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Analyzing Labor Education in Joshua and Judges: Motivation for Hard work!: The Education of Labor in the Bible, #6
Analyzing Labor Education in Joshua and Judges: Motivation for Hard work!: The Education of Labor in the Bible, #6
Analyzing Labor Education in Joshua and Judges: Motivation for Hard work!: The Education of Labor in the Bible, #6
Ebook55 pages33 minutes

Analyzing Labor Education in Joshua and Judges: Motivation for Hard work!: The Education of Labor in the Bible, #6

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About this ebook

Explore and discover the glorious story of the books of Joshua and Judges! These books tell the story of ancient Israel taking possession of the land that God promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as well as the formation of tribal confederations. The main theme of these books is to understand how to be guided by God to experience peace and joy; however, disobedience will bring sadness and pain. These books also offer a modern and current view on work and God's direction. From the development of leadership to the resources necessary to conquer a territory, Joshua and Judges offer invaluable knowledge to guide us in our work and in our lives. Join the adventure to discover the events of Joshua and Judges that will contribute to your understanding of work from a biblical perspective!

Release dateFeb 23, 2023
Analyzing Labor Education in Joshua and Judges: Motivation for Hard work!: The Education of Labor in the Bible, #6

Bible Sermons

This bible study series is perfect for Christians of any level, from children to youth to adults. It provides an engaging and interactive way to learn the Bible, with activities and discussion topics that will help deepen your understanding of scripture and strengthen your faith. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Christian, this series will help you grow in your knowledge of the Bible and strengthen your relationship with God. Led by brothers with exemplary testimonies and extensive knowledge of scripture, who congregate in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world.

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    Book preview

    Analyzing Labor Education in Joshua and Judges - Bible Sermons

    Analyzing Labor Education in Joshua and Judges: Motivation for Hard work!

    The Education of Labor in the Bible, Volume 6

    Bible Sermons

    Published by Seminit Publications, 2023.

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. February 23, 2023.

    Copyright © 2023 Bible Sermons.

    ISBN: 979-8215166918

    Written by Bible Sermons.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page


    Introduction to Joshua and Judges

    The Triumph of the Takeover (Joshua 1-12)

    Who is Joshua (Joshua 1)

    Concerning the Land (Joshua 2-12)

    Tilling the Land (Joshua 5)

    The Conquest of the Land (Joshua 6-12)

    Remembering God's Presence on Earth (Joshua 4:1-9)

    Let the Lord Involve Our Decisions (Joshua 9:12-15)

    Boundary Coordination (Joshua 13-22)

    Covenant Renewal (Joshua 23-24)

    The Chaos After the Death of Joshua (Judges 1-21)

    Failed Eviction (Judges 1-2)

    The Judges (Judges 3-16) | Deborah (Judges 4-5)

    Economic Impact of War (Judges 6:1-11)

    Gideon's Indeterminate Leadership (Judges 6:12-8:35)

    The Judges-led Fiasco (Judges 9-16)

    Israel is in Decline (Judges 17-21) | Revealing the Gospel of Prosperity in its Original Form (Judges 17)

    The Exposition of the Fall of Man and the Complicity of the Religious Authorities (Judges 18-21)

    Conclusions of Joshua and Judges

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    Further Reading: Bible Introduction: Overflying The Bible from Genesis by Brethren in the Faith

    Also By Bible Sermons

    About the Author

    A certain preacher whose sermons produced many conversions received a revelation from God letting him know that it was not his sermons or all his work that brought results, but the prayers of an illiterate brother who sat on the pulpit steps pleading for the success of the sermons. The same thing may come to pass with us on the day when all things are manifested. It is not strange that, after toiling hard and toil, all honor belongs to another builder whose prayers were of gold, silver and precious stones, while our prayerless sermons were but chaff and stubble

    — Charles Spurgeon

    Introduction to Joshua and Judges

    The books of Joshua and Judges tell the story of ancient Israel taking possession of the land God promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 15:18-21; 28:13) and of the formation of tribal confederations there.... The overall theme of the book is that when God's people obey His commandments and His guidance, the work goes well and they experience peace and joy. However, when they do as they please and believe they are the supreme authority, poverty, conflict and all kinds of evil will bring them sorrow and pain.

    The function

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