Love and Courage
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While I was doing my writing for this book. Suddenly it came to me, realizing why love; as the power to withstand any circumstances; and became victorious. If you think about it for real, there are icons in every form of status; or with whom of great faculties, on this planet earth cannot touch love. Or even to say, mess it up, soil it up or to have love corrupt! Or even to change the character of what love represent. Love stand alone in the uniqueness of its power and purity!
But always there for anyone to feel its energy; or I should say his energy, in any given situation! God is love, keep in mind; and the passion of love have no puff up pride of his character! Love inspired forgiveness to set us free. Uniquely; this is what this book is talking about, love, forgiveness, courage and loyalty towards the journey of life! With all the circumstances in life, love take you on his shoulders; and carve you out like a shining star. There are no situations that are too hard for courage, forgiveness and loyalty! And its all coming from the power of love. This book through the spirit of the Almighty God, will reset your perspectives through life journey.
I can say this for sure, that many of us is taking on too much responsibilities; without inviting God Almighty on their sides! They didnt consulted with the Most Holy and Wise One; and we end up pay the price of regrets! {Proverbs: 10:1}, said a wise son makes a glad Father, but a foolish son is a grief to his Mother. Love is an inspiration to the human heart. Never-the-less we only can follow the foot prints of love, to have love; hes the door keeper and comforter! Love have the voice to be heard over the highest mountain, and down in the deepest valley. Love can melt the heart of stone, and brings back positive; when the darkness of negative covers the soul! We all needs the character of love, the glory of love; and the power of love to our guide and friend. When the heart of men recognize love, there is a spiritual light shines on us where we are free; to see more of his glory and power. The presence of God the creator, is the presence of love who is the reviver of our soul; when we are spiritual dead love give us back life!
Robert Francis
Robert Francis was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1995. He earned a bachelor’s degree in 1993 and a master’s degree in social work in 2006. Francis has been practicing as a talk-therapist for more than a decade. He is currently a licensed clinical social worker.
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Love and Courage - Robert Francis
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W hen you walk along the border of love! You will see no changes, but elevation. You will see no artificial, but natural. You will see no pretending heart! But a heart that is touched by the indwelling spiritual power of love; or to say, by the power of the Almighty God, the Creator of all living things! The reflection of love mystifies our understanding in accordance with wisdom. So we could see our Imperfection of who we are, and who we can become!
As to the proof and Evidence of this divine power! We are to behold with our eyes which signals our minds the evidence which this divine power has created! The open sky, the Earth in its substance that grows the trees, fruits and food and other
Living things that walk the face of this earth, all these things are evident to the divine truth! God Almighty, subject of life himself! The whole world has Him in every sense of the word. His life force the Holy Spirit, which dwell among the living! What then when we go through these agony and pain. Some have the chance of enjoying life! From the time they were born, all through to the time they died. What about those who rise and fall, and for some who never rise? But always struggling until they died? Would you say that those that have better convenience of life are better than those who struggle all through until they died? I would disagree if you say ‘yes!’ Life is the most essential power and gift upon the face of this Earth! And everyone has the chance or opportunity to live it, until they die, are those who came to be witnesses, to see this beautiful natural earth. And we all made and make decisions! Some of us are satisfied with decision making. And some are not satisfied!
Some of us need a second chance. In fact we all need a second chance; because we are not perfect! We all have our short comings, through the existence of life. The breath that we breathe is of no better quality, between the rich and the poor, or any other nations! The breath of life is coming from, one true divine source. A source that is perfect even, beyond all comprehension of humans, and all nations! There is no faculty or power of the mind from any human that can be compared to the mystification of the Almighty; the true divine power of the creator! If we could just connect with each other on a positive level! To feel the energy from one to the other! We could spread a spiritual revolutionary power force, across the face of this earth! Every man would be touch beyond the extended divinity by experiencing what the power of unity is all about! It would be His glory resting upon our head!
If we could isolate ourselves momentarily and individually, in connection within ourselves! We will hear the answers to all the questions from within. You would know and realize that the truth is your friend, which will always set your heart, soul and mind free. Living with and by the truth, will build your confidence, broaden your courage, and keep your endurance through the dark times of your goings. Remember, your power of mind is weak, when you are not entrusted to the truth. Or when we are not resting on that divine promise, which never leaves us until death?
What happens when you start to face the hard times? When all the disappointment begins to happen! When you don’t know how to face the issues, or in what ways to handle it! When you feeling overwhelming, tears running down your face, having no insight or strength of hope! Momentarily, is as if your life and opportunity is slipping out of your hands. When you overreact, that’s the time when things get out of control. What do you do then? This is part of the situation, when someone says, ‘calm down’, It is to find the courage to get deep within yourself! And to understand the experiences you are going through, one has the opportunity of equality, freedom and power for soul searching! To see the right from wrong, to make a conscious decision! Through the midst of the storm, we have to find peace or calmness to build confidence. Let’s seek for loyalty with courage, by bringing out the strength and reaction as a starting point for resolution. When you connect with yourself on the spiritual side of life! You will be enabled to connect with others. More so, characteristically relating to someone, the way you would relate to God. In the true sense of his divine plans!
L ove as the power of life. In so knowing about love, all things are possible! Through the understanding of the divine words, with actions! Almighty God is the true sense of the Word. For in the beginning was the Word, and the Word is God. And the same which is the word, is the spirit of life, was formed flesh and dwelt upon this Earth, among men.
In my view, the heart of love has no blemish, because the very soul of the Almighty is pure and clean. Love is the greatest power, or blessing untouchable through the wisdom and understanding, in the eyes of the Most High God! The very mystifying touch of his spiritual mind of Love has one clothing, like a leopard skin which cannot change! Love as one dignifying direction, a direction which has no limitation. But the tendency is from the spiritual to the physical! Because the Lord God has transcend his Image into mankind! So we can feel the touch of his presence and blessings. We are one of his moving, active forces, of which his love broadens the way. Where the power of the Father’s immortal being is concern, there is no limitation.
His life is everywhere, in the cattle of all kind, the birds of all kinds, creeping things, fishes of the sea of all kinds! Love will not and cannot disappear, if so, where would love go? Or where would He go, if He should disappear? The very aspect of Him, his character is folded up in one ball of His promises. He will never leave us nor forsake us. As for you who are out there, please hold to His promises. You can also say, he will never leave me! God will never dismiss his world out of existence. For God is a part of the existence and the head of the existence. So why would he turn from His promises? His love which contains, justice, peace, mercy, forgiveness, understanding and wisdom! The very spiritual character of his image would be meaningless. And it is impossible for all this creation to crumble. Because the Almighty is the possibility of life, and of our lives! We live and feel his energy through our veins. He has the power over life and death, and we are very important in his master plans. We join with Jehovah, to carry out his spiritual legacy. That good will always overcome evil. Good will not and will never be defeated by evil. So therefore for the soldiers who are ready to fight for Righteousness! They will have a reward, and