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Libra Witch: Unlock the Magic of Your Sun Sign
Libra Witch: Unlock the Magic of Your Sun Sign
Libra Witch: Unlock the Magic of Your Sun Sign
Ebook186 pages2 hours

Libra Witch: Unlock the Magic of Your Sun Sign

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Witchcraft to Celebrate Your Charming & Artistic Self

Enhance your magical practice and personal development with the power of your Libra Sun sign. Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Patti Wigington share what strengths and challenges your sign brings to both witchcraft and everyday life. Featuring recipes, exercises, stories, rituals, and spells from the authors and a host of Libra contributors, this book teaches you how to best connect with your sign's energy, manage your power, cleanse and shield yourself, tailor-fit magical workings to your sign, and more.

Contributors to this volume:

Emma KathrynKeldenTomás ProwerAngela RaincatcherAstrea TaylorManny Tejeda y MorenoDawn Aurora HuntSandra Kynes

Release dateFeb 8, 2024
Libra Witch: Unlock the Magic of Your Sun Sign

Ivo Dominguez

Ivo Dominguez, Jr. (Georgetown, DE) has been active in the magickal community since 1978. He is one of the founders of Keepers of the Holly Chalice, the first Assembly of the Sacred Wheel coven. He serves as one of the Elders in the Assembly. Ivo is the lead author of Llewellyn's Witch's Sun Sign Series and the author of several other titles, including The Four Elements of the Wise and Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans. In his mundane life, he has been a computer programmer, the executive director of an AIDS/HIV service organization, a bookstore owner, and many other things. Visit him at www.ivodominguezjr.com.

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    Libra Witch - Ivo Dominguez

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    About the Authors

    Ivo Dominguez, Jr. (Georgetown, DE) has been active in the magickal community since 1978. He is one of the founders of Keepers of the Holly Chalice, the first Assembly of the Sacred Wheel coven. He currently serves as one of the Elders in the Assembly. Ivo is the author of several books, including The Four Elements of the Wise and Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans. In his mundane life, he has been a computer programmer, the executive director of an AIDS/HIV service organization, a bookstore owner, and many other things. Visit him at www.ivodominguezjr.com.

    author photo

    Patti Wigington has been a Pagan and witch since 1987. In addition to a full-time job in the corporate world, Patti was editor of the Paganism & Wicca site at LearnReligions, previously About.com, from 2007 to 2020. She is a priestess, a blogger, and the author of several books, including Daily Spell JournalWitchcraft for Healing, Badass Ancestors, and The Witch’s Complete Guide to Tarot. Patti has a BA in History from Ohio University and a graduate certificate in Management & Leadership, and she lives in a magical cottage in the woods of Southeastern Ohio. For more on Patti’s work, please visit www.pattiwigington.com.

    title page

    Llewellyn Publications

    Woodbury, Minnesota

    Copyright Information

    Libra Witch: Unlock the Magic of Your Sun Sign Copyright © 2024 by Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Patti Wigington.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd., except in the form of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    As the purchaser of this e-book, you are granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on screen. The text may not be otherwise reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, or recorded on any other storage device in any form or by any means.

    Any unauthorized usage of the text without express written permission of the publisher is a violation of the author’s copyright and is illegal and punishable by law.

    Photography is used for illustrative purposes only. The persons depicted may not endorse or represent the book’s subject.

    First e-book edition © 2024

    E-book ISBN: 9780738772981

    Art direction and cover design by Shira Atakpu

    Book design by Christine Ha

    Interior art by the Llewellyn Art Department

    Tarot Original 1909 Deck © 2021 with art created by Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur Edward Waite. Used with permission of LoScarabeo.

    The Libra Correspondences appendix is excerpted with permission from Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences: A Comprehensive & Cross-Referenced Resource for Pagans & Wiccans © 2013 by Sandra Kynes.

    Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Domínguez, Ivo, Jr., author. | Wigington, Patti, author.

    Title: Libra witch : unlock the magic of your sun sign : cultivating the

    path of beauty / Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Patti Wigington.

    Description: First edition. | Woodbury, MN : Llewellyn Publications, [2024]

    | Series: The witch’s sun sign series ; 7 | Summary: "Bring balance to

    your magical life and improve all your relationships with the power of

    your Sun sign. Sharing numerous spells, exercises, recipes, and stories,

    Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Patti Wigington help you harness Libra energy and

    use it to make your practice stronger than ever. This book reveals the

    correspondences, self-care routines, and divination techniques that best

    support your personality and goals. In addition to spells from a variety

    of Libra contributors, you’ll discover cleansing and shielding methods,

    a ritual to meet with the spirit of your sign, and advice for overcoming

    any obstacles. This book in the Witch’s Sun Sign Series helps you

    understand your Moon and rising sign traits, figure out the best place

    and time for your magic, and find harmony in everything you do"--

    Provided by publisher.

    Identifiers: LCCN 2023043854 (print) | LCCN 2023043855 (ebook) | ISBN

    9780738772868 (paperback) | ISBN 9780738772981 (ebook)

    Subjects: LCSH: Libra (Astrology) | Witchcraft. | Magic.

    Classification: LCC BF1727.45 .D66 2024 (print) | LCC BF1727.45 (ebook) |

    DDC 133.5/272--dc23/eng/20231218

    LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2023043854

    LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2023043855

    Llewellyn Publications does not participate in, endorse, or have any authority or responsibility concerning private business arrangements between our authors and the public.

    Any Internet references contained in this work are current at publication time, but the publisher cannot guarantee that a specific reference will continue or be maintained. Please refer to the publisher’s website for links to current author websites.

    Llewellyn Publications

    Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

    2143 Wooddale Drive

    Woodbury, MN 55125


    Manufactured in the United States of America

    Other Books by Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

    The Four Elements of the Wise

    Keys to Perception: A Practical Guide to Psychic Development

    Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans

    Casting Sacred Space

    Spirit Speak

    Other Books by Patti Wigington

    Badass Ancestors

    Other Books in The Witch’s Sun Sign Series

    Aries Witch

    Taurus Witch

    Gemini Witch

    Cancer Witch

    Leo Witch

    Virgo Witch

    Scorpio Witch

    Sagittarius Witch

    Capricorn Witch

    Aquarius Witch

    Pisces Witch


    The publisher and the authors assume no liability for any injuries or damages caused to the reader that may result from the reader’s use of content contained in this publication and recommend common sense when contemplating the practices described in the work. The material in this book is not intended as a substitute for trained medical or psychological advice. Readers are advised to consult their personal healthcare professionals regarding treatment. Herbs, plants, and essential oils should be used with caution, and thorough research of any plant mentioned in this book should be performed by the reader before working with it. Please practice fire safety precautions when working with fire and candles and never leave candles or other forms of fire unattended.


    Spells, Recipes, and Practices


    How Your Sun Powers Your Magick (Dominguez)

    Libra Correspondences (Dominguez)

    Witchcraft That Comes Naturally to a Libra (Wigington)

    Magical Correspondences (Wigington)

    Timing, Places, and Things (Dominguez)

    Herbal Correspondences (Dominguez)

    Cleansing and Shielding (Wigington)

    What Sets a Libra Off, and How to Recover (Wigington)

    A Brief Bio of Leo Martello (Tejada y Moreno)

    The Sway of Your Moon Sign (Dominguez)

    Tarot Correspondences (Dominguez)

    My Most Libra Witch Moment (Wigington)

    Your Rising Sign’s Influence (Dominguez)

    A Dish Fit for a Libra: Lemon and Ginger Stir-Fry for Harmony(Hunt)

    Recharging and Self-Care (Wigington)

    Don’t Blame It on Your Sun Sign (Wigington)

    Postcard from a Libra Witch (Prower)

    Spirit of Libra Guidance Ritual (Dominguez)

    Libra Anointing Oil Recipe (Dominguez)

    Better Every Day: The Way Forward (Wigington)

    Conclusion (Dominguez)

    Appendix: Libra Correspondences from Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences (Kynes)



    Spells, Recipes, and Practices

    A Spell for Bringing Ideas to Fruition by Kelden

    A Charging Practice by Ivo Dominguez, Jr

    The Power of the Queens Spell by Emma Kathyrn

    A Dish Fit for a Libra: Lemon and Ginger Stir-Fry for Harmony by Dawn Aurora Hunt

    Building Altars of Self-Care by Angela Raincatcher

    Rose Ritual to Balance and Boost Libra Power by Astrea Taylor

    Ritual to Meet the Spirit of Your Sign by Ivo Dominguez, Jr

    Libra Anointing Oil Recipe by Ivo Dominguez, Jr

    Candle Ritual for Decision-Making by Patti Wigington

    Meditation for the Libra Witch to Stay Focused by Patti Wigington


    Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

    This is the seventh book in the Witch’s Sun Sign series. There are twelve volumes in this series with a book for every Sun sign, but with a special focus on witchcraft. This series explores and honors the gifts, perspectives, and joys of being a witch through the perspective of their Sun sign. Each book has information on how your sign affects your magick and life experiences with insights provided by witches of your Sun sign, as well as spells, rituals, and practices to enrich your witchcraft. This series is geared toward helping witches grow, develop, and integrate the power of their Sun sign into all their practices. Each book in the series has ten writers, so there are many takes on the meaning of being a witch of a particular sign. All the books in the Witch’s Sun Sign series are a sampler of possibilities, with pieces that are deep, fun, practical, healing, instructive, revealing, and authentic.

    Welcome to the Libra Witch

    I’m Ivo Dominguez, Jr., and I’ve been a witch and an astrologer for over forty years. In this book, and in the whole series, I’ve written the chapters focused on astrological information and collaborated with the other writers. For the sake of transparency, I am a Sagittarius, and most of the nine other writers for this book are Libras.¹ The chapters focused on the lived experience of being a Libra witch were written by my coauthor, Patti Wigington, who has been a Pagan and witch since 1987 and is the founder and high priestess of a coven. She is an author whose works include Witchcraft for Healing, Badass Ancestors, and The Witch’s Complete Guide to Tarot. The spells and shorter pieces written for this book come from a diverse group of strong Libra witches. Their practices will give you a deeper understanding of yourself as a Libra and as a witch. With the information, insights, and methods offered here, your Libra nature and your witchcraft will be better united. The work of becoming fully yourself entails finding, refining, and merging all the parts that make up your life and identity. This all sounds very serious, but the content of this book will run from lighthearted to profound to do justice to the topic. Moreover, this book has practical suggestions on using the power of your Sun sign to improve your craft as a witch. There are many books on Libra or astrology or witchcraft; this book is about wholeheartedly being a Libra witch.

    There is a vast amount of material available in books, blogs, memes, and videos targeted at Libra. The content presented in these ranges from serious to snarky, and a fair amount of it is less than accurate or useful. After reading this book, you will be better equipped to tell which of these you can take to heart and use, and which are fine for a laugh but not much more. There is a good chance you will be flipping back to reread some chapters to get a better understanding of some of the points being made. This book is meant to be read more than once, and some parts of it may become reference material you will use for years. Consider keeping a folder, digital or paper, for your notes and ideas on being a Libra witch.

    What You Will Need

    Knowing your Sun sign is enough to get quite a bit out of this book. However, to use all the material in this book, you will need your birth chart to verify your Moon sign and rising sign. In addition to your birth date, you will need the location and the time of your birth as exactly as possible. If you don’t know your birth time, try to get a copy of your birth certificate (though not all birth certificates list times). If it is reasonable and you feel comfortable, you can ask family members for information. They may remember an exact time, but even narrowing it down to a range of hours will be useful. There is a solution to not having your exact birth time. Since it takes moments to create birth charts using software, you can run birth charts that are thirty minutes apart over the span of hours that contains your possible birth times. By reading the chapters that describe the characteristics of Moon signs and rising signs, you can reduce the pile of possible charts to a few contenders. Read the descriptions and find the chart whose combination of Moon sign and rising sign rings true to you. There are more refined techniques a professional astrologer can use to get closer to a chart that is more accurate.

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