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Temperature and Humidity Independent Control (THIC) of Air-conditioning System
Temperature and Humidity Independent Control (THIC) of Air-conditioning System
Temperature and Humidity Independent Control (THIC) of Air-conditioning System
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Temperature and Humidity Independent Control (THIC) of Air-conditioning System

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Temperature and Humidity Independent Control (THIC) of Air-conditioning System focuses on temperature and humidity independent control (THIC) systems, which represents a new concept and new approach for indoor environmental control. This book presents the main components of the THIC systems, including dehumidification devices, high-temperature cooling devices and indoor terminal devices. Other relevant issues, such as operation and control strategy and case studies, are also included.

This book is intended for air-conditioning system designers and engineers as well as researchers working with indoor environments.

Xiaohua Liu is an associate professor at the Building Energy Research Center, Tsinghua University, China. Yi Jiang is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the director of the Building Energy Research Center, Tsinghua University, China and the director of the China-USA Joint Research Center on Clean Energy. Tao Zhang is a Ph.D. candidate at the Building Energy Research Center, Tsinghua University, China.

Release dateJan 16, 2014
Temperature and Humidity Independent Control (THIC) of Air-conditioning System

Xiaohua Liu

Senior Reservoir Engineer, Research Institue of Petroleum Exploration and Development, CNPC, China Xiaohua Liu, PhD, has 23 years of working experience in natural gas field development research and has been involved in some of China’s major gas fields’ development programs and reservoir engineering. Her focus is combining well short term PBU with long period performance and geology to propose production optimization.

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    Temperature and Humidity Independent Control (THIC) of Air-conditioning System - Xiaohua Liu

    Xiaohua Liu, Yi Jiang and Tao ZhangTemperature and Humidity Independent Control (THIC) of Air-conditioning System201310.1007/978-3-642-42222-5© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

    Xiaohua Liu, Yi Jiang and Tao Zhang

    Temperature and Humidity Independent Control (THIC) of Air-conditioning System


    Xiaohua Liu

    Department of Building Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China

    Yi Jiang

    Department of Building Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China

    Tao Zhang

    Department of Building Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China

    ISBN 978-3-642-42221-8e-ISBN 978-3-642-42222-5

    Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013957558

    © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

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    In 1995, Dr. James Freihaut from UTRC (United Technologies Research Center, the R&D base for Carrier, OTIS, and other industries) visited Tsinghua University for a meeting with me. The purpose of the meeting was to establish a cooperation project with our group in Tsinghua University for next-generation HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning) system. Do you have any idea on humidity independent control? I still remember the question from James, and he tried to persuade me to do something for dehumidifying air without change of the air temperature. However, at that time, I had little idea on independent air dehumidification handling process. This was the time when I started to think about the concept of temperature and humidity independent control (THIC). Thanks to the Yung Wing funding from UTRC in 1996, a cooperation project was set up to develop a new approach for air dehumidification by a special membrane with moisture permeable feature. This was the first step for us toward the temperature and humidity independent control of HVAC system.

    During the first 10 years since 1996, our major effort was put into new approaches of air dehumidification. We had tried out various ways to achieve this goal, such as using moisture permeable membrane to dehumidify air by heating the air at the sink side, using two rotary desiccant wheels to recover energy from exhaust air to deeply dehumidify the inlet air, using multistage liquid desiccant air handling modules, etc. Fundamental studies were carried out at the same time to understand the real features of humidification/dehumidification process and the ideal minimum energy required for air dehumidification process and where the loss is in each stage of an air dehumidification process.

    Accompanied by these studies, a feeling has been getting stronger and stronger in our mind: air temperature and moisture in air (i.e., humidity ratio) are really two independent physical concepts, and unless a phase change process occurs such as evaporation or condensation, temperature and water vapor (or moisture) cannot influence each other. We should not take these two processes into account together in the indoor thermal environment control process as what engineers do in conventional HVAC design and operation procedures. Although both processes are affected by heat, the sensible heat for temperature regulation (heating or cooling) and the latent heat for moisture regulation (humidification or dehumidification), these two types of heat are not the same. They are not freely convertible with each other, and the latent heat only occurs with phase change. However, the misunderstanding between these two kinds of heat, i.e., the temperature regulation and humidity regulation process, may lead to insufficient or unsatisfactory indoor thermal environment in designs as well as in operations of HVAC system.

    For instance, a fan coil unit (FCU) with a total cooling capacity of 1 kW in conventional air-conditioning system can only provide about 50–70 % cooling if it only deals with sensible heat working under a dry condition with no air dehumidification. The cooling capacity for latent heat does not always accompany with that for sensible heat. Another simple example is the set point for supply air state in the all-air system: by setting the enthalpy of the supply air, the total heat removed from the conditioned space can be satisfied. However, either temperature or humidity level may be out of demand, which may result in a hot but dry condition or a cold but humid condition.

    If there is no condensation or evaporation in the conditioned space, the temperature regulation and humidity regulation are two independent processes. Why do we still put these two processes together both in design and operation of an HVAC system? It may be better to deal with these two processes separately in analysis, design, and operation. This was how we started to get into the THIC idea for HVAC system, when it was around year 2000.

    From then on, with the help of testing and investigating a number of air-conditioning systems in various buildings, it has been found that following the THIC concept, we could get a much clearer understanding and construct a better HVAC system during the design stage.

    The sensible load consisted of solar radiation, indoor devices, and so on varies completely different from the moisture load generated from occupants or other sources. If all the loads are undertaken by the air circulation, the supply air state (temperature and humidity) has to be changed all the time to accommodate to the variances of the sensible and moisture loads in order to maintain both the temperature and humidity for the conditioned space. This is quite a hard task. However, if the air circulation system is only used for humidity control and a radiant cooling system (or other cooling system) is adopted for removing the sensible load, things would be much easier. A radiant cooling system can remove sensible load only with little influence on humidity ratio if temperature of the cold water flowing through the radiant cooling device is higher than the indoor air dew-point temperature. In this way, both indoor temperature and humidity can be maintained well regardless of how the sensible and moisture loads change. Furthermore, as the sensible load could be removed by the cold water with a temperature higher than the indoor dew point, e.g., 16–18 °C, which is also higher than the chilled water temperature in most conventional air-conditioning systems (e.g., 7 °C), chiller’s efficiency will be much higher than that of conventional chiller if the chiller is specially designed to produce high-temperature chilled water for removing only sensible cooling load and regulating indoor temperature.

    This is a new concept for HVAC system, which can provide more comfort thermal environment with less operation energy. This should be the principle and basic design guideline for the air-conditioning system in future. Although the key devices for the THIC system seem to be similar to those for the conventional air-conditioning system, the operating conditions and performances of devices we need in the THIC system are quite different: the air handling processor should be able to dehumidify air to a drier state for removing indoor moisture load but without a too low temperature to be supplied to the conditioned space; the chiller should provide chilled water with a higher temperature (16–18 °C) and higher coefficient of performance (COP); if FCU is adopted for indoor temperature control, the FCU should work efficiently with a smaller temperature difference between circulating water and air but without the worry of condensing water; etc. These indicate that the THIC systems do need a complete set of new types of devices, a new generation of HVAC devices! We need different design approaches, we need different system components, we need different control devices with different logics, and we need different ways to operate and manage the THIC systems.

    To push this THIC system to the real construction market, an association for THIC air-conditioning system has been founded since 2007, with members including researchers, manufacturers, building developers, as well as operators. Thanks to the huge construction market in China, different types of THIC systems for different building functions have been adopted in many places of China since 2005. So far, there has been more than 20 million m ² of buildings with all sorts of functions designed according to the THIC concept in China. Most of them perform well in both thermal comfort level and energy consumption. Manufacturers who provide devices specially developed for THIC system are also increasing year by year. And THIC system has become a new industry both in terms of HVAC construction and device manufacture in China.

    Along with the development of the THIC air-conditioning system in China, we wrote the first book to introduce this concept and the design method of THIC system in 2006 in Chinese (published by China Architecture & Building Press ). Thanks to the continuous study in the last 7 years and experiences accumulated by a large number of practical projects, a clearer understanding of the THIC system has been obtained. We have got a very strong feeling that we should provide a complete description of the THIC system to the HVAC industry in the world as well as China. This is the reason why this book has been written.

    Most of the contents in the book are written by Dr. Xiaohua Liu and PhD Candidate Tao Zhang, based on the research work carried out by the THIC group in Tsinghua University. This group has been carrying on relevant research and development for more than 10 years in this field. This book could be regarded as a good summary of part of the research results from this group. There is also a name list for the researchers making great contributions in this THIC group during the last 10 years: Dr. Zhen Li, Mr. Xiaoyang Chen, Dr. Shuanqiang Liu, Dr. Xiaoyun Xie, Mr. Haixiang Li, Mrs. Xiaoqin Yi, Mr. Xiaomin Chang, Mr. Haiqiang Zhang, Mrs. Yidan Tang, Mrs. Zhihong Gao, Mr. Lun Zhang, Miss Jingjing Jiang, Miss Rang Tu, Miss Kang Zhao, etc.

    Many thanks to all the members in the THIC group. They have made great contributions to the development of THIC system as well as this book. Thanks should also be given to the designers who have carried out the THIC projects in different types of buildings. Without their great efforts, THIC cannot grow up so fast in China, and this book would not come true.

    I hope what have happened in the HVAC field of China today may happen in the world tomorrow since a healthier and more comfortable indoor environment is required and less power consumption and carbon emission from buildings’ operation are desired for our earth. THIC system should be one of the possible approaches for this goal, which has made some change to China’s HVAC field. Looking forward to see that the THIC system could bring difference to the global HVAC industry and this book may make a bit contribution for this change.

    Yi JiangDirector and Professor


    1 Characteristics of Conventional Air-Conditioning Systems 1

    1.​1 Tasks of Indoor Environmental Control Systems 1

    1.​2 Current Air-Conditioning Methods 3

    1.​2.​1 Air-Conditioning System Categories 3

    1.​2.​2 Typical Air Handling Processes in Central Air-Conditioning Systems 4

    1.​3 Problems with Current Air Handling Methods 6

    1.​3.​1 Loss in the Coupled Heat and Moisture Handling Process 6

    1.​3.​2 Energy Dissipation Caused by Offset 8

    1.​3.​3 Difficulty Adapting to the Variances of Indoor Sensible and Moisture Loads 10

    1.​3.​4 Indoor Terminals 13

    1.​3.​5 Energy Consumption of Transportation 14

    1.​3.​6 Influence on Indoor Air Quality 16

    1.​4 Requirements for a New Air-Conditioning Solution 17

    References 18

    2 The Basic Idea of the THIC Air-Conditioning System 21

    2.​1 Indoor Requirements for Heat and Moisture Extraction Along with Air Quality 21

    2.​1.​1 Sources and Characteristics of the Indoor Sensible Load 21

    2.​1.​2 Sources and Characteristics of the Indoor Moisture Load 24

    2.​1.​3 Requirements for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Including Extracting CO 2 25

    2.​2 The Ideal Cooling and Dehumidifying Process 30

    2.​2.​1 Ideal Cooling Process 30

    2.​2.​2 Ideal Dehumidification​ Process 33

    2.​2.​3 Total Efficiency of Cooling and Dehumidification​ 37

    2.​3 Actual Process of Removing Heat and Moisture 38

    2.​3.​1 From the Ideal Process to the Actual Process 38

    2.​3.​2 The Temperature Levels of Actual HVAC Systems 41

    2.​3.​3 The Ratios of Sensible and Moisture Loads in Practical Buildings 43

    2.​4 The Core Idea of Temperature and Humidity Independent Control 45

    2.​4.​1 Operating Principle of the THIC Air-Conditioning System 45

    2.​4.​2 Annual Handling Requirements of Outdoor Air 47

    2.​4.​3 Analysis of Global Outdoor Climate Conditions 53

    2.​5 Requirements of Devices Needed for the THIC System 55

    2.​5.​1 Sensible Heat Terminals 55

    2.​5.​2 Air Supply Terminals 56

    2.​5.​3 High-Temperature Cooling Sources 56

    2.​5.​4 Outdoor Air Handling Devices 57

    2.​6 Review on Relative Research Concerning THIC Systems 57

    2.​6.​1 Relevant Research Progress of THIC Air-Conditioning Methods 57

    2.​6.​2 Possible Ways to Construct THIC Systems 61

    References 65

    3 Key Components of the THIC System:​ Indoor Terminals 67

    3.​1 Radiant Panels 68

    3.​1.​1 Heat Transfer Process of Radiant Terminal Devices 68

    3.​1.​2 Key Parameters of Radiant Panels 72

    3.​1.​3 Performances of Different Types of Radiant Panels 89

    3.​1.​4 Performance in Summer 97

    3.​1.​5 Performance in Winter 103

    3.​1.​6 Self-Regulating Property of Radiant Panels 104

    3.​1.​7 Impact on Indoor Thermal Comfort 106

    3.​2 Dry Fan Coil Units (FCUs) 107

    3.​2.​1 Differences Between Dry FCUs and Wet FCUs 107

    3.​2.​2 Developed Dry FCU with a Similar Structure as aWet FCU 109

    3.​2.​3 Dry FCU with New Structures 114

    References 116

    4 Key Components of the THIC System:​ Outdoor Air Handling Methods 119

    4.​1 Basic Outdoor Air Handling Devices 119

    4.​1.​1 Requirements for Outdoor Air Handling Devices in Different Climate Regions 119

    4.​1.​2 Heat Recovery Devices 122

    4.​1.​3 Dehumidification​ Devices 124

    4.​1.​4 Humidification Devices 127

    4.​2 Outdoor Air Handling Process in the Dry Region 129

    4.​2.​1 Outdoor Air Handling Process Using Evaporative Cooling 129

    4.​2.​2 Outdoor Air Humidification in Winter 133

    4.​3 Outdoor Air Handling Process in the Humid Region 135

    4.​3.​1 Condensation Dehumidification​ Method 135

    4.​3.​2 Solid Desiccant Dehumidification​ Method 142

    References 153

    5 Key Components of the THIC System:​ Outdoor Air Processor Using Liquid Desiccant 155

    5.​1 Basic Properties of Liquid Desiccant 155

    5.​1.​1 Characteristics of Common Liquid Desiccants 155

    5.​1.​2 Basic Handling Module Using Liquid Desiccant 158

    5.​2 Design Principles for Liquid Desiccant Outdoor Air Handling Processors 160

    5.​2.​1 Match Properties of the Air Handling Process Using Liquid Desiccant 160

    5.​2.​2 Performance Optimization of the Air Handling Processor Using Liquid Desiccant 166

    5.​3 Performance of Liquid Desiccant Outdoor Air Handling Processors 169

    5.​3.​1 Outdoor Air Handling Processor with Enthalpy Recovery 170

    5.​3.​2 Outdoor Air Handling Processor with Precooling Module 175

    5.​4 Comparison to Other Dehumidification​ Methods 178

    5.​4.​1 Comparison of Desiccant Dehumidification​ and Condensation Dehumidification​ 178

    5.​4.​2 Comparison of Liquid Dehumidification​ and Solid Desiccant Dehumidification​ 180

    References 185

    6 Key Components of the THIC System:​ High-Temperature Cooling Sources 187

    6.​1 Underground Embedded Pipe Cooling 188

    6.​1.​1 Operating Principle 188

    6.​1.​2 Analysis of the Characteristics of the Heat Transfer Process 190

    6.​2 Producing Chilled Water Using the Evaporative Cooling Method 195

    6.​2.​1 Elemental Ways to Produce Chilled Water Using the Evaporative Cooling Method 195

    6.​2.​2 Performance Analysis of the Evaporative Water Cooler 198

    6.​3 Vapor Compression Cooling Sources 200

    6.​3.​1 Main Features of High-Temperature Water Chillers 201

    6.​3.​2 Development Cases of the High-Temperature Water Chiller 205

    6.​3.​3 Development Case of the High-Temperature VRF System 212

    References 215

    7 Design and Operation of THIC Systems 217

    7.​1 Design of THIC System 217

    7.​1.​1 Overview of System Design 217

    7.​1.​2 Examples of THIC Systems 222

    7.​2 Load Calculation of THIC System 224

    7.​2.​1 Analysis of Indoor Load 226

    7.​2.​2 Apportionment of Indoor Sensible Load 227

    7.​2.​3 Load of Major Devices 228

    7.​2.​4 Efficiency Comparison with Conventional System 231

    7.​3 Annual Operation for Heating and Cooling 233

    7.​3.​1 Northern Area 234

    7.​3.​2 Yangtze River Basin 236

    7.​4 Operating Parameters of High-Temperature Chilled Water 238

    7.​4.​1 Current Operating Parameters of High-Temperature Chilled Water 238

    7.​4.​2 Key Issues for High-Temperature Cooling 239

    7.​4.​3 Discussion on Operating Parameters of Chilled Water 242

    7.​5 Operating and Regulating Strategy of THIC System 245

    7.​5.​1 Operating Strategy of the THIC System 245

    7.​5.​2 Regulating Strategy for Supplied Outdoor Air 247

    7.​5.​3 Regulating Strategy of Sensible Terminals 250

    7.​5.​4 Anti-sweat Measures and Regulating Strategy 253

    References 254

    8 Application Cases of THIC Systems 255

    8.​1 Application in an Office Building (Humid Region) 257

    8.​1.​1 Description of the THIC System in an Office Building 257

    8.​1.​2 Performance Test of the THIC System 260

    8.​1.​3 Energy Consumption of the THIC System 273

    8.​1.​4 Discussions 273

    8.​1.​5 Conclusion 275

    8.​2 Application in a Hospital Building (Dry Region) 276

    8.​2.​1 Basic Information 276

    8.​2.​2 Performance Test Results of the THIC System 279

    8.​2.​3 Energy Consumption Analysis 281

    8.​3 Application in a Large Space Building (Airport) 283

    8.​3.​1 Description of the THIC System in an Airport 283

    8.​3.​2 Performance On-Site Test in Summer 287

    8.​3.​3 Performance On-Site Test in Winter 296

    8.​3.​4 Conclusion 301

    8.​4 Application in an Industrial Factory 302

    8.​4.​1 Description of the THIC System in an Industrial Factory 302

    8.​4.​2 Performance of the THIC System 306

    References 309

    9 Development Tendencies and Perspectives of the THIC Systems 311

    9.​1 Development of the THIC Systems in China 311

    9.​2 Standards of Key Components for THIC Systems 313

    9.​3 Perspectives of the THIC System 314

    References 315


    Appendix A: Moisture Load Calculation317

    A.1 Moisture Generated by Occupants317

    A.2 Moisture from Open Water Surface318

    A.3 Moisture from Plant Transpiration319

    A.4 Infiltration Moisture Through Building Envelope319

    Appendix B: Global Climate Analysis and Standards for Water Chillers321

    B.1 Global Outdoor Humidity Ratios in Summer321

    B.2 Standards for Water Chillers in Different Countries324

    Appendix C: Typical Buildings’ Models and Preferences in DeST Software327

    C.1 Models and Parameter Settings for Different Buildings327

    C.2 Load Calculation Result Analysis333

    C.3 Load Apportionment Analysis of the THIC System337

    Appendix D: Surface Temperature Unevenness of Radiant Panel337

    D.1 Uniform Indoor Heat Sources337

    D.2 Nonuniform Indoor Heat Sources or Shading by Furniture339

    Appendix E: Performance Analysis of Heat Pump-Driven Liquid Desiccant Systems346

    E.1 Model for Performance Simulation346

    E.2 Performance Analysis of the Two Basic HPLD Systems348

    E.3 Performance Improvement of Basic Type I350

    E.4 Performance Improvement of Basic Type II353


    Xiaohua Liu, Yi Jiang and Tao ZhangTemperature and Humidity Independent Control (THIC) of Air-conditioning System201310.1007/978-3-642-42222-5_1

    © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

    1. Characteristics of Conventional Air-Conditioning Systems

    Xiaohua Liu¹ , Yi Jiang¹ and Tao Zhang¹


    Department of Building Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China


    Air-conditioning systems play an important role in maintaining the indoor built environment. Coupled heat and mass handling is usually applied for the current state-of-the-art air-conditioning systems. With the advance of society, conventional air-conditioning methods have been challenged by the demand for a more comfortable indoor environment and a higher system energy efficiency. Continuing to improve the energy efficiency and reducing the energy consumption of air-conditioning systems in order to provide a suitable and comfortable environment are foundations to the development of new strategies for the indoor built environment. Taking these requirements into account, the THIC (temperature and humidity independent control) air-conditioning system is generally considered to be a possible and effective solution.

    1.1 Tasks of Indoor Environmental Control Systems

    Indoor environmental control systems are responsible for providing a comfortable and healthy indoor environment by regulating indoor temperature, humidity, air velocity, and indoor air quality within appropriate ranges (ASHRAE 2009; Jiang et al. 2011). The indoor thermal environmental condition, which consists of meteorological parameters; heat sources such as equipment, lighting, and occupants; and indoor air flow, is the key factor that determines thermal comfort. As the development of air-conditioning systems in commercial buildings continues to progress, the indoor parameters for comfort in air-conditioned spaces have been established and implemented all over the world (GB 50189 in China, ASHRAE standards 55 and 62 in the United States, etc.). Table 1.1 lists the recommended indoor parameters for winter and summer, and Table 1.2 lists the design outdoor air flow rates for the main functional zones of commercial buildings in China (MOHURD, AQSIQ 2005). Figure 1.1 illustrates the comfort zones according to ASHRAE standard 55 (ASHRAE 2004), and Table 1.3 presents the design outdoor air flow rates from ASHRAE standard 62 (ASHRAE 2010) for different occupied spaces. As indicated by these tables and the figure, the indoor design parameters and outdoor air flow rates are similar for different standards, although there are some slight discrepancies.

    Table 1.1

    Indoor design parameters for air-conditioning in China (GB 50189)

    Table 1.2

    Design outdoor air flow rates for typical commercial buildings in China


    Fig. 1.1

    ASHRAE summer and winter comfort zones (ASHRAE standard 55) (Acceptable ranges of operative temperature and humidity with air speed ≤0.20 m/s for people wearing 1.0 and 0.5 clothing during primarily sedentary activity (≤1.1 met))

    Table 1.3

    Design outdoor air flow rates for typical commercial buildings (ASHRAE standard 62)

    With recent increases in living standards and a general strengthening of the desire for self-protection, high air quality is being demanded by citizens everywhere. High-quality indoor air is beneficial to our lives – our jobs, our school life, and our daily activities. A series of hygienic standards (GB 9663–GB 9673, CSBTS 1996a, b, c, d, e, 2005a, b, c) for public places such as entertainment halls, gymnasiums, shopping malls, and bookstores have been unveiled in China to regulate indoor concentrations of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, inhalable particles, and bacteria. For example, the concentration of carbon dioxide in libraries, museums, art galleries, hotels, and hospital waiting rooms is supposed to be lower than 1,000 ppm (0.10 %), while the standard in cinemas, music halls, video arcades, ballrooms, shopping malls, and bookstores is supposed to be lower than 1,500 ppm (0.15 %). To maintain adequate indoor air quality, ventilation is usually the most efficient way to remove pollutants.

    As a whole, the major tasks of regulating the indoor environment are to remove extra heat, moisture, CO2, odor, and other pollutants (e.g., volatile organic compounds) and to maintain the indoor environmental parameters within appropriate ranges according to the standards mentioned above. However, there exist many different approaches for regulating the indoor environment:

    The sensible load can be removed in many ways, as long as the temperature of the medium used is lower than the room temperature. For example, both indirect contact methods (e.g., radiant panels) and cold air supply methods are applicable for removing the indoor sensible load.

    Extra indoor moisture can be removed only by dry air supply methods; indirect contact methods are not applicable.

    Carbon dioxide, odor, and other pollutants should be removed by ventilation, i.e., lowering the concentration of pollutants by bringing outdoor air into the indoor space.

    1.2 Current Air-Conditioning Methods

    1.2.1 Air-Conditioning System Categories

    Air, water, and refrigerants are common heat transfer fluids in air-conditioning systems for the heat exchange between cooling/heating sources and indoor terminals. The heat or mass transfer processes, which proceed between terminal devices and indoor spaces through convection or radiation, control the indoor thermal environment. According to the selected heat transfer fluid, air-conditioning systems are classified into four distinct systems: all-air systems, air-water systems, all-water systems, and refrigerant-based direct evaporative cooling systems (listed in Table 1.4). Among these four systems, all-water systems indicate that both the indoor sensible load and moisture load are removed by water. However, this kind of system cannot be applied independently from the ventilation system. Refrigerant systems refer to systems where heating and cooling are directly achieved through refrigerant evaporation and condensation. Examples of this kind of system include household split air conditioners and VRF (variable refrigerant flow) systems, which have become widespread in recent years. Air-water systems and all-air systems are the most common central air-conditioning systems in buildings.

    Table 1.4

    Categories of current air-conditioning systems

    Notes: FCU fan coil unit, OA outdoor air, CAV constant air volume, VAV variable air volume

    Air is chosen as the heat transfer fluid to remove the sensible and moisture loads in all-air systems. The processed air is supplied into the conditioned space to regulate the indoor thermal environment. Due to the low specific heat capacity of air, a high air volume is required, which results in a larger cross-sectional area of (and occupied space for) the air duct. For the air-water systems, both air and water are chosen as the heat transfer fluids, e.g., in systems consisting of a fan coil unit (FCU) and an outdoor air (OA) processing unit. For the FCU+OA system, chilled water and cooled outdoor air are adopted in summer to cool and dehumidify the conditioned space, while hot water and heated outdoor air are used in winter to heat the conditioned space. Meanwhile, the outdoor air sent to the conditioned space can remove pollutants such as CO2 and meet the occupants’ requirement for outdoor air. The supply air flow rate and the occupied space of the FCU+OA system are much smaller than those of all-air systems. Thus, air-water systems are widely used as central air-conditioning systems in China.

    1.2.2 Typical Air Handling Processes in Central Air-Conditioning Systems

    In current state-of-the-art air-conditioning systems, coupled heat and mass handling is usually applied. Moisture is removed by condensation dehumidification in summer, and the indoor sensible load and moisture load are extracted simultaneously (Zhao et al. 2000). However, although the humidity ratio of the handled air is satisfactory, its temperature is usually too low after dehumidification. Consequently, reheating is sometimes needed to attain an appropriate temperature according to the supplied air temperature requirement. Due to energy conservation considerations, reheating devices that use steam or electricity are prohibited in commercial buildings in China (except for buildings with special requirements). The dehumidified air is supplied directly into the conditioned space. As a result, the indoor temperature and humidity usually cannot be satisfied at the same time, and in most cases, temperature control is given priority. The typical air handling processes are discussed in the remainder of this subsection.

    The typical primary return air handling process in the all-air system is illustrated in Fig. 1.2. Outdoor air (state W) and return air (state N) are mixed to state C, and the mixture reaches state O after the condensation dehumidification process. State O is the apparatus dew point, with a relative humidity of 90–95 %. If there is no reheating device, air at state O is sent directly to the conditioned space.


    Fig. 1.2

    Air handling process in the all-air system with primary air return

    The air handling process in the FCU+OA system (air-water system) is shown in Fig. 1.3. Both the outdoor air and indoor return air are processed using the same cooling source (such as 7 °C chilled water). After condensation dehumidification, the outdoor air is usually processed from state W to state L, which has the same humidity ratio as the indoor air (state N). Meanwhile, the indoor return air is processed from state N to state L’ when flowing through the FCU. The processed outdoor air (state L) and the processed return air (state L’) are then mixed to state O, which is supplied to the conditioned space.


    Fig. 1.3

    Air handling process in the FCU+OA system

    1.3 Problems with Current Air Handling Methods

    1.3.1 Loss in the Coupled Heat and Moisture Handling Process

    From the perspectives of both thermal comfort and health, indoor temperature control and humidity control are both necessary. In summer, the common indoor design state has a temperature around 25 °C and a relative humidity of 60 %, and the corresponding dew point temperature is 16.6 °C. Therefore, the main tasks of the air-conditioning system are to extract the sensible load from 25 °C and to remove the moisture load from the dew point temperature of 16.6 °C. In current state-of-the-art air-conditioning systems, air is usually cooled and dehumidified simultaneously by cooling coils, and air that is both dry and cool is sent into the room to remove the sensible and moisture loads at the same time.

    Taking the FCU+OA system as an example, Fig. 1.4 plots the temperature levels of each heat transfer process in the air-conditioning system. Due to the utilization of a cooling tower, the heat sink temperature is equivalent to the outdoor wet-bulb temperature. The typical operating parameters are as follows: an outdoor wet-bulb temperature of 27 °C, an indoor temperature of 25 °C (with a corresponding dew point temperature of 16.6 °C), a condensing temperature of 38 °C, and an evaporating temperature of 5 °C. For condensation dehumidification, the cooling source temperature must be lower than the indoor dew point temperature (16.6 °C). Considering a 5 °C temperature difference for the heat transfer process between the chiller and the heat transfer fluid and a temperature difference of 5 °C for the heat transfer fluid transportation process, a cooling source with a temperature of about 7 °C is necessary for condensation dehumidification. This is why current air-conditioning systems adopt chilled water with a temperature of around 7 °C (Appendix B), and why the evaporating temperature of the chiller is usually about 5 °C. However, if there is no requirement for dehumidification, the cooling source temperature is only required to be lower than the indoor temperature (25 °C) in theory (Bejan 2006). Considering the temperature differences for heat transfer and heat transfer fluid transportation, a cooling source with a temperature of 15–18 °C is sufficient for removing the sensible cooling load.


    Fig. 1.4

    Handling process of a typical central air-conditioning system: (a) schematic diagram and (b) temperature level (from chilled water to FCU in a typical operating condition)

    As has been stated already, in conventional air-conditioning systems, air is cooled and dehumidified simultaneously by the same cooling source to remove both sensible and latent (moisture) cooling loads at the same time. Due to coupled heat and moisture handling, the cooling source temperature (usually 5–7 °C) is limited by the indoor dew point temperature. Nevertheless, a cooling source with a temperature of 15–18 °C is sufficient if there is no dehumidification demand. Hence, many natural cooling sources (including underground water, river water, and lake water) can be used. However, most of the time, the 5–7 °C cooling source used in the coupled heat and moisture handling process can only be produced by mechanical refrigeration. In typical air-conditioning systems, the sensible load usually accounts for 50–70 % of

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