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TELL IT TO THE FUTURE: Have I got a Story For You...About the Twentieth Century
TELL IT TO THE FUTURE: Have I got a Story For You...About the Twentieth Century
TELL IT TO THE FUTURE: Have I got a Story For You...About the Twentieth Century
Ebook171 pages2 hours

TELL IT TO THE FUTURE: Have I got a Story For You...About the Twentieth Century

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About this ebook

Story telling that entertains informs and educates as it builds bridges to human understanding.  TELL IT TO THE FUTURE  is storytelling at the core of history; told by the people who lived it...not famous people but by people from all walks of life.  They share their overview of history and with timelines of events these stories w

Release dateMay 18, 2018
TELL IT TO THE FUTURE: Have I got a Story For You...About the Twentieth Century

Francine R. Cefola

F. Cefola (Barish-Stern) was an actress for years, but when her children preferred video games to reading, she turned her love of stories from performing to creating. Her first novel, “Code 47 to BREV Force,” was written on the train from New York to Disneyworld, and was originally 75 pages. She used her sons love of superheroes as a theme, but never went any further...until recently when she was encouraged by the increased love of superheroes, to bring it out from the bottom drawer. So, she tuned 75 pages into the BREV Force trilogy; of over 750 pages. Over the years, writing for newspapers and magazines led her to helping other writers and she used those experiences to create, “HOW TO WRITE YOUR BOOK, From an Idea...To Your Published Story,” a step by step book, narrated by 3 cartoon type guides: the writer, editor and publisher, who can help anyone write their story. F Cefola (Barish-Stern), is also the author of, “TELL IT TO THE FUTURE,” and “New Horizons.” Recently, she turned her attention to tutoring and writing seminars, for all ages, More information can be found at: https://www.goldenquillpress.com


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    TELL IT TO THE FUTURE - Francine R. Cefola


    TELL IT TO THE FUTURE Have I Got A Story For You . . . about the Twentieth Century


    Golden Quill Press, a division of Barish-Stern Ltd.

    Published By Golden Quill Press a division of Barish-Stern Ltd.

    Copyright © 2018 by Golden Quill Press ISBN 0-9676256-3-7  Trade ISBN 0-9676256-3-8  Library of Congress Number 00-104391

    All rights reserved, except for appropriate quotes in reviews or scholarly works. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other without the written permission of the publisher.

    New Cover Design Art on Gold Creations - Troutville VA

    ebook cover Art on Gold Creations – Troutville VA    Original Cover Design by Abacus Graphics, Oceanside, CA

    ebook design Golden Quill Press Original Interior Design by Desktop Miracles, Inc., Stowe, VT


    Books are produced through the efforts of many people, not just the authors, and this book is no different. TELL IT TO THE FUTURE—Have I Got A Story For You . . . about the Twentieth Century would not have been possible without the contributions of the many people who have shared their time, talent and ideas. Our special appreciation goes to the writers who have generously shared their stories and their personal wishes for the future. We thank the following people who served as our independent judges in the TELL IT TO THE FUTURE 1998 Writing Contest. Their insight and knowledge helped in the selection of some of the outstanding stories that appear in this book:

    Maria Acosta-Jurman, President of M.J. Associates, an event planner, sports marketing and entertainment specialist. She was working on a book about being an entrepreneur.

    Anthony M. Cefola, a graduate of Ithaca College, a sports information and computer programmer-specialist who designs websites. He was also the Computer Advisor to The Write Source/Golden Quill Press.

    Debby Paine, a story teller, song writer and drama teacher whose first book There Is Hope, was published by Golden Quill Press in 1999. Debby owned and operated The Tanning Zone.

      Robert Roman, a writer and educator whose articles appeared in the New York Times, Times Herald Record and many other newspapers. He was also a candidate for the N.Y. State Assembly.

    Barbara Werzansky,a speech pathologist, in private practice specializing in speech therapy and public speaking. She is a published poet and was working on a personal poetry collection.

      Our thanks also to Sean Tully, an aspiring writer and intern at Golden Quill Press, in 1998 who diligently researched the accuracy of dates and events and made many worth while suggestions. 

    Proof reading is a difficult task and we are grateful to Kenneth A. Bray of Art on Gold Creations, and Harold E. Winkler for their valuable suggestions.

    To Eileen Foti, our deepest appreciation for her generosity and time developing program art.

    To Donna Cefola for artistically developing illustrations that enhance the concepts of each decade in TELL IT TO THE FUTURE. 

    To Anthony M. Cefola, who designed our website, then completely re- designed it to market TELL IT TO THE FUTURE.

    We appreciate his talent, abilities, and his dedication.  A special thanks to Dan Madry of Twelve Star Transport for his support and valuable business suggestions.  To our many friends and family members for their support and encouragement.




    CHAPTER 1   1900 – 1909 From Feet and Hooves . . . To Wheels and Wings

    CHAPTER 2 1910 – 1919 Invigorated America Dances to a New Beat

    CHAPTER 3  1920 – 1929 The Roar that Fizzled

    CHAPTER 4 1930 – 1939 And The World Goes Down and Down

    CHAPTER 5 1940 – 1949 Marching To War . . . Bonds, Rationing . . . A People United

    CHAPTER 6 1950 – 1959 Fast Forwarding into the Fabulous Fifties . . . the Best of Times

    CHAPTER 7 1960 – 1969 A Time Of Love . . . A Time Of Hate . . . A Nation Rocked By Change

    CHAPTER 8 1970  – 1979 From Crisis To Calm and Back Again . . . Where Do We Go From Here?

    CHAPTER 9  1980 – 1989 A Click of the Mouse .. into Space .  Stock Market Up .. Stock Market Down

    CHAPTER 10 1990 – 1999 A Time For Looking Back . . . A Time For Looking Forward

    CHAPTER 11 2000 – The Twenty First Century and Beyond . . . What Will the Future Bring?

    Hopes and Wishes

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    Authors’ Biographies


    Storytelling has played an enormous role in our ability to communicate our thoughts and feelings about the past and our hopes and dreams for the future. Before spoken and written languages, printing presses and present -day technologies, stories were passed down, from generation to generation, informing and educating us while providing our major source of entertainment. As the authors of TELL IT TO THE FUTURE—Have I Got A Story For You. . . about the Twentieth Century, we went into our communities and listened to stories from people of all generations. We realized that unless their stories were written down they would vanish and be treasures lost, never to be regained. We found that many young people had very little knowledge of the beginning of our century and of the time before they were born. They often felt history was boring but enjoyed hearing stories they could relate to the lives their parents or grandparents experienced and were fascinated to learn about the world before computers, television, cars and planes. As authors of TELL IT TO THE FUTURE, we have endeavored to create a time capsule of printed pages and beautiful illustrations that paint memorable pictures of the twentieth century. When we look back through the pages of time, history is filled with major events that have affected and often changed the world . . . sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. To list every category and event and to pay tribute to all the deserving people of the times, would take volumes. Instead, we have focused on each decade of the twentieth century listing important dates and giving a sketch of events that affected and influenced our country—the United States of America. We have included information we feel gives the reader a visual sense of the times.

    This book is designed to give you, the reader, enjoyment and information, whether you read it chapter by chapter, by favorite decades, or by one story or timeline at a time. Each chapter contains a timeline that lists Major Events of the United States and World History, Important Advances in Science and Technology, Spotlight on the World of Entertainment, Sports’ Highlights and Other Interesting Facts. You will be transported into each decade through a time portal that places you there and lets you experience that time. Even if you have no idea how it would feel to be an immigrant coming to this country, or what it was like to be a young child living in a tenement without modern conveniences, these stories will take you there. You’ll cross the prairie in a schooner, fall in love in the thirties, visit a farm and go to war. You’ll relive the changes and challenges of the fifties, and the onset of television, feel the turbulence of the sixties, and walk through civil rights with Dr. King. You’ll travel America’s Golden Road and deal with AIDS, pray through Desert Storm, cheer on the Yankees and hold your breath as we approach Y2K. You will come full circle as we count down the century and experience the best and worst of the old, welcome the new, and share the hopes and dreams of all our writers. There were so many events that impacted on our country, we wish we could have found stories for all of them.  We are therefore taking this opportunity to salute all the dedicated men and women who served our country, to protect our shores and help ensure our freedom.  We also pay tribute to all Americans, past and present, who contributed to making our country great.  TELL IT TO THE FUTURE—Have I Got A Story For You . . . about the Twentieth Century, was written by writers of diverse backgrounds, from all over the United States, with ages ranging from early twenties to late nineties. It is the hope of all our writers that their experiences will be of benefit to all generations in uniting us as one world to help our children take us proudly into the future. It is by understanding where we came from . . . how we got here and where our combined efforts can take us, that we will achieve our goals of creating a world that offers a bright and promising future for all.


    There are only two powers in the world, the sword and the pen; And in the end the former is always conquered by the latter.


    With hopes for the future we dedicate this book to all writers and storytellers, who have a burning desire to touch others with their words. We also dedicate this book to all our readers. May you find each story entertaining and informative while giving you pause for thought.


    From Feet and Hooves . . . To Wheels and Wings

    This was a brand- new century; it was a time of adventure, exploration and change.




    1901 25th William McKinley

    First Lady Ida Saxton

    1901 – 1909 26th Theodore Roosevelt

    First Lady Edith Kermit Carow 1909 27th William H. Taft First Lady Helen Herron


    1900 The Open Door Policy establishes multi-nation trade with China on an equal basis

    Hawaii becomes a territory of the United States

    Germany’s Second Fleet Act establishes a plan to double the size of their navy within 20 years

    The Boxer Rebellion heightens when the Empress orders all foreigners in China killed

    1901 President McKinley is assassinated by anarchist Leon Czolgosz

    Vice President Roosevelt, at 42 becomes the youngest man ever to become President

    J.P. Morgan buys Carnegie Steel and 10 other companies to create the U.S. Steel Corporation

    1904 Work begins on the Panama Canal, which would shorten world trade routes

    The Japanese start the Russo-Japanese War with a surprise attack on a Russian Naval Base

    1905 Tzar Nicholas II gives orders to shoot unarmed factory workers marching to present grievances

    1906 San Francisco earthquake destroys most of the city and leaves a half million people homeless President Roosevelt wins the Nobel Peace Prize for helping end the Russo-Japanese War

    1907 U.S. prohibits Japanese from entering America Sun Yat-Sen establishes the Democratic Republic of China

    Panic on Wall Street causes a run on banks, is stopped by J.P. Morgan’s 100 million in gold

    1909 Robert Peary achieves his goal of reaching the North Pole, called the roof of the world


    1900 Max Planck formulates his quantum theory that energy is not absorbed or radiated continuously

    Benjamin Holt invents the farm tractor

    Sigmund Freud writes The Interpretation of Dreams, delving into the unconscious mind

    George Eastman introduces the Brownie, the first affordable mass-market camera

    1901 The first transatlantic radio transmission is achieved

    Gillette introduces the safety razor for shaving

    1902 Carrier develops air conditioning as a way to cool large areas

    1903 Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, fly the first powered plane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

    1904 Henry Ford organizes the Ford Motor Company to produce automobiles

    New York City subway, an underground train system, opens

    Mary Mallon, a Long Island cook, nicknamed Typhoid Mary, spreads the disease

    1905 Einstein conceives the theory of relativity, e=mc2 that time is relative

    1906 Alva Fisher invents the washing machine for cleaning clothes

    1908 First upright vacuum, an electrical suction sweeper, is invented by J. Murray Spangler

    Ford Motor Company produces the first Model T—price, $850, in one color, black

    Hans Geiger invents the Geiger Counter, a device that measures radioactivity

    1909 Synthetic plastics, materials capable of being molded or shaped, are developed

    Dr. Paul Ehrlich discovers a cure for syphilis


    1900 Scott Joplin’s Ragtime music becomes popular

    Popular artists: Picasso, Gauguin, Cezanne, Renoir, and Toulouse Lautrec

    Magician Harry Houdini, escapes from shackles, straitjackets and locked trunks

    L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, takes readers over the rainbow

    1901 Roosevelt invites

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