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The Magical Menopause Diet
The Magical Menopause Diet
The Magical Menopause Diet
Ebook123 pages1 hour

The Magical Menopause Diet

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Like many women, author Dr. Mary Douzjian experienced weight gain once she began menopause. Using her knowledge as a pharmacist and her personal experiences, she devised a diet system designed particularly for those dealing with the symptoms of menopause.

The Magical Menopause Diet offers a road map on how to lose weight gain triggered by menopause. It explores the science of menopause, emphasizes the importance of portion measurements and calorie counting, and lists acceptable food groups with calorie listings. This guide also provides weight trail sheets, meal cards, daily menus and meal plans, shopping lists for food variety, exercise and toning plates and descriptions, and information on dietary supplements, minerals, and vitamins. Finally, there are 5 personal stories intended to illustrate eating disorders and habits that cause weight loss and weight gain.

Designed for easy reading and reference, this weight loss guide can help you conquer the challenges of weight gain during menopause.
Release dateOct 31, 2019
The Magical Menopause Diet

Dr. Mary Douzjian Pharm. D.

Dr. Mary Douzjian Pharm. D. is a pharmacist who succeeded in losing twenty-five pounds over an eight-month period and has kept the weight off. She has more than thirty-five years of experience in the medical field and enjoys analyzing medical information for the consumer. She currently lives in Solana Beach, California.

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    The Magical Menopause Diet - Dr. Mary Douzjian Pharm. D.

    Copyright © 2019 Dr. Mary Douzjian Pharm. D.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2509-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2508-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2510-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019914928

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date:  10/31/2019



    1.   The Science of Menopause

    2.   The Importance of Portion Measurements

    3.    Ten Acceptable Food Groups/Lists of Calories

    4.    The Abyss Learning How to Say No Thank-You

    5.    Weight trail sheets

    6.    The Value of Meal Cards

    7.    Shopping Lists for food variety, for the week or month

    8.    Movement Exercise and Toning

    9.    Dietary supplements, minerals and vitamins

    10.    Recipes

    11.    Diet Stories


    Disclaimer: Any reference to any individual in this book is purely fictitious and initials have been used in the stories at the end of the book, to illustrate certain disease states of appetite.

    Any attempts to follow this diet must be endorsed by a personal physician, and the author is in no way liable for any outcomes due to individuals having adverse effects of following this diet.

    The condition of our bodies is more important than ever. Our health is directly related to our weight. Working as a pharmacist, I deal with patients with many disease states that are worsened by weight gain.

    This book is the story of how I came to gain weight after menopause. My doctor told me that it is common to gain ten to twenty pounds in perimenopause. I had always weighed 130 pounds, my ideal body weight, for the eight years after my marriage. Then I had my first son and gained 28 pounds, all of which I lost in the first 3 months after delivery, in conjunction with breastfeeding. This process was repeated 4 years later with my second son. So I became alarmed when 10 years into menopause I weighed in at 160 pounds, my full term pregnancy weight! I had gained ten to fifteen pounds when I stopped menstruating, as my doctor had predicted. I became used to weighing in between 140 to 145 pounds. I was still able to fit into my size 8, albeit a little tight.

    Then my weight crept into the low 150’s and I tried Weight Watchers, which did not work for me. I needed a diet with set parameters and not so many choices and variation in diet components. I also tried the chain weight loss centers, and lost 12 pounds, ending up in the low 140’s again. Then I had the pattern of gaining 10 pounds again in a couple of years. I had actually stopped weighing myself, although I do own a scale. Shockingly, when I stepped on the scale, it registered at 160 again! I had recently been on a cruise and that had also contributed to sending me up to 160 again.

    A trip to the Palm Desert gave me a week to relax, swim, run on the treadmill and think about losing weight. I realized at this point that a lifelong commitment was necessary¹. I was the one teaching lifestyle changes to my patients. Now my life was about to change in the interest of my weight and health.

    This book was also written in the interest of helping you, the reader.

    I am going to achieve my goal weight of 130 pounds again and readers are invited on this journey with me. My height is 5ft 5ins, or 65 inches, and the ideal body weight for me is 130 pounds.

    So many diet books talk about a particular diet, such as:

    • South Beach diet ⁸

    • The Ketogenic diet

    • The Paleo diet

    • Weight Watchers

    • Atkins for Life ¹

    • Eat Right for Your Type ⁷

    • The Doctor’s book of Food Remedies

    • What to Eat When ¹¹

    • Nutrisystem

    • Jenny Craig

    • Mayo Clinic Diet

    • MediFast

    • BistroMD

    The above list names only a few of the myriad diets discoverable on Google. However there is no weight tracking to look at, day by day, in these diet books. Also there is not a lot of portion measurement in a most of those books, and a slice of bread can vary by 100 calories. There may be before and after pictures and total weight loss summaries, but not actual daily weights and the feelings that went along with the

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