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Walking with Wisdom: The Transformation into a Supernatural Adventure
Walking with Wisdom: The Transformation into a Supernatural Adventure
Walking with Wisdom: The Transformation into a Supernatural Adventure
Ebook175 pages2 hours

Walking with Wisdom: The Transformation into a Supernatural Adventure

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About this ebook

If only we were given a personalized instruction manual to learn from and follow throughout our lives. How much pain, suffering and agony could we have avoided? How much more joy, peace, love, could we have experienced throughout our lives and relationships?

After many years of seeking direction and happiness from a worldly perspective, the answer to these questions finally entered into my life. The answer was with me all along, but I failed to see it. The answers for me were found in Yeshua, which translates to Salvation. All of lifes questions are answered through Him. He has given me direction and guidance in my life far beyond worldly knowledge. He has answered questions that at times, I didnt even know to ask. Inside is my journey, filled with many experiences and emotions, transforming my life from many deficiencies and loss to restoration, abundance and spiritual freedom; from religion to relationship.

My prayer is for those who share in my journey to receive new revelation in their personal lives, to hopefully avoid unnecessary challenges and to acquire experiential knowledge of Yeshua (Jesus), leading to a life filled with internal joy, peace, love and eternal security.


This book reveals so much, about an ordinary man walking with the Lord. A true Christ centered journey for anyone seeking the Holy Spirit. I am able to learn and grow from this experience. Seek and you Shall find! What a treasure God has used for His Glory!

-Damian Cortez

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 6, 2017
Walking with Wisdom: The Transformation into a Supernatural Adventure

Jeff Krupczak

Jeff is married and currently lives in San Antonio, Texas. He has two married daughters and three grandchildren. Jeff has always been a simple hard working man, determined to succeed in life. He has a great love for God and his family. He is self employed with a passion for muscle cars and drumming. Through a series of encounters with God, there came a day that one of these encounters would forever change his life. This one day altered his focus and direction to eventually become an ordained minister. He currently enjoys ministering with the Kairos Prison Ministry team while continuing with his business.

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    Walking with Wisdom - Jeff Krupczak

    Copyright © 2017 Jeff Krupczak.

    Cover Photo taken by author’s daughter

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    WestBow Press

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-9647-6 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-9646-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017911278

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 9/6/2017



    1 The Beginning

    2 Early Adulthood

    3 Fate?

    The Six Month Project

    4 Destiny

    5 Illness In The Family

    6 Entrepreneurship

    7 Better Times


    8 A Glimpse Of Hell!

    Hard Hitting Points

    The Rest Of This Experience

    9 A New Beginning

    10 Church…All In

    Learning To Trust God

    Thee Car

    Trusting In God

    A New Tribe

    11 Supernatural Experiences

    The Spirit Detaches From The Body

    So Much For Sales

    Father, Could I Experience A Harvest?

    Ash Wednesday Breakthrough 2012

    12 Demonic Influences

    God Has Never Changed


    Spiritual Warfare

    13 House Of Worship

    The Great Commission

    The Parable Of The Ten Virgins

    14 Unity In The Body Of Christ


    Personal Responsibility

    Yeah God!

    15 Finding My Purpose

    A Taste Of Kairos

    Divine Appointments

    16 Prayers

    Prayer Of Salvation

    Cleansing Generational Spirits

    17 Personal Testimonies

    18 Epilogue

    Relationship With God

    Short Summary


    The Sheep Gate fellowship is a prophetic church with the focus of preparing people for ministry. Jeff was invited to service in 2012 and has been a faithful member ever since. He has a deep passion and zeal for God’s kingdom that is absolutely genuine. He seeks deep intimacy with the Lord and has grown exponentially since joining our fellowship.

    When I first saw Jeff minister healing, I looked with a jaundiced eye. As an ordained minister for over 45 years, I have seen a lot of sleight-of-hand and manipulation especially with those who grow out legs. I was deeply relieved to see that the gift of healing that Jeff carries is authentic. I call on him regularly to pray for the sick and minister healing.

    Jeff was ordained as an elder in our fellowship and enjoys a fruitful prison ministry. He prays for people on the streets, in grocery stores and in businesses and sees a high percentage of healing and miracles. Most of the time, he doesn’t tell people his name so that all the glory goes to the Lord. He loves to be hidden under the wings of the most high.

    Jeff has been a blessing to me personally and to all the members of our fellowship. He has a loving and giving heart and is not immune to hard work or doing tasks that others shun. His intense gratitude to Jesus for all that he has done is apparent.

    This book is Jeff’s story, his perception of his life. His only motive is to give glory to the God who loves him, saved him and transformed his life. He wants you to know about his precious Jesus. I pray that you will read it and understand the purity of heart with which it is written.

    I pray this testimony will change your life.

    Sharyn Dacbert

    Lead Elder

    The Sheep Gate Fellowship

    This book reveals so much, about an ordinary man walking with the Lord. A true Christ centered journey for anyone seeking the Holy Spirit. I am able to learn and grow from this experience. Seek and you Shall find! What a treasure God has used for His Glory!!

    Damian Cortez


    I would like to thank God for this amazing and extraordinary new life He has given me! I look forward to the rest of our journey together!

    I would like to thank my wife and daughters, for their love, patience and understanding, along with assisting me with accuracy in the corresponding events and timelines.

    Thanks to my daughter for taking and releasing the cover photo of me and my grandson. Also for assisting me in the formatting process for publishing.

    Thanks to Janie Marcel, Dawn Lewis and Sharyn Dacbert for their time, correction and wise council, in assisting with the editing process.

    Thanks to my Pastor, Sharyn Dacbert, for all of her teaching, both Spiritual and natural. The impact of your teaching exceeds words. I am eternally grateful.

    A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel

    Proverbs 1:5 NKJV

    I would also like to thank all who have donated to the publishing campaign for this book during lean times. You know who you are. Your generosity has helped make this possible.


    Transformation from a worldly walk into a

    Supernatural Adventure.

    My inspiration for this book comes through the amazing transformation and journey The Lord has blessed me with being far beyond my natural comprehension. Freely I have received and freely I give. In that light, sharing my story and encouraging others is my way to honor God. I give all Thanks, Praise, Honor and Glory to God.

    This story is for those who have not met Jesus and for those who desire a deeper relationship with Him.

    I share foundational stories of my life: my family, decisions, attitudes, behaviors, consequences and blessings. About my understanding of God, what I believed as a child and young adult, falling away from the Church, leaning on my own understanding and living with the chaos that ensued.

    I share about how God was wooing me, my resistance, the day I finally surrendered my life to The Lord and began my new journey with Him. I share the interest I had, the activities I was involved in and how my continuous pursuit of God brought me into a close relationship with Him, giving me the clear understanding I now have of God and His love for us.

    I share the experience of leaving the security of a six figure income and trusting God with my future, seeking Him through His Holy Spirit while learning of the destiny He created me for. I share experiences from assignments He gave me, many of which were miraculous and amazing adventures, touching my emotions beyond verbal description.

    My Walk With Wisdom, The Lord, has been remarkable and adventurous. I have been honored to experience The Lord in ways I previously did not know or understand. My experience is not traditional or boring.

    I hope you will enjoy my story; seek, learn and experience God in new personal ways as you read. I Praise God for all He has done in my life, especially my most fearful experience. He is Amazing! My love for Him continues to grow daily!

    God is no respecter of persons; He shows no partiality. What He has done for me, I believe He would do these and even greater things for you. Interested? The choice is yours. Here is my testimony.

    They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

    Revelation 12:11 NIV

    chapter 1


    God knit us together in our mothers womb.

    Psalm 139:13 NIV

    I was born in Detroit, Michigan and began my childhood downriver in Southgate until the third grade. My mom and biological dad divorced when I was two years old. I never met him. I have a brother, Chuck, who is five years my senior. My mom remarried and my stepdad adopted us and gave us his name. Shortly thereafter, my parents bought a new house in Trenton, Michigan. It was a safe middle-class city and a great landscape for family living.

    My parents had good jobs at a local steel mill and provided well for us. My mom was an executive secretary and dad worked in the shipping office. We enjoyed vacations each year, usually traveling around the country visiting the top tourist destinations.

    I felt the only thing we lacked was personal attention from our parents. Like any family, we had our issues. We didn’t know or understand them at such a young age, even though those issues shaped our future: some for better and some for worse. We had a live-in sitter for several years while both parents worked. During fourth grade, the sitter was removed, my brother worked after school and I was left alone till my parents returned from work.

    We were raised in the church and I was baptized as a baby. I would describe our attendance as frequent. When I was young, I remember watching my brother serve in the church. We learned the formal procedures before serving in the sixth grade. We also learned and memorized prayers, doctrines and the traditions of our Christian denomination. Eventually, I also became an acolyte; lighting candles, carrying the cross or flag and assisting with communion.

    In junior high I began to change. The changes were subtle at first and increased as I went into high school. Church was becoming boring: mostly full of old memorized rituals and such. I wasn’t learning and growing spiritually. I began to wonder what the point of all this was. I did believe in God, but decided it was time to move on and do my own thing. After all, I thought, I can talk to God whenever I wanted. Eventually I got a job working after school and weekends while slipping down the wrong path.

    I began to feel I was living a double life. The good kid, who always knew how to act in certain settings, and the other guy who was showing up more often. The other guy did plenty of damage to my life and to some of those around me, causing emotional and spiritual train wrecks. It would take several years before fully understanding these two concepts.

    Most of my decisions were made from my own point of view; leaning on my own understanding. There were many rules in the house and mom was very strict. I know her intentions were good, but it felt more like a stranglehold on me. There was a schedule of chores that needed to be followed for the designated day of the week. Sometimes my friends helped so we could play outside. I never minded the chores, but if I missed something, I was often grounded, even for insignificant things, which assisted in bringing forth a rebellious nature.

    At thirteen, curfew was when the street lights came on. Bed time was 9:00 p.m. sharp! In ninth grade? Really? I thought. Friday night football games were an exception. Then, 10:00 p.m. sharp, five minutes late, I was grounded. During this time my mischievously creative nature rapidly developed, along with some help from my friends.

    The street light in front of our house, made it difficult to get past that rule. When we were kids, there were different and fun things to experience after dusk. For a while my friends shared their activities from the previous evening. In time, they chose not to realizing the embarrassing effects it had on me. My friends had permission to stay out later and I searched for a way to join them.

    Utilizing our creativity, we used a CO2 BB gun and shot out the light in front of my house. Unfortunately for me, there were two more on the cul-de-sacs visible from the living-room window. Those two lights soon met their demise, which temporarily solved my problem. The city was responsive in

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