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The zodiac sign Lover
The zodiac sign Lover
The zodiac sign Lover
Ebook218 pages1 hour

The zodiac sign Lover

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

n this adventure novel, the protagonist, Pisces, is fascinated by astrology and the zodiac signs. One night, she sees a strange light in the sky and feels compelled to follow it. She ends up at the foot of a mountain where she meets three zodiac signs - Aries, Aquarius, and Libra. They have called her there

Release dateJan 1, 2024
The zodiac sign Lover

Hash Blink

Hash Blink, born Thomas B. Sherriff, is a hip hop artist and storyteller. With a global perspective shaped by his Liberian roots and his experiences in the vibrant hip-hop scene of Chicago, Hash Blink's music and literature transcend boundaries and captivate audiences.

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    Book preview

    The zodiac sign Lover - Hash Blink

    The zodiac sign Lover

    An adventure novel

    Chapter 1

    Pisces was always fascinated by the stars, and the way they seemed to align in patterns that held deep, ancient meanings. She spent her days reading about astrology, and her nights gazing up at the sky, searching for answers to questions she couldn't even articulate yet.

    One evening, as she lay on her rooftop, she saw something she had never seen before. A shimmering, swirling mass of light, moving across the sky like a living thing. It seemed to pulse with energy, and she felt a sudden urge to follow it.

    Without hesitation, Pisces jumped off her roof and began to run, following the path of the strange light. She ran for what felt like hours, through fields, forests, and over hills, until she found herself standing at the foot of a towering mountain.

    As she looked up, she saw three figures standing at the summit, silhouetted against the moon. One of them was Aries, the fierce and determined zodiac sign known for his bravery and courage.

    The second was Aquarius, the intellectual and quirky thinker who always seemed to have a different perspective on things. And the third was Libra, the balanced and fair mediator who kept the peace between the other two.

    Pisces felt a thrill of excitement rush through her as she realized that this was no mere coincidence. The zodiac signs had called her here for a reason, and she was determined to find out what it was.

    With a deep breath, she began to climb the mountain, her eyes fixed on the three figures waiting for her at the top.

    Chapter 2

    As the group continued their journey up the mountain, Pisces couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She had always been

    sensitive to the energies around her, and something didn't feel right.

    Suddenly, Cancer, who had been walking ahead of Pisces, turned around and sneered at her. Why are you even here, Pisces? You don't belong with us.

    Pisces was taken aback. She had always gotten along with Cancer, or so she thought. What do you mean? she asked, her voice shaking.

    You're too emotional, Cancer spat. We don't need that kind of weakness on this mission.

    Pisces felt tears welling up in her eyes. She had always been aware of her sensitivity, but she had never considered it a weakness. She didn't know how to respond.

    But before anyone else could intervene, Sagittarius stepped forward. That's enough, Cancer, he said firmly. We're all in this together. We don't have time for petty arguments.

    Cancer huffed and turned away, and Pisces felt a sense of relief wash over her. She didn't know what had come over Cancer, but she was grateful for Sagittarius's intervention.

    As they continued up the mountain, Pisces couldn't help but feel grateful for the kind souls she had met on this journey. She knew that they would face more challenges, but she was confident that they could overcome them together.

    Chapter 3

    The group continued their journey towards their unknown destination. Pisces was lost in thought, pondering over the meaning of the strange light that had led her to the mountain. She wondered if this journey had something to do with her fascination with astrology and her love for the zodiac signs.

    As they walked, Sagittarius suddenly halted, signaling the group to be cautious. There was a dark figure lurking in the shadows. Pisces felt her heart race as the figure stepped out into the open, revealing itself to be a fearsome creature unlike any she had ever seen before.

    It had the head of a lion, a serpent's tail, and the body of a goat. Its eyes glowed like embers as it let out a menacing growl. Pisces felt a shiver run down her spine as the creature lunged towards them.

    Sagittarius quickly drew his bow and fired an arrow, but it barely grazed the creature's tough hide. The others leapt into action, each using their unique abilities to fight off the creature.

    Pisces felt a surge of power as she realized her ability to control water. She called upon the nearby stream, channeling its energy to create a massive wave that washed over the creature, knocking it off balance and giving her companions the opportunity to strike.

    With a final blow, the creature fell to the ground, defeated. Pisces couldn't believe what she had just done. She had never felt so alive and empowered.

    As they continued their journey, Pisces couldn't help but feel grateful for her companions. They had each other's backs and were willing to fight for one another.

    She knew that whatever lay ahead, they would face it together. And with each other's unique abilities, they would conquer whatever challenge lay ahead.

    Chapter 4

    As they journeyed deeper into the mountain, they encountered Gemini, the twin zodiac sign. Gemini was known for their quick wit and sharp tongue, but Pisces could sense that there was something more to their demeanor.

    Gemini greeted the group with a smile and explained that they were searching for a lost artifact, one that was said to hold immense power. Pisces was intrigued and asked if they could join Gemini on their quest.

    As they traveled together, Gemini revealed that they too had a hidden ability, the power to clone themselves. The group was amazed at this revelation and Pisces felt a sense of kinship with Gemini, knowing what it was like to have something special about oneself.

    Their journey led them to a steep cliff, where the artifact was said to be hidden. Capricorn, the goat zodiac sign, used their climbing skills to scale the cliff, with Leo, the lion zodiac sign, following close behind.

    Once they reached the top, they found themselves in a dark cave, filled with traps and obstacles. Virgo, the meticulous zodiac sign, led the way, analyzing the traps and finding the best way to navigate through them.

    At last, they reached the end of the cave, where the artifact was guarded by a fierce dragon. Aries, the ram zodiac sign, charged at the dragon, but to no avail. Pisces called upon her water control abilities, flooding the cave and causing the dragon to slip, giving Aries an opening to strike.

    With the dragon defeated, Gemini claimed the artifact, a glowing orb that pulsated with energy. As they left the cave, Pisces couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. She had made new friends and discovered more about herself than she ever thought possible.

    Their journey was far from over, but Pisces knew that with her newfound companions, they could face any challenge that lay ahead.

    Chapter 5

    As the group continued on their journey, they stumbled upon a clearing where they saw a figure standing in the center. As they approached, the figure revealed herself to be Leo, another member of the zodiac group.

    Leo glared at the group with a fierce intensity in her eyes. What brings you all here? she demanded.

    We are on a quest, Aries replied, taking a step forward. We seek to help those in need and protect the balance of the universe.

    Leo scoffed. You think you can just waltz in here and claim to be heroes? You have no idea what you're getting into.

    Before anyone could react, Leo charged towards the group, her body cloaked in flames. The group scattered as she unleashed a fiery attack, causing the ground to shake beneath their feet.

    Pisces quickly conjured a wave of water to extinguish the flames, while Libra used her powers to create a shield to protect them from Leo's attacks. Aries and Sagittarius launched a counterattack, their weapons clashing against Leo's fiery attacks.

    The battle raged on for what felt like hours, the group slowly gaining the upper hand against Leo's relentless assault. Finally, with one last strike, Leo fell to the ground with a defeated groan.

    Pisces rushed over to her, concerned. Are you okay?

    Leo glared up at them, her eyes blazing with hatred. You may have won this time, but I will not rest until I have defeated all of you.

    With that, she disappeared in a burst of flames, leaving the group standing there, panting and exhilarated from the battle.

    Wow, Pisces breathed, looking at her companions with a

    newfound respect. That was intense.

    Aries smiled and clapped her on the back. You did great out there, Pisces. We make a pretty good team, don't we?

    The group laughed and exchanged high-fives, feeling more united than ever before. They continued on their journey, eager to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

    Chapter 6

    As the group continued their journey, they came across a small village. Pisces was fascinated by the unique architecture and culture of the village, while Aries was more interested in finding a place to rest and restock their supplies.

    As they wandered through the village, they noticed a group of people gathered around a woman who was holding a small flame in her hand. Virgo, who had always been interested in the mystical arts, recognized the woman as a powerful sorceress. The sorceress introduced herself as the guardian of the village and explained that she was using her powers to keep the village safe from harm.

    However, the peace was threatened when Leo returned, seeking revenge on the group for defeating her. With her fiery powers, she set the village ablaze and attacked the group with great force. The sorceress tried to hold off Leo's attacks, but it was clear that she was no match for the powerful zodiac sign.

    The group knew they had to act quickly to save the village. Aries charged towards Leo while Sagittarius used her bow and arrows to take aim from a safe distance.

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