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Brown Sugar
Brown Sugar
Brown Sugar
Ebook54 pages43 minutes

Brown Sugar

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Brown Sugar is the biography of Clare King. Her life begins on an idyllic but remote sugar plantation in the 1940s. Together with her parents and six siblings, she had a very happy childhood. However, immortality and the grim reaper seemed to have been an impending presence in Clares life from the age of twelve, when she personally witnessed a distraught mother, carrying a dead infant on her back, seeking help for the internment of her child at the local Catholic convent as she was too poor to do this on her own. Like the first four notes of Mozarts fifth symphony, the grim reaper (or Death, as we call him) was an impending presence in Clare Kings life. She learned to face this sting with great endurance. Death has claimed her parents, two siblings, three children, a few dear friends, and finally, her beloved husband, Hector. All her life she had to fight a battle with death and its scourge on her loved ones. She is now a great councilor to the bereaved. Brown Sugar pays tribute to Clares resilience and tenacity against this battle with death and dying. Clare King is a mesmerizing and informative storyteller (Lorraine Richards).
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 31, 2016
Brown Sugar

Clare King

Clare King is a widow from Wentworth in Durban, South Africa. She was born in 1947, of biracial parentage in Mthubathuba on the north coast of Kwazulu-Natal. As a young girl, on the sugar plantation where she grew up, Clare King used to spend hours in the open fields fantasizing about being a famous actress or dancer. Her role models were Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. These dreams materialized when she took part in most school plays and concerts. She was even an extra in two local movies. She displayed her dance talent when she was first runner-up in the 1987 Hyperama dance contest. In 2013, she decided to write her biography as a legacy to her grandchildren so that they will know their heritage and be proud of it. Clare King is a phenomenal colored woman. She is able to embrace her strengths and accept her weaknesses. Her sweetness is refreshing to the senses. Clare King is Brown Sugar.

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    Brown Sugar - Clare King

    Copyright © 2016 by Clare King.

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    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    Rev. date: 08/29/2016







    My Siblings

    My Spouse

    The Year 1965

    Our Offspring






    To My Grandchildren



    Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things arelovrly, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anything praise worthy- meditate on these things. The things which you learned and recieved and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you: Phillipians 4:8-9


    To God who bent over backwards and turn the Universe upside down for the manifestation of this book.

    To Lorraine Richards my friend and editor who helped bring this book into fruition and believed in me.

    Pastor Joe van der Westhuisen for keeping me in your prayers and prophesying the manifestation of this book.

    Pastor Wendy for your prayers and encouragement.

    Kershia Waldhausen and Roxanne Richards for typing the manuscript

    Jason Ward for all the help with e-mailing

    Patricia Dove for all the encouragement

    Patricia Kettle for believing in me

    Aubery Snyman for your encouragement

    My parents for a happy childhood

    Finally the nay sayers it was your negativity that urged me on

    I am the progeny of an inter-racial marriage. My great-grandfather, William Bond, who hailed from Scotland, had three Zulu wives, and my paternal great-grandmother, Louise Bond (NEE Mhakatini), was one of the wives.

    William Bond was the person who originally chartered a ferry-boat to help the local folk to traverse the Tugela river, which was impassable in the early 1900s. They had to pay a modest transportation fee for this service. My mother suggested that each time we crossed the Tugela River, we should throw in a penny as tribute to William Bond.

    I was born in Mtubtuba on the 9 April 1947 on a sugar cane farm called lot60.

    I share my birthplace, Kwa Zulu Natal, with many notable figures in South African history, like; Albert Luthuli, the first African to be awarded the Nobel peace prize (1960), Pixley Kaseme, the founder of the ANC, Mangasutho Buthelezi, leader of the IFP, Anton Lembede, founding member of the ANC and South Africa’s third democratically elected president, Jacob Zuma.

    My family consisted of seven siblings, two boys and five girls. My father was the manager of lot60 from 1938 to 1961. My mother’s contribution to the financial support of the family was achieved by taking in the Shire family’s laundry

    Mister Shire, my father’s employer, an Englishman, possessed his own sugar-mill, where he produced white and brown sugar, molasses, treacle and other by-products of sugar cane.

    I learned a great deal from Mister Shire during the time that my father was employed on his farm. I learned that brown sugar is produced by adding treacle to refined white sugar.

    Green harvesting involves the cutting of the adult cane stalk, the removal of the

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