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Cancer and You: The Good News You Should Know
Cancer and You: The Good News You Should Know
Cancer and You: The Good News You Should Know
Ebook144 pages2 hours

Cancer and You: The Good News You Should Know

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The book outlines what causes cancer & tells you what to do to rebuild the immune system so the body can heal itself because we have a healing mechanism in our body placed there by the Lord. There is a poultice that draws out poisons such as tumors. You learn what takes away the pain. A tumor is just a mass of toxic poisons that formed in a weak area. The cancer cell has a protein coating around it to protect itself. Joyce tells how you can get thru that protein coating & destroy the cancer cells. Cancer patients dont use iron properly so they become anemic. I give an all natural iron formula that works in a few days to a week. There is a section on leukemia & how to treat it using Gods natural program. Would you like to know how to reactivate the liver if only 10% of it is working? Joyce tells you how in her book. There are case histories of former cancer patients who are doing well today & one of them is my husband.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 12, 2008
Cancer and You: The Good News You Should Know

Joyce Trout

Joyce is a Certified Herbalist & she has seen many miracles over 40 years of working with people counseling them on diet, nutrition, & God’s methods of healing according to the many Scriptures in the Bible. God is the Great Physician. She began her study of herbs as a teenager reading Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss. She graduated as an elementary teacher in 1966. Her first teaching job was in York, Pa. where she had the privilege of hearing Dr. John Christopher, ND, MH give a lecture in 1968. She treasures the experience as he told about his patients & how they had regained their health even many who were given up as "hopeless" by their doctor. Dr. Christopher worked far into the night taking care of people who needed him. Joyce later became certified through his School of Natural Healing. Joyce has given herbal seminars on all aspects of disease such as cancer, diabetes, MS, lupus, & much more. She has written books on cancer, diabetes, stroke, degeneration of the bone, & a vegan cookbook. Maurice & Joyce met Dr. C. Samuel West, one of our country’s leading lymphologists. She learned how to reactivate the lymphatic system & how to relieve pain in the back or elsewhere in the body by releasing the trapped protein molecule. She spent a week at Charlotte Gerson’s clinic in Tijuana, Mex. & met the people who were being helped by her program. Joyce lives with her husband Maurice in Monterey, TN. You may call her at 931-498-2844.

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    Cancer and You - Joyce Trout

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    Find a natural healing doctor or a doctor who will monitor you and reduce the medication slowly as you improve your health by cutting out high fat and processed foods, sweets, etc. Do all of this under the supervision of your doctor. Check at your health food store for the address of a natural healing doctor near you. Herbal or other natural healing methods are not without possible allergic reactions.

    All Services & Reports offered by Joyce Trout of Overton County are Religious in Nature & Not the Practices of Any Secular Scientific Healing Art.

    Follow God’s plan and He will bless.

    Isaiah 63:9, In all your afflictions He was afflicted and 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

    Some people have arrested chronic, degenerative disease by a total raw foods diet with live vegetable juices with an excellent detoxification program.

    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases. Psalm 103:2-3.

    The author dedicates this booklet to those who have undergone natural healing treatments to restore themselves to health.


    Thomas Edison once said, The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.

    There are some positive steps known and practiced by a small group of researchers, medical doctors, and herbalists to prevent cancer and/or help to stop cancer growth and destroy tumors.

    I have composed this study after over 40 years of research on herbs and natural healing methods. As time went by and information accumulated concerning these much-maligned subjects of herbs, healthy lifestyle, and God’s natural laws, the dreaded disease of cancer came into view. I will show most people who are destined to die from cancer, do not have to die.

    Americans are unhealthy considering how abundant is the supply of food and knowledge concerning exercise and proper eating habits. For instance, as of October, 1993, one out of eight American women will contract breast cancer. Every 12 minutes, a woman will die of breast cancer. According to 1990 statistics, one out of two Americans will contract cancer in their lifetime. It is in epidemic proportions.

    I chose to speak out, as have many others, with deep concern over the state of medicine as we know it today. There is overwhelming evidence that our lifestyles of fast-food hamburgers, pizzas, continued consumption of meat, processed foods, refined sugar, refined white flour, and many, many other foods which are lined up on shelf after shelf in our supermarkets-continue to take its toll on the lives of our children, the elderly, yes, every one of us.

    There is also overwhelming evidence that medical doctors are more adept at treating symptoms as opposed to the root causes of disease. Admittedly they are good at micro-surgery, orthopaedics, etc. but they fail to understand the need to treat the whole body—not just the symptom of the present disease.

    God has left us the plans for the regeneration of the body if we will take the time to learn how to use the aids He has given us. In the very first chapter of Genesis, the Bible records that God made the herbs on the third day of creation. Then in the same first chapter, verse 29, And God said, ‘Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of the earth; . . . to you it shall be for meat and then God repeats, I have given every green herb for meat in verse 30.

    Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, used 29 herbs to cure every disease on the Island of Cos in the Greek Archipelago. In 400 B.C Hippocrates said that disease was a mysterious incident occurring in a mysterious universe, but that if the laws of the universe were adhered to, the body had the power to eliminate the disease. He believed that disease symptoms were a signal of movement toward health. The Hippocratic followers believed that they could not properly deal with disease by dealing with isolated symptoms one at a time, but only by working with all aspects of the patient simultaneously. He believed in the vital force God gave us.

    Doctors argue that herbs are unproven remedies-unproven according to the medical profession in this country, but there are numerous case histories of people who have declined modern medicine and techniques and gone strictly with natural healing methods and have been successful in regaining health. (See Case Histories Section)

    People need to be taught that drugs do not cure disease. It is true that they sometimes afford present relief and the patient appears to recover as the result of their use. This is because nature has sufficient vital force to expel the poison and to correct the conditions that caused the disease. Health is recovered in spite of the drug. But in most cases, the drug only changes the form and location of the disease. Often the effect of the poison seems to be overcome for a time, but the results remain in the system and work great harm at some later time.¹


    There are three causes of any disease: (1)dehydration of the body (2) Too many poisons in the body & (3) acidosis or a very acidic body. This is also true of cancer, although the nature of cancer is multi-faceted. Dr. Ernest Wynder, President of American Health foundation said: Dietary deficiencies lead to malfunctions of the body that cause cancer.

    There are so many cases of cancer today because we have transgressed the health laws of God which God has told us about in Genesis and throughout the Bible. Cancer is the failure of the body to digest protein. A weakened immune system turns a healthy cell into a cancer cell. Cancer patients can get protein starved because the body is not digesting protein properly. If this condition continues, the body eats itself by attacking muscles to get protein which is why a person needs vegetable protein to rebuild the body.² If you crave sweets and starches, you are not getting enough vegetable protein. Stress further depletes the body of protein. Cancer is a stress related disease. Put yourself in the hands of the Great Physician. When you do your endorphin level goes up and you form B & T cells which help fight the cancer.

    Fats rob the oxygen from the red blood cells. There is undissolved fat in the cancer cells. The body cannot digest fatty acids. Fats are deposited on arteries. This is because the liver and pancreas are sick. Diabetes is a fat metabolism problem, so is cancer. If we get too much sugar in the blood stream, the pancreas tries to produce insulin to counteract it. If this happens on a regular basis, the pancreas burns out trying to keep up with its insulin production. As the fats rob oxygen from the red blood cells, the walls collapse and we have high blood pressure and high cholesterol besides cancer or diabetes.

    When you have cancer, the pancreas is not putting out enough pancreatic protein digesting enzymes to digest the excess protein that is in the system because the pancreas and liver are sick. The cancer cell has a protein coating on it which needs to be digested so the white blood cells can destroy the cancer cell. When this doesn’t happen, the cancer cells multiply and grow because of the partially digested protein floating around in the blood stream feeding the cancer cells. Cancer is systemic so a person needs to cleanse the blood as well as the whole body.

    Wherever there is a weakness, a tumor forms. Animal protein feeds cancer because the dairy products and meats are high in fats and high in protein. They form uric acid and other poisons. A high protein diet of meat and dairy products kill you while it gives you energy because the meat rots in the colon and many poisons are expelled. Cancer lives on poisons. The cancer cell is a fermentative cell. The uric acid causes many other health problems like arthritis, gout, etc. Our colons were not made to accommodate meat. Short colon animals are meat-eaters. Our colons are two-thirds too long. Ask any gorilla what he eats and he will tell you, fruits and vegetables. Undigested proteins such as beans feed the cancer cell as well. That is why the digestion has to be taken care of with an all plant enzyme such as Digest.

    Meats, dairy, sugar, and substitute meat from the health food store damage the liver and the kidneys, too. It depends on how strong the liver and kidneys are before you suffer disease because of the poisons produced from animal proteins or highly processed & seasoned with lots of salt-meat substitutes. All cancer patients have parasites which live on poisons and toxins. They reproduce and cause other problems in the body if they are not destroyed. Black walnut tincture destroys parasites³—take for six months to one year for best results.


    There are numerous types of cancer which can afflict all parts of the body. While they all have in common a similar cellular structure abnormality they differ in body locations and severity. Treatment may be localized as follows, for example:

    Lymphoma Cancer: If you have lumps in the groin area, under the arms, or anywhere else you may use the following poultice on them. Use 2-3 Tablespoons of each herb. Put one cup of water on to boil, lower the heat to simmer. Add powdered flaxseed and slippery elm while stirring slowly. Then add powdered charcoal while stirring very slowly. Put this mixture on a white cloth as hot as you can comfortably stand it. Put the poultice on the lumps in one area at a time. Cover this with plastic to keep in the heat and tape it or wrap it securely. Leave this on all night. If you have many lumps don’t do the whole body at the same time as it may release too many poisons too fast. Keep doing this until the lumps or swellings go down in size and disappear.

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