Beyond Foods: The Handbook of Functional Nutrition
About this ebook
If you have ever walked down a health store aisle to be confronted with thousands of supplements, and wished you could magically understand which ones really work for health benefits; or if you want to quickly and easily figure out whether a new fad food is really good for you or not--then this book is for you.
Beyond Foods The Handbook of Functional Nutrition is a true handbook; i.e., short and easy-to-understand. It introduces the 4 Building Blocks of Health, a unique simple yet comprehensive health model that explains Functional Nutrition in laymans language. With its clear communication style, Beyond Foods successfully takes the very complex subject of how nutrition creates health and breaks it down into logical building blocks.
You are not just told what to eat. You are given a clear understanding of why foods are good for you, or not; and this allows you to make ongoing choices in the marketplace long after the book is read.
Beyond Foods won the 2014 Bronze medal at the national ELit Awards for Excellence in the health genre.
Barbara Swanson
Barbara has always been interested in the world of alternative health and wellness. While raising her family in rural southern Oregon, she began a 25 year journey of researching better health through diet and lifestyle choices. In personal consultations over the last 20 years, she saw a common thread: In regards to diet and supplement choices, people couldn’t easily separate truth from fad. This spurred a passion for teaching how foods support health through the principles of Functional Nutrition. This book is the result of her mission to create a science-based yet simple and accessible explanation of how food works.
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Beyond Foods - Barbara Swanson
Copyright © 2016 Barbara Kay Swanson.
Graphic Illustrations with Julie Winsberg
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-5482-0 (sc)
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-5483-7 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2016905618
Balboa Press rev. date: 04/27/2016
Section 1: What Happened to Our Food?
Chapter 1 The History of Food
Naturalwashing and Greenwashing
Functional Nutrition
Chapter 2 Food Choices Today
Why Won’t Junk Foods Nourish Me?
Isolates Versus Wholefoods
Nanotech Nutrients
Medicine Versus Natural Healing
Chapter 3 Three Secrets of a Healthy Diet
Section 2: The Four Building Blocks of Functional Nutrition
Chapter 4 Your Complex Body Made Simple
Beyond Foods
The Four Building Blocks of Functional Nutrition
Chapter 5 Building Block 1—Superfoods
The Raw Materials of Cellular Health
Why Superfoods?
Essential Nutrients: Vitamins
Essential Nutrients: Minerals
Essential Nutrients: Amino Acids
Essential Nutrients: Essential Fatty Acids
Essential Nutrients: Important Phytonutrients
What You Can Do
Chapter 6 Building Block 2: Digestive Nutrients
Digestive Nutrients: Probiotics
What You Can Do
Chapter 7 Building Block 3: Antioxidants to Protect Cellular Function
ROS Free Radicals
Oxidative Stress
Nutrient Antioxidants
The Immune Connection
What You Can Do
Chapter 8 Building Block 4: Regenerative Nutrients
Adult Stem Cells
What You Can Do
The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.
—Thomas A. Edison
Prevention is better than cure.
—Desiderius Erasmus
Just imagine, how much easier our lives would be if we were born with a user guide or owner’s manual
which could tell us what to eat and how to live healthy.
—Erika M. Szabo
This book is just that—an easy-to-understand handbook of what your diet must contain for a healthy body. You won’t need a degree to understand this information, nor will you be asked to completely change your life and diet (although I am sure there are shifts you may wish to make after reading this). Knowledge is power!
Over the last twenty-two years of working as a health consultant, my focus has always been to help people achieve a greater level of physical, mental, and emotional well-being through lifestyle choices, with an emphasis on the benefits of whole, ancient foods and food-based supplements. I see, nearly on a daily basis, the struggle people have trying to make the best, most affordable, and simplest choices for their health needs.
I am fortunate to have been taught by a wide variety of mentors and icons in the alternative health and nutrition field. This wide-lens view kept me from thinking there is only one right way to eat for health.
I have had the privilege of learning directly from Viktoras Kulvinskas, cofounder of the Hippocrates Health Institute, author of the health classic Survival in the 21st Century, and father of the living foods movement. I have worked closely with several teachers from the renowned Kushi Institute, home of the modern macrobiotic movement.
I routinely consult with people with widely varying dietary choices, including vegans and vegetarians, athletes and trainers who expound the paleo diet and even people who eat fast food weekly and want to figure out better choices.
Through the process of doing hundreds of personal consultations, I have seen the great need people have for a basic nutritional education to help them understand how to determine if a diet change or supplement would be beneficial—or not.
Over the space of a fifteen-year (and counting) research journey, I have read books about nutritional science and studied different nutritional and lifestyle alternatives to Western medicine. I gathered information from other researchers on specific health topics, such as digestive health, enzymatic nutrition, and how specific nutrients affect various organs and systems. I learned how light is turned into the food we eat and about food energetics. I also reviewed hundreds of human clinical trials, epidemiological studies, in vivo and in vitro* studies, and many double-blind peer-reviewed scientific studies.
After thousands of hours of research, I came to realize that there is an underlying order to how foods and supplements work to create better health. This knowledge helps explain the powerful benefits of using whole, wild foods as an essential component of a healthy diet.
Why Diets Don’t Work
The usual thread in going on a diet
is that each tries to offer a single, simple solution to a specific problem—e.g., how to lose weight, have more energy, cleanse toxins, or create more muscle mass. Each need is approached as a separate issue. People are taught to find the diet or the supplement that will work for what they want at that moment.
The truth is unless your diet fulfills the ongoing basic nutrient requirements of all your cells and organ systems, you will likely fail at meeting any long-term dietary goal.
A diet is not a fad you use for a few weeks or months. It is how you provide the nutrients and micronutrients that support your body’s physical needs right now—and next year, and in ten years. In fact, no matter what physical state you are in at the moment, no matter what your specific health situation, the nutritional factors you need for life must be in the foods and supplements you eat.
This book doesn’t offer or recommend a specific diet, other than one that is filled with real, whole foods and whole food supplements, adding in wild and ancient foods as much as possible.
This book is the distilled result of knowledge gleaned from dozens of indigenous diets, backed by hundreds of scientific studies from widely varying sources. It presents you with a simple and complete system that helps you understand how to eat for the four building blocks of functional nutrition.
Beyond Foods offers a new way to look at both diet and supplementation. You won’t read how to eat to lose weight, lower inflammation, or get rid of belly fat as if they are separate problems.
Realize this—you don’t need a supplement to lose weight, another supplement to lower inflammation, and yet a different program to detox and cleanse. You need to eat a diet and use powerful whole-food-based supplements filled with the whole-food nutrients that support cellular health and body systems. Your body will then do the rest of the work to retain (or regain) good health to the best of your genetic capacity. And science has shown that even your own genetic code can be rewritten, to some degree, via a healthy diet and lifestyle choices.
My goal is to make sure that you know what your body needs on the cellular