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About the Book

Are you tired of feeling rushed and stressed in the mornings, setting the tone for a chaotic day? Do you yearn for a life of intention, productivity, and personal growth?

In "Master Your Morning," you'll embark on a transformative journey to harness the potential of your mornings and take control of your life.

The book's opening chapter shows the stark difference between two types of mornings—one filled with haste and anxiety and the other bathed in tranquility and purpose. This book asserts that your daily habits shape your life and explores how to break free from negative and cultivate positive routines.

The second chapter delves into the science behind mornings, unveils the intricate workings of your body's circadian rhythm and hormonal changes, and offers insights into why early mornings are ideal for heightened productivity and focus. You'll learn how to optimize your sleep-wake cycle and harness the power of your brain waves.


The book doesn't stop at the science; it provides practical strategies for mastering your mornings. You'll uncover the challenges that hold you back, like the struggle to leave your comfy bed and find inspiration in the author's journey toward becoming a morning person.

Chapter by chapter, you'll explore the secrets of crafting a morning routine that sets you up for success. From preparing the night before to embracing the "golden hours" of productivity, each chapter offers actionable advice to enhance your morning rituals.

You'll learn to prioritize tasks, improve sleep quality, practice mindfulness, and incorporate physical activity and healthy habits into your morning routine.

The book draws from the experiences of successful individuals from various fields and showcases the diversity of morning routines while highlighting common threads that lead to achievement.

"Master Your Morning" is your key to unlocking your full potential, one morning at a time.

Whether you seek personal growth, professional success, or a more balanced life, this book will provide the roadmap to living each day with intention and entering a world of limitless possibilities.

Elevate Your Mornings and Elevate Your Life One Morning at A Time.

Release dateNov 9, 2023


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    Book preview

    MASTER YOUR MORNING - Bir Kshetrimayum


    We want to succeed in life. We want to achieve in whatever calling, profession, or occupation. But most of us cannot succeed in life. The Social Security Administration says that if you take 100 people at the start of their working careers and follow them until they reach retirement age, you will find only 5% of them will be successful in creating a life of freedom, and 95% of them will continue to struggle their entire lives.

    Just think about this. If you think about where you are at present, most likely, you are among the 95% category. But if you are among the 5% of really successful people, congratulations! That's great, and I am proud of you.

    I belong to the larger group - the 95% group. I am not embarrassed for being in that group. I am proud that I have at least the awareness that I am either an average or a mediocre.  Knowing that I am modest and accepting the fact is far better than not doing so and being an imposter among highly successful people. I know I am being vulnerable. And I am consciously choosing it so. Why? Because, this way, I can create an opportunity to upgrade myself from a mediocre life to a more successful one. Yes, I am striving for a higher version of my life.

    What about you?

    Since you are reading this book, I know you are also someone who wants to embark upon a successful journey in life. You must have tried many ways to be successful. You must have read many self-help books. Or maybe you are coming across a self-help book for the first time as you are reading this book.

    Now, you know that people aspire to succeed in life, but most of them fail to do so. What may be the reason? If you ask the unsuccessful ones, they will give many reasons and justifications for their failures. Analyze their lifestyle and try to find the reason, and you will have an altogether different reason from a different perspective. Other people have different angles of looking at things.

    There might be many reasons for failures. But one common denominator that unsuccessful people have is that they don't know how to follow the footprints of successful people. They attempt to pursue their goals without considering the experiences of other successful people.

    They don't realize that starting from scratch and attempting to reinvent something already invented will be folly.

    What can you do then? You can follow suit at best. You can follow the footprints of the forerunners in the same walk of life you want to go.

    This book is about one of the most common habits that successful people follow – maintaining a personal morning routine. Of course, maintaining a morning routine is the secret for many successful people worldwide. In his famous book 'The Miracle Morning,' Hal Elrod deals with the benefits of maintaining a morning routine and the techniques to make and maintain a morning routine throughout one's life.

    Research has shown that the morning hours are the most productive for many people. When you wake up early, you have more time to focus on your goals and objectives without distractions. You can use this time to plan your day, exercise, meditate, read, or work on personal projects for which you don't have time during the rest of the day.

    The idea of using mornings for productivity is not new. The benefits of using mornings for productivity extend beyond just getting more done. Starting your day with a productive routine sets the tone for the rest of the day. You feel more energized, focused, and motivated to tackle tasks as they come up throughout the day. This routine, in turn, can lead to greater satisfaction and fulfillment in your personal and professional lives.

    One of the main reasons mornings are so important is that they allow you to start fresh. You can leave the previous day's events behind and begin a new day with a clean slate. Mornings can help you release negative emotions or stress from the prior day and start the day with a positive outlook.

    In addition to the benefits mentioned above, mornings also provide an opportunity for self-care. Self-care is essential for your overall well-being; incorporating it into your morning routine can help you prioritize your health. When you wake up early, you have time to exercise, meditate, or engage in any other activity that promotes your physical and mental health.

    I have had days of late-night work when I had the pressure to complete some office-related tasks or some of my important projects. I managed to accomplish many of them before the clock struck midnight. And sometimes, I would sit past midnight to finish my assignments. After completing my work, I would have some sense of accomplishment. However, I would face an unpleasant time the following day as I had broken my natural body cycle – the circadian rhythm. I would be sleepy, froggy, tired, and not able to concentrate on doing things in the morning.

    Since my childhood, I have been an early morning riser. However, consistently maintaining some significant morning routine invariably began as I embarked on my writing journey, and I have started practicing writing almost every day. In my pursuit, I had to practice daily free writing to hone my writing skills. I try to make it my habit to write every day – sometimes offline and sometimes on an online platform like 750 words.com to build on my competency.

    I attempt to write early in the morning as much as I can. I can do it most of the time, but on certain days, I fail. On those days, I managed to write at other times. Experiences have shown that when I write at different times of the day, I take twice or thrice the time I take to write in the morning. From this experience, I have realized that I can do things more focused and productive in the morning than later.

    A few of the self-help books I have read emphasize the importance of the morning routine. As I  have personally started practicing it, I would like to share the miracle happening in me. I would like you to enjoy the experience of what lies a secret in the early wee hours of the day.

    This book explores the science behind mornings and provides tips and strategies for developing your morning routine to unlock your potential and optimize your daily life. I am confident this book will give some value to readers like you, and at least some part of the book will surely resonate with you. And if you are a fast implementer, you will get some nuggets out of this book to your benefit. Maybe it will be a game changer in your life.

    I am not sure whether you are a morning lark or a night owl - a morning person or a night person. But the fact that you have picked up this book or purchased it shows that, most likely, you are a morning person. Even if you are not one, if you go through the pages of this book, I am sure you will come to a point where you will feel like becoming a morning person and push your life forward towards success. Please try doing that, and you will see the miracle.

    I thank you for the time you will be taking to do that. And I am more than happy to know that you will be my dear companion as we explore, page by page, the secrets of morning life and take ourselves towards our new versions of life.

    Chapter 1


    Imagine a morning when you are in bed, and the first cock crows of the morn have already started somewhere in the countryside or outskirts of the city, and the alarm clock by your bedside has already started ringing. You are still under the warm, comfy covers, stretching out your hands from inside the blanket, not to get up but to hit the snooze button.

    You like to sleep in further,

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