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How to be the One in Charge of Your Life
How to be the One in Charge of Your Life
How to be the One in Charge of Your Life
Ebook129 pages1 hour

How to be the One in Charge of Your Life

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About this ebook

Emotional intelligence shows how important it is to have emotional self-control. That is, you must be the owner of your emotions and feelings and not a slave to them. Having self-control means controlling emotions, feelings, and desires to gain greater benefit in the future. Self-control results from a high degree of inner freedom in a mature person who truly knows himself and is happy.

Self-control responds to the rational capacity of a human being who can reflect on his wishes and actions with arguments. In the absence of self-control, a person is guided by sheer impulse and, shortly after, regrets having acted in a certain way. When a person acts under anger, he does not have an objective vision of reality.

For this reason, self-control is a very necessary virtue in a couple's misunderstanding or an interpersonal conflict. Under the force of emotion, people can say things that they later regret. On the other hand, when a person reflects on their emotions, they can put the situation in perspective, deliberate, and reflect on what happened to talk to that person later in a calmer way.


Self-control is a virtue that shows wisdom. For this basis, it is more usual for a person to have greater control over themselves in all kinds of situations when they already have age and practical experience. When you learn to be your best friend, you know yourself and predict some of your behaviors. You have also reached the degree of maturity necessary to change those things that you do not like. That is, self-knowledge gives you high control of yourself. When you are the owner of your actions and words, you have the necessary self-control to live better.


When a person does not have self-control, they lose their nerves in a situation and react unpredictably. To have self-control, you must cultivate your inner world and relativize external circumstances, understanding that true happiness depends on your attitude. Think before speaking to be able to measure the consequences of your words. In the same way, deliberate on your actions, taking into account the effects. To have self-control, avoid being carried away by the rush, and be patient.


In this Ebook you will learn:



When you are done reading this book, you will have gained a lifetime of experience in just a few short hours. The stories are interesting to follow, and the challenging concepts have been made easy to understand. So get ready to broaden your horizons and adjust your expectations because you are in for one hell of a ride!

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Release dateFeb 9, 2022
How to be the One in Charge of Your Life

Fabian Vartez

Hi! I am a modern Mexican writer with very creative ideas; I have many experiences to tell and many stories to tell; I have had a life that has had too many ups and downs throughout my youth. Additionally, I am a very modern person, all the time, and I am reading, watching videos, series, movies of all kinds, and amazed at how wonderful technology is. I hope to see you reflected on all my knowledge and experiences throughout all my books. Soon I will be publishing more and more as time goes by. I have many finished works, but the details and final editions are missing.

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    How to be the One in Charge of Your Life - Fabian Vartez



    What is self-discipline?

    How to get self-discipline

    The Key to Self-Discipline

    Destroying Blockages

    The 5 pillars of self-discipline


    Hard Work




    When to Quit

    Self-discipline process

    The Decision Stage

    Difference between being disciplined and having self-discipline

    The Preparation Stage

    The Action Stage

    Completion / Maintenance

    Helps you maintain a healthy weight

    It can improve your mental acuity.

    It will make you feel like you have more energy.

    Helps you fight depression and anxiety problems

    Lowers blood pressure

    Increase your libido

    Your sleep will improve.

    Self-discipline or self-control means taking charge of your own mind.


    Key qualities of a successful and disciplined person

    They have a defined purpose.

    There is always a mentor's help.

    Creativity is always in the picture.

    Characteristics of creativity

    Why is creativity crucial?

    Mind and emotions should always be positive.

    They are self-confident

    The organization is part of Our lives.

    There is a plan in mind.

    Sometimes you need a slow pace.

    You have to be really persistent.

    The process is something to be enjoyed.

    Do you know how to enjoy life?

    Choose your thoughts

    Life is now


    Weak excuses

    What are you afraid of?

    Hyde Beliefs

    Mindsets that get you to failure

    Common mistakes before acting

    First mistake

    Second mistake

    Third mistake

    Fourth mistake

    Fifth mistake


    Listen to your burning desires.

    The subconscious.

    The power of desire with awareness

    The power of solidity of purpose.

    The power of an action plan.

    The power of knowledge.

    The power of perseverance.

    The power of spending regulation.

    The power of honesty.

    The power of faith.

    The power of charity.

    Visualize to take action

    The act and consequence of visualizing.

    Have a long term vision

    Step away from the comfort zone

    Benefits of leaving your comfort zone

    Leaving your comfort zone leads you to better

    When you accumulate positive experiences, you become aware of your potential and realize all you can achieve. Putting yourself to the test creates more self-confidence outside of your comfort zone because you begin to know your abilities better.

    Getting out of your comfort zone approaches the new

    Stages to move out of your comfort zone

    Question everything

    Look beyond the wall.

    Do not doubt your potential

    Shake off routines and move around


    Defining what habits are

    Types of habits

    Examples of habits

    How are habits created?

    The 30-day trial

    Eliminate Interferences

    Identify Supportive Habits

    Commit Publicly


    Discipline is the key to success.

    How to overcome it? Through discipline!

    You need a good reason why you want this new habit

    Focus on just one new routine at a time

    Have an excuse ready to avoid temptation when it appears

    Incorporate habits as an identity goal

    Change the surroundings to make it easier for you.






    Don't overthink things.

    Put things in a broader perspective.

    Set short deadlines for decisions.

    Stop setting your day for stress and overthinking.

    Become a person of action.

    Realize that you can't control all.

    Say stop in a predicament where you know you can't think correctly.

    Don't get lost in vague fears.


    Get good quality sleep.

    Spend more of your time in the actual moment.

    Control your anxiety

    What is anxiety?

    Symptoms of anxiety

    Managing Anxiety

    Avoid depression: be kind to yourself.

    Express your suffering and accept help.

    Try to stay active

    Try to eat a healthy diet.

    Try to maintain proper sleep.

    Mindfulness for enjoying life

    Control and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression




    Emotional intelligence shows how important it is to have emotional self-control. That is, you must be the owner of your emotions and feelings and not a slave to them. Having self-control means controlling emotions, feelings, and desires to gain greater benefit in the future. Self-control results from a high degree of inner freedom in a mature person who truly knows himself and is happy.

    Self-control responds to the rational capacity of a human being who can reflect on his wishes and actions with arguments. In the absence of self-control, a person is guided by sheer impulse and, shortly after, regrets having acted in a certain way. When a person acts under anger, he does not have an objective vision of reality.

    For this reason, self-control is a very necessary virtue in a couple's misunderstanding or an interpersonal conflict. Under the force of emotion, people can say things that they later regret. On the other hand, when a person reflects on their emotions, they can put the situation in perspective, deliberate, and reflect on what happened to talk to that person later in a calmer way.

    Self-control is a virtue that shows wisdom. For this basis, it is more usual for a person to have greater control over themselves in all kinds of situations when they already have age and practical experience. When you learn to be your best friend, you know yourself and predict some of your behaviors. You have also reached the degree of maturity necessary to change those things that you do not like. That is, self-knowledge gives you high control of yourself. When you are the owner of your actions and words, you have the necessary self-control to live better.

    When a person does not have self-control, they lose their nerves in a situation and react unpredictably. To have self-control, you must cultivate your inner world and relativize external circumstances, understanding that true happiness depends on your attitude. Think before speaking to be able to measure the consequences of your words. In the same way, deliberate on your actions, taking into account the effects. To have self-control, avoid being carried away by the rush, and be patient.

    The human affective wealth is immense. On the one side, it is due to the cognitive component of emotions and, on the other, to the effects of interpersonal relationships. Emotions, feelings, and affections have different cognitive levels. As there are not only affective or only cognitive regions, since neural networks establish the points of confluence or nodes in them, mutual influence is continuous.

    The elaboration from primary emotions to feelings and affections in the brain is successively integrating more cognitive elements. The basic universal emotions, which we share with animals, generate positive or negative states. They do not make up our being, but our being: discomfort or well-being.

    The effective circuit connects the medial and anterior cingulate prefrontal region with the nucleus accumbens. Information of reward or punishment from encouragement, guilt, jealousy, or pride leads to the cortex. From the I feel arise those other genuinely human feelings that are shaping my character and personality, allowing me to be who I am, not just being at ease or dislike.

    It is certainly easier to blame everything and everyone around you when something bad happens to you, but this is a measure that will not change anything for your good. The best thing is that you start acting to be the protagonist, but how do you take control of your life?

    When you are angry, your way of thinking can become too dramatic. It is simply that if something goes wrong, you think that everything is ruined, but you have to begin to realize that although it is frustrating, it is not the end of the world.

    Self-awareness feels like one's own emotions, and making the physical state of the emotional body conscious is part of the inner world of each one. They make effective life a sixth sense that we have developed with the experiences registered in our brain and saved as a memory.

    This world is of enormous importance in elaborating our own identity, behavior, and even mental health. It plays an essential role in making all kinds of decisions. Actions are free, own, dear if they are self-regulating.

    The executive control circuit links Head-Heart-Action. The head is the cortex that exchanges information with the heart. The nucleus accumbens is the middle of the heart, where the reward/punishment system is located, which evaluates-motivates the action and starts it through the basal ganglia.

    The cortico-subcortical pathway of the amygdala calculates the maximum value of the stimulus. It interconnects bidirectionally with the orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate regions. Between them, they lead the information to the cortex, allowing control of cognitively motivated behavior. In these trajectories, the person can intervene voluntarily if he wants and if he knows how.

    There is always the memory between feeling and living, housed in that heart of which we speak. A person is worth what his heart is worth. That value is actually in what it contains. We can intervene to save what we want in it and train how to purify the memory if we

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