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Riding the Wave of Change: Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World
Riding the Wave of Change: Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World
Riding the Wave of Change: Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World
Ebook205 pages2 hours

Riding the Wave of Change: Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World

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About this ebook

From Healer, Teacher, Author, Planetary Healer and Ascension Worker Eve Wilson, comes a perspective of hope and a journey of understanding and ascension.

Riding the Wave is the product of Eves 30 year quest for the next higher perspective on life and how to heal people and the planet on the deepest levels. She writes about evolution and the journey of our souls here on planet Earth in a penetrating and fluid message that includes prose, visions, allegory, verse, The Healing Qabalah and art. Also included are tools for personal healing and ascension. Her understanding of why life has been so hard shows a design and purpose behind the destructive directions that humans have so often chosen. Find out how all life is currently ascending to a higher level of consciousness, soul and experience. Where our world is struggling under the burden of climate change and human interference, Eve sees an inevitable ascension and rebirth.

This book reads like a song Penny Golden, Publisher Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 11, 2017
Riding the Wave of Change: Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World

Eve Wilson

Eve Wilson is an exceptionally gifted intuitive spiritual healer. A UCM Healer Practitioner and teacher of planetary healing, intuitive living, and healing others since 1986; she is also an ordained minister who knows that no religion can understand the wholeness of life. Respecting all paths of personal and spiritual growth Eve doesn’t let any of them define her. A life-affirming author and public speaker, she has published over 150 magazine articles on healing and spiritual living plus her empowering blog, The Weekly Word for Healing and Ascension. Eve’s passion is the evolution, ascension, and healing of people and the planet. She lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with her husband, Dave, and their dog, Tobias where they love wildlife, the Great Lakes and the out of doors.

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    Riding the Wave of Change - Eve Wilson

    Copyright © 2017 Eve Wilson.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5661-9 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5662-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016906580

    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/11/2017


    Part I: Sunlight Warms Water And Earth

    You Are Ascending

    Memory: A Tremendous Gift

    Hope, Confidence, Wisdom, and Skill

    The Essence of Truth

    Finding True Satisfaction

    Part II: Wind On The Water

    Qabalah – The Tree of Life

    The Path of the Lightning Bolt

    A Brief Overview of the Tree of Life

    The Healing Qabalah

    Kether – Above the Head – The One Source

    Chokmah – Right Side of Head – Remember

    Memory – A Chokmah Experience

    Two Visions and a Miracle

    Vision 1 from Chokmah: Looking into Binah

    Vision 2 from Chokmah: The Creation of Conflict and Opposition

    Vision 2 from Chokmah – Part B: The Forces of Creation and Death and Their Resolution in the New World

    Binah – Left Side of Head – Cosmic Womb

    Daat – Back of Throat – God has left us here alone

    Chesed– Right Shoulder– Incarnating

    Geburah – Left Shoulder – Breaking Through


    Tipheret – Center Torso – Unity, God Within

    A True Story of Choices

    Netzach – Right Hip – The Force of Nature

    Hod – Left Hip – The Mind, Focus, Follow-Through

    Memory – Osprey

    Yesod– Reproductive Area – Contracts

    Soul Contracts

    Mind Over Matter

    Malkuth – Under Foot – The Physical World, Earth

    Vision – Mother Earth – 2010

    Part III: Waves Of Change

    Hitting the Bottom of the Tree

    Enlightened Souls within Our Seas

    Death and Rebirth

    Vision of Redwood Tree 1

    Redwood Tree, Meditation 1

    Redwood Tree, Meditation 2


    Vision of Redwood Tree 2

    Endings and Beginnings

    Letting Go of Baggage

    Where We Have Been Broken

    The End of Sorrow – Ascension

    The Future

    Steps to Ascension – Chakra Awakenings

    Part IV: Surfing

    Tools to Streamline Ascension

    Owning Your Authority in Life

    Closing Thoughts


    Glossary of Terms

    About the Author

    Waves ~

    Sunlight warms water and earth, generating wind

    Wind on the water stimulates the water and creates waves

    Waves challenge us, creating change and opportunities for growth

    Surfing—riding the waves of change

    Part I


    I sense that I must find the strength

    To shape my soul in worthy fashion

    To form herself as spirit’s garment

    – Rudolf Steiner, the Calendar of the Soul

    You Are Ascending

    You are evolving in ways that have been preordained since the beginning of time. Beneath the challenging and often negative aspects of life, there is something marvelous and purposeful going on. This book will help you to orient toward the positive shifts taking place, so you can ride the wave of change on planet Earth with confidence and grace.

    The evolution of life we are experiencing now is as significant for life on Earth as when the first land creatures emerged from the primordial swamp. Beneath the apparently negative evolutionary indicators of our present age—which include global warming, overpopulation, limited resources, and damage to the environment due to human technology—there is a true evolution of soul. This deeper evolution has always been the underlying reason for life. This book is about that positive aspect of evolution for planet and soul, which is called ascension. Ascension is the journey by which we emerge from the swamp of our lower energies of hatred, fear, and destructive behavior and evolve into our true potential of union with our own higher intelligence, purpose, and love.

    There are two directions of evolution relevant to this book, which we call the old world and the new world. The old world has been our experience since the beginning of time, only recently nearing the fulfillment of its purpose on earth. It is a journey of separation from our spiritual root in the oneness of all things. Its purpose has been the development of independent vehicles: souls to carry our spirit, life forms to carry our souls, and planets for us to live and evolve within. This separation from our original state of oneness and unconditional love was necessary to create many life forms with individuality and independence out of the state of absolute oneness of spirit. This part of our journey caused a great deal of suffering, and we can be grateful that this direction has pretty much done its job and is on its way out, so we can get on with the more enjoyable phases to come.

    The new world is the intended goal for all that has gone before, and it began to slowly awaken within our collective human souls as early as the mid-1800s. Its goal is to take the raw forms of life as we know them and bring them into a more refined state capable of growing with sustained intelligence and love. The new world emerges as we reengage our independent souls, bodies, and planet with our root in the oneness of spirit from which all life was conceived. Yet we retain the uniqueness and individuality we have developed during the old-world experience. Ascension is the raising of vibration within all of life, which brings us into range for receiving our true spiritual selves into the independent souls, bodies, and planet our true selves have created. By ascending, all life forms will eventually become suitable homes for the intelligence and love that characterize us at the level of our eternal spiritual root in the state of oneness.

    Rudolf Steiner, who lived from the mid-1800s through the early 1900s, stimulated the evolution of soul in many fields of human endeavor, from spirituality to science, and art to education. I see him as planting seeds of ascension that continue to influence us today. His visionary work included the founding of Waldorf schools, which are now among the fastest-growing alternative school systems in the world. The underlying intent of Waldorf education is remarkable in its uniqueness. Steiner observed that small children live in close relationship with the angelic realms of spirit but gradually lose that connection as they mature and grow more deeply engaged with their physical bodies. The intention of Waldorf education is to assist the soul in maintaining its spiritual connections while developing its human qualities of imagination and independent thought. This method nurtures the awakening of the innate genius within each person. Here was a man who clearly understood the true purpose of life on earth. I gratefully share his profound and unique thinking in quotes provided throughout this book. They are all excerpted from his book Calendar of the Soul, a guide through the weeks of the year that encourages us to grow our souls in response to the spiritual influences of the seasons.

    The Mayans knew about the end of the old world and predicted it with the end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012. What we experienced was, fortunately, not the end of the world as some people feared as that time approached, but the end of the old-world soul contracts that predominantly defined our experience prior to that date (see soul contracts, Glossary of Terms). Since then, we have been moving with increasing confidence and strength into the new world and a whole new set of contracts.

    While the old contracts have ended, it will take time for the work they have initiated to finish. There is a continuum of change: the old world lingers, getting less and less potent, and the new world strengthens, its goals and contracts increasingly becoming the norm. The transition from the old to the new can sometimes be intense, rather like cold and warm fronts meeting and creating storms. But a lot of the distress can be weathered more easily by simply choosing to focus your life within the new world and not fighting with the old. It is like stepping through a doorway into a calmer place. You can always step back the other way as well, out of habit or in response to an event or incident. This book will help you to choose the new world and to grow stronger in that experience, so you can ride these changes with ease and grace.

    So let us learn to ride these waves of change together! But first some background about me and how I came to be writing this book, teaching, healing, and working with personal and planetary ascension.

    Please take advantage of the Glossary of Terms at the end of this book. It will clarify the words I use and what I intend to express in employing them. My use of spiritual terms may differ significantly from the way you have seen them used before.

    Memory: A Tremendous Gift

    It’s a quiet morning in 1986. I’m standing in the healing space in my home, where I offer healing treatments for a living now, as instructed during a conversation with God earlier in the year.

    Contemplating my poster of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life by Patricia Waldygo, I sense a presence and turn to see a being of beautiful golden light standing to my right. The feeling is of purity and strength. I immediately realize it is Archangel Michael, although I have no recollection of having met him before; there is no mistaking his identity. There is joy, comfort, and safety in his presence, and he has my rapt attention.

    With my inner ear, heart, and belly, I clearly perceive that he is offering to teach me the Qabalah as a healing tool. I happily agree and then feel an inner shift by which I receive a holographic awareness of the Healing Qabalah as a way of working with the Tree of Life. It is amazingly straightforward, clear, and practical in its application, and I feel that I can immediately apply its wisdom and gifts.

    Archangel Michael, how can I ever thank you enough for this amazing gift that is a foundation for all of my work? And how can I express my appreciation for all the years of comfort, protection, and support you have given me? Perhaps I may begin to show my gratitude by sharing this gift, not only with my clients and students but also in this book.

    From the start of my healing practice, as I sought to understand and help those who came to me for healing, my direct connection with God led me to angels and spiritual beings of unconditional love who helped me open to my higher self. They reassured me that I would know what was needed when I listened to the wisdom within me. They guided me to look beyond my assumptions to see the deeper cause of disease. I learned that my job was to bring people to the place where they were open and ready to be healed, not only at the conscious level but also at the deep level

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