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Agent Unraveled
Agent Unraveled
Agent Unraveled
Ebook363 pages

Agent Unraveled

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The dragons are coming.

Without a head patron to protect the city, the Hundred Halls are vulnerable to the most dangerous supernatural creatures of all—the dragons. But the Circle of the Scale is not the only problem. Deep beneath the city other dangers lurk, setting in motion a confrontation that will force Zayn to make a decision between the Halls and his family.

Release dateFeb 24, 2022

Thomas K. Carpenter

Thomas K. Carpenter resides in Colorado with his wife Rachel. When he’s not busy writing his next book, he's out hiking or skiing or getting beat by his wife at cards. Visit him online at www.thomaskcarpenter.com, or sign up for his newsletter at https://www.subscribepage.com/trialsofmagic.

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    Book preview

    Agent Unraveled - Thomas K. Carpenter

    Agent Unraveled

    Chapter One

    Somewhere south of Invictus, August 2016

    Even a good helmet can't protect everything

    The Yakari motorcycle purred between Zayn's legs as he tore down Hwy 202 towards King of Prussia, where he'd turn north towards the city of Invictus to begin his fourth year at the Academy of the Subtle Arts. The eastern horizon glowed with the expectation of morning, leaving the industrial parks on his right cast in shadow. The occasional bug splatted against his face shield, which was annoying but not as bad as the hailstorm of June bugs he'd run into somewhere north of Atlanta. One of the little buggers had snuck under his chinstrap, smacking him right in the neck. He didn't bother to check, but he was sure he had a bruise.

    Zayn zipped past a couple of beat-up sedans carrying groggy workers to the D'Agastine factory complex at the next exit. The blur of passing made him check his speedometer to find he was going two hundred and forty-five kilometers per hour. He'd been running hard, taxing his imbuement to keep up with the sensory inputs, but now that traffic was staring to thicken, he pulled back on the throttle, letting his speed burn off like morning mist in the sun.

    Around the time his speed drifted south of one-sixty, a migraine hit him like a thunderbolt. He went blind with pain, and flashes like hallucinatory Northern Lights reflected across his vision.

    It felt like an icicle the size of a javelin had been shoved behind his eyes. Zayn fought with the Yakari, over braking, his back tire fishtailing, trying in vain to remember if his lane was clear.

    Something large and boxy passed him on his right. A semi, maybe.

    Just when he thought he might be able to open his eyes, a second stab of pain hit. He felt nauseous, but held onto his stomach. Through the agony, he clamped down on the brake, deciding it would be worse to slam into the back of an SUV than to get hit from behind. He hoped his fellow drivers recognized his distress.

    Since the second stab of pain wasn't as bad as the first, after a few seconds he could open his eyes enough to navigate to the gravelly side of the road.

    He climbed off the Yakari, yanked off his helmet, and stumbled down the embankment to get fresh air.

    It was the fifth migraine he'd had this week, and easily the worst, not just because it'd almost killed him.

    Zayn pulled off his backpack and riffled through his stuff to find a small bottle at the bottom. The bottle was full. He'd gotten the prescription in Selma two weeks ago, but hadn't bothered to take a single pill.

    He popped it open and stared inside for a few moments before snapping the lid back on. He couldn't understand why he'd bothered to go all the way into Selma and see a mage specialist—highly recommended by one of the Watchers—just to ignore the medicine she'd given him.

    Why don't I want to take you? he asked the bottle, before giving up and shoving it back into his backpack. The mage specialist had told him it would unblock whatever was causing the headaches.

    The rest of the ride was completed at safe speeds, allowing Zayn to consider the implications of what he'd agreed to with Lady Arcadia.

    If you can bring me good information next year when you return to the Academy, I'll loosen the reins.

    It'd seemed a good idea at the time: giving up his quest to kill her in return for a long and healthy life. But then he'd pushed her for privileges for his family. He couldn't take her deal without giving them freedom as well. In retrospect, it was a mistake, but a deal was a deal and he wasn't going to go back on it. But now he had to give the Lady of Varna information about Priyanka, and he sensed deceiving her would be fraught with danger.

    He mulled over his options as he drove into the city, which was awake on this Sunday morning. He smiled as he saw the tourists wandering the sidewalks, heads full of magic as they gawked at the city skyline. The Spire was in full brilliance, reflecting the sun like a great jewel.

    The constant sounds—the honking, the shouting of taxi drivers, the roar of illusionary battles coming from the second ward—these had bothered Zayn when he first came to the city of Invictus, but now they were comforting. He smiled as a hotdog vendor shot a spray of sparks after a kid who'd snagged a chili dog before disappearing into the crowd. At other locations, lines of tourists formed at famous shops and at vending kiosks dispensing trinkets that could perform minor magical effects.

    He found the Sunless Shore Restaurant without trouble. Classes didn't start until Monday, so his team had agreed to meet for brunch and catch up on their summers. The restaurant was named after a lake in the Undercity. Murals depicting scenes of students battling strange beasties near the water's edge or from the decks of boats covered the walls.

    Zayn found the team in a back room, drinking mimosas and chatting. Marley, the striped callolo, leapt into his arms and pressed his furry cat-like face against Zayn's.

    Hey Marley, I missed you too, said Zayn.

    The callolo signed: Missed Zayn, love.

    Have you been behaving? he asked the callolo.

    As Portia got up to give him a hug, she said, I got here last week, and I've spent half my time returning the expensive stuff he's stolen from the neighborhood.

    While they'd moved back into the Honeycomb for their fourth year, they'd kept the house in the seventh ward as their home away from the Academy. It served as a place for Marley to live since he wasn't allowed in the Honeycomb.

    Marley, said Zayn, lowering his voice to be disapproving. You know we talked about this.

    The callolo signed his acknowledgement and buried his head in Zayn's neck. The gesture made him smile.

    The others gave hugs before returning to the table. Zayn threw his helmet onto an open seat and unzipped his riding jacket.

    When he sat down, he caught Keelan staring at him. They hadn't hung out much during the summer, after his cousin and aunt had moved into the Gardens. But there was something more, a shadow in Keelan's gaze that felt familiar, because it was the same concern that Zayn had in the past when he looked at his cousin. But now it felt like their roles had reversed, even if he didn't know why.

    Zayn opened his mouth to ask, when Vin handed him a mug of coffee.

    A little pick-me-up after your ride, said Vin.

    He caught the smirk on Vin's lips only a moment before the bitter drink touched his tongue and the surface of the coffee exploded in a tiny mushroom cloud. Zayn threw the mug away from him, expecting coffee to go flying everywhere, only to see an empty mug tumbling over the table and landing in a bowl of cherries.

    Vin slapped his large hand against the table, filling the air with a boisterous guffaw. Eyerolls from the others suggested that he'd performed this same trick on them.

    It wasn't funny the first time, Vin, said Skylar as she scooped up the coffee mug and tossed it to Zayn. A faint outline of runes lay on the side of the cream surface. Zayn turned the mug over, looking for more powerful enchantments that could have hid the coffee, then he scratched the runes off with his fingernail, the chalky ink flaking away with the slightest touch.

    Rocky's Rockin' Runes, said Vin, holding out a booklet of rub-on runic tattoos. Each page showed a different rune. These things are the best.

    The runes confused Zayn because they were a different construction than he was used to, older perhaps. And at least half the runes were superfluous, having no purpose to the resulting magic, but he had to admit they looked impressive. Whoever this Rocky was, he was a showman, or showwoman.

    Portia threw a cherry pit at Vin, who knocked it away with a spoon. Only the best if you like being a jerk, but whoever designed them is making a killing. Those purple kiosks are everywhere in the city.

    Zayn remembered the line of tourists outside the nearby kiosk.

    Only takes a touch of faez to activate it, said Keelan. Enough anyone with even low talent can muster.

    Zayn motioned to throw the booklet back to Vin, but he gestured for him to keep it. So who did everyone get for their mentor?

    O'Keefe, said Keelan, but I think everyone expected that.

    Me too, said Skylar, and when Zayn gave her a questioning look, she added, I figured she's the best one to help me with the shadow cloak. I haven't done anything with the threads Prince Orráine gave me because I'm afraid to screw them up.

    I got Pennywhistle, said Vin, arching an eyebrow triumphantly. She only took three students this year.

    What about you, Portia? Zayn asked as he grabbed a piece of crispy bacon from a tray.

    Instructor Allgood, said Portia.

    What? How? I thought he was in charge of the first years? asked Zayn.

    It's Instructor Minoan this year, said Keelan, shaking his head. I feel sorry for those poor bastards.

    We can all assume that you got the patron, Mr. Protégé, said Skylar, pouring another mimosa from a pitcher.

    Zayn slipped a piece of bacon into his mouth, and it exploded across his tongue. After he swallowed, he said, Yeah, I got Pri.

    Pri, he says, like he's one of the instructors, said Skylar, playfully poking him with an empty fork.

    It's going to be weird, not having every class together, said Keelan.

    Way weird, said Skylar.

    Does anyone know what their mentor is going to pick for their imbuement? asked Portia.

    No idea, said Vin, who was paging through another booklet of novelty runic tattoos. It appeared he'd given a booklet to everyone on the team except Marley, and even that Zayn wasn't totally sure about.

    I'll find out first, I think, said Keelan. Well, me and Skylar. We go on Thursday.

    Nice, said Zayn. I wish I knew when I was going. I haven't heard anything from Priyanka. She's been out of the realm all summer.

    You're the one that picked her, said Skylar.

    I hope I don't regret it, said Zayn.

    You know you will, said Keelan, and everyone nodded with him.

    Zayn couldn't help but let the shadow of a smile onto his lips. His reputation in the Academy for taking risks was well documented.

    He grabbed a flute of mimosa and lifted it towards the center. The rest of the team matched him.

    To another year of learning, love, and hopefully living.

    They clinked their glasses together and downed their drinks. Zayn coughed a little when the fizz hit the back of his throat, but otherwise, it felt good to be back with his teammates. Everyone looked equally optimistic about the upcoming year, with smiles at the ready. They stayed for the afternoon, drinking and talking about their first three years at the Academy, retelling stories that had grown a little in time, but no one seemed to mind. Zayn stayed out of the storytelling, as he was content to listen, add his laughter, and occasionally roll his eyes.

    But beneath that good feeling was an emptiness, a cavern in his soul that he couldn't quite understand. When he searched his mind, he couldn't find a reason for this dissonance, but it remained. For now, he was content, but something didn't seem quite right, and he worried that whatever it was, was not going to end well for him.

    Chapter Two

    The Honeycomb, August 2016

    The Art of not Death

    The Honeycomb bustled with three years of students. Zayn dodged through the sitting area, catching whispers from a pair of second years, who were staring right at him. An elbow jabbed him in the ribs.

    I think they're about to ask for your autograph, said Keelan.

    Zayn jabbed him right back. I'll make a terrible spy if I become famous.

    Maybe you ought to try keeping a low profile this year, said Keelan, raising an eyebrow.

    How's your mom doing? I feel like I didn't get to see you this summer, said Zayn, changing the subject.

    She's joined a knitting club—the new arm is amazing. It's like she never lost it, said Keelan. You know you could have stopped by. It's not like you didn't know where we live.

    And you know where the Stack is, said Zayn, and when he realized how harsh it had sounded, he added, I'm sorry, cuz. It was a weird summer for me.

    Me too, said Keelan, his gaze turning faraway. You know, Watcher initiation stuff.

    I suppose that's all super-secret, said Zayn, running his fingers across his lips as if he were zipping them.

    Always, said Keelan. It feels weird having a secret from you. Even if it's not as cool as you think it might be.

    I've never thought the Watchers were cool, so don't worry.

    As they neared class, Keelan pulled him short. Hey, I talked to Neveah a couple of weeks ago. The food truck came by the Gardens. Man, I swear she's enchanting those tacos. I could have eaten twenty of them.

    I have, trust me, and it ain't pretty, said Zayn, rubbing his stomach.

    Keelan looked into the classroom, which was filling up. His lips had flattened. Nev said you've been having migraines, like really bad. She said you almost fell off the Stack when you were running a wire up for Uncle Maceo.

    Zayn glanced at his shoes. It's nothing. I got some pills for it. I'm sure it's okay.

    You should go by Golden Willow. They have the best doctors, all Aura Healer trained, said Keelan.

    Through the open door, he spied Instructor O'Keefe moving to the front of the class, so he tugged on Keelan's sleeve. Class time.

    Keelan gave him a look, letting him know he knew he was avoiding the question, but there was nothing he could do about it.

    Good morning, lads and lassies, said Instructor O'Keefe, who was dressed in a kilted skirt and white blouse. She stood in front of a table full of household items, including a remote control, bath squeegee, and a can of spray paint. Today, we're going to discuss the arts of improvisation. And I don't mean that silly crap at the Laugh Out Loud. What I'm talkin' about eh using the tools around you to survive a sticky situation. You know, when it's gone tatties o'wer the side.

    The last line received a room full of blank stares, but it didn't seem to slow Instructor O'Keefe, who looked like she was only winding up. Her accent seemed to come and go with her excitement which only made understanding her more difficult.

    Sometimes, you make all the plans in the world, only to have them go pear shaped on ya, and that's when you need to know how to improvise, you know, using whatcha got to get the job done, said Instructor O'Keefe.

    From the back row, Eddie called out, Like MacGyver.

    Instructor O'Keefe screwed her face up as if she'd eaten a lemon. Never heard of 'im. So as I was sayin', you need to learn how to use these pretties to get the job done. She ran her hand over the items on the table.

    The instructor grabbed a paint pen from the table. I think er'yone in this room knows the value of a good paint pen. Not a rune o' secret message that can't be written with this little bad boy. But yur not always gonna have the right tool for the job.

    She threw the paint pen over her shoulder. Sometimes, ya need something quick and dirty.

    The instructor held up a paper clip, slowly unfolded it, and then, before anyone could cry out, jammed it into her forefinger.

    To his left, Zayn heard Vin mumble, I wish she would have warned us.

    Instructor O'Keefe held up her finger with a drop of blood beading on it. Best writing tool in the universe, and it never runs dry, or at least if it does, you got other problems.

    She sucked the blood off her finger, tossed the paperclip onto the table, and picked up a colorful box of animal crackers.

    "There was once a mage I knew who sacrificed a handful o' animal crackers to pacify a horrible curse. Of course, that could have been a tall tale, but I appreciate the creativeness.

    But this last one es the truth, as I knew the mage well. He was flying over the Pacific in a small plane when it crashed, killing everyone but him. He made it to a small island, and boiled seawater to make salt so he could summon an imp that could fly him back to the mainland.

    Does he live in Invictus? asked Eddie.

    Eh, no, said Instructor O'Keefe. Unfortunately, he was dehydrated and made a mistake with his enunciation. The imp turned on him and they battled to the death. He killed the imp, but only survived long enough to record the experience in his notebook.

    A low groan went through the room, which brought a twinkle to the instructor's eye. She liked to tell them stories with horrible endings, which Keelan liked to argue was to help teach them the importance of crisp spell casting. Zayn thought she had a morbid sense of humor.

    For today's lesson, lads and lassies, you're going to be escaping from eh locked room, using nothing but yur wits and whatever you can scrounge up. To get through the door, you're going to have to be clever. Brute force won't work here. She glanced at Zayn, who held his hands up in faux outrage. There's a camera in the room, so we can see how you did, and if ya screw it up extra special, we'll all watch it next week and have a go at ya. Everyone line up by the door, and we'll do this one by one.

    Zayn's team was closest to the escape room, so he was second in line. Vin was first to go, throwing his arms up as if he were on a roller coaster.

    As soon as the door shut, Zayn turned to his cousin.

    If you talk to my parents, please tell them not to worry. It's not uncommon to get headaches in the Halls.

    Keelan raised an eyebrow. You can't believe that.

    It'll be okay.

    They waited patiently for about twenty minutes until the door clicked open.

    Good luck, said Keelan, though Zayn didn't think he meant the locked room.

    Zayn didn't go in right away, staying in the doorway to examine the new location. He figured the door closing would start the challenge, so he wanted to delay it as long as possible.

    It looked like a college dormitory with a foldout couch, a desk, and an avocado green mini-refrigerator. There was a door on the opposite side of the room that he assumed he'd have to get through to escape, since he hadn't seen Vin come out his way.

    When he had a good layout of the room in his head, Zayn stepped inside, and the door clicked shut behind him. Immediately, a hissing noise erupted from the radiator in the corner of the room. A quick sniff revealed the oily smell of propane.

    That's not good, said Zayn, craning his neck in all directions. Definitely no fire.

    He checked the opposite door, finding it locked, and the keyhole was pin-sized. He didn't think he could bypass the lock using manual methods, especially with no picks.

    Zayn took a quick inventory of the refrigerator, finding a bowl of hardboiled eggs, a bottle of seltzer water, some mints, a loaf of bread, and a row of mustards and ketchups. The desk held the usual stuff like pens and pencils, but there were also packets of salt and soy sauce with a Chinese delivery logo on them.

    Zayn took a moment to dig around in the couch, finding a piece of hard bread, some lint, and three pennies. Overall, it wasn't much of a haul, but it would have to do. He wracked his brain for spells that could use the available reagents, but his mind was blank.

    Come on, Zayn, think.

    He dropped to his belly, searching under the couch for more resources, but there were only a few tufts of dust bunnies underneath.

    Back at the open refrigerator, Zayn picked through the items while trying to breathe as shallowly as possible. The propane gas was making him dizzy.

    When an idea came to him, he knew it was a bad one, but it was better to try something stupid than to do nothing at all. After testing the ketchup by squirting it on the front of the refrigerator, he scooped up the boiled eggs, packets of salt, and mustard containers.

    Zayn quickly cracked open the hardboiled eggs, tossed away the white protein and shells, and dumped the greenish-yellow yolks into the bowl along with the pennies. Next he unscrewed the ketchup and dumped out the contents onto the floor. Then he opened up the mustard container and scooped it into the squeeze bottle. Once it was full, he squirted mustard on the wall, determined that it stuck more cleanly than the ketchup had, and then opened it back up and emptied the packets of salt into the mustard, mixing it with a long spoon from the mini-kitchen.

    Then he collected the bowl of hard-boiled egg yolks with pennies mixed amongst them and the squeeze bottle of mustard and moved to the exit. He knew a spell that could turn sulfur and zinc from the pennies into a brutal acid, but it needed a little extra oomph from some runes. Zayn hoped the mustard would work well enough as a substrate to hold the salt.

    After testing a few lines on the wall, Zayn got right to work, using both hands on the squeeze bottle to draw the runes on the wall around the lock. He kept the tip close to the surface so the lines were neat, keeping the pressure on the bottle constant so the line didn't have any breaks. He could always go back over any gaps, but that might create impurities in the lines, which would reduce the efficacy of the runes.

    When he was finished, he surveyed his work. There were eight relatively neat runes drawn around the lock. He'd had to make them larger than he would have preferred, but the mustard wasn't the best writing material.

    Zayn leaned down to grab the bowl of egg yolks, only to have a rush of vertigo pass through him. The propane gas was filling the room. He had little time before he passed out.

    After moving to the opposite side of the room, he took a huge breath, using the imbuement technique to hold more air than otherwise was possible. Immediately, he could hear his heartbeat in his ears, but got right to work on the egg yolks, smashing them with his fist until the yolks were paste. Then he smeared it around the lock, sticking the pennies to the gunk and hoping that would satisfy the necessary zinc for the spell.

    With everything in place, Zayn weaved the complex incantation, articulating carefully, using only the air in his lungs. His fingers danced, forming the cage of faez that he fed into the air like a spider spinning a web. As the spell neared completion, the gunky yellow paste began to smolder around the edges of the pennies.

    Internally, he cheered, though he kept the incantation up, for to pause or mispronounce would cause the whole thing to fail. When the spell was complete, he let out the rest of his breath and watched the acid eat through the brass covering on the lock. As it melted away, the inner workings of the lock were revealed. Zayn was confused at first, expecting a mechanical system—cylinder and tumblers—only to find a host of wires behind the cover.

    As the plastic on the wax began to smoke, Zayn realized his mistake almost too late. He threw up a protective enchantment the moment before a wire sparked, igniting the propane gas to explode.

    The concussive force knocked him over, but his enchantment protected him from the worst of the effects. Lying on his side groaning, he watched as Instructor O'Keefe stuck her head into the room.

    Eh, laddie, it was a good attempt, but you made one major mistake, she said.

    I forgot to check to see how the lock worked, said Zayn.

    Right-o, she said with a wink. You got so in a hurry to solve the problem, you didn't make sure you understood the whole situation. But don't beat yourself up there, laddie. Not many students pass this test.

    She helped him to his feet while a couple of fifth years hurried in to clean up the room for the next attempt. Vin was sitting in the next room with a single black eye.

    Are you trying out a new cologne? You smell like rotten eggs and burnt hair, said Vin.

    It's a cologne for demons, I think. What happened to you? asked Zayn.

    I tried punching my way through the lock, but the impact rebounded on me and knocked me out, said Vin.

    While they waited, the rest of the class tested the escape room. Only three students passed: Portia,

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