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Why the Devil Don’T Like You
Why the Devil Don’T Like You
Why the Devil Don’T Like You
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Why the Devil Don’T Like You

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This book is revelation teaching of what the Holy Spirit revealed to me about why the children of God have so many problems, and trouble with the devil. This book will teach and show you why Satan does not like you. Since you were made in Gods image and likeness, you were made Spirit. God made man to be another speaking Spirit just like Himself. God gave something to man that he did not give to the angels. He gave man the ability to call things that be not as though they were (Romans 4:17). The devil does not have that ability. The thinking of some is that Satan tried to take Gods place, or overthrow God, and take over heaven. That teaching had Lucifer trying to overthrow God in heaven so he could be God. This book explains what really happen. It tells us that Lucifer really did not try to take over heaven. Most importantly it explains Why The Devil Dont Like You!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 14, 2014
Why the Devil Don’T Like You

Kenneth D. Kidd

Kenneth D. Kidd received the call to ministry of Jesus Christ in 1992 and was educated in Biblical Studies. He is the founder of KD Kidd Ministries an outreach ministry that preach, and teach the gospel and helps those in need. After working in the ministry for seven years on July 23 1999 He became really sick to the point that the doctor said every day for two weeks that he would not live to see morning, but God’s word says “by His stripes we were healed”(I Peter 2:24 KJV), and praise God the doctors were wrong. The enemy has attempted to kill him on several occasions other than that sickness in 1999, but he believes that he has an assignment from God to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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    Why the Devil Don’T Like You - Kenneth D. Kidd

    Copyright © 2014 Kenneth D. Kidd.

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    Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Scripture taken from the Amplified Bible, copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-5797-8 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014919108

    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/10/2014



    Chapter 1   No Hiding Place Down Here

    Chapter 2   Created To Be Inhabited

    Chapter 3   Image and Likeness

    Chapter 4   In The Garden of God

    Chapter 5   God Will Provide The Sacrifice

    Chapter 6   This Day!

    Chapter 7   Power Over Power Authority Over Authority

    Chapter 8   Someone Within You

    Chapter 9   It’s Already There!

    Chapter 10   Framing Your World By His Word!

    Chapter 11   Know Who You Are In God


    dedicated this book to my children Jeshua, and Courtney, my parents CD & Sarah Kidd, and my sister Dr. Angela K. Vinson. Thanks for all the love and support you have given me. Continue to live in the FAVOR, and THE BLESSING of the LORD!!!


    As a believer in God, I am very familiar with attacks from evil enemy forces. I know other believers who too have faced similar aggressions.

    For those of us who have experienced these strikes from a foe we call the Devil or Satan, we know the assaults can come in many forms: temptations, deceptions, harassments, sexual improprieties, persecutions—all are high on the list. They are all very real and often vicious subjugations that may start physical but can often end up very spiritual and life threatening.

    The Devil, or Satan as he is known to many of us, is a defrocked former member of God’s angelic force who was demoted after he attempted to set up his throne in heaven thinking he could be like God. It turns out, before his covert plan could take shape, God identified him and cast him from Heaven. Lucifer, as The Bible accounts say he was called then, was able to persuade a third of the angelic host that his plan could work. So, at his expulsion, they were dismissed too. Now with their irreconcilable fate sealed, they are now pitted against God for the souls of men.

    I have had to deal with the attacks of the Devil on my life and as I have grown wiser to his schemes, I have learned of his great dislike for others and me.

    The Devil does not like us because we have taken up an offensive against him. Not a physical one, but a spiritual attack using the Word of God. It is what Jesus used against him. If it worked for our Lord, it will work for us.

    I prayed and sought God for his counsel on how best to handle the attacks of The Devil. The message I received from Him was use The Word.

    God revealed to me through those prayers that the more I conformed my life to His, the more The Enemy would attack me and the more he would view me as a threat to his kingdom.

    Whenever we start to become increasingly like God, we should expect The Devil to become more adversarial.

    As my awareness of God heightened in late 1990’s, my faith grew stronger. The spiritual gifts of prayer and intercession grew in me. God empowered me to pray. As I prayed for others and myself, I witnessed the sick being healed and the bound being set free.

    As God has molded, fashioned and conformed me to his will, The Enemy, The Devil, has been on the warpath.

    The Devil has attacked me and has been the hidden force behind a plan to destroy me through sickness and ultimately, death. Doctors said I would not live. They underestimated the power of the God I serve and the power He has over this defeated adversary and deceiver!

    This book will show you how to identify The Devil, his wicked forces at work against you and the evil tactics of his you must learn to fight.

    I will show you how knowledge of your God-provided heritage abolishes the power The Devil would otherwise have over you. I explain in this book that since you are made in the image and likeness of God, God has given you a power through faith in Jesus that defeats The Enemy – the same power that Jesus himself used here on earth before ascending to the Father on High.

    The Devil is relentless in every attack to keep us separated from God’s power and to prevent us from realizing the potent affirming gifts we have in God.

    Though man was expelled because of sin from his original paradise, God still loves his creation.

    I will show through The Word that God has provided a very measured course that will make man better than he was at first, because of Jesus Christ.

    You can never defeat the Devil without Jesus. It is Jesus who energizes us and gives us the authority we needed to defeat The Prince of Darkness.

    God has the power and authority over all that He created and The Devil knows it. God wants you and me to have that command and control and The Devil is in a state of turmoil because of it.

    I know that Satan does not like me. Now, I want to show you as a believer –and may I say it in very intentional vernacular—Why the Devil Don’t Like You!


    No Hiding Place Down Here


    Genesis 3:8-13

    And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.

    ⁹ And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?

    ¹⁰ And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

    ¹¹ And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?

    ¹² And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.

    ¹³ And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.

    When the Lord God came looking for Adam in the garden he found that Adam had disobeyed what he had told him not to do. That’s why in verse 8 Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of God. This is where man first got the idea that if he could hide the wrong things that he has done, then nobody would know. If nobody knows, then God will not know. This is also where man seems to have forgotten that God is the creator, and that God knows all things. God knows when you’ve done wrong and when you are hiding because you have done wrong. Why? Because there’s no hiding place down here.

    Now it seems that Adam had forgotten who God was and that God knew all things. In reality, Adam didn’t forget. There was a devil in the garden who didn’t like Adam, and it was he who had Adam’s mind all twisted up, making Adam think that he could outsmart God, or outthink God. Satan had taken an egotistical path thinking he could outthink God, and it cost him his throne and his place in heaven. The man that God had made in his likeness and image had been deceived by the devil and had been convinced that he could hide from God, and God would never know that he had done wrong. This thinking is prevalent today!

    Disobedience starts when you are a child and your parents tell you not to throw the ball in the house. As soon as they leave, or they are out of sight, you throw the ball in the house, doing exactly what you were told not to do. Then while throwing the ball, you break something and try to hide it. You might think that your parents will not know what you’ve done, but parents notice when something is different or out of place. Just as God called out to Adam and Eve, asking, Where are you? (Genesis 3:9). Your parents do the same

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