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Ivermectin for Freedom
Ivermectin for Freedom
Ivermectin for Freedom
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Ivermectin for Freedom

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Dr. Pierre Kory, President of the FLCCC, a group of the most highly published critical care specialists in the world, recommends Ivermectin for Freedom, as a MUST READ for every single American.

Dr. Kory explains that America is now the target of an unprecedented war "whose main ammunition is centered on attacking

Release dateNov 16, 2021
Ivermectin for Freedom

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    Ivermectin for Freedom - Justus R Hope




    Truth, Lies & Marxism


    Justus R. Hope, M.D.

    Copyright © 2021 by Justus R. Hope, M.D.

    All rights reserved.

    Published by Hope Pressworks International, LLC, Redding, California.

    Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, whether electronic or mechanical or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address Hope Pressworks International LLC, 5000 Bechelli Lane, Suite 102, Redding, California, 96002-3553

    First Edition

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for.

    ISBN: 978-1-7374159-1-6

    The information presented in this book is the result of years of practice, experience, and clinical research by the author. However, it is not a substitute for evaluation and treatment by a medical doctor. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult with his or her physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for his or her own medical situation and treatment plan. No prescription medication should be obtained or taken without a personal physician’s prescription, care, and supervision. Reading this book does not constitute a physician-patient relationship. The stories in this book are true. The names and circumstances of the stories have been changed at times to preserve privacy.

    Cover design by Daniel Ojedokun and Eric Clapton’s This Has Gotta Stop. https://youtu.be/dNt4NIQ7FTA

    Technology – a child of modern science – is out of control, has ceased to serve us, has enslaved us and compelled us to participate in the preparation of our own destruction.

    -Václav Havel

    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

    -Ronald Reagan


    Foreword by Dr. Pierre Kory



    Chapter 1

    Censoring Ivermectin

    Chapter 2

    Censorship Gives Rise To Propaganda

    Chapter 3

    Propaganda Leads To Authoritarianism

    Chapter 4

    Fighting Back for Human Rights

    Chapter 5

    The Road Ahead



    Repurposed Drugs For Cancer


    The journey through the pandemic has been life-changing for all and tragically life-ending for some. My experience can be considered relatively unique in that I suddenly found myself as a pulmonary and critical care specialist as the globe became engulfed in a pulmonary and critical care disease – the COVID-19 Pandemic. For that reason, without hesitation, I, along with some of the best doctors I have come to know – Professors Paul Marik, Umberto Meduri, Joseph Varon, and Jose Iglesias – took it upon ourselves to try to figure out how to treat this disease, the only way we knew how – by reading, discussing, observing, and trialing all manner of therapeutic approaches.

    Our efforts led to forming an organization called the FLCCC, whose mission was to create and disseminate the most effective treatment protocols for COVID-19 disease in all its phases. As proud as we initially were of our efforts and achievements based on the repeated treatment successes we observed and were told of by others who followed our guidance, we were shocked when those efforts soon met with inexplicable hostility manifested by ridicule of our conclusions, suppression of our scientific papers, and attacks on our expertise and character.

    Although success and positive reports continued to roll in from across the world, they became more fragmented, often drowned in what seemed like an uninterrupted stream of widespread distortions, censorship, and outright propaganda, all triggered by the fact that a mainstay of our outpatient protocol included a cheap, decades-old, off-patent repurposed drug.

    And this is where Dr. Justus R. Hope comes in. I know him under his real name, and he is a regular guy—just a doctor who writes passionately about what interests him. But, unlike me, a physician who publishes in medical journals and is part of a group of the most highly-published critical care specialists in the world, Dr. Hope is a specialist in Physical Medicine, an area that deals with function. He treats patients who suffer from intractable pain.

    So it was natural for him to write about repurposed drugs when his friend and colleague developed brain cancer, and this journey led him to write about repurposed drugs for COVID-19, which is how he and I crossed paths. I was unaware of Dr. Hope until I read his book, Ivermectin for the World, and now we are friends, or as I like to say, comrades in arms, because like it or not, our nation is in a state of war.

    In my first conversation with him, he was one of the first to lay out the context of the battle we were fighting, which was only the latest in a decades long war waged by pharmaceutical companies against repurposed drugs – which make up almost 100% of our combination therapy protocols.

    Over the following weeks and months, it became clear that the FLCCC had stepped into a Great War on repurposed drugs and that we had suddenly become the focus of a global Big Pharma campaign to remove any role for ivermectin in the pandemic. One of the most apparent reasons was that ivermectin proved the most effective weapon against the disease when nearly every organized government in the world instead supported mass vaccination campaigns.

    I believe this battle has been like no other ever waged in the repurposed war, given the financial implications that dwarfed others by magnitudes. Nevertheless, Dr. Hope's writings have proven to be a major force in exposing the truth about this disease, which is that it is both highly preventable and treatable, particularly when started early. In part, as a result, legions of physicians worldwide have reported near-perfect success with varied early treatment approaches, using now almost two dozen compounds that have shown efficacy.

    But this truth has been censored and suppressed in this global combat whose main ammunition is centered on attacking the free exchange of scientific ideas. This war, whose depth and breadth have been hidden from many, will affect every one of us. Dr. Hope’s book, Ivermectin for Freedom, pulls back the curtain on this epic struggle. By reading through his stories, you can easily see when it began and where it is going.

    I recently read another book, The Real Anthony Fauci, and I can tell you that book opened my eyes to the hijacking of medicine in the decades before and throughout this pandemic. Dr. Justus Hope’s book tells a similar story of this hijacking through the lens of ivermectin. Ivermectin for Freedom is a must-read for every single person in this nation. It is a book about ivermectin as well as a book about censorship.

    As a personal aside, I asked Dr. Hope if he could write an article about how Wikipedia had censored my peer-reviewed publication, Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19, published in the American Journal of Therapeutics. So he came up with this clever piece, Wikipedia and a Pint of Gin. This article is one of the gems of his book and is my personal favorite. I never laughed so hard as when I read Pint of Gin the first time.

    But our freedom is no laughing matter, and this book will quickly sober you up to what is happening right now in our great nation under censorship and propaganda. When you consider compulsory vaccination of school children, you will understand precisely why I teamed up with Dr. Robert Malone and other leaders, including my good friend Dr. Tess Lawrie to help draft the Physicians Declaration Part II. No child should be forced to get this experimental vaccine.

    And Dr. Hope covers this topic later in the book. So, my strong advice is to read Dr. Hope’s Ivermectin for Freedom and then follow it up with Robert Kennedy’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. You will gain a great understanding of not only the critical importance of ivermectin in navigating our way out of this pandemic, but, more importantly, a crucial knowledge of the bigger picture of where our country is headed – and exactly how you can help us divert from this perilous course. We need all the help we can get – because our lives, freedom, and very democracy hang in the balance. Thus, at this crucial moment in history, the book, Ivermectin for Freedom, comes with my highest recommendation.

    Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

    President, FLCCC

    Madison, Wisconsin

    November 11, 2021


    A blue sign with white text Description automatically generated with medium confidence

    This book is dedicated to Betty and Lloyd Miller, the editors of The Desert Review, a newspaper headquartered in Brawley, California, a town of 25,000. Brawley is a small desert community located in the Imperial Valley of Southern California just 12 miles north of the US border with Mexico.

    Dr. Pierre Kory once asked me, "What is this Desert Review? It must be one of the largest newspapers around – because I see their articles all the time, and they travel around the world."

    The Desert Review’s articles on the Pandemic have touched people from India to Czechoslovakia, the UK, Canada, the Philippines, and worldwide to Australia. We have received feedback on families whose lives have been saved due to what they read in the tiny Desert Review. People have written us from Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Australia, and Indonesia.

    While they may operate a small-town desert newspaper, the editors, Betty and Lloyd, are two great giants of human beings. Theirs was one of the few news sources not to be intimidated by the powers that be. The Desert Review deserves a Nobel Prize for their courage and steadfast devotion to Dr. Fareed and Dr. Tyson, their favorite sons who saved more than 7,000 citizens from COVID-19 and set an example for physicians around the globe. As Robert Francis Kennedy observed,

    Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence.

    During a time when not only our lives hung in the balance, but our precious liberty rights, Betty and Lloyd held fast and clung to their values. They not only supported my right to speak out but broadcast the material for the world to read – at great peril to themselves and their business. I will never be able to thank them enough.

    Betty and Lloyd are two of the most courageous and blessed people I know, and it has been my great privilege and honor to publish my stories in their Desert Review. This book is dedicated to them, for without their support, this book would not have been possible. These stories would not have been written. And without them, many lives could not have been saved. May God richly bless Betty and Lloyd Miller.

    Justus R. Hope, MD

    Redding, California

    November 10, 2021


    In 2009, quite by accident, the cancer-fighting properties of fenbendazole were discovered after a group of mice were treated for pinworms. After the treatment, the researchers noticed their brain cancers stopped growing.

    A stunned Dr. Gregory Riggins reported, Our (the mice’s) medulloblastomas stopped growing!


    After further trial and error research, Dr. Riggins and colleagues found that a related drug, mebendazole (MBZ), could be used in humans. MBZ was effective against brain cancers and even against pancreatic and other deadly tumors, often thought to be incurable.


    It turns out that in addition to killing parasites, MBZ also blocked cancer’s ability to form microtubules, making it an ideal non-toxic form of treatment. Furthermore, MBZ has been safely used since 1974 to treat pinworms in humans, and it was cheap, widely available, and most importantly, relatively safe.

    Dr. Riggins, Professor of Neurosurgery and Oncology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, reported in 2021,

    We think that mebendazole could have a role in all stages (of pancreatic cancer). It was particularly effective for pancreatic cancer that was detected early.

    As a practicing physician, I had been unaware of the anticancer properties of mebendazole despite recently taking over 100 hours of continuing medical education courses. Also, quite by accident, I had stumbled across this information while researching any and all new options for my friend who had just developed a deadly form of brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM.) But you will NEVER hear about repurposed drugs from your Oncologist or major medical center.


    The average survival in GBM – even with the best modern treatment – is about 15 months. But for those patients who took a repurposed drug cocktail containing MBZ, their survival was improved to 27.1 months on average. The Care Oncology Clinic has been using the 4-drug COC Cocktail, a cocktail of four repurposed drugs, to treat many cancers with enormous success.


    Indeed, repurposed drug cocktails have led to complete cures of some of the deadliest cancers known.

    Dr. Ben Williams is alive and well more than 26 years after his diagnosis of GBM. Given that with our standard treatment of Chemo/Radiation/Surgery, less than 25% make it past one year, and only 10% make it past two years, Ben’s story is nearly miraculous. Dr. Ben Williams happens to be a Harvard graduate and taught Psychology at the University of California, San Diego.




    Perhaps equally incredible is the case of Dr. Stephen Bigelsen with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer – the same disease that claimed Alex Trebek, Steve Jobs, Patrick Swayze, and Michael Landon. A physician himself, he also stumbled upon repurposed drug cocktails and now is cancer-free, more than five years later. Dr. Bigelsen, a Board Certified Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology specialist, has taught at Rutgers Medical School for over 15 years.



    My friend Evan, the reason I researched and wrote my cancer book, is now doing well despite his inoperable glioblastoma and has survived the 23-month mark. Fortunately, he is on the COC 4-drug protocol – something that he would never have known about had I not stumbled across it.


    Why didn’t I know about it? Why don’t 99.99% of my colleagues, including the cancer specialists, know about it? And why don’t those few doctors who do recommend it to their patients?

    Lord Maurice Saatchi is someone you probably don’t know, but he knows the answer. Saatchi is a member of the British Parliament. Specifically, the House of Lords and his wife is the late Josephine Hart, a famous British Novelist.

    Lady Saatchi lost her battle with cancer, but not before Lord Saatchi learned all about repurposed drugs and Big Pharma’s staunch opposition to them. In the UK, it was next to impossible for a physician to prescribe a repurposed medicine for cancer due to the system that refused to pay for them and threatened doctors who would dare prescribe them for that purpose.

    The Medical Innovation Bill was sponsored by Maurice Saatchi in 2013, who fervently felt that repurposed drugs should be available to cancer patients. In campaigning, he said,

    You have drugs that are 40 years old. You have surgical procedures that are 40 years old. You have a survival rate that is the same as 40 years ago and the damage done to the immune system by the treatment is so severe that it’s hard to know if the patient dies from the cancer or the treatment.



    My friend Evan got the benefit. So did Ben Williams and Stephen Bigelsen. And they are all alive. However, Big Pharma came after Saatchi with a vengeance. Through their proxies, they answered him,

    We do not believe that Lord Saatchi’s bill will help patients, and are dismayed that it is being promoted as offering hope to patients and their families when it will not make any meaningful difference to progress in treating cancer.

    The bill failed to pass. And today, we now have another animal deworming drug that is also used in humans, another anti-parasitic medication that can save lives – not just from cancer but from a virus. And Big Pharma, working through their proxies, has been enormously successful at keeping you from it.

    In the pages that follow, allow me to review how and why they did it, and why this affects not just your right to cancer treatment, but your very freedom – and about how this issue now threatens the existence of our democracy.


    Chapter 1


    As the rain fell, one could hear the chants growing louder. News trucks were gathered around to capture the story. Police mounted on horseback patrolled up and down the street waving guns - and so far, not one rubber bullet had been fired. While many held signs and yelled, one man stood and watched intently - silently. 

    The news correspondent spotted him and seeing the opportunity waved the microphone to get his attention. So you are unvaccinated? the question came.

    The intrepid correspondent held the microphone closer and edged in to hear his words.

    No, no, I am fully vaccinated, of course. However, I am here to support my friends - you know, their freedom to choose.

    Such sentiment has been held my many throughout history, and the right of a person to express his views should be respected. However, whether we hold the same view is not as important as a person's right to hold a different idea in any free society.

    In a quote previously attributed to the great philosopher Voltaire, Evelyn Hall wrote, I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.


    I would argue that the same principles should apply today in any free society. Whether you are democrat, republican, black or white, rich or poor, and regardless of your gender identity, the fact remains we are all human beings residing on planet Earth.

    As JFK reminds us, Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.

    In history, whenever we have turned

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