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Calling to Christ: Where’S My Place?
Calling to Christ: Where’S My Place?
Calling to Christ: Where’S My Place?
Ebook131 pages1 hour

Calling to Christ: Where’S My Place?

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Although there is nothing sweeter than the Gospel, there is more sweetness to be enjoyed after ones conversion to Christ. Many Christians fail to experience transformation in the discovery of Gods call on their lives in the areas of work, family, and service. Even the idea of calling has been relegated to full-time vocational service, leaving out the other 90% of Gods people. What if we could overcome the major obstacles to joyful fulfillment in our callings to Christ? What about the importance of being called to an ordinary place that counts for eternity?

What if we begin to live out of the heart God gave us rather than the demands and expectations of others we had not considered are ruling us in negative ways? Dr. Bob Smart walks his readers through the practical steps to owning Gods calling of us in all areas of life, which promises to lead to freedom and meaningful living in this second season of spiritual formation. This is the second book of four seasons of spiritual formation.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMar 22, 2017
Calling to Christ: Where’S My Place?

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    Calling to Christ - Robert Davis Smart

    Copyright © 2017 Robert Davis Smart.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-8040-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017904404

    WestBow Press rev. date: 3/22/2017




    Introduction:  Calling to Christ: The Second of Four Seasons of Gospel Transformation

    Chapter 1     Understanding Our Calling to Christ

    Chapter 2     The Scriptural and Theological Basis of Calling

    Chapter 3     Eight Hindrances to Joy in One’s Calling

    Chapter 4     Sensing God’s Call on your Life

    Chapter 5     Living out Your Calling to Christ

    Chapter 6     Sharing Your Calling to Christ

    Conclusion:  What’s the Next Season of Spiritual Formation?


    Appendix:  Practicing the Spiritual Discipline of Solitude


    My deep thanks to Christ Church staff and members, Cru, InterVarsity, and Navigator campus staff, and those involved in the last twenty years of spiritual formation classes locally for sharing your precious sense of calling to Christ from the heart. I am also grateful to Campus Outreach staff and leaders in Alabama, Louisiana, Illinois, and Texas for using this material. I am indebted to Rev. Rusty Milton of Grace Presbyterian in New Zealand for using this material in local ministry settings, and offering good feedback.

    I would also like to acknowledge my appreciation for elders Art Moser and Bob Force for helping me improve this material over the years. Finally, this and many projects could not be possible without the constant encouragement from Gary and Farole Haluska.


    I can’t think of anyone I would rather read than Dr. Bob Smart on the vital topic of discovering one’s calling in Christ and flourishing in that calling.

    I have known Bob for many years. And I have never known anyone quite like him. Over many decades of walking with the Lord, Bob has become a radiant, calm, and wise man. We have talked together on the phone and in person, prayed together, counseled each other, and encouraged each other.

    I trust him. You should too. Bob lives out what he speaks of in these pages. I’ve seen it. He has faithfully labored in pastoral ministry in central Illinois for many years. Others leaders of his level of gifting often pursue the spotlight and seek out a platform. Not Bob. He has quietly loved the men and women and children in Normal, Illinois. For this, I esteem him highly. I love him, far beyond other men I know. And one day God is going to put his arm around Bob and introduce him to the world. That will be a sight to behold.

    So let Bob coach you in the pages that follow. Life in this fallen world can be so bewildering. We hardly even understand ourselves, let alone others. Who am I? How has God wired me? Do I matter? Am I secure? What should I do with my life? If questions like these come to you as you lie in bed at night, this book is for you. Bob will lead you into the still waters and green pastures of settling your identity and calling in the endless grace of the Friend of Sinners, Jesus Christ.

    —Dane Ortlund, executive vice president, Crossway


    Calling to Christ: The Second of Four Seasons of Gospel Transformation

    I’ll never forget how my dear friend Zack Eswine counseled me when I was a candidate to become the senior pastor for another church. I was afraid—afraid of leaving my present call to the church I had served for so many years, fearful that the new church might not hire me. I was afraid that a move to another place might not be best for my family. I was probably looking for an escape from the place God had put me because of difficult circumstances. Zack’s simple statement of truth was very comforting, and it has stayed with me ever since. He said, Bob, your calling is not at stake.

    This book seeks to recover the comforting doctrine of Christian calling in a way that frees Christians from an endless search for the greener grass of another place, and the occasional effort to escape the suffering that awaits us in our present location and vocation. A strong sense of knowing the place and work God has for us is vital in our twenties and thirties. A content and confident Christian, who senses his or her calling to Christ by midlife, brings to others at home and community a message that God is good. It is a season of spiritual formation that sets us up for taking better aim for Christ in our middle years.

    In my first book in this series of four on the Christian’s spiritual formation, Embracing Your Identity in Christ: Renouncing Lies and Foolish Strategies, I wrote:

    Our identity, besides being one of the most precious things to prevent from theft, crisis, or loss, is extremely important to God. The Father has given His each of His children a personal identity in Christ that will shape them on their journey to heaven. If, in the process of identity formation, we ignore what God says concerning our identity, then we may expect confusion in the other three seasons of spiritual formation from adolescence to old age (see chart below for Identity in Christ, Calling to Christ, Intentionality for Christ, and Legacy from Christ).¹


    Just after birth or adoption, a child is given her first sense of identity from her parent(s). Identity formation, however, is a much longer process. When Jesus Christ was approximately thirty years old, the Father spoke of His identity at His baptism just before Jesus entered fully into His primary calling. In the same way, a clear sense of our identity in Christ ought to precede our calling formation to Christ. It is during this foundational season of identity formation that Satan challenges each of us, as he did our Lord. The devil’s first attacks were aimed at Jesus’s identity when two times he cast doubt about who He was: "If you are the Son of God …" (Luke 4:3, 9)².

    The evil trinity—the world, the flesh, and the devil—is seeking to kill and destroy us during each of the four seasons of spiritual formation. In the spring, evil confuses our identity; in the summer, our calling; in the autumn, our intentionality; and in the winter, our legacy. The world escorts us to the pit; the flesh entices us to fall in; and the devil pushes us over the edge. The pit, as it were, represents other voices besides God’s telling us what we should do. It is not your place in this season of calling to Christ. It is a place of confusion, greed, and autonomous attempts to make our idealistic dreams of being exceptional come true. It turns darker as unmet longings and failure may lead us down the paths of resignation, romanticism, or self-righteous bitterness. Every Christian is called by the gospel to Christ, which the Father makes effectual at salvation (John 6:44).

    This season of spiritual formation for the Christian, Calling to Christ, is the second of four seasons of gospel transformation designed to shape us into the glorious likeness of Jesus Christ. It assumes we have a reasonable grip on our identity in Christ. It also prepares us for the last two seasons of spiritual formation; namely, intentionality and legacy.

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