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Sales Is Simple: From Luck to Leverage
Sales Is Simple: From Luck to Leverage
Sales Is Simple: From Luck to Leverage
Ebook87 pages1 hour

Sales Is Simple: From Luck to Leverage

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Rod McKinnis presents this powerful and easy-to-read tutorial to dramatically enhance your sales results though a deeper understanding of human behaviors and the underlying life needs that drive them.

McKinnis provides the tools to establish an immediate rapport in all of your sales encounters and gain the leverage to make closing the deal look easy.  Employ these practical lessons to take advantage of all opportunities, and sales really is simple. 

Rod McKinnis has a powerful gift for teaching advanced sales techniques, while discarding unnecessary complications. His lessons are as entertaining as they are enlightening. He shows how great first impressions are not made in 15 minute meetings, they are forged in 15 seconds.  Capitalize on that time by looking the part... but make sure to choose the right seat as well.

Sales is made to look easiest by the most talented practitioners. To the inexperienced, a big sale may appear as luck but the truth lies on a higher level of perception.  It is time to acquire the skills to achieve true success with sustained results.  Sales is Simple will help you open your mind to a new level of selling.

Release dateSep 8, 2008
Sales Is Simple: From Luck to Leverage

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Aug 25, 2024

    I enjoyed every page of this book. I appreciate the fact that this book was written with the unfailing principles of God's word. That's why I know that I'll produce results with the lessons I've learnt.

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Sales Is Simple - Rod McKinnis

Copyright 2008 Rod McKinnis.

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Photography by: Shannon Pochert

Graphics courtesy of: Dr. David Barnett

ISBN: 978-1-4251-8143-7 (sc)

ISBN: 978-1-4907-9105-0 (ebook)

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To my Lord and Savior who planted the seeds in my heart to create this book - Thank You!

To my wife Tonya and my future CEOs Riley and Reese who truly inspire me to become a better husband and father.

To my brethren of sales professionals all over the globe who strive to make a positive impact on the lives of their customers

To the new generation of sales professionals who will now recognize that sales is a noble profession. With integrity and pride, take the intelligence learned and pass it on to the generations of sales professionals to follow.


During the Vietnam War, I was a top-secret crypto analyst for the US Air Force. We had an expression back then — SOL. I won’t repeat its historic meaning in polite conversation. But if you’re in sales, you might want to give some thought to another kind of SOL -Selling on Luck.

Selling on Luck means you are generating enough sales despite lack of process. Selling without a systems approach is the equivalent of coaching a sports team and instructing them to just go win. Without guidance or strategy, what are your chances of winning with some type of consistency? Slim. The same applies in sales. Sales is Simple - From Luck to Leverage offers a proven system that has yielded consistent and sustainable results for sales professionals all around the globe. I encourage you to not only read this book but to 1) Continue using it as a reference in your sales career and 2) Teach the generations to follow. Doing so will ensure your success and allow you to positively impact the lives of others.

I’ve worked with Rod for a number of years both in his capacity as Group VP at TD Waterhouse and as a private consultant. He is a master communicator and a real leader of people. From his depth of experience, he really knows how to make sales simple


Dr. Dave Barnett

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 - Out With the Old, In With the New

Chapter 2 - You, Yes YOU, Can Become a High Performance Sales Professional

Chapter 3 - What Every Sales Professional Needs to Know

Chapter 4 - Make the Connection, Give Buyers What They Really Want

Chapter 5 - Manage Activity.. .Not Results

Chapter 6 - Overcome The Secret Enemy

Chapter 7 - Discover Your Gifts, Share Them


Bonus Chapter 1 + 1 =3


If you’re reading this book, you may be thinking about joining the sales profession or looking for ways to improve your income. Are you an entrepreneur just learning how to sell? Perhaps you’re an established sales professional seeking guidance to balance your life and reduce stress.

Whatever your situation, let me assure you that you have picked up the right book.

Fate has brought you here for a reason — to embark on an encouraging and rewarding journey that will guide you on your quest to becoming a high- performance sales professional. Just as astounding and important, the information in this book will provide proven techniques to achieving your goals while actually reducing stress and allowing you to enjoy a more balanced and fulfilling life. Are you ready to begin?


I must acknowledge that for many years I wasn’t ready to embrace this profession. Growing up on the south side of Chicago I never really saw myself in sales let alone as a salesperson. Why … because, the sales profession is often viewed negatively in our society. When most people think of sales they are reminded of stress or a negative experience with Super Sales Guy who relentlessly pushes product. Or everyone’s favorite -the pesky telemarketer who wants to make you a sucker’s offer of a lifetime, as you’re trying to enjoy your dinner. That was certainly not the man that I wanted to be. I had my sights set on a noble profession, where I could be rewarded for honestly helping and serving others. I just didn’t know where to begin.

When I was 10, I accepted a job supporting the efforts of a local door-to- door salesman. My mission was to pass out flyers in the neighborhood announcing his new whiz bang service. After passing out flyers for weeks the Sales Guy decided not pay me my pre-negotiated fee. I was shocked and crushed. What type of person stiffs a little kid? I found out later that some residents had complained about his door-to-door sales tactics and disposition. Needless to say, I developed a less than

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