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Messiah in Both Testaments
Messiah in Both Testaments
Messiah in Both Testaments
Ebook181 pages2 hours

Messiah in Both Testaments

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This work identifies some of the major messianic prophecies of the Old Testament and shows their New Testament fulfillment in Christ.

“THE MOST AMAZING DRAMA that ever was presented to the mind of man—a drama written in prophecy in the Old Testament and in biography in the four Gospels—is the narrative of Jesus the Christ. One outstanding fact, among many, completely isolates HIM. It is this: that one Man only in the history of the world has had explicit details given beforehand of His birth, life, death and resurrection; that these details are in documents given to the public centuries before He appeared, and that no one challenges, or can challenge, that these documents were widely circulated long before His birth; and that anyone and everyone can compare for himself the actual records of His life with those old documents, and find that they match one another to a nicety. The challenge of this pure miracle is that it happened concerning one Man only in the whole history of the world” (D. M. Panton).

To focus attention on the unparalleled wonder of this literary miracle, think for a moment: who could have prewritten a life of George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, or any other character, five hundred years before he was born? Nowhere in any of the literature of the world, secular or religious, can one find a duplicate to the astounding miracle of the prewritten life of Christ. “The inspiration of that portrait came from the Heavenly Gallery, and not from the studio of an earthly artist” (A. T. Pierson). So amazing is this miracle of the pre-written life of Christ and its perfect fulfillment in Jesus of Nazareth that “Nothing but Divine prescience could have foreseen it, and nothing but Divine power could accomplish it.” As the full evidence is presented, all thoughtful readers will agree that “the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21).
Release dateNov 8, 2022
Messiah in Both Testaments

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    Messiah in Both Testaments - Fred John Meldau

    Four Great Truths Demonstrated by This Fact

    With no variations or aberrations between the Old Testament predictions of the coming Messiah and the New Testament fulfillment in Jesus of Nazareth, one instinctively leaps to the conclusion that the Hand that drew the Image in prophecy moulded the Portrait in history; and the inevitable conclusion to this miracle is fourfold:

    (1) It proves that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, for unaided man is neither capable of writing nor fulfilling such a literary wonder.

    (2) It proves that the God of the Bible, the only One who knows the end from the beginning, and who alone has the power to fulfil all His word, is the true and living God.

    (3) It demonstrates that the God of the Bible is both all-knowing to be able to foretell the future entwined around numberless men who are free moral agents, and all-powerful, to be able to bring to pass a perfect fulfillment of His word in the midst of widespread unbelief, ignorance and rebellion on the part of men.

    (4) It demonstrates that the Person, Jesus of Nazareth, who so perfectly and completely fulfilled all the Old Testament predictions is indeed the Messiah, the Saviour of the world, the Son of the Living God.

    Christ Is the Center of History

    So CHRIST is seen to be the center of all history as well as the central theme of the Bible. The Christ of the New Testament is the fruit of the tree of prophecy, and Christianity is the realization of a plan, the first outlines of which were sketched more than 1500 years before.{2}

    Fulfilled Prophecy Is Unique to the Bible

    The fact of fulfilled prophecy is found in the Bible alone; hence, it presents proof of Divine inspiration that is positive, conclusive, overwhelming. Here is the argument in brief: no man, unaided by Divine inspiration, foreknows the future, for it is an impenetrable wall, a true iron curtain, to all mankind. Only an almighty and an all-knowing God can infallibly predict the future. If then one can find true prophecy (as one does in the Bible), with definite fulfillment, with sufficient time intervening between the prediction and the fulfillment, and with explicit details in the prediction to assure that the prophecies are not clever guesses, then the case is perfect and unanswerable. Remember, there were 400 years between the last of the Messianic predictions of the Old Testament and their fulfillment in the Christ of the Gospels.{3} Many prophecies are of course much older than 400 B. C. During the period of 1100 years, from the age of Moses (1500 B.C.) to that of Malachi (400 B.C.), a succession of prophets arose, Messianic prediction took form, and all of them testified of the Messiah who was to come.

    So minute and so voluminous are these Old Testament predictions and so complete is their fulfillment in the New Testament, that Dr. A. T. Pierson says, There would be no honest infidel in the world were Messianic prophecy studied...nor would there be any doubting disciples if this fact of prediction and fulfillment were fully understood. And, he continues, the sad fact is, we have yet to meet the first honest skeptic or critic who has carefully studied the prophecies which center in Christ (Many Infallible Proofs). Here indeed is God’s Rock of Ages, faith’s unshakable standing place.

    Prophecy Is God’s Own Method of Proving His Truth

    The teachings of the Bible are so peculiar and different from all other religions, and so important—telling us that man’s eternal destiny, for weal or woe, depends on his acceptance of the Christ of the Bible—that we have the right to know whether the Bible is or is not a Heavenly Decree, the absolute and final Word of God, whether its message is fully authorized by the Almighty. If God has given a revelation of His will in the Bible, there can be no doubt that in some unmistakable way He will show men that the Bible is indeed His revealed will; and the way He has chosen to show men that the Bible is His Word is a way that all men of average intelligence can understand; and that way is through the giving and through the fulfillment of specific, detailed prophecies. It is the Divine seal, letting all men know that He has spoken. This seal can never be counterfeited, affixed to the Truth which it attests—for His foreknowledge of the actions of free and intelligent agents, men, is one of the most incomprehensible attributes of Deity and is exclusively a Divine perfection.{4}

    In challenging the false gods of Isaiah’s time, the true God said:

    Produce your cause...bring forth your strong reasons...show us what shall happen...declare us things for to come. Show us things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods (Isa. 41:21-23).

    There are false faiths like Mohammedanism and Buddhism that have tried to prop up their claims on pretended miracles, but neither these, nor any other religion in the history of the world, except the Bible, have ever ventured to frame prophecies.

    It is the peculiar glory of the Almighty, the all-knowing God, who is the Lord, the Creator (Isa. 40:28) to declare new things before they spring forth (Isa. 42:8-9) and that glory He will not share with another (Isa. 42:8). The true God alone foreknows and foretells the future. And He has chosen to confine his foretelling to the pages of Scripture."{5} Though there are many other subjects of Divine Prophecy in the Bible—such as the Jews, the Gentile nations that surrounded Israel, ancient cities, the Church, the last days, etc., the divine perfections of foreknowledge and fulfillment can be seen better in the realm of prophecies concerning Christ than in any other sphere.

    Here is the clear statement that God alone, in the Bible alone, gave true prophecies:

    I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like Me, DECLARING THE END FROM THE BEGINNING, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, MY COUNSEL SHALL STAND AND I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE (Isa. 45:9, 10). (The appeal by God that He alone can give and fulfill prophecy, and that it is to be found alone in the Bible, is found in many places in the Bible. See 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:19-21; Deuteronomy 18:21, 22; Isaiah 41:21-23; Jeremiah 28:9; John 13:19, etc.)

    Sensing the tremendous force of this fact, Justin Martyr said, To declare a thing shall come to pass long before it is in being, and to bring it to pass, this or nothing is the work of God.

    Chance Fulfillment of Prophecy Is Ruled Out

    Desperate atheists and other unbelievers, seeking a way to circumvent the fact of fulfilled prophecy and its connotations, have argued that the fulfillments were accidental, chance, or co-incidental. But when a number of details are given the chance fulfillment of prophecy is ruled out. One writer says, "It is conceivable that a prediction, uttered at a venture and expressing what in a general way may happen to resume may seem like a genuine prophecy. But only let the prophecy give several DETAILS of time, place and accompanying incidents and it is evident that the possibility of a chance fulfillment, by a ‘fortuitous concurrence of events,’ will become extremely desperate—yea, altogether impossible. Hence the prophecies of heathen antiquity always took good care to confine their predictions to one or two particulars and to express them in the most general and ambiguous terms. Therefore, in the whole range of history, except the prophecies of Scripture, there is not a single instance of a prediction, expressed in unequivocal language, and descending to any minuteness, which bears the slightest claim to fulfillment. ‘Suppose,’ says Dr. Olinthus Gregory, ‘that there were only 50 prophecies in the Old Testament (instead of 333) concerning the first advent of Christ, giving details of the coming Messiah and all meet in the person of Jesus...the probability of chance fulfillment as calculated by mathematicians according to the theory of probabilities, is less than one in 1,125,000,000,000,000. Now add only two more elements to these 50 prophecies, and fix the TIME and the PLACE at which they must happen and the immense improbability that they will take place by chance exceeds all the power of numbers to express (or the mind of man to grasp). This is enough, one would think, to silence for ever all pleas for chance as furnishing an unbeliever the least opportunity of escape from the evidence of prophecy.’ (Gregory’s Letters)."{6}

    Let it be further observed that many of the prophecies about Messiah are of such a nature that only God could fulfill them, such as His virgin birth, His sinless and holy character, His resurrection and His ascension. Only GOD could cause Jesus to be born of a virgin or be raised from the dead (David Baron).


    IN THE OLD TESTAMENT there is a definite, clear and continuous teaching that Messiah will come. Dozens of times we read such promises as "Behold thy King cometh unto thee" (Zech. 9:9); the Lord God will come (Isa. 40:10); the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple (Mai. 3:1); "the Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee (Deut. 18:15-19) who will be the Lord’s fellow (equal) (Zech. 13:7). Daniel predicted the coming of Messiah the Prince at a set time (Dan. 9:25, 26), and Isaiah foretold of the rod out of the stem of Jesse (Isa. 11:1) on whom the Lord would lay the iniquity of us all (Isa. 53). Prophets and Seers of old often spoke of the time when the Desire of all Nations" would come (Hag. 2:7). (See also Isa. 35:4; Gen. 49:10; Num. 24:37; Ps. 118:26; Ps. 2:5-6; Jerem. 23:5-6; Isa. 62:11; Gen. 3:15, etc.).

    Christ’s Coming Is the Central Theme of the Bible

    The coming of Christ, promised in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New—His birth, character, work, teachings, His sufferings, death and resurrection—are the grand, central themes of the Bible. Christ is the bond that ties the two Testaments together. The Old Testament is in the New revealed, the New Testament is in the Old concealed.

    The Average Bible Reader Can Understand

    The most ordinary reader, says A. T. Pierson, "may examine the old curious predictions of the Messiah’s person and work found in the Old Testament, follow the gradual progress of these revelations from Genesis to Malachi, and trace the prophecies as they descend into details more and more specific and minute, until at last the full figure of the Coming One stands out. Then, with this image clearly fixed in his mind’s eye, he may turn to the New Testament and beginning with Matthew, see how the historic personage, Jesus of Nazareth, corresponds and coincides in every particular with the prophetic personage depicted by the prophets....There is not a difference or a divergence, yet there could have been no collusion or contact between the prophets of the Old Testament and the narrators of the New Testament. Observe, the reader has not gone out of the Bible itself. He has simply compared two portraits; one in the Old Testament of a mysterious Coming one, another is in the New of One who has actually come; and his irresistible conclusion is that these two blend in absolute unity."


    Let us briefly trace a

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