Seeds of Destiny
About this ebook
Every fifty years, Heart Garden seeks out three children from Earth whose destiny is to fulfill the Renewal of Hope. Morgan, Taylor, and Chastin must help the Heart Garden guardians stop their enemy—Ruler of Dark—from destroying the good seeds and using her bad seeds to brainwash the hearts of young humans and steal their identities. Although her plan is to cover the earth in darkness and confusion and stop the Renewal of Hope forever, the guardians and their little helpers continue to tirelessly grow and plant good seeds in the hearts of humans. But will it be enough to prevent darkness from taking over?
In this tale of good versus evil, three children enter a utopian realm where they must help its guardians prevent an evil force from spreading darkness across Earth.
Zulema G. Stone
Zulema G. Stone grew up in Nebraska where she raised her siblings after the death of her mother. After graduating from high school and attending college, she moved to Georgia, became a Christian, and started a family and business. Zulema enjoys encouraging the broken-hearted with her words, studying the Bible in Greek and Hebrew, collecting stamps, and creating new art forms. This is her first book.
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Seeds of Destiny - Zulema G. Stone
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ISBN: 978-1-4897-4307-7 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2022914043
LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 08/04/2022
Chapter 1 Heart Garden
Chapter 2 Seed Harvest
Chapter 3 Sir Angel Oak
Chapter 4 Chastin, Taylor, and Morgan
Chapter 5 The Picnic
Chapter 6 Cavern of Wisdom
Chapter 7 Mountain of Knowing
Chapter 8 Silver Lake Forest
Chapter 9 Volcanic Peace Springs
Chapter 10 The Visit to Heart Garden
Chapter 11 The Gulf
Chapter 12 The Renewal of Hope
122280.pngOnce upon a time long ago, there was (and still is) a place called the Heart Garden that is located in the Milky Way. The main purpose of this Heart Garden is to grow good seeds that are planted in the hearts of humans. In this most beautiful garden of paradise lives the Keeper of Heart along with her Teardrop Helpers and many other different creatures whose purpose is to nurture and keep the good seeds and the garden healthy.
Soft songs of encouraging words can be heard throughout the entire garden. Positive, encouraging words are constant and very powerful in the Heart Garden; they are what keep the good seeds strong and healthy. It is a place of peace and happiness, and all the creatures work together for good. Everyone in the Heart Garden is rightly placed and knows their purpose.
In our universe, the sun is rightly placed, the moon is rightly placed, the Earth is rightly placed, and all have a purpose. On Earth, there are rightly placed positions of authority and order to follow and respect. Can you imagine what life would be like if there was no rightly placed order or authority? Everything would be in chaos and ruin. For instance, if the sun was not rightly placed in order, there would be no life. Without the sun, the Earth would be a frozen planet with no life. In the Heart Garden, everything is rightly placed and in order; that is how it runs harmoniously. There are three guardians, each with different positions of authority. The first guardian of authority is Lord Glory. He rules over all the Heart Garden and the universe. He is the one who plants the good seeds in the hearts of the people on Earth. The second guardian of authority is the Keeper of Heart. She makes sure that everything flows together harmoniously and peacefully. The third guardian of authority is True Bloom. He can transform himself into anything that is good. When the good seeds are harvested in the Heart Garden, True Bloom brings them to Earth and transforms himself into a rainbow, releasing the good seeds into the air.
Then Lord Glory plants them in the hearts of humans. How does he do this? It is a great mystery only Lord Glory knows. There are so many great mysteries in our grand universe waiting to be discovered. Many mysteries cannot be explained, even though our minds want a reason for everything in order to make sense of what is around us. The truth is even if it were possible, it would take trillions of years to discover it all. To this day, billions and billions of stars and galaxies continue to grow in our universe, and the universe continues to expand at 160,000 miles per second. This is a great mystery that is beyond our understanding.
The Heart Garden is a real place that was created in the center of the Milky Way. It is an invisible place that can be seen only with the believing heart. The first thing that you will see when you come near the Heart Garden is a huge mass of flying, tiny white cotton balls everywhere. Dangling from the bottom of these puffy white cotton balls are tiny roots with little seeds attached. On the cotton balls are twiglike bodies with tiny feathered wings on each side; their heads are shaped like teardrops, and on top are three seeds. These are the Teardrop Helpers. They fly all over the Heart Garden singing and tending to the good seeds.
Seeds can be seen growing everywhere in the Heart Garden. These special seeds are called Seeds of Destiny. They grow on long bright green vines, and these vines grow out from the top of tall, slender, rainbow-colored trees. Many of the rainbow trees grow along the sparkling Blue River that chimes with soothing sounds of music. This unique river has a variety of abilities, such as providing water portal tunnels to travel through. It is the main water source for the Heart Garden.
Beyond the river and past the rainbow trees, you see the greenest, most lush forest ever seen. It is thick with all sorts of plants and flowers. In this thick, lush forest live many different creatures, like the tiny Rainbow Unicorns, the One-Eyed Twigs, the Willow Leopard Leaves, the Twinkling Light Ladybugs, and the Carnation Buzz Bees. All have responsibilities to maintain the ecosystem of the Heart Garden.
Let us begin with the One-Eyed Twigs, whose job is to ride the Willow Leopard Leaves through the Heart Garden to pick up the seedlings that fall from the vines. The Willow Leopard Leaves look like tiny tigers with wings. Then there are the Twinkling Light Ladybugs; they sparkle with light when they fly around, bringing honeyed dewdrops to the Teardrop Helpers to keep them nurtured and strong. The Carnation Buzz Bees are shaped like tiny carnation flowers with wings and big bubble eyes. They keep the Heart Garden pollinated with life. Then there are the Rainbow Unicorns, whose abilities are secret. There is such variety and beauty to be seen in the Heart Garden.
So many different colors and shapes of plants and flowers grow in the lush forest. Some of the plants look like huge gold clovers, some look like tiny red balloons, some look like different shapes and sizes of diamonds, and others look like snowflakes. There are even plants shaped like ice cream cones.
Deep in the lush forest, there are seven shimmering, silver waterfalls. From the mist of the waterfalls, you can see many tiny rainbows. The seven waterfalls surround a huge, shiny silver castle called the Tower of Shimmer. This is where all the creatures gather when it is time to meet for council.
In the center of the Heart Garden, you will see the Keeper of Heart. She is most beautiful to gaze upon. She has a tall, slender aqua-green body. On each side of her stem body are leaf wings, and at the ends of her wings are green leaflike hands. Her head is shaped like peaches that are joined together and come to a point on top. She has three glowing seeds on the top of her pointy head. She has four eyes, two in the center and one on each of her cheeks. The color of her face is peach, and her eyes are sparkling ocean blue. Her lips are bright pink, and she has long, velvety black eyelashes. When you look into her eyes, they fill you with calm and peace. Her body is attached to