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Jagged Hearts: Jagged Ivory Series, #1
Jagged Hearts: Jagged Ivory Series, #1
Jagged Hearts: Jagged Ivory Series, #1
Ebook275 pages4 hours

Jagged Hearts: Jagged Ivory Series, #1

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About this ebook

Mercy Holland is sure of two things. One, that Noah Ivory is the sexiest man alive. And two, that he doesn't remember her or the night of passion they spent together four years ago before his band, Jagged Ivory, signed their record deal. But when her father, the band's manager, gives her the opportunity to travel with them on tour Mercy can't help but hope that she and the sexy lead guitarist can reignite an old, smoldering flame.


Playing lead guitar for one of the hottest rock bands in the world has its perks, and Noah Ivory has no trouble taking full advantage of it. He has his pick of the many gorgeous young girls that fall at his feet every night. But when Jagged Ivory's manager brings his beautiful and sassy daughter along on the European leg of their world tour, the guitar god is suddenly thrown for a loop as the memories of their steamy one night stand come crashing back to him.


Now, all sorts of questions are running through his head – like how can he apologize for the way he treated her back then? How can he tell her that she hasn't been far from his thoughts since that night? How can he pursue her with her father watching his every move? And most importantly, how can he keep her from falling for his brother?


This is the second edition of this book and not a new title.

Release dateApr 30, 2024
Jagged Hearts: Jagged Ivory Series, #1

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    Jagged Hearts - Lashell Collins


    I am so fucking tired of this shit! How many times are we going to have this same argument? he screamed at her.

    Oh, I don't know, Katie yelled back, punching him in the arm. Maybe however many times it takes before I believe you.

    Well, if you don't believe me now, then you are never going to believe me once we get on the road.

    Oh you're not going 'on the road,' Noah, she shot back sarcastically. Grow up! Your little band's not going anywhere!

    He couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. Were these her true feelings? He felt like she'd kicked him in the gut. Yet again.

    Oh, I get it. So, not only don't you believe that I was faithful while you were gone last week, but you just don't believe in me at all. Is that it? He didn't wait to hear her answer. The look on her face told him all he needed to know. You know what, Katie? Doesn't matter. We're done!

    He turned on his heel and marched out her door, vowing to himself that it was over and that he didn't need her. Hell, he was better off without her. The guys were always telling him that, and now he was beginning to think they were right.

    The very last thing he needed was to waste his time on some bitch who didn't believe in him or his dreams. He climbed into his old beat-up dinosaur of a van and took off into the night, heading straight for The Hut.

    The Hut was one of their regular gigs on account of the fact that it had a large enough room on the back where the owner allowed them to rehearse for free. And on account of the fact that the owner also happened to be Buzzy's uncle.

    It was your typical hole-in-the-wall type of place. It was dark and unsavory, and the smell of cheap beer and stale cigarettes hung in the air as thick as the smoke. The patrons were usually a mixed bag of bikers, dopers and hard-working middle-class stiffs looking to blow off some steam at the end of a long week.

    Then there were the chicks.

    A lot of them were attached in some way or another to the men in the place. But, as Noah walked through the crowded bar, he knew instantly from their excited glances that many of them were here for one reason, and one reason only.

    To be near Jagged Ivory.

    Noah smirked to himself as he neared the back of the bar where his bandmates were already setting up on the small stage. Katie was always accusing him of screwing around with other girls, and this was why.

    Because there was always an ample supply of pussy being offered up to him and everyone else in the band. But, just like the coke that always seemed to be in endless supply as well, just because it was being offered didn't mean he had to partake in it.

    That was the part that Katie just didn't get. That part she refused to see.

    Well, screw her.

    He was going to get punished for the crime whether he did the deed or not, so tonight he would!

    He was determined. After their set was over, he would find the hottest chick in the bar, take her back to his place, and fuck her senseless.

    It's about damn time, man. Where the hell have you been? Otis glared at him. We go on in less than ten minutes.

    Noah ignored his harsh words and his questions as he went about setting up his gear. He was already way too pissed off to enter into a verbal sparring match with his brother. With the mood he was in right now, that could only end one way — badly.

    Very badly.

    Did you hear me? Otis insisted, refusing to be ignored.

    Yeah. I heard you, Noah answered with a growl, firing a warning shot at his brother with his eyes. Now back off!

    Taken aback by his little brother's attitude, Otis simply stared at him for a moment. Then he glanced around at their other bandmates before asking, What crawled up your ass?

    Don't worry about it, Noah snapped back. We doing this, or what?

    Grateful when Otis finally let the matter drop, Noah turned his attention back to his instrument. And when the show got underway, he was even more thankful for the release. He threw himself into the performance, venting his frustrations and his anger on stage, allowing himself to become completely immersed in the music, letting it wash over him like a tidal wave.

    As he played, he also allowed his eyes to roam the crowd, scoping out the available talent. He felt strangely liberated tonight, without the burden of Katie's disapproval weighing him down, and he intended to take full advantage of it.

    Normally, he would simply party after they left the stage, drinking his fill of Jack and flirting a little with the hotties. Maybe doing the occasional line of coke. But even on those nights when Katie wasn't shackled to his side, he never let the flirting go too far.

    Not very rock and roll of him, he knew. And he was constantly getting ribbed for it by the guys, but he didn't give a shit. Peer pressure had never been his thing. But tonight would be a different story.

    Tonight he could have any girl in the place, maybe even two.

    Or three!

    Hell, he could take home a harem if he felt like it, and make up for lost time. That would show Katie, wouldn't it?

    As that thought slithered enticingly around his consciousness, Noah's eyes suddenly locked with the biggest, prettiest pair of brown eyes he'd ever seen.

    Seated directly in front of the stage, she stared up at him adoringly, singing along with every word as her eyes drank him in.

    He'd seen her before. She was at nearly every show, every weekend, no matter what club they were playing, and always with the same group of girls. Noah couldn't help but notice her, she was gorgeous. Those crazy, big brown eyes and that long mane of wavy brown hair.

    And curves in all the right places!

    Oh, yeah… he had noticed her all right. But he had never been free to pursue it before.

    Holding her gaze as the band played on, Noah smiled at her, watching her eyes widen as a soft blush stole over her face.

    Target acquired and securely locked in, Noah set about seducing her from the stage, playing right to her, turning on the charm. She was already putty in his hands and he knew it. There was no way in hell that she was not going home with him tonight.

    When their set ended and the band packed up and left the stage, eager to get the party started, Noah was careful to never lose sight of her in the throng. As he and his bandmates gathered at a corner table with their usual entourage of females and friends, Noah watched her from across the crowded bar and lit up a cigarette.

    Man, she was hot!

    Tall and curvy. Voluptuous is the word that came to Noah's mind as he took in the slope of her breasts beneath her red halter top.

    Like a pin-up girl.

    Now that was sexy. And this chick had that pin-up girl look about her. He watched, fascinated, as she stood and slowly made her way up to the bar, her tight jeans hugging the curve of her ass with every step. He felt his manhood sit up and pay attention as he watched.

    A second later he was on his feet and moving toward her. He couldn't have stopped himself if he had wanted to.

    Slowly, he slid into position beside her at the bar, his eyes locked on her as she waited for her drink. He was standing so close he could feel the heat of her skin as it rolled off of her bare shoulders.

    She must have felt him staring because she suddenly glanced up at him, and Noah could easily see the shock expressed in her eyes when she realized it was him.

    They stared at one another in silence for an endless moment, and when the bartender set her drink in front of them, Noah silently pulled out a couple of bills and handed them to him, his eyes never leaving hers.

    Thank you, she said.

    Her voice was soft. She was still clearly in shock, and Noah smiled at her.

    You're welcome, he said, staring intently and taking a drag off his cigarette. I know you.

    You do? she asked, her voice sounding timid.

    Noah nodded slowly, blowing the smoke from his lips. I see you every weekend. Are you a stalker? he asked playfully.

    A nervous giggle escaped her. Oh. No. We're not stalkers. My friends and I… we just love the music.

    Hmm, Noah mused, narrowing his eyes as he watched her. Well, you're not a groupie.

    How do you know? she asked, sounding slightly indignant, and he smiled at her again.

    Groupies have a certain… vibe about them, he explained, letting his eyes wander slowly over her figure, and back up to meet her gaze. Their intentions are always crystal clear. But you… you're an enigma.

    A broad smile spread across her face, and Noah's breath hitched unexpectedly. Damn, she was pretty!

    An air of mystery is a good thing for a woman to have, don't you think?

    He couldn't disagree with her as he struggled to regain his footing, taking another long drag off his cigarette and blowing out the smoke.

    Well, if you're not a stalker, and you're not a groupie, he said, watching her closely, then there's only one other possibility.

    And what's that? she asked.

    You must be a fan, he said with a shrug of his shoulders, and she flashed him that million dollar smile once more.

    Yes, she confirmed.

    Well, now that we've established that, Ms. Enigma, the real question becomes whether we're going to your place or mine when we leave here?

    She looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a definite longing, and Noah's dick twitched in response.

    And what makes you think I'm going anywhere with you, Noah Ivory? she asked, her voice husky.

    Because I don't believe you follow us around every weekend just for the music, Noah answered bluntly, his eyes never wavering from hers.

    That's a little arrogant of you, she responded, her voice sounding indignant again.

    Arrogant but true, he shrugged.

    Where's your girlfriend tonight? she asked pointedly, and Noah felt himself cringe.

    We broke up, he answered after a beat. And you sure know a lot about me for someone who says she's not a stalker.

    She shrugged her shoulders. I thought we'd established that I'm a fan. And I'm sorry. About your girlfriend.

    Are you?

    No, she answered with a small, coy smile, and Noah grinned.

    He took a last hit off his cigarette before dropping the butt of it to the floor and stepping on it. Then he looked at her as he took a couple steps away from the bar. You coming?

    She hesitated a split second, and then said somewhat nervously, I need to tell my friends I'm leaving.

    Noah couldn’t stop the condescending smirk. Like they haven't been watching our every move since we said hello? Just wave on your way out, he said, holding his hand out to her.

    Taking his hand, she looked across the bar to her friends, who sat watching with stunned expressions, and waved goodbye.



    A re you freaking kidding me?

    Amber's excited and astonished voice rang out loud and clear across the quad, drawing a few curious glances their way as fellow students made their way around the UCLA campus.

    "You're not talking about following them around Europe like a crazed fan. You mean you'll actually be traveling with them on the Thank Heaven tour!"

    Oh, my God, Mercy! Barb chimed in with an exaggerated roll of her eyes as she munched on her apple. "I still cannot believe they signed with your dad's firm! I would go to work for him if it meant I'd get to meet Jagged Ivory. Let alone tour with them? I swear, I hate your life. You are the luckiest bitch I know."

    Shh! Don't announce it to the entire student body, you guys.

    Mercy rolled her eyes at her friends, but she couldn't help the excited smile on her own face. How could she? Two whole months traipsing around Europe, partying and socializing with her favorite rock band, and getting to watch them perform night after night.

    For free!

    Hell, Mercy felt like she'd won some sort of lottery. How had she gotten this lucky?

    Of course, it wasn't just luck, Mercy knew. Luck had absolutely nothing to do with it. Her good fortune was all due to her father's guilt.

    Not that he had anything to really feel guilty about. At least, Mercy had never thought so.

    It had always been her firm belief that her mother had ruined her life, not her dad. After all, it was Rosie Holland who had kicked her father out after fifteen years of marriage.

    It was Rosie who had filed for a divorce when Mercy was just 12-years-old, and then went to court to ensure that Mike Holland had little to no contact with his daughter ever again.

    And it was Rosie who had then packed their things and moved them across the country to make sure the court order was enforced. In her struggle to minimize her own pain, Rosie had ripped her daughter's heart to shreds in the process, dragging her to Ohio to get her as far away from Mike as she could.

    Mercy rolled her eyes once more at the memories and then pushed them from her mind, turning back to her friends.

    Well, the trip's not work, Barb, Mercy stated. Then she corrected herself, remembering her father's stern suggestion that she be like a sponge this summer and soak up the amazing learning experience he was handing her.

    Well… not exactly. I mean, I'll be shadowing my dad and I'm supposed to observe and pay close attention, so that I can learn the ins and outs of dealing with artists and difficult personalities, and all that. But I won't actually be on the clock. My job doesn't begin until the tour's over and we get back to the States. This trip is just an awesome graduation gift! And it's my dad's way of trying to show me how cool his job is so that he can try and entice me into going to law school to follow in his footsteps.

    Still, Barb replied with a resigned huff, I would kill to be going with you this summer.

    Oh, God, me too, Amber chimed in, her voice sad and wistful.

    I'd even be willing to pay for my own plane tickets and hotel rooms, Barb continued. But my new job starts the week after graduation. There's no way I'd be able to go.

    There's no way I'd be able to afford it, Amber added with a pout and a faraway look in her eyes. Mercy knew this news would make her friends completely envious, and she couldn't blame them. After all, they had discovered Jagged Ivory together, back during their freshman year at UCLA when the band's star was just beginning to rise.

    The three girls had become fast friends when they met in Econ 101, and later learned they all lived in the same dorm. They quickly became an inseparable threesome, and their favorite release after a long week of homework and exams was to go out, dancing and drinking and looking for a good time.

    Or was it trouble?

    Mercy was never really sure.

    Not content to stick to the tamer college hang-outs that most of their friends frequented, the girls could usually be found cruising the many clubs and bars around the Los Angeles/Hollywood area. A bit of a seedy scene for three pretty young co-eds to find themselves in, for sure, especially with all the drugs and depravity everywhere they looked, but that's where the best music was. The bands were smoking, the guys were hot, and the party was always rocking. There was no place else the girls would rather be.

    It was in one of those squalid clubs on a random Friday night early in their freshman year that the girls had first fallen in love with Jagged Ivory.

    They were exquisite. Brash and raw, so aggressive and passionate. The enthusiasm just rolled off of them, pouring over the crowd in wave after wave of excitement.

    Watching them that night, the girls felt they were the epitome of what a rock and roll band is supposed to be. The music was as hypnotic as the energy they projected, and the crowd couldn't help but give it right back to them. They were amazing!

    Of course, their handsome lead singer and the sexy guitarist next to him didn't hurt the situation any. The girls were immediately captivated by them. Soon, they were spending each weekend following the band around from one club to another, eagerly catching each performance as they tried to work up the courage to get close to the band.

    But they always seemed to be surrounded by a wild pack of females, and the usual party hangers-on. Then one night near the end of their freshman year, the band abruptly announced that they wouldn't be performing for a while because they had just signed a recording contract.

    The girls were both elated and crushed. They were thrilled for the band because they deserved the shot at stardom, and happy to know that they would soon be able to purchase and download all the great music they'd come to love. But they were also a little heartbroken that their favorite band would no longer be playing at the local haunts they were used to. Not to mention the fact that any chance of getting close to the band was quickly vanishing before their eyes.

    That had been four years ago, and Jagged Ivory was now a very big deal. Their debut album, Seven Deadly Sins, had skyrocketed up the charts, catapulting them to superstardom seemingly overnight, and the fiercely loyal cult following they had enjoyed at the club level soon grew to epic proportions. Mercy and her friends were proud to be able to say that they had been into Jagged Ivory long before most of the world had a clue who they were.

    I'm sorry, guys, Mercy mumbled, suddenly feeling the need to apologize. I wish you were both coming with me. It's going to be really weird not seeing you both every day.

    Oh please, Barb rolled her eyes. You're going to be so busy following Noah Ivory around like a puppy, you won't even notice that we're not there.

    Shut up, Mercy protested, nudging her friend in the side with her elbow. I'm not going to follow him around like a puppy. I'm sure he won't even remember me. He'll probably have some rail thin model or something hanging all over him the whole time, Mercy pouted.

    And try as she might, she couldn't stop her mind from conjuring up an image of the gorgeous, willowy creature that Noah used to date all those years ago. The one he had broken up with that night. The same girl he had made up with the very next day.

    Even after four years, Mercy still felt the sting of rejection at the thought, and her face flushed a bit. She hated that memory.

    Well… parts of it anyway.

    Other parts of it set her nights on fire. Remembering the feel of his large hands on her hot skin, the warm wetness of his mouth on hers, the weight of his body pressing down on her, the delicious sensation of having him inside of her...

    It wasn't as though he had been her first. But he had definitely been her best. And she couldn't delude herself into thinking that they had made love. Mercy knew that what they had done that night was fucked.


    Hard and fast. Slow and nasty. Over and over until the birds began to sing. Mercy had never felt that kind of passion before or since. He had been like a savage beast in bed, and she had loved it. It was a night she knew she would never forget. One she had hoped to repeat, until she saw him and his bony-ass girlfriend hanging all over each other the very next night.

    She hated herself for feeling self-conscious about her weight, but that particular memory always seemed to bring out her insecurity. Not that she was obese or

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