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Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?
Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?
Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?
Ebook265 pages3 hours

Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

What would you do if Jesus appeared to you in a dream and told you to follow Him? What if these visions continued for over thirty days? And what if you were Muslim?

Pastor Tom Doyle has spent eleven years as a full-time missionary in the Middle East and Central Asia, spreading the word of Jesus Christ. Throughout his journey he has encountered a staggering number of Muslims who were first introduced to Jesus through a vision or dream so powerful that they eventually turned from their lifelong religion of Islam and embraced Christ as their Savior.

Despite living in a culture where converting to Christianity can result in execution, these former Muslims have found hope, peace, and inspiration that comes from knowing Christ. Their stories will amaze you. Jesus is reaching out to Muslims and they are responding—and Iran has the fastest growing Christian church in the world.

Dreams and Visions is a remarkable collection of stories directly from the world of Islam, discussing the questions:

  • Why would God use dreams to reach the Muslim world?
  • Can dreams and visions be trusted?
  • What happens after these dreams or visions occur?

Travel to the heart of the Middle East to meet new believers who have truly been touched by Jesus in the most miraculous way: through dreams.

Release dateSep 3, 2012

Tom Doyle

Tom Doyle is the president of Uncharted Ministries, an accomplished author, popular international speaker, pastor, missionary to the unreached, and a veteran tour guide to Israel and the Middle East. He is the author of Dreams and Visions, Killing Christians, and Standing in the Fire.  

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Reviews for Dreams and Visions

Rating: 4.250000208333334 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Basically this book is about stories of dreams and visions of the person of Jesus as He reveals Himself to Muslims in nine different countries around the world. I had heard about these encounters happening but never saw more than a brief paragraph summary. These stories are in much more detail and I found them intriguing.Also included is a brief summary of several key dreams and visions in the Bible and information on how to test your dreams against scripture.The object of the stories, that is the Muslims that get converted to Christianity, sound very passionate. I would say their passion is putting the western Christian church to shame.Overall this book will impart a heart of compassion for the Muslim people, or at least help you to it if you are ready and willing. If you are interested in getting more compassion for the Muslims or like to read about actual dreams and visions where Jesus Himself shows up you will love this book.To purchase your own copy go here:DREAMS AND VISIONS: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from publisher through the Booksneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Book preview

Dreams and Visions - Tom Doyle


Preface: Jesus and Muslims


1. Friday at the Khan

2. The Imam and the Gun


3. Infidel Gathering

4. Can I Worship Jesus in the Bathroom?

5. A Martyr’s Final Poem

6. Bible Study in Mecca


7. One Tough Burka.

8. Nukes, Imams, and the Underground Sheikh


9. Clinically Impressed

10. Twice Converted

Intermission: The Great Awakening for Muslims


11. The Secret Police’s Best Customer, Part 1

12. The Secret Police’s Best Customer, Part 2

13. Your Killers Are on the Way!


14. The Swords of Baghdad, Part 1

15. The Swords of Baghdad, Part 2


16. Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?

17. I Hate the Jews!

18. Hummus with Hamas

19. West Bank Story


20. The Man of Peace in Boom! Town

21. Why Are You in Our Country?


22. A Veiled Threat

23. Muslim Boy in Bible Town

Conclusion: Extreme Discipleship

Appendix 1: A Brief History of Visits from Jesus

Appendix 2: Real or Fake? A Biblical Test for Dreams and Visions

Appendix 3: The Global Shift—Christianity Soars Ahead of Islam

Appendix 4: Fourteen Centuries of Outreach to Muslims



I revealed myself

to those who did not ask for me;

I was found

by those who did not seek me.

                                    —ISAIAH 65:1

To Jesus~

You are the King of the Universe and my

savior. How amazing You are! We live in days

of accelerated global transformation and social

unrest, yet You remain the rock of our salvation

and the anchor of our hope.

I love you.

"In this world you will have trouble. But take

heart! I have overcome the world."

John 16:33


Jesus and Muslims

The world appears to be getting more dangerous by the minute. Sometimes it seems as if the tares sown in the Master’s field are taking over. ¹ Yet there is a God in heaven who still cares about us, still sits on His throne, and still has a plan. And thanks to His revolutionary plan for our world, the wheat is flourishing.

The world-shattering tactics of God exhibit an ebb and flow, and church historians have a word for these periods of revolution: revivals. In each revival, God moves, Jesus is lifted up, people repent, and cultures are transformed. Nations and continents have been shaken by the power of these fresh works of God, but today’s movement may be the most startling of all time. It will likely have the most far-reaching effect on the world since Jesus first set foot in our dimension more than two thousand years ago. These days, Jesus is introducing Himself to Muslims.

The phenomenon is not limited to a few isolated locations. It’s not happening in just one or two African nations. There’s not just one of several hundred people groups affected in India. He’s not simply visiting some lucky town in the Middle East. What we see is Jesus presenting Himself to Muslims everywhere. Dozens of Islamic countries and countless Muslim cultures have been invaded by Jesus’ love.

If you are concerned about the end of the world or Islamic fundamentalism or whether or not America will survive an economic collapse, this book is for you. Whatever world condition worries you most, you can take heart that Jesus remains firmly in control.

As always, Jesus touches people one by one. This book presents a handful of the thousands of personal stories you won’t be hearing on the news. Yet it reveals the most important movement of our time—the movement of God.

So take a deep breath and enter a new world. Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus all over the globe. Their faith is fresh, and their passion will capture your heart. Your new brothers and sisters in Christ live in Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Gaza Strip. They make their homes in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and the West Bank. And everywhere, they are bold and willing to die for Christ.

Each of their stories is really His story. Jesus wants you to know what He’s doing and to appreciate the power by which He still works today. To us, these dreams and visions are supernatural experiences, but to Jesus, I suspect He’s just doing business here on earth the way He always has. The stories in this book are about real people I know personally or are known by my family’s closest friends in the Middle East. If we couldn’t verify the experience, we left it out—no Christian fairy tales here.

More Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus today then ever before. In fact, we believe more Muslims have become followers of Jesus in the last ten years than in the last fourteen centuries of Islam. Could it be that the real story about Muslims today is not global terrorism? Could it be the real story about Muslims is that Jesus is reaching out to them with His offer of eternal life earned by His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead? I believe Islamic terrorism is Satan’s attempt to keep the gospel message away from Muslims. The enemy thinks that if he can make the rest of us afraid of Muslims or make us hate them, then he can short-circuit Jesus’ church from reaching Muslims. But that isn’t working. Jesus has stepped in and is opening Muslim hearts Himself.

In order to protect the courageous believers who are willing to let me share their stories, I’ve changed some names and a few details that could reveal identities and put people in even greater danger than the threats they already face. But make no mistake, these are actual stories of believers on the front lines. You’ll see this is far more exciting than the best fiction. The real stuff God does is much more interesting. So prepare to be amazed. Islam has a visitor. Jesus has arrived.





Friday at the Khan

You’re the one! A woman’s shout broke above the pandemonium of Cairo’s Khan el-Khalili Friday Market. You’re the one!"

Kamal Assam spun toward the voice. His eyes fixed on the black hijab walking toward him. A female hand protruded from the full-body covering, pointing in his direction.

Yes! You!

Instincts begged him to ignore this culturally dangerous assault and dissolve into the crowd. If the woman’s husband were anywhere near and saw her approach, she—and likely Kamal—would pay a steep price for this outburst. Kamal couldn’t fathom why an observant Muslim woman would choose today to potentially ruin his life. Then a calmer voice inside suggested this might be the very reason Kamal had made his unusual trip to the marketplace.

You were in my dream last night. The woman, now close enough to be heard without shouting, breathed heavily from the effort of pushing through the mob and from her own shock at the unfolding mystery of her circumstances.

Those clothes. You were wearing those clothes. For sure, it is you.

Kamal instantly recognized why this person had so passionately invaded his life. Was I with Jesus? he asked.

Yes, the woman cried, Jesus was with us!

What had begun as an atypical visit for him to the Friday Market had just taken an even more uncanny and exciting turn. That morning while reading his Bible, Kamal felt a compelling urge to leave the house where he was staying and venture to the Friday Market. At the heart of Egypt’s capital city, the Khan el-Khalili is as much an arena as a marketplace. A Mamluk prince built it in 1382, and in some places it smells that old. No ordinary souk (marketplace), this massive outdoor mall is next to the famed Hussein mosque and even has a hotel for those who want to mix religion with shopping. Whether a kitchen utensil, sumac spice, or pair of Nike knockoffs, most anything—legal and otherwise—is sold there.

A short walk from the Khan stands Al-Azhar University, the oldest degree-granting university in Egypt and the chief center for Sunni Islam worldwide. For Arab Muslims, this is the promised land and the reason that a suicide bomber detonated himself in the middle of the Khan on April 7, 2007.

The attack was a response to the government’s treatment of another group of terrorists that had bombed the Hilton Taba by the Red Sea in the Sinai Peninsula on the same day in 2004. In that attack, thirty-one Jews were left dead.

The terrorist act in April 2007 sent a message to the government: stay out of any dealings with Jews. As a result of the bombing in the capital of Sunni Islam, from then on no place in Cairo was considered safe. Tourism in Egypt collapsed—at least for a while.

But now the hordes were back. Tourists weren’t thinking of terrorist attacks. They focused on getting a good deal on some fine pashmina goat’s wool without getting a wallet lifted in between negotiations with a local merchant. Any tourist who dared enter the Khan would be fortunate to leave with only the money spent on trinkets missing from his or her person. The poor of Cairo shop here, a population that includes some of the world’s most skilled pickpockets. And only veteran locals with calloused olfactory sense can long endure the stench. Most of the items are secondhand—some stolen—but the bargains are irresistible, so consumers, indigenous and tourist alike, endure the tidal wave of unpleasantness. Fistfights and brawls are common. Shoppers create their own paths through the chaos of merchandise, animals, and human beings, jostling other marketgoers out of the way to achieve their buying goals.

The senseless layout reflects all of life in Cairo, like the downtown motor traffic where eight rows of cars cram into three lanes. Neither the drivers there nor the clientele on foot in the market have any hope of maintaining full control of where they go.

The market’s entertainment options are as bizarre as its product offerings. Fire-eaters and magicians compete with card-trick artists and glass eaters for an audience. And human forms in alien costumes with no discernible purpose roam among the thousands of Muslim men and women frantically shopping to complete their secular business before Friday prayers shut down commerce for the rest of the day.


So why would Kamal brave this Friday free-for-all? Only the most urgent of necessities ever compelled him to attend, and even then, he avoided the central market area by using one of the less-thriving entryways. But this particular Friday, he went because God told him to go. He knew with 100 percent certainty God had an assignment waiting for him there. The details of the mission were a mystery to him, but he was used to trusting God in the face of the unknown.

So when the market opened at 8 a.m., Kamal was there. He had briefly resisted the urge to avoid the central market and visit the relatively less mobbed areas he preferred—if anything could be preferred about the marketplace—but he yielded even that desire to what he knew was God’s prompting and found himself crushed and battered by the crowd while he waited for he wasn’t sure what.

That someone would notice Kamal among the hordes is not surprising. His friends think of him as the friendliest person in all of Egypt. His smile shines a block away, and his large, green eyes are unforgettable. Joy radiates from every cell of his body, and he is immediately likable. Even when he was arrested for evangelizing Muslims and questioned for hours by the secret police, they ended the interrogation by telling him how glad they were he had stopped by for a visit!

Kamal loves Jesus with his whole heart and is a remarkable pray-er. It’s an experience of heaven simply to be in the room when he prays. One man, upon hearing Kamal pray for the first time, was so overwhelmed by Kamal’s passion for God that he sat speechless for several minutes after the prayer was over.

Kamal wants to be married, and he will tell anyone that. And one other personal characteristic also makes him stand out in a crowd: he’s overweight, but he’s working on it. Still, none of these personal characteristics mattered the moment Noor, a committed Muslim mother of eight, spotted him in the Khan.

Jesus walked with me alongside a lake, and He told me how much He loves me. The woman in black told Kamal details of the vivid dream she’d had the night before their meeting. I think my husband loved me at one time. But that love I felt in my dream— His love—was different than anything I’ve ever experienced. I’ve never felt so much peace in my heart. I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want Him to leave. I asked this Jesus, ’Why are You visiting me, a poor Muslim mother with eight children?’ And all He said was, ’I love you, Noor. I have given everything for you. I died for you.’

The din of the market faded from Kamal’s consciousness. He heard only Noor describing her otherworldly encounter with Jesus Christ.

As He turned to leave, the last thing Jesus said was, ’Ask My friend tomorrow about Me. He will tell you all you need in order to understand why I’ve visited you.’ ’But, Jesus, who is Your friend?’ I pleaded in my dream. ’Here is My friend.’ Jesus pointed behind us. ’He has been walking with us the whole time we’ve been together.’

Only partially veiled, Noor stared at Kamal as if she’d been looking for him her whole life. She continued, "Before He said that, I had not noticed you. But you were there—standing nearby through the whole dream. Even though you had walked with us around the lake, I hadn’t seen anyone but Jesus. I thought I was alone with Him. His face was magnificent. I couldn’t take my eyes off Him.

Jesus did not tell me your name, but you were wearing the same clothes you have on right now, and your glasses . . . they’re the same too. In my dream, your face radiated in a way that told me Jesus was, indeed, your friend. I knew I would not forget your smile.

Kamal led Noor out of the main crowd to the edge of the souk and a patch of grass under a lone tree. The two sat down before Kamal spoke.

Noor, my name is Kamal, and I’m a Jesus follower. I have loved Him with an undivided heart for ten years now and am honored to have been in your dream.

Noor stared into Kamal’s green eyes, enthralled with the man’s words.

Jesus is touching the hearts of Muslims all over the world. He’s calling them to salvation—real salvation—one at a time, by visiting them in dreams and visions. Kamal paused, thinking. Is this your first dream about Jesus?

Noor answered, hope in her eyes. Yes, it’s my first. Will I have more dreams?

Kamal measured his answer. You might have many dreams about Jesus. It depends on what He plans for you. It could be that one dream is all you need. Kamal wondered briefly just what his Lord had in mind for this woman. You must have many questions.

About a thousand, Noor blurted.

Is this a safe place to talk?

Noor understood the question behind the question. My husband is at work, and besides, he lost interest in me long ago. I’m his third wife, and last year he took a fourth. She is very young, and her smooth skin, beautiful face, and shapely silhouette are all he can think about. I barely see him. He won’t come looking for me. Anguish flickered across her face, but wonder quickly returned. We are safe here. Tell me about Jesus!

Kamal spoke slowly. He is calling you, Noor. He doesn’t make random visits. Your dream has a purpose that will transform you on the inside. Kamal watched Noor to make sure she understood. Jesus wants you to be one of His followers. You’ve been privileged to have a personal visit from Jesus Christ. You are chosen, Noor. Even before you were born, Jesus planned this encounter with you. Kamal looked away, into the mass of people surrounding them, then back at Noor. He has not yet appeared to me like this, but I pray that He does.

Noor felt authority she could trust in Kamal’s voice. She sighed deeply and put words to her first question: Why would a prophet say that He died for me? I have believed in Him, and we Muslims respect Him. Noor stared past Kamal, slowly shaking her head. But He is much more than I thought He was. I have never been loved like I was when Jesus walked with me in that dream. I felt no fear. She looked again at Kamal. For the first time in my life, I felt no shame. Her voice dropped to a whisper; Kamal strained to hear her. Even though He’s a man, I wasn’t intimidated. I didn’t feel threatened. I felt . . . perfect peace. Noor smiled.

Kamal feared that discussing Islam could drive Noor away, but he boldly turned the conversation in that direction. That’s what He wants to give you, Noor. Before He went to the cross, Jesus said, ’Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you’ (John 14:27 NKJV). You will not—cannot—find peace like that with anyone else. No one but Jesus even has it to offer.

Kamal continued, Noor, you’ve spent your life searching for God through religion. I did the same thing. My religion was different than yours, but in the end, all religions amount to the same thing: frustration. They’re filled with man-made rules that will supposedly get you to God. But the fact is, they don’t.

Kamal could see in her eyes that Noor grasped this

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