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What Should We Know About Islam?
What Should We Know About Islam?
What Should We Know About Islam?
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What Should We Know About Islam?

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“Does this world have a Creator and God or has it been created by itself without any cause? If there is a God then what are His attributes and works? Does God assign an obligation for us, or are we not without some from of responsibility? Were the divine messengers truthful in their claims or not? Is it possible that after this world there exists another world whereby a human being would see reward or punishment for his/her deeds?

The human faculty of reason in accordance with his primitive nature and special creation desires to find out about these realities, remove curtains from mysteries, provide correct answers to these inquiries and many more alike. It certainly possesses this distinction where it can distinguish between the truth and falsehood, naturally is inclined to discover the realities, causes of things, and until it rests upon an absolute certainlyit does not feel comfortable.”
Release dateSep 21, 2018
What Should We Know About Islam?

Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini

Sayyid Hussein Alamdar, PE, holds a MSCE from the University of South Carolina, at Columbia, South Carolina. He served Duke Power Company, Charlotte, North Carolina, from 1971 to 1982. In 1983, he was invited to join the Water and Power Co in Tehran, where he served as a project manager for hydroelectric projects until 2003. During his stay in Iran for twenty years (1983–2003), in addition to his engineering responsibilities, he was blessed with the divine grace of also attending Islamic seminary under the able tutorship of Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Taqi Hakim Shooshtari and Hajj Aghai Ali Solemani Aashtiani in Tehran. He also founded the Ahl al-Bayt Islamic Cultural Services (AICS) of USA to accomplish the following exalted objectives to publish the Uloom & Mu’arif of Ahl al-Bayt (AS). It has been narrated that Imam al-Rida (A.S) has said to one of his followers, “May Allah bless the servant who keeps our vicegerency (vilayat) alive through publication of our learning (mu’arif) and knowledge (uloom).” Alamdar has translated the following books; some of them are also available on the internet at www.Al-Islam.org, Islamic Library Project of Stanford University California (USA). His translated books are also being published by the AuthorHouse of Bloomington, Indiana, USA, and are being marketed through Amazon.com and Barnes and Nobles as a hardcopy, softcopy, and kindle book. 1. Self Building (Khud Sazi wa Tahzib wa Tazkiyeh Nafs): Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini 2. Truth and Falsehood: Martyr Ayatollah Murtaza Mutaheri (RA) 3. Discourse of Patience: Grand Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenie 4. Profundities of the Prayer: Grand Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei 5. Spiritual Journeys of the Mystics (Saluk-e-Arifan): Grand Ayatollah Malaki Tabrizi (RA) 6. Etiquette of the Holy Month of Ramadan: Grand Ayatollah Malaki Tabrizi (RA) 7. Radiance of Vicegerency (Frooghe-e-Vilayat): Grand Ayatollah J'afar Sobhanie 8. Shi'i Replies to Wahabi Questions: Grand Ayatollah J'afar Sobhanie 9. The Story of Karbala: Ayatollah Ali Nazari Munfarid 10. How to Bridge the Generation Gap: Ayatollah Seyed Muhammad Taqi Hakim 11. Imam al-Zain al-A’abedin (AS): Seyed Munthir Hakim 12. Imam al-Baqir (AS): Seyed Munthir Hakim 13. Biography of Ash Sharif ar-Radi: Muhammad Ibrahim Nejad 14. History of the Holy Mosque of Jamkaran 15. Translation of the Death-Will (Vasiyat Nameh) of Grand Ayatollah Seyed Muhammad Rida Golpaygani 16. Every Must Know (Hame Bayad Bedanand): Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini 17. Fatimeh al-Zahra (SA): Seyed Munthir Hakim 18. Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (AS): Seyed Munthir Hakim

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    What Should We Know About Islam? - Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini

    Copyright © 2018 Sayyid Hussein Alamdar. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse   09/20/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-4761-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-4763-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-4762-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018907257

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    The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said: ‘I am leaving two heavy trust among you─The Book of God and my Ahl al-Bayt─until you remain attached to these two, you would never be deviated. Verily these two would never be separated from each other until they see me at the Fountain of Kauther.’

    ─Sahih Muslim v.7, p-122; Sinnan Darmi v.2, p-432; Masnad Ahmad v.3, p-14, 17, 26; v. 4, p-371; v. 5, p-182, 189; Musadarik Hakim, v. 3, p-109, 148, 533.

    O the People of House─the Holy Prophet’s (SAW) Ahl al-Bayt (AS), God has made your love in the Holy Qu’ran as compulsory.


    This pride is sufficient─that if the salutations are not offered upon you in the daily prayers they are not acceptable by God.

    ─Imam Shaf’aie.


    I have known Sayyid Hussein Alamdar for several years, what can I say about him? He is an element that does not need recognition. A tradition narrated to our great Holy Prophet (SAW) that said: People are like metals, such gold and silver, by one look you can recognize and at least guess the gold from other metals. Today, the languages that have established themselves in benefiting from Islam, are definitely Arabic and the second language I say is Persian, we have a great flow of information from Islam, it is an eternal spring, truly as a great eternal spring, but who is going to carry that knowledge to other non Arabic or Persian speakers? Usually if you see a book in Arabic, chances are you see it in Persian, you seldom see them in other languages. Since unfortunately very little of that spring is going to Europe or the West, or let us say to English speaking nations. Not only that, but because of the ignorance about Islam, the media, is fighting forcefully to destroy this spring and to distort the beautiful picture of Islam, as a matter fact, the TV and other media became so successful that today a Muslim is looked at as a guilty terrorist, even though the law said: A man is innocent until proven gu ilty!

    Mr. Alamdar, bravely at this era─the era of such a media (and other means of fight) is going single handedly against this huge flow. He is exerting all of his efforts, time, and using his pen to spread the traditions of his grand fathers, fourteen precious, errorless and infallibles imams (AS) to the English speaking populations. At the time that I met him, his reputation had already reached me, the translation of the book of Imam Husain (AS) was already published and spread, since then determinedly and diligently, writing about the progeny of the Holy Prophet (SAW), books as the lives of the Imams (AS). Also translations of the books that will lift your spiritual life to the moral life and rise your spirit to the highest level, after all, the spiritual life is far more important than the physical life, although both are important, yet the body has a due date on it and will expire at a certain specific time but, but the spirit has an eternal life as God said in many verses in the Holy Qur’an.

    These books are:

    1. Radiance of Vicegerency (Froogh-e-Vilayat): Grand Ayatollah J’afar Sobhanie 2. Fatimeh al-Zahra (SA) 3. Imam Zain al-A’abedin (AS) 4. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (AS) 5. Imam J’afar al-Sadiq (AS): Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimin, Sayyid Munthir Hakim 6. Self Building 7. What Everyone Must Know About Islam?: Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini 8. Truth and Falsehood and Renaissance of Islamic Thought: Martyr Ustad Murtaza Motaheri (RA) 9. The Story of Karbala: Ayatollah Ali Nazari Munfarid 10. Biography of Sayyid Razi: Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimin Muhammad Ibrahim Nejad 11. Etiquettes of the Holy Month of Ramadan (Suluk-e-Aarifan): Grand Ayatollah Javad Agha Maliki Tabrizi (RA) 12. Importance of Patience and Prayer 13. A 250 years Old Human Being 14. Letters to the Western Youths, Including a Masterpiece of Cultural Reflections from the Land of Glory and Beauties─I.R. Iran: Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei 15. How to Bridge the Generation Gap?: Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Hakim, 16. History of the Holy Mosque of Jamkaran.

    I think these books should be read, whether, they are the lives of the Impeccable Imams (AS), the models and the perimeters of our lives to be followed, or the moral issues, Mr. Alamdar is greatly needed in this field of translation. May God accept and give him the strength to continue this deed.

    Dr. M. Jowad Al-Ansari

    Clinical Pastoral Psychology, Detroit, MI (USA)


    In the Name of God the Beneficent, the Merciful

    This book is dedicated to our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah (SAW), Seal of the Prophets, his holy progeny─Ahl al-Bayt (AS)─and all, devoted, scholars and intellectuals who endeavor in the path of grandeur and dignity of Islam. To those who are proactively trying their best for an Islamic universal awakening, brotherhood, solidarity and to present the peaceful divine message of monotheism, peace, harmony, coexistence, equality, freedom, justice, love, and human dignity to rescue the mankind through enlightenment at this critical juncture of our contemporary world in the twenty-first century.


    1. Preface

    1.1. Childhood and Youth

    1.2. Everyone is Responsible

    1.3. The Present Book

    2. Biography of the Author

    Chapter-1: Theology

    1.1. Acquiring of Knowledge

    1.2. Theology

    1.2.1. Order and Discipline of World

    1.2.2. The Period of Childhood

    1.2.3. Let us make a Judgment

    1.2.4. Every Possible Existence Requires a Cause

    1.3. God’s Characteristics

    1.3.1. Provable Characteristics

    1.3.2. Some Provable Characteristics

    1.3.3. Necessary Reminder

    1.4. Characteristics of Essence and Deed

    1.4.1. Characteristics of Essence

    1.4.2. Characteristics of Deed

    1.4.3. A Narration

    1.5. Attributes that cannot Apply to God

    1.5.1. Some Attributes that cannot Apply to God

    1.6. Monotheism

    1.7. Justice

    Chapter 2: Prophet hood

    2.1. Conditions of Prophet hood

    2.1.1. Path of Identification of a Prophet

    2.1.2. Number of Prophets

    2.2. Muhammad (SAW)─Seal of the Prophets

    2.3. Eternal Miracle

    2.4. A Brief History of the Holy Prophet’s (SAW) Life

    2.5. Islamic Laws

    Chapter-3: Imamate (Leadership with Divine Authority)

    3.1. Characteristics of an Impeccable Imam (AS)

    3.3. Appointment of Successor and the Number of Imams (AS)

    3.4. First Imam (AS)

    3.5. Second Imam (AS)

    3.6. Third Imam (AS)

    3.7. Fourth Imam (AS)

    3.8. Fifth Imam (AS)

    3.9. Sixth Imam (AS)

    3.10. Seventh Imam (AS)

    3.11. Eight Imam (AS)

    3.12. Ninth Imam (AS)

    3.13. Tenth Imam (AS)

    3.14. Eleventh Imam (AS)

    3.15. Twelfth Imam (AS)

    3.15.1. Our Belief Regarding Imams (AS)

    3.16. Shi’i

    3.17. Our Beliefs about Other Muslims

    Chapter-4: Resurrection or Hereafter

    4.1. Death

    4.2. Interval between Death and Resurrection

    4.3. Day of Judgment and General Resurrection

    4.4. Paradise

    4.5. Hell

    4.6. Intercession

    4.7. Repentance

    Chapter-5: Moral Ethics

    Chapter-6: Branches of Religion

    6.1. Prayer

    6.2. Ablution

    6.3. Call of Prayer (Adhan)

    6.4. Call for Establishing of Prayer (Aghameh)

    6.5. Instructions for Recitation of Prayer

    6.6. Essentials of Prayer (Arkan-e-Namaz)

    6.7. The Prayer of a Traveler

    6.8. Prayer of Signs (A’ayat)

    6.9. Fasting

    6.10. Charity (Zakat)

    6.11. One Fifth Saving of the Yearly Income (Khums)

    6.12. Hajj

    6.13. Crusade (Jihad)

    6.14. Encouraging of Good and Forbidding of Evil

    6.15. Some of Illegitimate Transactions

    6.16. Unclean Things

    6.17. Some of the Purifiers

    6.18. Compulsory Washing or Bath

    6.19. Instructions for Ablution with Earth or Sand

    6.20. Some of the Illegitimate Deeds

    6.21. Some of the Compulsions

    6.22. Imitation or Following

    6.23. Leadership in Islam




    1. Preface

    D oes this world has a Creator and God or had it been created by itself with out any cause? If there is a God then what are His Characteristics and acts? Does God assign an obligation for us, or don’t we have any sort of responsibility? Do the divine messengers in their claims were truthful or liars? Is it possible that after this world there exists another world whereby a human being would see the punishment for his deeds or not? The human faculty of reason in accordance with his primordial nature and special creation desires to find out about these realities, remove curtains from these mysteries; wants to provide correct answers for relevant inquiries and hundreds of alike. The human faculty of reason possesses this distinction whereby it can distinguish between the truth and falsehood and naturally is inclined to discover the realities and causes of things, and until it rests upon a constant point─it doesn’t feel comfort able.

    These topics are called principles of the religion (usool-e-din). Principles of religions are topics which are relevant to the thought and soul of human beings, reason and intellect follow it, and their deeds and movement are oozed out from its fountainhead accordingly. In the principles of religion (usool-e-din) imitation or following is not allowed and every one is obliged to discover them through his reason and intellect. If a human being for his beliefs succeeds in creating a stable and firm ground work─his intellect and soul feel at ease, thus rescuing him from internal anxiety, bewilderment, wandering, and in that case he could continue his life with his conscience at ease and comfort.

    1.1. Childhood and Youth

    The best time for the nourishment is the period of childhood and adolescence. The fresh page of mind of a child and a youth is like the photographic film that has not yet been exposed to the light of illumination and is therefore ready for acceptance of any picture upon it. These simple minded people if could be nourished in a correct manner, if correct thoughts and beliefs could be presented them with reason and logic, would make a dent upon their sensitive soul and thus become a temperament of their essence. Such individuals no matter what environment they are encountered with and socialized with whosoever would not become deviated and lost. If they happened to be in an impious environment, would not accept the color of that community instead would try to change it to their own color. Unfortunately, this large group of community has been deprived of the

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