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Kaspar the Titanic Cat
Kaspar the Titanic Cat
Kaspar the Titanic Cat
Ebook157 pages1 hour

Kaspar the Titanic Cat

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When kaspar the cat first arrived at London’s Savoy Hotel, it was Johnny Trott who carried him in. After all, Johnny was a bellboy and was responsible for all of Countess Kandinsky’s things— including Kaspar. But when tragedy befalls the Countess during her stay, Kaspar becomes more than Johnny’s responsibility: Kaspar is Johnny’s new cat, and his new best friend.

And when Kaspar and Johnny meet Lizziebeth, a spirited young heiress, they find themselves journeying across the Atlantic with Lizziebeth’s family on England’s newest and most magnificent ship, the Titanic. Because there is always adventure in the air with a cat like Kaspar around. After all, he’s Kaspar Kandinsky, Prince of Cats, a Londoner and a New Yorker and, as far as anyone knows, the only cat to survive the sinking of the Titanic. . . .

Release dateMar 13, 2012
Kaspar the Titanic Cat

Michael Morpurgo

Sir Michael Morpurgo OBE FRSL FKC DL is a writer, playwright, performer and librettist. The author of more than 150 children’s books, he has sold over 35 million copies worldwide and in almost 40 languages. A former teacher and vocal spokesperson for the benefits of reading for pleasure, he is currently the President of Book Trust. Between 2003–2005 he was Children’s Laureate and in 2018 he was knighted for services to literature and charity. Many of Michael’s books have been adapted for stage and screen, including the phenomenal National Theatre adaptation of War Horse, which has been seen by over 10 million people in over 100 cities around the world, broke the West End record for weekly ticket sales, and won 5 Tony Awards and 2 Olivier Awards. Michael is also the co-founder, with his wife Clare, of the charity Farms for City Children.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It may be Inspector Witherspoon's life, but it is Mrs. Jeffries who really runs things. Not only is she the housekeeper who keeps life at home smooth running, she is also the one who seems to guide the Inspector in solving the mysteries that come his way.In this book, the Inspector has put the household on a tight budget. To keep in line with this new ruling, Cook has dusted off an old cookbook with recipes that are as tasty as the dust but very economical. Not only is the Inspector suffering through these frugal meals, he is also working through a new murder of a business man who has a long list of possible suspects. Seems this business man has cheated his investors our of a nice chunk of money. The Inspector is trying to focus on finding clues and interviewing witnesses, while trying to ignore hunger pains from his diet at home.Behind the scenes, Mrs. Jeffries has organized the household staff into its' efficient sleuthing team mode. Cook may be feeding pauper meals to the Inspector, but she still is sure to have tea and sweet buns for when other household staff members drop by to chat in the kitchen. Meanwhile Wiggins, Betsy and Smythe utilize their network of other household staffs for information; uncovering some unsavoury secrets that point to who the guilty party is and why.This is a cozy series set in Victorian times and is a fun and fast read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Kaspar prince of cats by Micheal Morpurgo is about a little boy who works at a hotel as a bell boy and a women singer came to the hotel to stayed.The little boy and the woman became good friend.One day the woman died so he went into the woman's hotel room and found a cat.The cat and him became good friends.The singers friends came to get the cat and when the were going ,they ask the little boy if he wanted to go with him to the titanic.The little boy said 'no because if he goes he will lose his job'.But he went to say good bye but the boat left the place before he got out. This book is really good and it talk a little bit about freindship.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A fun, fast-moving, and most enjoyable old-fashioned tale.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A great story by a great childrens author. The tale of Kasper, who outlives a countess, survives the Titanic and brings a boy a new family.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book got chosen for book club and i think that it is very good. Michael Morpurgo used a famous non-fiction story and made it into a fiction book.

Book preview

Kaspar the Titanic Cat - Michael Morpurgo

The Coming of Kaspar

Prince Kaspar Kandinsky first came to the Savoy Hotel in a basket. I know because I was the one who carried him in. I carried the Countess’s luggage that morning, and I can tell you, she had an awful lot of it.

But I was a bellboy, so that was my job: to carry luggage, to open doors, to say good morning to every guest I met, to see to their every need, from polishing their boots to bringing them their telegrams. In whatever I did I had to smile at them very politely, but the smile had to be more respectful than friendly. And I had to remember all their names and titles too, which was not at all easy, because there were always new guests arriving. Most important, though, as a bellboy—which, by the way, was just about the lowest of the low at the hotel—I had to do whatever the guests asked me to, and right away. In fact I was at almost everyone’s beck and call. It was Jump to it, Johnny, or Be sharp about it, boy, do this lickety-split, do that jaldi, jaldi. They’d click their fingers at me, and I’d jump to it lickety-split, I can tell you, particularly if Mrs. Blaise, the head housekeeper, was on the prowl.

We could always hear her coming because she rattled like a skeleton on the move. This was on account of the huge bunch of keys that hung from her waist. She had a voice as loud as a trombone when she was angry, and she was often angry. We lived in constant fear of her. Mrs. Blaise liked to be called Madame, but on the servants’ corridor at the top of the hotel, where we all lived—bellboys, chambermaids, kitchen staff—we called her Skullface, because she didn’t just rattle like a skeleton; she looked a lot like one too. We did our very best to keep out of her way.

To her, any misdemeanor, however minor, was a dreadful crime—slouching, untidy hair, dirty fingernails. Yawning on duty was the worst crime of fall. And that’s just what Skullface had caught me doing that morning just before the Countess arrived. She’d just come up to me in the lobby, hissing menacingly as she passed, I saw that yawn, young scalawag. And your cap is set too jaunty. You know how I hate a jaunty cap. Fix it. Yawn again, and I’ll have your guts for garters.

I was just fixing my cap when I saw the doorman, Mr. Freddie, showing the Countess in. Mr. Freddie clicked his fingers at me, and that was how moments later I found myself walking through the hotel lobby alongside the Countess, carrying her cat basket, with the cat yowling so loudly that soon everyone was staring at us. This cat did not yowl like other cats; it was more like a wailing lament, almost human in its tremulous tunefulness. The Countess, with me at her side, swept up to the reception desk and announced herself in a heavy foreign accent—a Russian accent, as I was soon to find out. I am Countess Kandinsky, she said. You have a suite of rooms for Kaspar and me, I think. There must be a river outside my window, and I must have a piano. I sent you a telegram with all my requirements.

The Countess spoke as if she were used to people listening, as if she were used to being obeyed. There were many such people who came in through the doors of the Savoy: the rich, the famous and the infamous, business magnates, lords and ladies, even prime ministers and presidents. I don’t mind admitting that I never much cared for their haughtiness and their arrogance. But I learned very soon that if I hid my feelings well enough behind my smile, if I played my cards right, some of them, particularly the Americans, could give very big tips. Just smile and wag your tail. That’s what Mr. Freddie told me to do. He’d been working at the Savoy as a doorman for close on twenty years, so he knew a thing or two. It was good advice. However the guests treated me, I learned to smile back and behave like a willing puppy dog.

That first time I met Countess Kandinsky, I thought she was just another rich aristocrat. But there was something I admired about her from the start. She didn’t just walk to the elevator; she sailed there magnificently, her skirts rustling in her wake, the white ostrich feathers in her hat wafting out behind her, like pennants in a breeze. Everyone, including Skullface, I’m glad to say, was bobbing curtsies or bowing heads as we passed by, and all the time I found myself basking unashamedly in the Countess’s aura, in her grace and grandeur.

I felt suddenly center stage and very important. As a fourteen-year-old bellboy, abandoned as an infant on the steps of an orphanage in Islington, I had not had many opportunities to feel so important. So by the time we all got into the elevator, the Countess and I and the cat still wailing in its basket, I was feeling cock-a-hoop. I suppose it must have showed.

Why are you smiling like this? The Countess frowned at me, ostrich feathers shaking as she spoke.

I could hardly tell her the truth, so I had to think fast. Because of your cat, Countess, I replied. She sounds funny.

"Not she. He. And he is not my cat, she said. Kaspar is no one’s cat. He is the Prince of Cats. He is Prince Kaspar Kandinsky, and a prince belongs to no one, not even to a Countess. She smiled at me then. I tell you something: I like it when you smile. English people do not smile so often as they should. They do not laugh; they do not cry. This is a great mistake. We Russians, when we want to laugh, we laugh. When we want to cry, we cry. Prince Kaspar is a Russian cat. At this moment he is a very unhappy cat, so he cries. This is natural, I think."

Why’s he so unhappy? I found myself asking her.

Because he is angry with me. He likes to stay in my house in Moscow. He does not like to travel. I tell him, ‘How can I go to sing in opera in London if we do not travel?’ He does not listen. When we travel, he always makes big fuss, big noise. When I let him out of his basket, he will be happy again. I will show you.

Sure enough, the moment Kaspar climbed out of the basket in the Countess’s sitting room, he fell completely silent. He tested the carpet with one paw and then leaped nimbly out and began at once to explore. That was when I first understood just why the Countess called him the Prince of Cats. From his whiskers to his paws he was black all over, jet black, and sleek and shiny and beautiful. And he knew he was beautiful too. He moved like silk, his head held high, his tail swishing as he went.

I was about to leave the room to fetch the rest of her luggage when the Countess called me back, as guests often did when they were about to give me a tip. Because of her title, and her ostrich feathers, and the fine luggage she had arrived with, I was very hopeful by now that the tip might be a generous one. As it turned out, she didn’t want to give me a tip at all.

Your name? I wish to know your name, she said, removing her hat with a flourish.

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