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On Evolution
On Evolution
On Evolution
Ebook239 pages3 hours

On Evolution

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Essays from the award-winning geneticist on evolutionary biology—from protein electrophoresis to the recent ability to scan entire genomes.

John Avise is one of the most distinguished evolutionary biologists of our time. His groundbreaking work with mitochondrial DNA created the entire discipline of phylogeography and his work on the Pleistocene refugia hypothesis redirected scientific thinking about patterns of distribution. Spanning a remarkable thirty-five-year career, the essays gathered here were rewritten from his previously published articles and represent the first single-volume collection of Avise’s work.

Moving through various questions in evolutionary biology, these eclectic essays reveal Avise’s unique perspectives on major topics in the field. From how to define a species to the folly of faulty applications of cladistics to connections between conservation and evolutionary biology, On Evolution takes the reader on a personal journey into the mind of one of the world’s leading evolutionists.
Release dateSep 17, 2007
On Evolution

John C. Avise

John C. Avise is a Distinguished Professor at the University of California at Irvine, and an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. His research utilizes molecular markers to study the ecology and evolution of wild animals on topics ranging from genetic parentage and mating behaviors to gene flow, hybridization, phylogeography, speciation, and phylogeny. He has published more than 340 scientific articles and 25 books on a wide variety of evolutionary genetic topics.

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    On Evolution - John C. Avise


    Genetic Differentiation during Speciation

    Ever since Darwin, a central issue in evolutionary biology has been whether closely related species differ substantially or only trivially in their genetic features. In the 1960s, molecular genetic techniques (notably protein electrophoresis) were introduced to population biology, and these procedures gave new opportunities to examine the topic of speciation empirically. This paper, written while Avise was a graduate student in Francisco Ayala’s laboratory at the University of California at Davis, addresses two allied but subtly distinct evolutionary questions that were important in the 1970s and remain so today: What molecular genetic changes accompany the formation of new species, and what genetic changes are actually responsible for the origins of reproductive isolation? Readers wishing a superb update on speciation topics discussed in this early review should consult J. A. Coyne and H. A. Orr’s Speciation (2004).

    Biological evolution consists of two processes: anagenesis (or phyletic evolution) and cladogenesis (i.e., splitting). Anagenetic change is gradual and usually results from increasing adaptation to the environment. A favorable mutation or other genetic change arising in a single individual may spread to all descendants by natural selection. Cladogenesis results in the formation of independent evolutionary lineages. Favorable genetic changes arising in one lineage cannot spread to members of other lineages. Cladogenesis is responsible for the great diversity of the biological world, allowing adaptation to the variety of ways of life. The most decisive cladogenetic process is speciation.

    Among sexually reproducing organisms, species are groups of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups. Gene exchange can occur among Mendelian populations of the same species. The speciation process requires the development of reproductive isolation between populations, resulting in independent gene pools. Two related questions concerning speciation interest evolutionists: What ecological and evolutionary conditions promote speciation, and what changes in the genetic composition of populations result in reproductive isolation?

    For sexually reproducing organisms, isolation by geographic barriers and the concomitant severe restriction of gene exchange is the usual prerequisite to genetic divergence and speciation. Geographically isolated populations accumulate genetic differences as they adapt to their different environments (or sometimes as they merely drift apart in genetic composition). In the short run, they may become recognizable as races. However, not all races will become species because the process of geographic differentiation is reversible. If the races have not sufficiently diverged while separated (allopatric), they may later converge or fuse through hybridization. On the other hand, allopatric populations may sometimes become sufficiently different genetically, so that if the opportunity for gene exchange ensues again, hybrids will have low fitness. Natural selection would, then, favor the completion of reproductive isolation.

    Geographic Speciation

    Two stages may be recognized in the process of geographic speciation. During the first stage, populations become isolated by geographic barriers and accumulate genetic differences. Much of this divergence is the result of adaptation to different environments, but other factors such as genetic drift and founding events may play a role. Partial or even complete reproductive isolation between populations may develop as a by-product of this genetic divergence. During the second stage of speciation, natural selection may hasten the direct development of reproductive isolation in the form of prezygotic isolating barriers. This stage begins when genetically differentiated populations regain geographic contact. If reproductive isolation is not yet complete and if the gene pools have sufficiently diverged, matings between individuals of different populations may produce progenies of reduced quality (thus, lower fitness). Natural selection would then favor genetic variants that promote matings between members of the same population. Reproductive isolation would thereby be enhanced.

    Two survey strategies have been employed in attempts to determine the degree of genetic differentiation during speciation. A direct strategy involves assaying populations that appear to be in various stages of the speciation process. Such studies permit assessment of the amount of genetic differentiation during the first stage of speciation when allopatric populations develop incipient reproductive isolation, and during the second stage of speciation when reproductive isolation is being completed by natural selection between populations that have reconnected (regained sympatry). A second survey strategy involves assaying populations belonging to different species. Species’ differences represent the sum of genetic differences accumulated subsequent to speciation as well as during the speciation process itself. Hence, interest has centered on species that by other criteria appear particularly closely related, such as morphologically similar species (sibling species) and species that can hybridize.

    In a classic study of genetic differentiation during geographic speciation, Ayala and colleagues examined the Drosophila willistoni complex, which consists of more than a dozen closely related species endemic to the American tropics. Some species, such as D. nebulosa, are readily distinguishable morphologically from the rest. Other species are called siblings because they are morphologically nearly indistinguishable. Despite their morphological similarity, sibling species are completely isolated reproductively.

    The fruit fly populations that Ayala studied were at five increasing levels of evolutionary divergence: geographic populations within a taxon; subspecies, in the first stage of geographic speciation; semi-species, in a second stage of speciation; sibling species, in which speciation is complete but little morphological divergence has accumulated; and nonsibling species, exhibiting morphological differences as well as reproductive isolation. The sibling species in this case could only be distinguished morphologically by minute differences in male genitalia, yet genetically they proved to be very different from one another.

    The major conclusions obtained in the Ayala studies were that (1) very little genetic differentiation exists between local populations within a species; (2) populations showing incipient reproductive isolation, often in the form of hybrid sterility, exhibit significantly greater genetic distances, involving molecular changes in at least 20% of their structural genes; and (3) populations between which reproductive isolation, and therefore speciation, is complete usually display distinct forms (alleles) at one-third or more genetic loci. These observations strongly support the contention that numerous genetic changes often accompany the speciation process.

    Beyond Ayala’s classic work, many studies exist on genetic differentiation between vertebrate populations in early stages of evolutionary divergence. The sunfish genus Lepomis contains eleven species, all native to North America. These species are renowned for their ability to hybridize, especially in disturbed ecological conditions or in the laboratory. First-generation (F1) hybrids from twenty-one different combinations of two species have been found in nature. Nonetheless, the various species retain their identities throughout their ranges, even where they are sympatric. Adults of all species can readily be distinguished morphologically. Despite their ability to hybridize, Lepomis species proved to be very distinct genetically—about 50% of their genetic loci show different allelic forms in a typical comparison between two species.

    Turning to amphibians, the salamander genus Taricha consists of three species: T. granulosa, T. rivularis, and T. torosa. Two allopatric subspecies of T. torosa are recognized: T. t. torosa and T. t. sierrae. Reproductive isolation between Taricha species is of a partly different nature than that in Drosophila. There is no obvious physiological reason why the various Taricha species cannot reproduce; reproductive isolation is apparently maintained solely by behavioral barriers to mating. Nonetheless, the magnitude of genetic difference between salamander species turned out to be similar to that observed between the Drosophila species, and the sunfish species.

    Two subspecies of the house mouse (Mus mus musculus and M. m. domesticus) are largely allopatric in Europe, but they do meet and hybridize along a boundary running east to west through central Denmark. Reproductive isolation appears to be maintained through reduced fitness of backcross progeny due to disruption of coadapted parental gene complexes, perhaps coupled with environmental differences favoring different genetic compositions on either side of the hybrid zone. The genetic differences between these two forms of mice again proved to be large and comparable to those between closely related species of fruit flies, sunfishes, and salamanders.

    Although geographic speciation is the most common mode of speciation among sexually reproducing outcrossing animals, speciations may also occur through rapid, initially nonadaptive means. Such saltational speciation events may involve polyploidization (changes in the number of chromosome sets), rapid chromosomal reorganizations, or changes in breeding system. In such cases, speciation may be completed with little or no change at the genic level. For example, new autopolyploid or allopolyploid species contain no new alleles not already present in their ancestors. Polyploidization and changes in breeding system are rare among higher animals, but these events do play important roles in speciation of many plants. However, one mode of saltational speciation—rapid chromosomal reorganization—does seem to be common in some groups of higher animals as well.

    Significance of Structural Gene Changes during Speciation

    If one considers the grossly different processes that may be involved in the speciation of organisms as different as fruit flies, fishes, salamanders, and mammals, the range of genetic distance estimates among subspecies, semispecies, and closely related species is surprisingly small. When compared with levels of genetic differentiation among local populations, these estimates suggest that a substantial proportion of genes may be changed in allelic composition concomitant to the speciation process. Typically, about twenty electrophoretically detectable allelic substitutions per 100 loci accumulate before reproductive isolation is completed. Arguments that speciation is normally accompanied by little genic change are simply not substantiated by the evidence.

    Estimates of genetic divergence between closely related species support the contention that many genic changes occur during speciation. Even species that appear closely related by other evidence, such as morphological similarity or hybridizing propensity, are often distinct in allelic composition at one-fourth to one-half of their loci. Populations continue to accumulate genetic differences following speciation. By the time they have diverged sufficiently to warrant their placement in different genera by conventional systemic criteria, they often share common alleles at only a minority of loci.

    Nonetheless, the range in biochemical similarities between related species is large, and some species appear little or no more distinct than do local populations within a species. Taken at face value, these instances argue that not all speciations entail large genic changes. As well, not all speciation events involve the same amount of genetic differentiation, even when reproductive isolation arises according to the conventional model of geographic speciation.

    Evidence from fruit flies suggests that substantial proportions of genes are changed during the first stage of geographic speciation, but that few additional changes occur during the second stage when the development of reproductive isolation by natural selection is taking place. Perhaps the number of genes required to develop reproductive isolation per se is small. We would then expect that, in situations where natural selection favors the development of reproductive isolation (such as between populations differing in chromosome numbers or arrangements), change in only a few genes could complete the speciations. If this is true, and if the diverging populations that differ in chromosomal content were initially similar at the single-gene level, then at the outset of reproductive isolation the two emerged species would show only small genetic distances. This line of reasoning is also consistent with the finding of similar levels of genetic differentiation in species-rich versus species-poor groups of fish of about equal evolutionary age, which suggests that time is a primary determinant of genetic differentiation. During the first stage of speciation, time may be an important predictor of the accumulation of genetic differences as populations adapt to their environments. The development of reproductive isolation per se may not substantially increase the level of genetic divergence.

    This raises the question of the relevance of structural gene divergence to speciation. Although a large number of structural gene changes normally precede the completion of reproductive isolation, it is conceivable that these allelic substitutions are irrelevant to the development of reproductive isolation. Some authors have argued that structural gene evolution is primarily a function of mutation rates to neutral alleles. By definition, neutral alleles confer identical fitnesses on their bearers and, hence, could not contribute to the development of reproductive isolation. On the other hand, if structural genes do affect fitness, depending on the genetic and environmental backgrounds in which they occur, they may play an important role in speciation. Perhaps the structural gene differences that accumulate during the first stage of geographic speciation contribute to the loss of hybridizing ability or to the lowered fitness of hybrids in contact zones. In some cases such genes would be directly responsible for reproductive isolation, and in other cases they would provide the selective pressure for the completion of speciation. At least some of the structural genic variability within and between natural populations is surely maintained by natural selection. If so, structural genes themselves may contribute significantly to the adaptive divergence that often may lead to speciation.

    Evolutionary change also involves regulatory genes—those genes responsible for patterns of structural gene activation and expression. Several models have been proposed that endow regulatory genes with a crucial role in evolution. As applied to speciation, it has been argued that unfavorable interactions of alleles at regulatory loci are primarily responsible for disruption of the patterns and timing of structural gene expression, resulting in decreased hybrid fitness. Regulatory gene changes could be primarily responsible for the development of reproductive isolation and hence of new species.

    Allan Wilson and his colleagues famously suggested that there may be two types of molecular evolution—one involving structural genes, which goes on at a more or less constant rate; and a second involving regulatory genes, which are primarily responsible for reproductive incompatibilities and morphological evolution. This argument stems from the observation that evolutionary divergence in proteins does not closely parallel morphological divergence and the loss of hybridization potential when very different groups (such as mammals, birds, and amphibians) are compared. Although different rates of regulatory evolution are one possible explanation for such observations, it could also be that conspicuous morphological changes and reproductive isolation per se sometimes involve only a small proportion of the genome.


    Molecular Variability and Hypothesis Testing: An Ode to Electrophoresis

    The strong inference approach, in which competing hypotheses are formulated and critically tested, may not be the only defensible way to conduct science, but it often does help to clarify conceptual issues and refine their empirical assessments. The following paper describes the author’s early attempts to wrestle with strong inference in the context of how to account for the extensive protein variation that was then being unveiled in natural populations. The laboratory technique of protein electrophoresis had been introduced to population biology in the mid-1960s, and it had revolutionized the field. For the first time, genetic variation could be assayed directly at the molecular level, in any species, without the necessity of conducting formal organismal crosses. Huge and unexpected stores of genetic variation were being uncovered in these allozyme surveys of numerous plant and animal taxa. Was that variation due primarily to balancing natural selection, or alternatively to genetic drift of fitness-neutral mutations?

    Scientific knowledge accumulates through critical tests of hypotheses against observations gathered with the intent of falsifying those hypotheses. The base of an inductive tree consists of objectively gathered observations on which alternative explanatory hypotheses may be erected and tested. The stimulus for major advances in a scientific field often results from a novel observation or set of data, sometimes generated by the development and application of new measuring or monitoring techniques. Science proceeds most efficiently when procedures of strong inference are rigorously applied to the problem of explaining such a new set of observations.

    The steps involved in conditional inductive logic, or strong inference, are as follows:

    1. Alternative hypotheses are devised to explain the problem.

    2. Crucial experiments or other empirical tests are designed with the intent of falsifying one or another of the hypotheses.

    3. The experiments or tests are carried out, and false hypotheses (those inconsistent with the results of the test) are discarded.

    4. Steps 1 to 3 are repeated, by generating and testing hypotheses consistent with the refined possibilities that remain.

    Many conclusions in science are thus exclusions. Hypotheses are provisionally rejected whose logical implications lack congruence with the results of relevant experiments and empirical observations.

    In the 1960s, for the first time, improvements in electrophoretic techniques allowed evolutionists to objectively quantify levels of genetic variability in natural populations. The results were conclusive and astounding: the genomes of individuals and the gene pools of populations are characterized by tremendous stores of genetic variability—far more than had been predicted according to some models of population genetics. This exciting discovery, and subsequent affirmation

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