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T.E.A.R.S. Of Joy
T.E.A.R.S. Of Joy
T.E.A.R.S. Of Joy
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T.E.A.R.S. Of Joy

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The shedding of tears after a significant achievement, a meaningful moment or purposeful pursuit is an indication of the powerful emotional joy we all strive for in our lives.

The fact is, everything we experience and all achievements in life start with a thought, belief, or perspective we choose to focus on. Therefore, we can all create the life we desire.

What if there was a process for personal transformation that could lead to regular 'tears of joy' moments?

In T.E.A.R.S. of Joy, Andrew Jobling provides the simple steps that will predictably lead to many meaningful moments of significance, achievement and well-being, empowering you to live a life of joyful longevity.

This book offers a sure and certain pathway to transformation that lasts.


Andrew Jobling is the best-selling author of eight books, a speaker to teens and adults, a mentor to many and a blogger and podcast host. His mission is simple; to create a wave of wellness around the world and help people live a purposeful life of joyful longevity. Andrew says; "We create our destiny by dreaming bigger, believing in ourselves more and continuing to act beyond the point that most people would have given up."

Release dateDec 21, 2021
T.E.A.R.S. Of Joy

Andrew Jobling

"Andrew Jobling is an athlete, an author, and a true believer that anything is possible no matter how improbable or unbelievable it may seem. He played senior-level professional football with the St Kilda Football Club for seven years and has worked passionately in a fifteen-year career as a personal trainer and café owner. His first two best-selling books, Eat Chocolate, Drink Alcohol and Be Lean & Healthy and Simply Strength, sold over 100,000 copies. To date he has written nine books, which have sold in excess of 200,000 copies. Andrew now spends his time writing, speaking and mentoring to share his powerful message with children, teens and adults – that anything is possible when you follow a considered plan, no matter how unlikely it may seem."

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    T.E.A.R.S. Of Joy - Andrew Jobling

    Ark House Press


    © 2021 Andrew Jobling

    All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of study, research, criticism, or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission.

    Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations taken from the (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. www.lockman.org.

    Cataloguing in Publication Data:

    Title: T.E.A.R.S. Of Joy

    ISBN: 978-0-6452569-4-9 (pbk)

    Subjects: Christian Living;

    Other Authors/Contributors: Jobling, Andrew

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    Chapter 1     ‘TEARS of Joy’

    Chapter 2     Understanding the TEARS acronym

    Chapter 3     Finding my faith – A ‘TEARS of joy’ transformation

    Chapter 4     Start with the end in mind

    Chapter 5     Purpose gives vision power

    Chapter 6     Everything starts with a thought

    Chapter 7     Creating powerfully positive thoughts

    Chapter 8     Nothing moves without emotion

    Chapter 9     Developing emotional intelligence

    Chapter 10   Spontaneous action – taking the first step

    Chapter 11   Developing spontaneity

    Chapter 12   The power of routine

    Chapter 13   Developing success routines

    Chapter 14   Success is predictable

    Chapter 15   The butterfly effect

    Chapter 16   The plan: start today


    It’s not easy being a human being; it’s an immense privilege, but it’s not easy. There are so many challenges, so many choices, so many voices, so many pathways. They all lead to very different destinations. It was said in ancient times, All roads lead to Rome. It isn’t true. Some roads lead to Death Valley, and Death Valley just isn’t Rome. If you would prefer to end up in Rome rather than Death Valley, get hold of a reliable map, or at least ask someone who knows the way.

    Just two years ago, in 2019, I found myself in need of a reliable map. I was one of three speakers at a one-day men’s conference, which is where I first met Andrew Jobling – the author of the book you are holding in your hands. I did my two sessions and then sat back to listen. The next speaker, Dr Adrian Turner, did his doctorate in human transformation, so I was suitably impressed and listened with interest. His message focused on the latest research around the universal reality of phases in life, each phase usually lasting between seven to ten years. There is always a period of transition between these phases, a season of life that can be confusing, troubling, and even disturbing, yet a season that must be negotiated well to engage successfully with the next phase of life. As he spoke, I realised I was in one of those transitions. According to his time scale, my transition was leading into the final phase of my effective working life. I was 71 years old at that time and had been asking myself all the questions he described as indicative of a transition. It got my attention. He warned of the danger of getting stuck in a transition, and I realised I was at risk of doing just that. It was that realisation that set me up for the next speaker, Andrew Jobling.

    Andrew talked to us about the message from his seventh book, The Wellness Puzzle. Andrew challenged the idea that our health and wellness can be viewed as one of the pillars in our life, along with other pillars like finance, relationships, and advancement in our profession. He stated that health is not a pillar – it is the foundation on which everything else is built. Lose your health, and nothing works. If I were to transition well into the final phase of my effective working life, my health and wellness had to be seen as the foundation of the future. I went home that day with the determination that things had to change.

    I weighed 121.5 kg at that time. I never made a deliberate decision to make Death Valley my destination, but that was the road I was travelling. I tried for two weeks to make the changes alone. I quickly realised I needed help. I needed a guide, I needed a map, and I needed a coach. So, I phoned Andrew, he put on his Batman suit and answered the call. That decision has changed my life.

    Since that time, I’ve dropped more than 20 kg and developed some vital skills I will carry with me for the rest of my life. In addition, I’m on the road to Rome, Paris, London, New York, and many other amazing places.

    Now, let’s talk about the book you are holding in your hands, ‘TEARS of joy.’ I had the privilege of being one of the first to read the manuscript. In fact, I took it away with me on holiday in preparation for writing the foreword you are reading. I appreciate the help Andrew has given me, so I was glad to have the opportunity to honour his kindness and gracious friendship by writing it. Of course, being asked to write a foreword is an honour in itself. However, what I didn’t expect was another dramatic encounter. In reading this book, I was alerted to issues in my life that impacted me as much as my encounter with The Wellness Puzzle. I’m a little bit shocked by the significance of its message, actually.

    Andrew’s humility, insights and openhearted honesty allowed me to identify an opportunity to change my thinking that sorely needed to be addressed. I realised an attitude had developed in my thinking and that my emotions were sabotaging my hopes and dreams. This disappointment had coalesced into a roadblock. It can happen to any of us in our life’s journey as we negotiate the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Thankfully, this book not only helped identify the problem it also helped in framing a solution. There are tools for life in this book, and I am employing them in addressing that roadblock. I shall not remain the same.

    This book is a pathway to better days. It is a roadmap to greater joy, and for many, I have no doubt that its title will prove to be your experience, ‘TEARS of joy’. But, if you do more than read it, if you follow the path Andrew has walked and employ the tools he has provided toward the end of this book, you will not be disappointed. I have printed out those tools and they are on the wall in front of my desk as I write the words you are reading.

    So, take this book and do what I did. I read it, but then I did more than read it. I heard its message and allowed it to grip my attention to the point of action. I’m doing the stuff. Who knows, maybe we will bump into each other in Rome someday, or Paris, or London or maybe even Heaven itself. If this book does for you what it did for me, I’ll see you there.

    Dr Allan R Meyer

    Author, Speaker, Leader

    Co-founder of Careforce Lifekeys International



    In 1970, a young man in his early twenties was driving home after working a long night shift. He was driving on a quiet country road at 6:00 am on a cold and icy Sunday in winter. He was listening to some heavy rock music on his eight-track tape player to keep himself awake after a busy night. As commonly happened with audiotape players in the ’70s (if you’re old enough to recall), tapes often got tangled in the machine. Well, it happened to this young man, and just as the tape stopped playing, the stereo automatically switched over to the radio. Somehow, in the middle of nowhere, the radio reception kicked in, and the moment the radio came on, a song finished, and the DJ said: "That was Joy to the World’ by Three Dog Night". He went on to say: If you’re driving now, be careful of the slippery roads. In fact, put on your seatbelt. It may just save your life.

    Seatbelts in the 1970s were more of a decorative addition to a car than anything used as a life preservation device. However, the DJ’s words triggered a message from God and a thought in that young man’s mind. He reached over, grabbed the seat belt, slung it across his chest and buckled it up. Less than one minute later, a truck coming in the other direction veered onto the wrong side of the road and was heading straight at him. The young man braked, swerved, slid, and skidded over the edge of the embankment. The car rolled end over end as several eight-track tapes hit the young man in the head. He thought he was going to die. Finally, the car came to rest upside down.

    The young man was shaken, a little bruised, but okay, and was hanging upside down by his seatbelt. The engine had come through the firewall and was sitting right next to his face making a loud hissing sound. He was shaking, took a deep breath and thought, in the movies, the next thing that happens is… BOOM!

    He somehow got free from the tangled mess, crawled out through the smashed window, and climbed up the embankment to the road where he was able to flag down a passing car. In less than thirty minutes, the ambulance and police were on the scene. The ambulance officer treated the young man for minor abrasions and shock. The police officer went to look at the wreck before climbing back up the embankment. He went over to the young man and handed him a section of the seatbelt he had cut out of the car. He said: "Keep this as a memento and show it to your children and grandchildren". He also said: "Son, I don’t know why you were wearing a seatbelt, but it saved your life. I’ve been at wreck scenes like this for over twenty years, and let me tell you, that’s a fatality!"

    I was listening to this man telling this story about his car crash on an audio fifty years after it had happened, and he is no longer a young man. He now has four children and ten grandchildren. He has developed incredible success and wealth for himself and his family. He has positively impacted an untold number of lives, and created a legacy that will live on for generations to come. But how easily it could have all been different.

    If it were not for a simple, seemingly insignificant thought – a message from God he paid attention to – he could have died on that winter morning in 1970. His response to that message was to put on his seat belt, and it was followed by a wonderful domino effect.

    My question to you is this. If you knew and believed that everything you have and will have in your life, good or bad, happy or sad, healthy or unhealthy, starts with a thought, belief or perspective you choose to focus on, would you pay more attention to your thoughts?

    I know that’s a direct, strong, and confronting question to ask in the opening of a book, but I’m not here to waste your precious time. I’ve written this book to help you live a life of joyful longevity. That means a long life full of purpose, passion, prosperity, fun, fulfilment, love, joy, and laughter. How does that sound to you? While some people live a long life, they are unhappy, and there are far too many people whose lives are cut short. I’m not sure if you realise it or believe it, but we hold the power to determine the incredible life we live – not in our hands – in our head.

    Many people believe their destiny, luck, success, and time on the planet is predetermined, and is mostly outside of their control. Well, I would like to challenge that a little. While it is true there are certain things outside of our control, we do get to control the most important thing that will direct and determine the type of life we live. That thing is our thoughts – every thought counts. Every thought will start a domino effect that will ripple out and impact your life and the lives of people around you. Every thought will be the foundational starting point for you to live a purposeful life of joyful longevity.

    I’m sure most people have watched the Rocky movies or at least the first one. If you haven’t, I recommend them all to you wholeheartedly. The last scene of the first Rocky movie sees Rocky, after fifteen brutal rounds with the world heavyweight champion Apollo Creed, with his face beaten and bloodied. Rocky is yelling for his girlfriend, Adrian, and crying ‘TEARS of joy’ for what he had just accomplished. He was a rank outsider, with seemingly no chance of lasting more than a couple of rounds with Apollo Creed, yet he made it through fifteen. So, how did he do it? Was it talent? Was it strength? Was it luck? Was it because Sylvester Stallone wrote the script? Well, actually, yes, it was that last one! However, in the movie, Rocky got to that ‘TEARS of joy’ moment because of a thought he focused on many months earlier.

    In this book, I want you to know, believe, and practice a basic concept. Every thought counts and, with the power of faith, every thought, belief, or perspective starts a domino-type effect that will lead to an outcome. That outcome will either be one you love, and may lead to ‘TEARS of joy’, or one that you hate, and possibly lead to tears of pain. It all depends on your thought, belief, or perspective. Whether you have a Christian faith or not, I want to teach you about the simple and predictable process to experience ‘TEARS of joy’ repeatedly in your life. If that sounds good to you, then this is the book for you. So, keep reading…

    Chapter 1

    ‘TEARS of Joy’

    Nothing will happen in your life without a strong emotion to drive it.

    Can you think of times in your life when you pushed to achieve something important, overcame something that was weighing on you, fixed a valuable relationship, or came to a startling realisation and, without even knowing why, tears were uncontrollably pouring out of your eyes? They are ‘TEARS of joy’! They represent a release of powerful emotion after a success, a breakthrough, or an occurrence that perhaps, at some stage, didn’t seem possible. They symbolise something so important to you that the meaning of the outcome is far greater than words can ever describe. These tears demonstrate unconditional love, burning desire, incredible relief, or the joy of achievement, and will always say more than any words ever could.

    I am a crier! What can I say? I am extremely sensitive. So sensitive, in fact, I have been caught crying watching a heart-warming episode of the Brady Bunch. Please keep that embarrassing admission under your hat. Thanks. It’s not good for my manly image! I love watching movies based on true stories. I often find myself crying ‘TEARS of joy’ as the amazing achievement depicted in the story comes to fruition.

    If you have ever watched the movie October Sky, you will know what I am talking about. I think, conservatively, I’ve watched it fifteen times. I can say without fear of contradiction or judgement, I have cried at the end, every single time. It’s based on the true story of a teenager named Homer Hickham, living in a small mining town in Virginia, USA, in the 1950s. Everyone in this town has pretty much resigned themselves to the fact they will end up working in the mines, except Homer. He decides, after seeing the Russian satellite, Sputnik, in 1957 speed across the October sky, that he was going to build a rocket and go into space.

    Ironically, his father is the boss of the mine and expects his son to follow in his footsteps. Much of the movie is about Homer and his three friends building a rocket, winning first place at the USA Science Fair, and getting scholarships to university. It is also about the strained and often volatile relationship with his father, who is very strong, opinionated, and critical. Homer does everything he can to try and convince his father that mining is not for him. He wants to follow his dream and go into space. However, his father won’t accept this and almost disowns him.

    Homer, like all children, just wants his father’s attention and approval and continually invites him to come and watch the firing of his rockets. Unfortunately, his father, John, is always too busy. With each rejection by his father, you can see the heartbreaking look on Homer’s face. However, there is a point in the movie in which the penny finally drops for John Hickham. After Homer had won first place in the science fair – and, without even realising it, met a man he really respected, Dr Werner Von Braun – he is back in Coalwood. The following conversation with his dad is a turning point and where my tears begin to well up.

    Homer: We’re shooting off our last rocket today at 5 o’clock if you’d like to come and see it.

    John: I’ve got a lot of work to do.

    Homer, with a disappointed look on his face: Oh, okay, just thought I’d ask.

    John: Hear you met your big hero. Didn’t even know it.

    Homer: Look. I know you and me don’t exactly see eye to eye on certain things. I mean, man, we don’t see eye to eye on just about anything. But I’ve come to believe that I got it in me to be somebody in this world. And it’s not because I’m so different from you either. It’s ‘cause I’m the same. I can be just as hard-headed and just as tough. I only hope I can be as good a man as you are. I mean, sure, Dr Von Braun’s a great scientist, but he isn’t my hero.

    At that moment, as Homer walks away, you can see the impact on his father’s face. Later that day, Homer and the rocket boys are getting ready to shoot off their last rocket. The crowd has grown as Homer longingly looks around to see if his father is in attendance. He isn’t. So, Homer thanks people who helped, and, as he is about to finish speaking and is thanking his mother and father, his dad appears. It’s hard to describe this scene without watching it, but I can tell you that every time I watch it and see the look on Homer’s face when his dad pushes through the crowd, I dissolve into a flood of tears. I mean every time, and I’ve seen it many times! It is such a heart-warming and joyous ending that it gets me in tears every single time.

    Where do these tears come from? They come from a build-up of desire, effort, struggle, persistence and, finally, achievement, or breakthrough. They are an indication of what that achievement and fulfilment really means in your life. Some people, however, achieve things that don’t result in tears.

    When I graduated from my four-year tertiary degree, I was glad it was over but not so joy-filled that it warranted the spilling of eye water. When I got my first job as a teacher, I think there were some tears, but maybe more because I was sad I had a job, or maybe because I got something in my eye! In this book, I am talking about real tears. These are the tears that come from a place deep in your heart and deep in your desires. Tears mean you are heading in the direction of your destiny and towards your purpose in life.

    My first ‘TEARS of joy’ moment came when I was maybe four years old, as I stood next to my mother while she was ironing. I had my own mini-iron and ironing board, and I was doing the ironing with her. Yes, I had an iron and ironing board! What can I say? I was an attention-seeking, middle-child mama’s boy! As I looked up at her, she looked at me with love and pride in her eyes, and I felt it. The ‘TEARS of joy’ came from the love I felt from my mother.

    As a sixteen-year-old, I experienced ‘TEARS of joy’ when I received an invitation to train at the St Kilda Football Club, a professional football club in Melbourne, Australia. It was something that I had been working hard towards for several years, and until that day, I wasn’t sure whether it was possible for me. The tears came as incredible joy and pride in what I had achieved to that point.

    As I mentioned, I’m a crier. I cried when I was selected for my first under 19s game and first reserves game. When I was selected for my first senior game, I absolutely sobbed. I cried when I published my first book and every book after that! I cry watching great movies where there is an inspiring and happy ending. As I admitted earlier, I have even cried watching the Brady Bunch! It means I’m a passionate and emotional person. I will tell you from personal experience, nothing will happen in your life without a strong emotion to drive it. This is a fact we will get into more detail about as we progress through the book.

    One of the most meaningful, emotional, and tearful times in my life occurred relatively recently. It was when, after some turmoil and uncertainty in my life, a trusted friend and mentor suggested that a relationship with God may be what I need. If it were anyone else’s suggestion, I probably would have disregarded it. However, after she explained the impact it had on her life, I was intrigued. So, I explored, decided I had nothing to lose, and accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour. Let me tell you this. Whether you are a sceptic or not, the feeling of faith, the knowledge that I am forgiven of my poor choices and mistakes, and to feel the freedom that comes from a belief that I am divinely guided was, and is, powerful. So many incredibly freeing ‘TEARS of joy’ moments have occurred since that time, just a few years ago.

    Have a think about something that has resulted in ‘TEARS of joy’ for you. When you think about it, does it get the tears flowing again, or at least produce a lump in your throat, a smile on your face, and a warm feeling in your heart? Now, I want you to think about the effort involved, the struggles, the challenges, and the persistence it took to get to the ‘TEARS of joy’ stage. Are you amazed at how you did it? I am, often. I always pinch myself and check that it’s real and not a dream that I played professional sport and am now a full-time author, and loving my life. It’s not a life without challenges, insecurities, and struggles, but a life I love, nevertheless. What about you?

    Whilst many things seem unlikely, even impossible, when you follow a predictable set of rules, you will get an equally predictable result, no matter how unlikely it may seem. I am living proof of that, as I call myself an unlikely athlete and accidental author. You may not have journaled, planned, or even remembered the process that got you to the point of joyful tears. However, it would create an equally amazing result if repeated with other things in your life. I never deliberately followed a predictable plan to play senior professional football. Looking back, I can see that it fits the rules I will share with you in

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