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SolidWorks Workbook 2022
SolidWorks Workbook 2022
SolidWorks Workbook 2022
Ebook478 pages2 hours

SolidWorks Workbook 2022

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About this ebook

The SolidWorks Workbook 2022, is 1st edition of the book to be used as supplement practice book for SolidWorks Basic Learners. The book covers practical and practice questions. The methodology followed in this book for creating tutorials starts from beginner level and takes you to industrial level of designing models. The questions discussed in this book cover Sketching, Solid Modeling, Surface Modeling, Sheet Metal Design, Assembly, and Drafting. Some of the salient features of this book are:


Instruction through illustration
The instructions to perform any action are provided by maximum number of illustrations so that the user can perform the actions discussed in the book easily and effectively. There are approximately 500 illustrations that make the learning process effective.


Tutorial point of view
The book explains the concepts through the tutorial to make the understanding of users firm and long lasting. Each chapter of the book has tutorials that are real world projects.


For Faculty
If you are a faculty member, then you can ask for video tutorials on any of the topic, exercise, tutorial, or concept. As faculty, you can register on our website to get electronic desk copies of our latest books, self-assessment, and solution of practical/practice questions. Faculty resources are available in the Faculty Member page of our website once you  login. Note that faculty registration approval is manual and it may take up to two days for approval before you can access the faculty website.

Release dateMar 12, 2022
SolidWorks Workbook 2022

Gaurav Verma

Gaurav Verma is currently a Full Professor at the Panjab University, Chandigarh, India (Dr. SS Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology, and Adjunct Faculty at the Department of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology). He is a former CV Raman Post-Doctoral fellow from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. His research focuses on the areas of applied nanoscience and nanostructured materials.

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    Book preview

    SolidWorks Workbook 2022 - Gaurav Verma


    ​SolidWorks Workbook 2022


    Gaurav Verma
    Matt Weber
    (CADCAMCAE Works)

    Edited by


    Published by CADCAMCAE WORKS, USA. Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in the database or retrieval system without the prior permission of CADCADCAE WORKS. To get the permissions, contact at cadcamcaeworks@gmail.com or info@cadcamcaeworks.com


    Publisher does not warrant or guarantee any of the products described in the text or perform any independent analysis in connection with any of the product information contained in the text. Publisher does not assume, and expressly disclaims, any obligation to obtain and include information other than that provided to it by the manufacturer.

    The reader is expressly warned to consider and adopt all safety precautions that might be indicated by the activities herein and to avoid all potential hazards. By following the instructions contained herein, the reader willingly assumes all risks in connection with such instructions.

    The Publisher makes no representation or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, the warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability, nor are any such representations implied with respect to the material set forth herein, and the publisher takes no responsibility with respect to such material. The publisher shall not be liable for any special, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting, in whole or part, from the reader’s use of, or reliance upon, this material.


    To teachers, who make it possible to disseminate knowledge

    to enlighten the young and curious minds

    of our future generations

    To students, who are the future of the world


    To my friends and colleagues

    To my family for their love and support

    Table of Contents

    Preface xi

    About Author xii

    Chapter 1

    Installing SolidWorks 1-2

    Starting SolidWorks 1-2

    Starting A New Document 1-4

    Part Mode CommandManagers 1-6

    Assembly Mode CommandManagers 1-10

    Drawing Mode CommandManagers 1-11

    Opening a Document 1-11

    Closing a Document 1-12

    Saving the Documents 1-13

    Printing Document 1-15

    Applying Page Setup 1-16

    Setting Header/Footer for Print Pages 1-17

    Print Margins 1-17

    Print Range and other Parameters 1-18

    Publishing to eDrawings 1-18

    Packing files for Sharing 1-20

    Reloading Files 1-21

    Replacing Component in Assembly 1-22

    Checking Summary of Document 1-24

    Customizing Menus 1-24

    Basic Settings of SolidWorks 1-25

    Mouse Button Function 1-27

    Loading Add-Ins 1-28

    Search Tools 1-28

    Login to SolidWorks 1-30

    Workflow in SolidWorks 1-30

    Chapter 2
    Sketching Practical and Practice

    Practical 1 Sketching (Basic Level) 2-2

    Practical 2 Sketching (Moderate Level) 2-6

    Practical 3 Sketching (Moderate Level) 2-13

    Practical 4 : Sketching (Advanced Level) 2-17

    Practice 1 to 9 2-22

    Chapter 3
    Solid Modeling Practical and Practice

    Practical 1 (Basic Level) 3-2

    Practical 2 (Basic Level) 3-5

    Practical 3 (Moderate Level) 3-9

    Practical 4 (Moderate Level) 3-16

    Practical 5 (Advanced Level) 3-24

    Practical 6 (Advanced Level) 3-31

    Practice 1 to 10 3-36

    Chapter 4
    Surface Modeling Practical and Practice

    Scope of Surface Modeling 4-2

    Practical 1 (Basic Surface Model) 4-2

    Practical 2 (Moderate Level) 4-9

    Practical 3 (Advanced Surface Design) 4-16

    Practice 1 to 4 4-25

    Chapter 5
    Sheetmetal Design Practical and Practice

    Introduction 5-2

    Practical 1 (Basic Level) 5-2

    Practical 2 (Moderate Level) 5-7

    Practical 3 (Advanced Level) 5-18

    Practical 4 (Advanced Level) 5-31

    Practice 1 to 6 5-38

    Chapter 6
    Assembly Design Practical and Practice

    Introduction 6-2

    Practical 1 (Bottom Up Approach) 6-2

    Practical 2 (Top-Down Approach) 6-18

    Practice 1 6-33

    Practice 2 6-34

    Practice 3 6-35

    Practice 4 6-35

    Chapter 7
    Drafting Practical and Practice

    Introduction 7-2

    Practical 1 (Basic Level) 7-2

    Practical 2 (Basic Level) 7-11

    Practical 3 (Moderate Level) 7-16

    Practical 4 (Moderate Level) 7-22

    Practical 5 (Advanced Level) 7-34

    Practical 6 (Assembly Drawing) 7-39

    Adding Sheets and Part Drawings 7-43

    Practical 7 (Sheetmetal Drawing) 7-45

    Practice 7-50


    The SolidWorks Workbook 2022, is 1st edition of the book to be used as supplement practice book for SolidWorks Basic Learners. The book covers practical and practice questions. The methodology followed in this book for creating tutorials starts from beginner level and takes you to industrial level of designing models. The questions discussed in this book cover Sketching, Solid Modeling, Surface Modeling, Sheet Metal Design, Assembly, and Drafting. Some of the salient features of this book are:

    Instruction through illustration

    The instructions to perform any action are provided by maximum number of illustrations so that the user can perform the actions discussed in the book easily and effectively. There are approximately 500 illustrations that make the learning process effective.

    Tutorial point of view

    The book explains the concepts through the tutorial to make the understanding of users firm and long lasting. Each chapter of the book has tutorials that are real world projects.

    For Faculty

    If you are a faculty member, then you can ask for video tutorials on any of the topic, exercise, tutorial, or concept. As faculty, you can register on our website to get electronic desk copies of our latest books, self-assessment, and solution of practical/practice questions. Faculty resources are available in the Faculty Member page of our website (www.cadcamcaeworks.com) once you login. Note that faculty registration approval is manual and it may take up to two days for approval before you can access the faculty website.

    Formatting Conventions Used in the Text

    All the key terms like name of button, tool, drop-down etc. are kept bold.

    Free Resources

    Link to the resources used in this book are provided to the users via email. To get the resources, mail us at cadcamcaeworks@gmail.com or info@cadcamcaeworks.com with your contact information. With your contact record with us, you will be provided latest updates and informations regarding various technologies. The format to write us e-mail for resources is as follows:

    Subject of E-mail as Application for resources of ............... Black Book.

    You can give your information below to get updates on the book.


    Course pursuing/Profession:

    Contact Address:

    E-mail ID:


    SolidWorks 2022 Black Book can be used as SolidWorks CAD companion with this book for learning about modeling tools.

    ​About Author

    The author of this book, Matt Weber, has authored many books on CAD/CAM/CAE books. He has authored SolidWorks 2022 Black Book as a CAD companion for this book. SolidWorks Simulation 2022 Black Book covers details of simulation and the SolidWorks 2022 Black Book covers all the tools and techniques of modeling. The author has hand on experience on almost all the CAD/CAM/CAE packages. If you have any query/doubt in any CAD/CAM/CAE package, then you can directly contact the author by writing at cadcamcaeworks@gmail.com

    The technical editor of the book, Gaurav Verma, has authored books on different CAD/CAM/CAE packages. He has authored SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2022 Black Book, SolidWorks Electrical 2022 Black Book, Creo Manufacturing 4.0 Black Book, MasterCAM 2022 for SolidWorks Black Book, AutoCAD Electrical 2022 Black Book, Autodesk Inventor 2022 Black Book, Autodesk Fusion 360 Black Book, and many others.

    For Any query or suggestion

    If you have any query or suggestion please let us know by mailing us on cadcamcaeworks@gmail.com or info@cadcamcaeworks.com. Your valuable constructive suggestions will be incorporated in our books and your name will be addressed in special thanks area of our books.

    ​Chapter 1


    The major topics covered in this chapter are:

    •Installing SolidWorks.

    •Starting SolidWorks.

    •Starting a new document.

    •Terminology used in SolidWorks.

    •Opening a document.

    •Closing documents.

    •Basic Settings for SolidWorks

    •Workflow in Industries using the SolidWorks

    ​Installing SolidWorks

    You can get SolidWorks software installation files in two ways, downloading from website or getting DVD of software from your reseller.

    •If you are installing SolidWorks using the CD/DVD provided by Dassault Systemes then go to the folder containing setup.exe file and right-click on setup.exe in the folder. A shortcut menu is displayed on the screen; refer to Figure-1.

    •Select the Run as Administrator option from the menu displayed; refer to Figure-1.

    •Select the Yes button from the dialog box displayed. The ​SolidWorks 2021 Installation Manager will be displayed. Follow the instructions given in the dialog box. Note that you must have the Serial Number with you to install the application. To get more about installation, double-click on the Read Me documentation file in the Setup folder.

    •If you have downloaded the software from Internet, then you are required to browse in the ​SolidWorks Download folder in the Documents folder of Computer. Open the folder of latest version of software and then run setup.exe. Rest of the procedure is same.

    ​​Starting SolidWorks

    •To start SolidWorks in Windows 10 from Start menu, click on the Start button in the Taskbar at the bottom left corner, click on the SolidWorks folder. In this folder, select the SolidWorks icon; refer to Figure-2.

    •While installing the software, if you have selected the check box to create a desktop icon then you can double-click on that icon to run the software.

    •If you have not selected the check box to create the desktop icon but want to create the icon on desktop, then drag and drop the SolidWorks icon from the Start menu on the desktop.

    After you perform the above steps, the SolidWorks application window will be displayed; refer to Figure-3.

    ​Starting A New Document

    There are various methods to start a new document in SolidWorks. The procedure to start a new document in SolidWorks is given next.

    Click on the ​New button in the Menu Bar .


    Move the cursor on the left arrow near the SolidWorks icon; refer to Figure-4 and then click on the File menu button. The File menu will be displayed, click on the New button; refer to Figure-4.


    Press CTRL and N together from the Keyboard.

    •After performing any of the above steps, the ​New SOLIDWORKS Document dialog box will be displayed as shown in Figure-5.

    •If you are creating first document after installing SolidWorks then Units and Dimension Standard dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-6.

    •Select the unit system and dimension standards that you want to use while creating documents in SolidWorks. These options will be set as default for later documents. You

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