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Accidental Author: Accidental Author, #1
Dance Until it Rains: Accidental Author, #3
Eat Chocolate, Drink Alcohol and be Lean & Healthy: Accidental Author, #1
Ebook series4 titles

Accidental Author Series

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About this series

From unlikely athlete to accidental author.


What stops most people is themselves… do you know what I mean? Something happens to us as we grow up and experience life, the opinions of influential people, our success and failure. We start to second-guess ourselves. We start to worry about what other people think. We start to fear failure and rejection. We stop taking risks and if we are not very careful, we stop really living life… we play it safe.


Those who Kick On in life make seemingly illogical decisions, overcome obvious obstacles, move forward against apparently overwhelming odds and achieve unlikely success… everyone can do that.


In this book, I talk about achieving unlikely success through; getting a vision, following some simple principles and persisting until the goal is achieved… no matter how illogical, unlikely or unreasonable it seems.


Believe in yourself more, think less, act anyway and… see what happens!


I was an unlikely athlete who somehow became a professional footballer. I was time-poor, broke, a non-reader and totally unqualified and I miraculously transformed myself into a bestselling author. My message is that you can follow your dreams and live your passion… no matter how unlikely it may seem. Enjoy this book, laugh at my stories, learn some lessons and take action. An amazing life is there waiting for you… the moment you decide to Kick On!

Release dateApr 2, 2020
Accidental Author: Accidental Author, #1
Dance Until it Rains: Accidental Author, #3
Eat Chocolate, Drink Alcohol and be Lean & Healthy: Accidental Author, #1

Titles in the series (4)

  • Eat Chocolate, Drink Alcohol and be Lean & Healthy: Accidental Author, #1


    Eat Chocolate, Drink Alcohol and be Lean & Healthy: Accidental Author, #1
    Eat Chocolate, Drink Alcohol and be Lean & Healthy: Accidental Author, #1

    Everywhere you turn, everywhere you look, everything you read and listen to on the subject will only confuse you. We are constantly bombarded with new ideas, magic formulas, super diets, fabulous products and other easy ways to get in shape, stay in shape and feel great without much effort.   So what makes Andrew think that he has got something different to offer?   This book was borne out of a frustration that Andrew could not find user-friendly, enjoyable or realistic information for his clients to use to change their lives – it was all too hard!   He is certainly not saying that there is not a lot of amazing information out there about health and nutrition. The problem was how to take this information and apply it into an already busy and often stressful life that the majority of people have. Does this sound true for you?   Andrew has spent many years researching nutrition and the psychology of creating long-term change through various means. Reading, listening, attending seminars and working with an amazing group of people. He has experimented and practically applied many different styles and theories on eating until he developed a formula that worked for him and seemed to have the greatest positive impact on the majority of people. This included eating chocolate, drinking alcohol and being lean & healthy!   Yes, the title is TRUE, not just a hook to sell the book! Everything he has discovered in his 20+ years in this industry he offers to you in this book. So, how is it different and why would you spend your hard earned dollars on it? Here are 5 reasons:   It is easy to read. So many books Andrew has read have confused him (he is not a brain surgeon!). If this is the case then how would the general population go? He is used to teaching maths and phys ed to teenagers – he is good at making things simple and understandable.   It is honest. People need to know that the facts, even if they don't like what they hear. That long-term positive change doesn't happen overnight and can't be obtained through a diet, a tablet, a cream, an abdominator or a sauna! It comes through making a decision and then taking simple, daily and consistent action to change thinking and consequently change habits.    It is doable, realistic & achievable. It is not as hard as most people think. Getting into shape doesn't require giving up all the foods and drinks that you love, starving yourself, exercising like an olympian and being miserable as many people attempt to do. One simple change that is made and established as a new habit will have an enormously positive effect on your optimal health and well-being. Take it one step at a time.    It is enjoyable. If you don't enjoy doing something, how long will it last? What is the point of making your life miserable and compromising your energy & your health all in the pursuit of losing a few quick kilograms that will most likely find you again in the near future? Enjoy your lifestyle and your indulgence in moderation. The moderate amount of chocolate, alcohol and other fantastic foods you consume will not determine your outcome. It is the habits you develop that will.    It is inspiring and empowering. Andrew truly believes that every single person on the planet can change their situation by deciding what they want, why they want it, making a decision and taking some very simple steps to achieve it.

  • Accidental Author: Accidental Author, #1


    Accidental Author: Accidental Author, #1
    Accidental Author: Accidental Author, #1

    Imagine if you could transform your career and do something that aligns totally with your values, feeds your passion and fulfils your purpose in life. It happened to Andrew Jobling, and he truly believes it can be the same for you. In the authors words: For me the passion became helping other people write books—for you it will be something completely different. Just know that writing your book will expand your thinking, strengthen your self-belief, give you a vision, open doors that you may never have considered and literally explode your career and your life. It will do this, as I love to say...one word at a time! Bestselling author and former AFL football player, Andrew Jobling, has written a book to teach anyone how they can write their own bestselling book. His message is simple: if he—an ex-footballer, non-reader, personal trainer and non-academic with no experience or qualifications can write bestselling books can do it—you can do it! then you can too! Andrew Jobling believes you will be ready to write your own bestseller before you finish reading this book.

  • Dance Until it Rains: Accidental Author, #3


    Dance Until it Rains: Accidental Author, #3
    Dance Until it Rains: Accidental Author, #3

    Every day is a lesson…   Remember the old school days when you were taught a lesson then given a test? The difference between then and now is instead of school teachers, we have life, which tests us in order to teach us a lesson.   Lessons exist each and every day in the life of every single person. They provide us with opportunities to learn, particularly for those who are open to the lessons and who would like to improve their lives. It often takes a major event that shakes us to the core in order to reawaken us to, 'wake up and learn the lessons or beware the consequences.'   Dance Until It Rains shares the life of a remarkable lady, and in so doing, highlights the amazing lessons that each of us can learn, not only from her life, but also from our own.   It is an inspirational story of love, hope, courage and overcoming the many obstacle's life throws our way. It will help you to find the motivation to create a better level of wellbeing and a happier life for yourself.   Dance Until It Rains helps those who are lacking in direction with inspiring words of wisdom to live fully and in the moment and to treat others with respect, kindness, love and dignity. It urges us to seek joy and stresses the importance of learning from the lessons life delivers us and changing our behaviour accordingly.   Dance Until It Rains is a simple book with simple messages. Through the author's narration of his mother's journey as an immigrant fleeing from a war torn country, to her final death from cancer, Dance Until It Rains delivers a treasure trove of universal life lessons with the most important lesson being - to live life to the fullest.

  • KIcking On: Accidental Author

    KIcking On: Accidental Author
    KIcking On: Accidental Author

    From unlikely athlete to accidental author.   What stops most people is themselves… do you know what I mean? Something happens to us as we grow up and experience life, the opinions of influential people, our success and failure. We start to second-guess ourselves. We start to worry about what other people think. We start to fear failure and rejection. We stop taking risks and if we are not very careful, we stop really living life… we play it safe.   Those who Kick On in life make seemingly illogical decisions, overcome obvious obstacles, move forward against apparently overwhelming odds and achieve unlikely success… everyone can do that.   In this book, I talk about achieving unlikely success through; getting a vision, following some simple principles and persisting until the goal is achieved… no matter how illogical, unlikely or unreasonable it seems.   Believe in yourself more, think less, act anyway and… see what happens!   I was an unlikely athlete who somehow became a professional footballer. I was time-poor, broke, a non-reader and totally unqualified and I miraculously transformed myself into a bestselling author. My message is that you can follow your dreams and live your passion… no matter how unlikely it may seem. Enjoy this book, laugh at my stories, learn some lessons and take action. An amazing life is there waiting for you… the moment you decide to Kick On!


Andrew Jobling

"Andrew Jobling is an athlete, an author, and a true believer that anything is possible no matter how improbable or unbelievable it may seem. He played senior-level professional football with the St Kilda Football Club for seven years and has worked passionately in a fifteen-year career as a personal trainer and café owner. His first two best-selling books, Eat Chocolate, Drink Alcohol and Be Lean & Healthy and Simply Strength, sold over 100,000 copies. To date he has written nine books, which have sold in excess of 200,000 copies. Andrew now spends his time writing, speaking and mentoring to share his powerful message with children, teens and adults – that anything is possible when you follow a considered plan, no matter how unlikely it may seem."

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