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Broken Pieces
Broken Pieces
Broken Pieces
Ebook200 pages1 hour

Broken Pieces

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About this ebook

Broken Pieces is a book written about sporadic life experiences that many of us have experienced or maybe not but it presents another way of thinking about certain situations that we experienced or not during our life journey. I am almost sure that when you read these different experiences you will relate to them if you have not already experienced them and if you have you can see if you handled them the same way the writer did. Make sure you take advantage of the journal in the back of the book . One thing I want you to think about is when these sporadic events happen in your life either they change you or help you understand that the majority of life’s crisis and developments are how you respond to them because your life responds to you.
Release dateAug 19, 2020
Broken Pieces

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    Broken Pieces - Nikel B'Nai Dixon






    Copyright © 2020 Nikel B’nai Dixon.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-0774-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-0775-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020915881

    iUniverse rev. date: 08/19/2020



    Your Health Your Happiness Your Love Your Success Your Prosperity Your Money






    Kisses are Everything

    Nicknames are Real Cute

    Always Show Up with Your Best Attitude Towards Your Mate

    Never Hold Onto Issues that Bother You

    What a Relationship should Feel Like

    Speak Life into Your Relationship

    A List for Men

    Signs of A Healthy, Growing Relationship

    The Business Couple

    When she is Having a Baby

    When You Know The Relationship will Not Last

    Wanted, Needed, Chosen—Choose One

    Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

    Traumatic Childhood Experiences

    Can A Woman Keep a Man?

    Strong Woman, Weak Man Syndrome


    Side Chick Woes


    Knowing Your Place

    Asset or Liability

    Respect the Man of the House

    Hoping for Change


    Learn to Have a Plan

    Eating Together


    Apologize When you Know You are Wrong

    Intentional Lover

    Never Call Names

    Never Make Permanent Decisions from Temporary Anger

    A Woman Should Not Teach Her Man How to be A Man

    Never Let Hurt Come from Another Person

    Play Games Together


    Loyal to a Fault

    Trying to Change Your Partner

    Choose Your Battles, Do Not Let Your Battles Choose You

    People and Money

    He/She Cheated, Now What?

    A Man Who Knows His Worth

    Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

    You fell out of Love, Now What?

    Your Problems and Kids


    Control Your Heart

    When You See His Face, You See Her Face



    So Many Years Invested, and All You Have to Show For it are Divorce Papers


    Never View Other People’s Relationships as Better than Yours

    Ladies — Your Husband is Not Obligated

    Some People Just Love to Cheat

    Sometimes the Grass is Greener on the Other Side

    Dependence in your Relationship

    Snoop Snoop

    Are You Truly Happy with The Life You Chose?

    The Big Man-Big Woman Syndrome and Yes, By Big, I Mean Weight!

    When A Man Breaks A Woman Down Mentally

    When A Woman is Hard to Love

    When A Man is Hard to Love

    Love Your Man - and Don’t Let Bitter Women Convince You Not To

    Men — Love Your Woman and Watch Her Gripes Disappear

    The Happy Couple


    People Change

    Keep Your Kids Out of Your Business

    After the Break Keep The Peace

    What Now?

    Have You ever been so pissed off that You could Scream? Well, do just That!

    Action and Reaction

    When You Take Time to Pay People Back that Only Sets You Way Back

    Man, By Choice, Woman by Choice

    He was the Bread Winner and Lost Everything — Now What

    The Why in Relationships

    The Relationship is Over Now What

    Sex is One of The Most Important Experiences in A Relationship

    So What — You Are Obese Don’t Settle for Less

    How to Love A Black Woman

    How to Love A Black Child

    He said I can’t be with a Black Woman Because…


    Everything we do in life starts with some kind of relationship, from the house we want to buy, to our bank account, our clothes, friends, family, and so on.

    I know you get my drift. And if you look back on these relationships — with things — I’ll bet you value those relationships more than your relationship with yourself or your mate. We tend to value our relationships with material possessions more than our relationship with ourselves and those whom we are supposed to value.

    I did not write this book to tell you that you have to share my point of view. Everything I write is only my opinion, of course. My hope, is that I can help you to live your life VICTORIOUSLY!

    This book is intended to help everyone, whatever your level of education. My degree is in Human Behavioral Science, but most of the knowledge I acquired in pursuing my degree came from books, from courses of study, even though the study was,

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