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S.U.C.C.E.S.S.: Create Your Own Pathway
S.U.C.C.E.S.S.: Create Your Own Pathway
S.U.C.C.E.S.S.: Create Your Own Pathway
Ebook134 pages1 hour

S.U.C.C.E.S.S.: Create Your Own Pathway

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About this ebook

S.U.C.C.E.S.S.sought after, desired, unlimited, deserved, abundant, and at your fingertips! This book teaches you how to get all the success you never thought possible! This book will take you step-by-step through understanding the following:

Your definition of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. What helps people succeed Your thoughts about fear and success Living a life with no fear How you can achieve success through the exercises provided How to take on a leadership role Building your confidence Surefire ways to success

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateSep 26, 2014
S.U.C.C.E.S.S.: Create Your Own Pathway

Debbie Jacobson

Debbie Jacobson, PhD, is an educator, speaker, coach, and author who works as a partner to assist others through the process of change. By designing personalized one-on-one coaching, she encourages healing and transformation to take place with a variety of techniques. Debbie is a lifelong learner, voracious reader, and researcher, and loves spending time gardening and at the beach under a full moon. She has also written Cooking for Dormies and Busy College Students of All Ages. Debbie lives in South Florida with her loving and supportive husband, Eric, and little Yorkiepoo, Bella.

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    S.U.C.C.E.S.S. - Debbie Jacobson

    Copyright © 2014 Debbie Jacobson, Ph.D.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2012-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2013-1 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 10/09/2014




    On A Personal Note- A Bit About Me

    How To Use This Book

    Reasons Why I Keep A Journal, Should You?

    What Makes People Succeed?

    Your Brain

    SUCCESS Acronym

    Chapter 1    Stamina

    Chapter 2    Used As A Learning Experience

    Chapter 3    Confidence And Compliments

    Chapter 4    Change Your Core Beliefs

    Chapter 5    Emotional Experiences

    Chapter 6    Self-Worth

    Chapter 7    Self-Acceptance


    Your Thoughts

    Your Success List

    A Life With No Fear


    Surefire Ways To Success

    Nourishing Your Body And Brain

    On Your Own


    Suggested Reading List

    Works Cited

    About The Author


    I dedicate this book to my husband, Eric, who has lovingly stood by me through all my growing-up pains. You were meant for me.

    This book is also dedicated to my clients, those whose stories I used in this book and all the others. Thank you all for helping me grow and learn.



    To Nadine Gross - We met by chance, but you have changed my life. Without meeting you, there would be no book. It was all in my star chart. Thank you.

    To Marlene Cobb - You have been my mentor since the day we met. Your knowledge about healing, acupuncture, NET, NAET and intuitive abilities are a constant amazement to me. I want to be just like you.

    To Larry Dolinsky - You started as our therapist and become a dear friend. You met us while we were in the depths of confusion and despair at a time in our lives when we were weakened by loss and tragedy. You taught us more about life and our love for each other than I ever knew possible. Thank you for showing me the ease of rewriting my life’s story.

    To Linda, Jim, Grace, Carolina, Steve, Shantelle, Wendy, Lynda, Terry, Val, Kelly and Arron: You are dear friends who have helped me open my mind and cheered me on every step of the way. I have been blessed with the most caring and loving community of friends. We are so blessed to have found each other and we know it. You have taught me about success.

    For my beautiful daughter Barbara and my granddaughters Xoe and Xamara~ you added joy and love into my heart! Love you forever!

    Special thanks once again to my technology guru Jim Barber! He makes the impossible easy and just kind of shrugs when I gush with appreciation.

    Also heartfelt thanks to Arron Haggart with the photographer’s heart who can do anything with images!

    Wishing everyone everywhere around this beautiful planet laughter and tons of butterfly kisses!


    Since we are going on a journey together of looking inward and making positive changes, I thought you might like to know a bit about me. I won’t bore you, but I prefer to connect with an author, and if you agree, you’ll read this page. If you don’t, or are just feeling ornery today, skip ahead, read out of order, do what you feel you need to do. Personally, I love to read the whole book, cover to cover, but that’s just me.

    I guess I’ve always felt different from other people. I was never one to make small talk at a party. Everyone else seemed so good at it, and they seemed so comfortable. I fidgeted, felt out of place, and really wanted to go home. So I tried and tried and kept on trying, always feeling like an outsider and definitely not feeling successful. Oh believe me, I longed to be like everybody else but it wasn’t meant to be for me.

    Years went by and I soon realized there were lots of other people who felt as different as I did. I went back to school to learn more, and now I work with others as a Life Transformation Coach and Holistic Nutritionist. These are ordinary people who are ready to grow and be more successful in their lives. You will read about some of my clients. The names are all made up. I have kept them anonymous because their life experiences on the road to success are the most important part.

    As I got older, and worked on myself through positive affirmations, therapy, and meditation, I am now working on totally and completely accepting myself for who I am and who I will be. As a lifelong learner, I know the journey is never over and I appreciate everything and express gratitude for all of my life experiences. So here is the bottom line.

    I am not perfect. I am oh so not perfect, but that’s okay. I’m me. I am who I am. I am.

    My wish for you is that you feel the same exact way about yourself!


    Of course you can use this book any way that works best for you, but I’d like to make a few suggestions.

    First of all, I would suggest you buy a notebook or journal for use with this book. You will find exercises throughout the book that will request you to think about and respond in writing. You will want to revisit those pages and update them on a pretty regular basis.

    I keep my notebooks and refer back to them over the years. I jot down interesting items: affirmations, snippets of articles from magazines and newspapers. I collect cards, thank you notes, words of wisdom as I come across them and of course pictures and photos. I like to draw, list, decorate, and notate all over the pages.


    Also, I love to read with a pen in my hand. I write in the margins, underline important words or phrases, and generally interact with what I am reading. I make connections to my past and present life. I also connect with the text, the author, and the words on the page. Some of my best thoughts and ideas have been triggered by minds greater than I could ever imagine.


    I have always loved the feel and smell of new notebooks, pens, pencils, crayons—anything that comes from an office supply store. I own every color highlighter, both fine point and bullet tip. I am gaga for different shapes, sizes and colors of Post-it notes too. I wish I had invented them. The best part of back to school every year was carefully choosing the bestest of everything I would need for writing. I guess I was born with a story, or two, or many, in my head. The smell of a new blank black and white composition notebook expanded my heart to the edge of ecstasy. (I know-cheap date, right?)

    I have so many journals; they fit in piles in drawers. They are messy, tabbed with all kinds of Post-it notes, tattered and worn pieces of paper and magazine clippings that stick out of the edge of the journal a bit too much. I am not a person who likes clutter, however I collect words and ideas and feelings and save them forever in between the pages of my journals. Some are fancy leather-bound (gifts probably) and other are simple 70 page spirals. But when I open one of them and sit on the floor cozy with my journals, I transcend space and time. I travel vicariously through the stars and escape the mortal realm.

    So here is my list: Top Nine Reasons Why I Keep A Journal

    9. A safe place to figure things out. Sometimes

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