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Focus to Pass: Success Guide for International Students
Focus to Pass: Success Guide for International Students
Focus to Pass: Success Guide for International Students
Ebook162 pages1 hour

Focus to Pass: Success Guide for International Students

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About this ebook

This book talks about the FOCUS strategy for student success. In this success guide, you will learn about the FOCUS strategy to help you to achieve your best potential and to succeed as an international student.

I have identified the most important factors in student success. I refer to these factors as FOCUS, which includes five success actions that can fuel your success. They are as follows:

1. Focus on graduation
2. Overcome stress and challenges
3. Communicate your feelings regardless of the opinion of others
4. Understand your strengths and weaknesses
5. Study your environment, your people, and your world

This success guide explains these five important factors that will help you to achieve your full potential. There are sections where you can take notes and record your thoughts and ideas after reviewing each chapter. International student success features are also included to inspire you with stories from students just like you.

So get ready to FOCUS and become the success that you are destined to be.
Release dateFeb 1, 2019
Focus to Pass: Success Guide for International Students

Felix Eshesimua

Felix Eshesimua is a mentor and coach for international students and a sales/business development consultant for minority-owned businesses. He has started and managed several businesses, including Itoto Global Foundation and Itoto House Organization. He is also the author of Focus to Pass: Success Guide for International Students. He currently lives in Washington.

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    Focus to Pass - Felix Eshesimua

    Copyright © 2019 Felix Eshesimua.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-6723-5 (sc)

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    iUniverse rev. date:  01/31/2019


    This book is dedicated to all international students, my family, my deceased father, and my newborn son. These people have been my motivation for all my accomplishments.

    International students are the future and are the leaders of tomorrow. They are the pillars that will make the world a better place. As an international student myself, I know the focus and vision of all international students so, I am dedicating this book to international students all over the world.

    International students have added to the global GDP and they are constantly growing our global economy. We have already started making change and adding value to the world in IT, healthcare, manufacturing, educational development, engineering, just to name a few.

    I also have a vision that one day, very soon, the world will have peace, there will be no killings, not tribal or religious wars – a world where everyone treats others equally, regardless of race, color, sex, or tribe.

    Felix Eshesimua


    The FOCUS Strategy for Student Success

    In this success guide, you will learn about the FOCUS strategy to help you to achieve your best potential and to succeed as an international student.

    I have identified the most important factors in student success. I refer to these factors as FOCUS, which includes 5 success actions that can fuel your success. They are:

    1. Focus on graduation.

    2. Overcome stress and challenges.

    3. Communicate your feelings regardless of the opinion of others.

    4. Understand your strengths and weaknesses.

    5. Study your environment, your people, and your world.

    This success guide explains these 5 important factors that will help you to achieve your full potential. There are sections where you can take notes and record your thoughts and ideas after reviewing each chapter. International student success features are also included to inspire you with stories from students just like you.

    So, get ready to FOCUS and become the success that you are destined to be.


    What do you hope to learn from this book?

    What are you struggling with as an international student?

    What support do you need to succeed as a student?

    What is causing you stress and anxiety?

    What are your goals, before and after graduation?


    Chapter 1   Focus on Graduation

    Chapter 2   Overcome Stress and Challenges

    Chapter 3   Communicate Your Feelings

    Chapter 4   Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses

    Chapter 5   Study Your Environment, Your People, and Your World

    More Tips and Inspiration from the ITOTO Blog

    International Student Success Stories

    About The Author

    Notes to Help You Connect with Itoto House for Support



    Focus on Graduation

    "Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable…

    Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals."

    - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    It was August 2007, the first time I came to the United States of America. I was very excited because after all my sleepless nights of continuously studying for the SAT and the TOEFL, my dreams came true. My long-term dream of studying in the United States didn’t yet become a reality when I was at the Airport and on the plane, during layovers and transfers. I still couldn’t believe I was traveling abroad to the United States of America God’s own country as many young and smart West African students refer to the dream of coming to the U.S. It wasn’t until my plane landed in Pittsburgh, PA, that I felt this undeniable joy coming right from my soul, as if the angels just opened the doors to heaven.

    While fasting and praying endlessly with hope to get my student visa approved, I promised God that I would always live to glorify his name. So, the first thing I did when I arrived in the U.S., with tears slowing falling from my eyes, was give thanks to the most high for my new home.

    A woman was already at the airport waiting for me. Her name was Daniella, my cousin Abraham’s girlfriend at the time. Now they’re married with kids. Daniella was a very sweet lady just like those I had seen in American romance movies. She was very calm, lovely, and approachable. She welcomed me with a great heart. When we were driving to their apartment, she asked me about my trip and life in West Africa. I remember being distracted from the conversation, as I was very busy looking at the roads, buildings, and people. I was very fascinated by everything I saw. It was amazing to me, just like I had pictured it.

    Focus Fact:

    Every international student undeniably

    gets great chills when they land in America.

    It’s like that WOW/DAMN! feeling!

    Pardon me for deviating with my first experience coming to America. I will save that part for one of my future books or I’ll post an article at Itoto House about the experience! For this book, I will dive into the reason why focusing on graduation is very important, to becoming a successful international student.

    Did you know that statistics indicate that 6 out of 10 students that enter the United States with a student visa end up dropping out of school, getting married, going back home, living in the street, ending up in jail, or getting deported? That means that only 40% of international students that come to the U.S. to follow their dreams, actually achieve them. Yes, it’s true according to: SmartCollege Visit.¹

    I almost became one of those people. But the Power of FOCUS kept me going and I never stopped pushing and fighting the tough transition. There were instances when I struggled to get out of my cold and small dorm room bed. There were times when I couldn’t understand my professors. There were even several days, when I felt so alone and wished I had a friend, family, or a community to turn to. But all of that seemed so far away. There were even times when some people made me feel unimportant and unwanted. But giving up was not an option.

    I decided to break out of my comfort zone. It was a tough decision but I realized if I wanted to stay positive, if I wanted to graduate, if I wanted to make myself and my family proud, if I wanted to be competitive, if I wanted to prove to my parents that my decision was right for me, if I wanted to shame the devil, I needed to not only graduate but also help other people who faced the same challenges.

    I needed to be part of school organizations, part of the community, interact with people, whether they understood my accent or not, whether they liked my skin color or not. I needed to ask questions in order to learn.

    While trying to do all these things, my main goal and focus was on seeing myself graduate. Every time I got scared, nervous, felt lonely, missed home, missed my family, missed food I was used to, missed the weather I was used to, I just tuned my psychological button to graduation thoughts.

    Let me briefly tell you about those graduation thoughts. They were happy and self-accomplishment thoughts. It was a thought that even if I was in excruciating pain, as soon

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