to live the promise. I want to believe with everything that I am and everything that I’ve got that there is a better way to live, that I can help bring this fix to the entire planet – that my life matters more than the small drama of my own feelings, family, and gifts. It matters to the earth.

This book isn’t just about steps or doctrine; it’s not even trying to convince you of something that will make your life happy. This book is about a song – a song big enough to tattoo on your body. But even more than that, it’s a song that can get inside you and become a new way to live. That melody is beautiful. I pray that you’ll hear it as we write – and embrace it as you live.¹

William Booth’s famous song (he wrote it back in 1893) is called O Boundless Salvation. In seven verses, he develops a story of a person who grows from a limited, stunted existence into a boundless life. It’s captivating! Here are the words. We’re crafting this book around his story.

O Boundless Salvation

O boundless salvation! deep ocean of love,

O fullness of mercy, Christ brought from above.

The whole world redeeming, so rich and so free,

Now flowing for all men, come, roll over me!

My sins they are many, their stains are so deep.

And bitter the tears of remorse that I weep;

But useless is weeping; thou great crimson sea,

Thy waters can cleanse me, come, roll over me!

My tempers are fitful, my passions are strong,

They bind my poor soul and they force me to wrong;

Beneath thy blest billows deliverance I see,

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