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Zodiac Signs: Virgo
Zodiac Signs: Virgo
Zodiac Signs: Virgo
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Zodiac Signs: Virgo

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A new series of sign-by-sign guides from contemporary astrologers.

Astrology is a vital tool for understanding our place in the world and the universal forces that move us. A cosmic calling rather than a fated destiny, our astrological sign is a key to uncovering our mission here on earth. Learn about how your sign grows from child to adult, fits in at school and at work, and functions best as a friend, lover, parent, and more. In these practical and empowering guides to the zodiac signs, contemporary astrologers teach you to use this dynamic language to better understand yourself and the people around you.
Release dateFeb 4, 2020
Zodiac Signs: Virgo

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    Zodiac Signs - Bess Matassa


    Bow down. Get low. Sink your hands into the dirt and touch the life force that teems beneath the surface. Let yourself receive the subtlest shifts in the breeze. Pressure-gauge the preciousness of the plants and their readiness to rise. Know your season. Lean into the cracks and the fissures. And embrace the willingness to feel that all this perfect imperfection is just a conduit for the liberation of even more light.

    Poised on the threshold between our innately beautiful bodies and how we will use them, Virgo marks the place where we pledge allegiance to our essence and divine our craft. Where we see ourselves with clarity and consciousness, standing alone and apart. Standing whole. Where we commit to the long road ahead with a tough and tender knowledge of exactly what we’re here to bring, in both its contoured limitation and untamable libido. Where we decide, with complete devotion, that we cannot waste one single drop.

    Often misunderstood and maligned in astro write-ups as anal, critical, and anxious, Virgo’s energy is too subtle to be sound-bited, marking a pivotal moment in the process of self-development. Following the bombastic hot pink splashes of Leo’s self-expression spillage, and preceding the plunge into partnership of Libra’s we-ness, in Virgo we must reckon with the edges of our selves. Who are we really, when stripped down to bare skin, sans artifice or pretense? And what do we have to give? In Virgo, we cut our teeth and slough off the excess, coming into communion with the very matter that we’re made of, turning it over in our hands. Assessing and refining. Learning to love it. And learning to put it to good use.

    The so-called virgin of the zodiac is not a prudish perfectionist, but a self-contained sensualist who moves to the backroom boudoir beat of her own inner code. Reigning over natural cycles and right timing, Virgo serves as both a bellwether and barometer for microcosmic shifts in the mundane. Here to remind us that heaven is truly a place on earth, this sign gives as much reverence to the ant colony as to the castle. Ushering us to grow fierce and full with our crystal-cut capacities, Virgo energy marries us to the regalness of realism.

    What kind of witch are you? whispers Virgo, from a cabin in the deepest woods. Work your magic, whatever its flavor, divining exactly what you stand for, and what you won’t fall for anymore. . . 


    These carefully crafted credos and committed principles guide Virgo through a lifetime of subtle shifts.

    Integrity and Discernment

    Virgo occupies the critical sixth slot amidst the twelve zodiac signs, waiting to usher us from the self-awareness of the astro wheel’s first five energies and into the collective. Separating the wheat from the chaff, this sign of the apprentice is learning first to see itself as separate so it can be poised to participate, knowing its true skill set like no other cosmic cutie. Virgo’s lifetime of labors is a kind of culinary art, isolating essences to divine what’s most vital to the dish. But for Virgos to serve it up on a perfectly aligned platter, they must first serve themselves. And the process of tastily contributing to the world’s feast begins with a deep knowledge of their own spice.

    While the sign is traditionally associated with winged planet Mercury, co-ruler of buzzy, communicative Gemini, at its core Virgo pledges allegiance to the asteroid Vesta. A symbol of sensual and creative wholeness unto the self, this autoerotic aesthete is a closed carnal circuit. To develop integrity means to become integral, understanding what does and doesn’t align with gut instincts. Virgo’s deep dive into its own animal essence helps the sign to remain whole during the blending process, figuring out precisely what makes it tick. And developing a single-pointed focus of self-knowledge sticks Virgos to their very bones, ensuring integrity as they serve their treats to the world.

    Also connected to the tarot’s Hermit card in the Major Arcana, Virgo’s discernment process often necessitates some real or metaphorical solo getaways, taking to a cabin in the woods to recommit to an inner knowing. There’s something profoundly solitary about the Virgoan journey, even though they certainly aren’t destined for isolated lives as monkish outliers. Committed at all costs to the inner sanctuary of the self, Virgos’ plunges into privacy help them understand exactly what their packages contain. Knowing their contents ensures that Virgos can contribute with a sense of celebration, rather than tightly tying strings in an attempt to get it right.

    Armed with an understanding of their essence, Virgos function like a fine-mesh sieve, employing a subtle filtration system as energies enter their orbit. Artfully identifying exactly what an item is made of, and how to put it to good use, Virgos must take time to turn tastes over in their mouths, touching their tongue against the thisness of things. Raising their noses to the world like a master sommelier, Virgo proves that their reputation for critique is actually evidence of an ability to sort the lineage of all that enters, as they apportion ingredients like members of a tasty team and play each one’s essence to the hilt. Against Virgo’s palate, each tasting note is an act of loving realism, and consciously delineating what’s there creates pairings that bring every element into resplendent relief.

    Rhythm and Ritual

    Virgo season (running from late August through most of September) marks a moment when a certain form of elemental energy both reaches its pinnacle and begins to fall away. Signaling the shift from summer toward fall in the Northern Hemisphere, and winter into spring in the Southern, Virgo energy carries us across a threshold and asks us to adapt and learn. All mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) are apprenticing themselves to the elements, seeking to understand and integrate what has come to pass, and opening wide to what’s just beginning to glimmer on the distant horizon. As with all earth signs, Virgo’s adaptations occur on the material plane, showing up through the artful honoring of the body, the physical environment, and all that encompasses real, tangible life here on land.

    Knowing what season of their lives they’re currently in is key to Virgo’s orientation and development. Deeply aligning with the markers of nature helps this sign fulfill its mission, both through their internal bodies and the external wheel of the year. For these subtle earth babes, a ritual like spring cleaning or winter hibernation can take on heightened, visceral meaning, as Virgos learn to balance cues from the environment with their inner rhythms. More

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