By Ann-Carol
About this ebook
Ann-Carol learned how to address her most distraught feelings by writing poetry. It was not until she was going through tough times 24/7 that she began to have this thought of how to go about helping herself and her three children. One day, she had this nagging thought in the back of her mind with respect to writing; not sure of what she was supposed to do, she did nothing immediately.
Then one night, she sat alone and just began to write. She soon realized that she was rhyming words. One thing led to another, and she realized that by writing poetry, she was able to help herself understand the emotions she was experiencing. Of course, there were so many emotions to deal with, and even today, she still reads what she wrote. In so doing, it helps her to deal with what is taking place. However; through this, she began to have a stronger faith and understanding of God/Higher Power, which is vital to our existence.
Ann-Carol is a newbie within the poetry-writing community. She is up for the challenge to continue writing, which helps her to release stress, negativity, and more. It is her belief that this would be a good practice to help others overcome the same or other discerning situations as well.
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Reflections - Ann-Carol
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ISBN: 978-1-4897-0056-8 (sc)
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LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 11/05/2013
Table of Contents
A Mother Seen Through My Eyes
A Mother’s Prayer
Bull Frogs
Coming of God
Covenant of our Being, Begins in our Heart
Cup of Love
Foot Steps
Thank You For Being Here
God Is On My Side
Hands Upward
Illumination Of Love
Indian Prayer