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Wild Flower
Wild Flower
Wild Flower
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Wild Flower

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About this ebook

"Abbie Williams is an author who excels at the romance genre. Her Shore Leave Cafe Romance series is a showcase for her ability to weave a contemporary tapestry, complete with rich characters, vivid settings and seductive moods."Dean Mayes, Author of: The Hambledown Dream, Gifts of the Peramangk, The Recipient, The Artisan Heart

Three years have passed since Joelle Gordon came home to Landon, Minnesota, following her heart back to her family of women and their little cafe on Flickertail Lake. Joelle, her sister, Jillian, and herdaughter Camille have grown closer through the shared heartaches and passionate loves they have found since that first summer.

Now the Shore Leave Cafe is again basking under the brilliant June sunshine, and this summer promises to be hotter than ever.

Jillian is pregnant with her third child, but her happy life is threatened by both Justin's ex-wife and a frightening stranger who arrives unexpectedly at the lake. Camille, plagued by dreams of a girl with haunted eyes, cannot shake her fear of losing Mathias. A journey into the mountain country of Montana is where she counts on finding answers—or will her actions only fulfill the Davis family curse?

A story about heartbreak, blame, family, destiny, and the difficulties of returning home, Wild Flower is the fifth book in A Shore Leave Cafe Romance series.

A Shore Leave Cafe Romance series:
1. Summer at the Shore Leave Cafe
2. Second Chances
3. A Notion of Love
4. Winter at the White Oaks Lodge
5. Wild Flower
6. The First Law of Love
7. Until Tomorrow
8. The Way Back
9. Return to Yesterday

The story continues in her most recent novel, A Place to Belong.

Also from Abbie Williams, The Dove Saga
1. Heart of a Dove
2. Soul of a Crow
3. Grace of a Hawk
Release dateJul 1, 2017
Wild Flower

Abbie Williams

Abbie Williams writes passionate, emotional fiction about relationships, heartache, and redemption. The author of more than a dozen novels, Abbie lives in rural Minnesota with her husband and their busy family. Her abiding interest in women's issues, family dynamics, and nineteenth century history permeates her writing. When Abbie isn't writing, teaching, or taking care of her busy family, you can find her hanging out on the dock, listening to some good bluegrass music.

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    Wild Flower - Abbie Williams


    CAMILLE’S VOICE WOKE ME WHAT SEEMED MINUTES AFTER I fell asleep and I sat up too fast, reeling, reaching blindly into the humid darkness of a July night. The blood in my veins thundered like water over a cliff. Only a second earlier, my niece had been clutching my arm, screaming and frantic, and now all I could hear in the silence surrounding my eardrums was the violence of my heartbeat.

    Oh God, what is it, what’s wrong? Camille and Mathias were still in Montana; I hadn’t spoken with either of them since earlier today. I closed my eyes and concentrated for all I was worth, trying to discern a shred of an answer. Sending the thought with as much force as I could muster, I pleaded, Camille, tell me!

    Beside me, Justin woke and rolled to wrap an arm over my lap.

    I’m here, baby. His warm hand curved around my right thigh. I’m right here.

    I’m scared. My voice was high and hoarse. The only time a sense of foreboding had ripped through me so fiercely was the long-ago winter night my first husband, Christopher, had died.

    Justin was wide awake now, sitting up fast, the sheet falling away from his hips. He collected me close, his protective embrace easing the rigid tension in my body. I’m here, Jilly-honey, it’s all right.

    I clung, feeling the worried pace of his heart against my cheek, slowly regaining a sense of calm. I whispered, It’s not that.

    He smoothed loose hair from my flushed face. Is it Rae? Clint? Before I could answer, he said, I’ll check them.

    The hall light clicked into existence as Justin assured himself that our children were both safe in their bedrooms down the hall; seconds later he was back, gathering me against his warm, bare chest. Even in the dimness of our room, I could see the tangible force of his concern. He stroked my pregnant belly in small, comforting circles. What is it, Jills? What’s happening?

    It’s Camille. I pressed all eight fingertips to my forehead. I moaned, Oh God, I was just dreaming of her and Mathias. Something’s wrong…

    Justin knew me well enough not to question my words. I’ll call Jo and Bly.

    Against the backdrop of my closed eyes a picture wavered into existence, a horizon in the distance, etched with the outline of a low-slung, jagged-edged mountain. For a fraction of a second, I could see Camille through misting rain; despite the dark night around her, she was momentarily highlighted by a rending in the cloud cover and a milky spill of moonlight gilded her long, wild hair. She was screaming one word, in a refrain of hysteria.

    "Mathias." I was helpless to prevent the vision from disappearing, rippling away as swiftly as a reflection in a lake when disturbed by motion.

    Justin caught up the bedside phone and was already dialing.

    Hold on, I tried to tell them, sending the words as hard as I could through the night. Oh God, hold on.

    Chapter One

    LANDON, MN - JUNE, 2006

    SULTRY JUNE HEAT, STICKY AS FRESH HONEY AND MANI-festing as sweat upon my temples and a thin trickle down my spine. The sky appeared quilted with clouds, low and sullen on this late Saturday afternoon, and I was crabby as hell. I’d just scraped the driver’s side fender of the Shore Leave work truck against the headlight of a pristine little Audi with Michigan plates, clearly belonging to an out-of-towner. Though my father-in-law, Dodge, would offer to fix it as good as new, the owner would undoubtedly be annoyed at this destruction, best case scenario; the Audi’s headlight was in pieces at my feet.

    I stood in the hot parking lot scribbling a note on a piece of lined paper torn from my order pad, which I’d plucked from the passenger seat of my mother’s truck, my daughter tugging on the hem of my tank top and fussing that she was thirsty. I didn’t voice it but I was also craving a drink, something ice cold and about fifty-proof; because I was pregnant, this possibility was unfortunately out of the question.

    Rae-Rae, give me just a second, I told her with as much patience as I could manage to inject into my tone, trying to brace the note I was writing against my thigh. Rae bumped my leg with her belly and the pen jerked in my hand, creating a long scribble across the paper.

    "Dammit," I muttered in an undertone, flipping it to the other side and starting over.

    I could feel the gathering edges of a headache and wished that my husband would magically appear and take our child off my hands, at least until I could collect my thoughts. Rae was just past two years old and though she resembled a golden-haired, brown-eyed angel, she could be hellaciously temperamental; I supposed I shouldn’t have been surprised, given her genetics, and at that thought I almost smiled, finally successful with the second attempt at an apologetic note. I stuck it under the windshield wiper on the driver’s side of the Audi, thinking that I wouldn’t feel too terrible if the wind just happened to blow it away before the owner finished shopping…

    Jillian, I scolded, hitching my purse strap over my shoulder and collecting Rae by her hand. She continued complaining as we made our way across the parking lot of Farmer’s Market, though upon entry into the familiar old grocery store she brightened considerably, breaking from my grasp and darting for the red-painted carts.

    Mama, can we get cake? Rae asked as I lifted her into the basket seat, angling her chubby legs so I wouldn’t get inadvertently kicked.

    There’s cake at Shore Leave, sweetie. I paused to select apples.

    Let me help! Rae insisted and I indulged her, unable to keep from smiling, passing the fruit piece by piece into her small hands and letting her drop it into the plastic bag.

    Can we get cookies? Rae asked next. Daddy gets oatmeal cookies!

    Justin was such a sucker when it came to our kids, Clint and Rae both, but most especially Rae; he was definitely the softie of our parenting team, but again I smiled at the thought.

    We’ll see. My favorite parenting line of all time.

    "Please, Mama," she wheedled, already starting the begging campaign.

    Maybe, I hedged, kissing her nose and then turning to choose bananas. At the same moment, Rae leaned from the cart like a little monkey and plucked an orange from the bottom of a pile, displacing about seven thousand other pieces of fruit. I squeaked in alarm, dropping the bananas I’d grabbed.

    Uh-oh, Mama! she cried delightedly, bouncing in the seat.

    I sighed and looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of a real adult who would come take care of the problem, before kneeling carefully, mindful of my six-month pregnant belly, to collect the errant produce. I retrieved the last orange and stood to tuck it back on its stand when a female voice behind me drawled, Well, hello there, Jillian.

    I looked over my shoulder in semi-annoyance which changed at once to a burst of consternation, suddenly confronted with the sight of Aubrey Pritchard. More specifically, my husband’s ex-wife.

    Hi, Aubrey, I managed, pleased at the relative calm of my voice. Aubrey looked much the same as when I’d last seen her, tall and willowy, her skin a deep, glowing bronze from the summer sun. I noticed small wrinkles webbing her eyes and felt a spurt of purely vindictive glee. I couldn’t truly claim to hate this woman but I still disliked her way down deep in my bones; I was reminded of this fact as her gaze roved over Rae.

    Congratulations, she said after an uncomfortable silence. Her eyes swept down to my belly before returning to my face and she studied me with unapologetic appraisal for the space of two heartbeats. There were many things she might have said, but she chose, and I was not mistaking the bite in her voice, "Your hair’s gotten so long."

    The situation was surreal, facing off here in the produce department, Rae watching with unblinking fascination; Jim Olson called hello to the both of us as he pushed by with his cart. As though in response to my silence, Aubrey flipped her auburn hair over one shoulder, an old, self-affirming gesture I recalled from our teenage years. Throwing me a nasty, unexpected curveball, she said, "He always had a thing for you, you know. Yet, I’m the one everyone blames."

    My eyebrows lifted, my chest went tight; she really wanted to get into this now? In the grocery store?

    When I didn’t take this bait she pressed the point, shifting her weight to the opposite hip. "He used to talk about you all the time, how worried he was about you. And yet when I step outside our marriage, I’m the cheater, I’m the—"

    Aubrey. I kept my voice low but allowed an unmistakable note of warning.

    She bit back further comment with real effort, I could tell, her sparkly, mauve-shadowed eyelids lowering. Flipping her hair to the other shoulder, she settled for, Like it matters anyway. I’m just in town for a few weeks. Like I could ever live in this shithole again.

    Come on, Rae-Rae, I murmured to my daughter, clutching the cart handle. Aware that I was running away, I pushed the cart around Aubrey without another word.

    Tell Justin I said ‘hi,’ she called in a singsong and I just barely resisted the urge to flip her off over my shoulder.

    Aw, baby, I’m sorry, Justin said later that night as I lay over his chest on our bed, my cheeks hot with frustration as I related the story. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and let his warm hand linger on my jaw. We were virtually alone; Rae had been in bed for an hour and Clinty was sleeping over at his best friend, Liam’s. Justin added, If she knew you were upset it would only make her that much happier. She’s that way, mean-spirited. Jilly-honey, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have let her talk to you like that.

    "I shouldn’t have let her talk to me like that. Tears broiled and wet my eyelashes, which made me even more furious. She totally caught me off guard. And Rae was right there, J. I’m just so pissed."

    Justin grinned at my use of the letter as a nickname. It was a joke between us; his full name was Justin Daniel, shortened by some to J.D. – which didn’t suit my husband at all, but this didn’t stop his sister and her husband from using it. I’d started using J to tease him, and the habit had stuck. He shifted and used both thumbs to brush away the tears that spilled onto my cheeks. I’m sorry, sweetheart.

    It’s not your fault, I said, tenderness displacing the swell of my anger. In the amber-tinted lamplight, I studied this man I loved beyond all else, his strong jaws stubbled with dark beard a day past shaving, framing the sexy mouth that routinely kissed every inch of my skin. His straight nose and incredible, long-lashed eyes of rich brown, the shade of coffee without cream and just as hot. His black hair that was as unruly as ever, through which I spent most every night stroking my fingers. The planes of his cheeks, the squint-lines in the outer corners of his eyes, the shape of his firm chin.

    I let my hands glide from his muscular chest to frame his face with its livid scars that I never noticed anymore, moving so that my breasts rested flush against his bare chest. I was wearing an old, periwinkle blue tank top, so threadbare that it was nearly worn through in spots, and absolutely nothing more. Justin’s eyes kindled with a familiar heat and his lips curved in the wayward grin I’d come to know so very well in the past three years.

    Jilly, he murmured, sliding both hands slowly over my ribs, continuing downward along my hips, at last taking firm anchor around my ass, which he cupped and used to settle me atop his nearly-naked body.

    I spread my thighs over his boxers, smoothing my hands over his collarbones and then to his wide shoulders, so solid and warm beneath my palms. I sighed a little, in pleasure, a jolt of heat between my legs as he shifted. His fingertips teased the juncture of my thighs and I arched my spine, skimming the tank top over my head.

    God, you are a beautiful woman. His voice was hoarse with desire. Come here, woman, and put your nipples in my mouth.

    I curled my fingers into his chest hair and shook my head. Justin caught my hips in his hands and his dark eyebrows lowered menacingly, like a pirate who was intent upon having his way with a captive. My smile widened at the thought; we’d played that little game on more than one occasion. Justin kept an old red bandana in the nightstand on his side of the bed, which had done its fair share of duty as a headscarf, a garter, and sometimes to bind my wrists. And there was truth to the rumor about the second trimester of pregnancy, of which Justin took wholehearted advantage; to be fair, I couldn’t get enough of him as it was.

    We’re so naughty, I reflected as Justin cupped my breasts, heavy against his broad palms, and told me with his eyes that I should bend forward and let him have his way.

    Hell, yes, he agreed, and I giggled, then moaned as he tipped me into his mouth and lightly bit my nipple before taking it sweetly between his lips.

    A soft thump from the bedroom across the hall; I murmured, Dammit.

    Justin rolled me beneath him, growling against my neck as he tugged the sheet over us. Not a moment too soon, as Rae pushed open the door and came straight into our room, dragging her tattered elephant by its trunk. She stood regarding us with her eyes squinted in the bright light of the lamp.

    Mama, she implored, rubbing her nose with her free hand, just like Clint used to do.

    My heart melted and I reached for her. C’mere, little one, what’s wrong?

    Justin leaned and caught Rae under the arms, hefting her effortlessly atop the mattress and smoothing a hand over her soft golden hair. His wide palm bracketed her head. Rae burrowed against Justin with a happy grunt, her little feet churning to get beneath the covers with us.

    Daddy, I had a bad dream, she whispered. Elephant, too.

    Justin tucked Rae into the crook of his arm and rocked her close. My heart was undone for the countless time since giving birth to our daughter; Justin was an amazing father, as I always knew he would be, and tears wet my eyes as I snuggled against them, sandwiching her between us.

    Tell Daddy all about it, Justin soothed, but Rae’s long eyelashes were already fluttering closed.

    I kissed Rae’s forehead, feathering her downy hair. She sighed and popped a thumb into her mouth, and moments later fell fast asleep. I leaned and kissed my husband’s forehead, whispering, "Now get this girl to bed and get back in here. And hurry."

    Justin grinned and covered Rae’s ears. He added, Don’t start without me. Wait…on second thought…

    Hurry, I ordered again.

    Holy shit, baby, he said upon reentry a minute later, locking the door behind him. I had started without him.

    Justin was out of his boxers and braced over me before I could blink, and I muffled a shriek, giggling and struggling, but he held his ground, dark eyes lancing heat right through me. He cupped the flesh between my legs, displacing my hand and biting my shoulder. I groaned, lacing my arms about his neck, lifting my hips into his touch.

    You’re so…incredible at that… I whispered, growing ever more breathless, my head bent back against the mattress. I told him this at least twice a week.

    Fuckin’ right, Justin replied in his usual poetic fashion, licking along my throat, closing his teeth around my earlobe; I shuddered and gasped, feeling his grin against my neck.

    Don’t you dare stop, I ordered, and he deepened his touch at once. I clung to his back, leaving nail marks, biting the firm muscles along the slope of his shoulder as I came against his stroking fingers, reaching immediately to grasp his cock. I shifted and took him within the slick, heated wetness he’d created.

    He groaned, "Holy Jesus, woman…"

    I arched upward and Justin slowed his pace at this wordless request, grinning down into my half-closed eyes as I quivered beneath him. He pressed soft, suckling kisses upon my chin, whispering, I know you’ve got one more…c’mon, baby…

    "Justin," I moaned, as turned on by his words as his touch, as he bent to my breasts and lifted my hips in his big hands. No more than minutes later I tightened in bursting waves and he shuddered, overcome, sweat trickling along his temples as he plunged one last time.

    See? he murmured, forehead bent to my shoulder. I knew it.

    "You always know it. I was utterly content, my fingers sunk into his hair. I kissed his jaw, scratchy with stubble. You’re the world’s best lover."

    He laughed, tickling my skin, and gently shifted us, turning so that my spine fit against his chest.

    I aim to please, that’s all.

    That’s the secret, I giggled.

    From behind, he slipped one hand over the sloping curve of my belly and murmured, How’s the boy?

    No doubt traumatized.

    Justin’s chest rumbled with laughter. Nah, he must be used to it by this point.

    As though in response, our son poked what was either a knee or an elbow just beneath my belly button. I caught Justin’s hand and maneuvered it to the spot. He smoothed his palm over my skin and said with quiet reverence, Hello there, son. Did we wake you?

    "I’d say that’s a big yes," I responded. The baby pushed against our joined hands and I snuggled closer to my husband.

    G’night, my sweet little woman, he whispered, leaning to click out our bedside lamp. He was snoring within a minute but I lay awake while the baby moved in gentle somersaults, content to watch the waning moon as it inched diagonally across our bedroom window on its journey westward. Though we hadn’t officially confirmed that I was pregnant with a boy I knew my prediction was correct, just as I’d known with Clint and Rae.

    Since childhood, I’d experienced these inexplicable flashes of absolute knowing; my great-aunt, Minnie Davis, had also been endowed with such illogical (but no less real) abilities, and it was from her that I learned, if not when, at least what to expect when a Notion overtook me. Notions were unpredictable; spontaneous, they often occurred in the form of dreams, though a dream containing a Notion was different than the regular, disjointed jumble of images from any other night. I had learned to accept and even appreciate these strange instances of precognition, and thanked the powers that be for Minnie’s presence in my early life; without her, I’d probably have assumed I was crazy—or eventually become so.

    Great-Aunt Minnie foresaw my first husband’s death when Chris and I were still teenagers and only dating; he’d gifted me with a promise ring for my birthday less than a year before this particular Notion struck Aunt Minnie. I could even pinpoint the moment the Notion overtook her thoughts—a warm spring evening in 1985 as we sat together on the porch, along with Gran (my grandmother and Minnie’s little sister), while Minnie fixed my hair. I’d sensed the sorrow flowing from her fingertips, the briefest of pauses in the motion of her gentle hands. She refused to divulge anything that evening except for the fact that I would be all right; though it took me over a decade and a half to fully realize it, Great-Aunt Minnie was correct in this prediction. When I was twelve years old she’d said, You’ll never see more than you can handle, Jillian. My grandma had the gift. It stretches far back in our family. Trust it, doll, always trust it, even when you don’t understand exactly what it shows you.

    And I always had.

    This autumn would mark mine and Justin’s three-year wedding anniversary. I’d been so blissfully happy on the night of my birthday, three years ago, when Justin asked me to be his wife. Not so much as a flicker of a Notion warned me of Gran’s impending death or the car accident that nearly killed me just days later; I clung to the belief that all things (joyous or dreadful) happened for reasons not always revealed, and struggled not to blame myself too harshly for the instances when a Notion failed to alert me to danger. Minnie had never spoken the words but I sensed that a Notion was a sign of what was to come—but not necessarily something capable of being changed. Fate or destiny, or whatever one wanted to call the forces beyond anything’s control, were entities moving outside of my reach. If, at times, I was allowed a glimpse of a future event, I understood that I must recognize this as something fixed, something I could not change. As a result, though some people suspected that I possessed an uncanny sense of observation, very few people outside our family actually knew the truth.

    My older sister, Joelle, didn’t tell me until later just how terribly Justin had suffered to see me in the hospital bed those unending days and nights, unmoving and unresponsive, knowing I was pregnant but not if I would survive. The thought made me cringe even now. I still hated driving a small car after dark, preferring either Justin’s oversized truck or the work truck from Shore Leave, besieged by the memory of being broadsided that night. Since we’d been married, Justin sold his old house a few blocks from Fisherman’s Street, where he had lived for the duration of his marriage to Aubrey. Working over a period of a year, we (with considerable help) cleared out a section of woods on the property about a quarter-mile to the east of Shore Leave, where we proceeded to build our own cabin. It wasn’t grand on the scale of some of the places ringing Flickertail Lake like majestic pearls on an expensive necklace, but instead cozy and functional.

    I’d been insistent on a few small luxuries, such as a master bathroom and a decent entryway, spacious enough to accommodate our messy outer gear during the average six months or so of winter we routinely experienced in northern Minnesota. Our cabin also featured a gorgeous picture window, complete with a bench seat, and a stone fireplace that Dodge helped Justin craft, piece by piece. Our cabin was built with three bedrooms; the baby would sleep with Justin and me for probably the first year of his life; Clint’s room would eventually become the new baby’s. The thought of my oldest son moving away for college was like the throbbing ache of a new bruise, though it wasn’t as excruciating as it would have been without Justin and Rae.

    I remembered where I’d been three years ago, lonely as hell, in love with Justin without fully realizing it. I’d been adrift back then, Justin so bitter from both the terrible accident that scarred his face and the embarrassment of a cheating wife; in a small town like Landon, everyone had known within twenty-four hours that Aubrey not only left him, but left him for someone else. Recalling that summer when we’d at last admitted our feelings for each other made me scoot closer to my sleeping husband, shifting to press a soft, lingering kiss to his chin. Even in sleep, his arms tightened around me.

    Aubrey’s barbed words in the grocery store returned to me as I lay in continued sleeplessness, along with her clear intention to elicit guilt. I sighed a little, considering what she’d said. Beneath the surface a strong connection had always existed between Justin and me, there was no denying; even unacknowledged, it raced along, swift and powerful. As much as I’d once loved Clint’s father, Chris Henriksen, there was a part of me that had always belonged to Justin. Even Aubrey, who was shallow and petty, discerned this, so perhaps I deserved to feel the sting of guilt, at least a little.

    You still hate her, admit it.

    Fine, I still fucking hate her. Even if she has a tiny little bit of a point.

    Wouldn’t Aubrey be justified in her anger after observing that her husband expressed undue concern over another woman? I considered anew, chewing my lower lip, increasingly troubled at my own culpability in this matter. But then my thoughts strayed to even more unwelcome territory; Aubrey and Justin had dated in high school, marrying shortly thereafter, and as his wife she’d therefore been the recipient of his love, his kisses and his incredible passion, for many years.

    Jilly, quit it.

    The blaze of jealousy overtaking my blood was, of course, ridiculous. Nevertheless, I gritted my teeth as I imagined all the way back to the days when Justin was a lanky football player and Aubrey a popular cheerleader. She’d intimidated me to no end back then; though we’d been in the same grade she always possessed an attitude of being worlds ahead of the rest of us. The only person not snowed by Aubrey’s behavior was my sister, Joelle, who was (and still is) a complete knockout, and was at that time dating the most over-confident and notorious boy in Landon High, Jackson Gordon. Jo had married, and later divorced Jackie; their three daughters were the only good thing that came of their union. As though conjured by my thoughts, the phone suddenly rang; I knew it was Jo. I kept the ringer turned off on our bedside cordless but heard the one in the kitchen jangling. I eased from beneath the covers and hurried down the hall before both Justin and Rae woke up. The microwave clock read 11:37.

    What’s up? I asked my sister, settling carefully upon my chair at our table, leaving the room encased in darkness. I propped my feet on the chair opposite, Clinty’s usual spot. I was just thinking about you.

    Jilly Bean, sorry to call so late. Jo sounded hushed and apologetic. But I knew you were up. I didn’t wake anyone, did I?

    No, I assured her. Joelle and her new husband, Blythe, lived just a stone’s throw from Justin and me, in a similarly-styled cabin, though they’d built theirs with four bedrooms to accommodate their son Matthew and two of Jo’s three daughters; Joelle’s oldest, Camille, lived in my old apartment above the garage at Shore Leave, along with her fiancé, Mathias Carter, and her little girl. I asked my sister, You want to come over and sit on the porch for a while? I can’t sleep, either, and it’s gorgeous out.

    Yeah, I was hoping you’d ask. I could hear the smile in her voice. I’ll be there in a sec.

    I plucked Justin’s worn flannel shirt from the peg in the entryway and stepped into my red flip-flop sandals before heading out under the stars. Justin and Clint hung a wooden swing from the porch beams the first week we’d lived here and I claimed my usual place on it, listening with pleasure to the sounds of the night. The air was warm and the humidity had been swept away by a whispering breeze. A pair of great gray owls lived in the woods just beyond our yard; their haunting calls made me long for my grandmother, dear Gran, who also loved the sound of owls. Jo appeared from the path that led to her house no more than a minute later, wearing cut-off jean shorts and wrapped in a hooded sweatshirt of Blythe’s, carrying a candle lantern that I recalled from our childhood, which Mom claimed had been in the Davis family for over a century. The nail holes punched into the tin threw apricot light in a thousand tiny pinpricks, as though Jo was being preceded by a flock of dancing fireflies.

    God, I wish we still smoked, Jo said as she climbed the porch steps, hanging the old lantern on a cast-iron peg near the front door. I scooted over so she could join me on the swing.

    You can say that again, I murmured, not even attempting to disguise the longing in my voice. Gran and Great-Aunt Minnie would have scoffed at us, as both of our menfolk (rather than ourselves) had driven the decision to abandon the bad habit. I recognized that it was the right choice but I still truly missed the feel of a burning cig in my hands. I missed blowing

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