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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Marion Zane is the top Trophy—she has it all: a faithful husband, loyal fellow-Trophy girlfriends, queen-bee status over the Hollywood "name-above-the-title" charities, and—best of all—no prenup!

She knows inside information is king, smiles hide jealousy, jackals lure husbands away (or, worse, steal personal assistants), housekeepers have the power to destroy, and that everyone has devastating secrets—including her! It's why she refuses to gossip yet remembers everything.

So why is she so nervous?

Maybe it's because, after years of unchallenged social position, Marion forgets that in L.A., even enemies embrace—especially ones disguised as girlfriends. When she impulsively champions building a much-needed trauma center hospital downtown, Marion breaks the unwritten code by stepping on another Trophy's charity turf. It's a fatal mistake.

Her furious and jealously bitter "girlfriend" joins forces with a powerful mystery partner to destroy Marion. Drugged and framed as unfaithful and insane, she loses her dream life in one lurid, unforgivable humiliation.

Abandoned by her husband, her deepest secrets exposed, Marion is left shattered and literally penniless in paradise. Determined to build the hospital and regain her love, lifestyle, and dermatologist, Marion goes to hilarious lengths to hide her newfound poverty from even her closest friends, living out of her luxury car and using Magic Marker for eyeliner as she raises hospital funding at five-star restaurants.

Fortunately, Marion's loyal, lusty Trophy girlfriends discover her condition through her overwhelmed maid and come to her rescue, employing ferocious manipulation skills, ridiculous logic, and much-needed dermabrasion. Redirecting the same competitive hyperdrive that won the rocks on their fingers, the girls make Marion their new project even as they deal with their own crises.

Still, all the Trophy support in the world might not be able to stop Marion from betraying one of them; then her mystery enemy is revealed and she's given the choice of re-enthronement or vilification. After all, she's a survivor and didn't become Marion Zane by fair play alone.

Release dateOct 13, 2009

Heather Thomas

Heather Thomas is a health and cookery writer and editor. She is the author of The Halloumi Cookbook, The Nut Butter Cookbook, and The Avocado Cookbook (Ebury 2016). Heather has worked with many top chefs, nutritionists and women’s health organisations and charities, and has contributed to health and food magazines in the UK and the United States. She practises what she preaches and eats a very healthy diet and stays slim and fit.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Trophies" - by Heather ThomasThis is the story of Marion Zane, the top Trophy wife, and her fabulous fall from grace orchestrated by Lyndy Montgomery Wallert, AKA The Beast of Revenge. Lyndy has had this dream that soon she would reclaim, what she thought of as; her rightful spot as top Trophy, which she had lost to Marion. And when that dream finally comes true, she's decides she going to treat herself to *snort* "ass-implants, resplendent and high." Lyndy was going to use her ass dream as incentive to fight her way back to the TOP. Marion is not your typical "Trophy"; she is,wise,smart,loyal, loving, caring and politically savvy. She has it all: lovely body, looks,money, a solid marriage and best of all, no pre-nup. She has it all. Until onefateful night while hosting a political fund raiser at her home, a child dies needlessly while waiting for medical care at the hospital, and in her enthusiasm to right a terrible injustice, she does the unthinkable, she stages a fund raising "Throw-Down" and succeeds beyond her wildest dreams. The means to Marion's destruction has now been set in motion.Also meet - Maya, Pepper, Patti and Ivan. All of them have secrets better left hidden. Will they aid Marion in time of need or will betray her too? Reading this book is like watching a horrible collision about to happen, you know there isn't anything youcan do to stop it, but you can't look away either. The brain of Heather Thomas must filled with pure creative evil to be able to think up something this cruel, yet wonerfully entertaining and engaging. Only one other author in my recent memory has done the same and done it this well and the difference is the main characters in these books take their revenge out on the men in their lives (read Olivia Goldsmith's books - "Pen Pals" and "First Wives Club" )A pure, unapologetic "potato chip" based, beach read. One that you can't put down because you're afraid that you may miss the next "Mean Girls Grown Up" moment. Watch for the last chapter and the last bit about Claire, very scary "All About Eve"moment .I adored this gossipy, back stabbing look at the ultra-rich second wives and wondering how much of this is the truth. It goes to prove the adage that 'living well is the best revenge'.If you enjoyed this you will most certainly love the two books mentioned previously, plus the classic movies "The Women" (the original not the remake) which features an entire cast made only of women , and "All About Eve".

Book preview

Trophies - Heather Thomas


Marion Zane hadn’t realized how long it had been since she was in a department store, or any shop for that matter, until she entered Barneys New York in Beverly Hills. Years of stylists, personal shoppers, assistants, on-call makeup and hair artists, salaried valet and home delivery service had eliminated the need to drag her ass out of the house and purchase freakin’ anything with her own two hands. Sure, she talked to store managers and salespeople over the phone, but it wasn’t the same as the actual shopping experience. Restaurants, private schools, but especially stores were the marketplaces of Beverly Hills. Places where you would run into people you knew without prearrangement. Catch up. Have an unplanned conversation.

She’d definitely been separated.

It had been so long, Marion almost suffered visual overload. All the stuff. Case upon case of delectable it bags to her left, candy counters of makeup and glistening jewelry in front of her, mannequins slouching around in showstopping gowns above, and to her left a garden of couture shoes that would give cocaine, crystal meth, and American cigarettes a run for their money in an addiction race. It had been so long, it felt like a treat. Make that a bittersweet treat, because although she could purchase as much of anything as her heart desired, she had no time; unless she were willing to look like a contestant on Supermarket Beat the Clock.

She used to watch that show as a kid. Didn’t she?

(Okay, time to stop consumer-culture brainwash. You’re late.)

She waded into the busy shoe department, located her favorite salesman, John, and asked him to stretch out the toes of her slingbacks. As she started to take a seat, he made a game-show-model gesture toward a pair of buttery-soft suede Chloé boots.

Gotta stay on task. I’m giving Patti Fink’s stepdaughter’s seventh-grade class a LACMA tour in twenty minutes.

Not even time for these, hon? John asked above the shopping din.

(The first hit’s free.)

It’ll just be a second to stretch these. I can send anything you like to the house.

Already, two women had noticed Marion inspecting the boots and were pointing them out to their own salespeople.

Okay, the boots. Thanks.

John bustled away. Marion sat down and wiggled her liberated, grateful toes. What was she thinking? Wearing new four-inch Louboutins for a lunch at Chow’s followed by an afternoon of walking? She’d been on the museum board for years, giving hundreds of tours, and had a whole closet section of cute walking kicks. Must’ve been the quid pro quo nature of the lunch that had thrown her off her game.

Joan Hoyard had said she’d come to Marion’s political reception if, in return, they could lunch, in public. Joan said she needed to up her coolness factor. The idea made Marion feel like a gigantic a-hole, but Joan was a major Democratic donor and she needed her on the RSVP list.

Her husband was expecting it.

And if ya got down to cut-the-crap bone honest, Joan Hoyard was right. Being spotted lunching with Marion Zane would definitely punch up anyone’s status.


Who’d’ve ever thunk it?

(Enough of that.)

To avoid further temptation, Marion stared at the floor. White dot at two o’clock. She wasn’t the only one who saw the small white pill lying on the floor of the shoe department. Craig-the-stylist saw it too.

And what have we here? he said, snatching it up and holding it pincered, for all to see. Look, Marion, someone dropped a pill!

Marion immediately noticed the cacophony of lusty foraging begin to die down.

Craig plopped down beside her, scrutinizing the tiny tablet, like a jeweler. Think it’s a Benzo?

Around them, various purses were discreetly unsnapped and unzipped.

Or maybe an Adrerol?

Pockets were patted, glasses cases looked into; one woman quietly unfolded a tissue from her pocket.

Oooh. It might be an Oxy!

Several necks craned. Some women stared directly.

Weary of the amateur PDR talk, Marion leaned over and took a look. It’s melatonin, Craig.

Craig frowned and tossed the pill back in the bullpen, where it remained unclaimed. Shopping and socializing resumed. He remained squished in beside her.

Yeah, but did you check out the panic? Talk about a suspended moment in time. Frozen Trophy Wives, as far as the eye could see. Just look at ’em, Marion! The most pampered poodles on Earth and wealthy beyond a care in the world. Why the fuck do any of you need to medicate?

Marion was used to the prejudice. It went with the territory. She also knew Craig was trying to embarrass her because he was still pissed that she’d dumped him for that genius girl Anna Wintour had recommended to her. She didn’t give a rat’s ass. The pill wasn’t hers and Craig wasn’t that witty.

At that moment there were at least four women in the shoe department who passed gossip faster than semiconductors. Marion smiled and matched Craig’s volume. "Wow. You really do hate your clients, Craig."

I never said that.

You implied it. You went straight for the doofus generalization: you think any wealthy wife is a useless consuming asshole, incapable of ever comprehending human suffering.

She could tell he wanted to clap his hand over her mouth and shove her beneath the seat cushions, but store security would be on him in seconds. Craig could only contort his face and hiss for mercy.

She lowered her volume. After all, she’d changed clothes in front of him hundreds of times. Being naked with a guy had to count for something. Whatever keeps you warm at night.

"Housebound shopaholics keep me warm at night. But ya gotta admit, if there was ever a poster child for schadenfreude, it would be an unhappy Beverly Hills Trophy wife. I mean, you guys chose the gilded cage; no real power, ironclad prenups and all."

Not that witty at all.

‘No real power’…mmm, Marion answered. Let’s just take a second to think about all the politicians, environmental causes, social programs and legislation, spiritual leaders, medical treatments and research, schools, universities, libraries, hospitals, museums, performing arts centers, preserved architecture, disaster relief, artists trends, schools of thought, and moral causes that would never have gained traction without the attention, influence, and seed money from powerless Trophy Wives. I’d call any demographic group which directs billions of dollars in charitable funds kinda powerful.

Ah, yes. The Late Thirties Hyperdrive. I really must publish my theory. It’s the other biological clock.

Oh, please.

Oh, yes, think: no matter how many bras you burn, women are still socialized to compete against each other for attention from men. The richer the man, the more vicious the competition. You Trophies possess a monstrous competitive hyperdrive when it comes to beating out other broads for billionaires. But what does a Trophy do with her humongous competitive force once she’s snagged her man, popped out the kids, and placed them in private status schools? ‘Make the World a Better Place.’ Why? Because you’re all either losing sexual attraction, overentitled, or looking for an excuse to dress up and throw yourselves a party.

Poor Craig. He never scratched deep enough.

Losing sexual attraction? As in, trading wolf whistles for service props?

Marion slowly stretched and recrossed legs that could have been hand-tooled by a sex maniac. There were only three straight men (husbands) in the vicinity; all automatically gaped. One even bumbled into the Prada display, sending boots, slingbacks, pumps, and satin dress sandals clacking onto the floor.

Your hypothesis has more holes than Dick Cheney’s heart, she continued. "One, this is Los Angeles and the women you’ve chosen to malign are all rich with a capital R, meaning unlimited access to the best of the best. (Marion knew of several bodies and faces in this town with a longer half-life than uranium. But she wasn’t about to name names.) Two, most Trophies, as you call them, are unfairly genetically gifted to begin with. (A-hole smug but he’d asked for it.) Three, there are enough ass-kissing personal shoppers/florists/designers/trainers/party planners/agents/salesmen/journalists/assistants/hairdressers/gigolos/ stylists, and if need be, construction sites to make any of us feel attractive into our graves."

Okay, smarty thong, you’ve got to admit you’re overentitled.

"I admit nothing. I do believe I can achieve anything I want if I really go for it. Isn’t that what the feminist movement taught us? The money might come from a patriarchal source, but charitable donations are almost always directed from a matriarchal source."

Because you want to dance, yak, and compare Vera Wangs.

Honey, some of us throw parties when we change the color of our highlights. (Patti Fink.) "I’ve never needed an excuse to make a good time, thank you very much. But back to your crack about ‘no real power.’ Motivation aside, a pretty big chunk of the world goes ’round, thanks to us poodles."

You’re only as powerful as your prenuptial is weak.

(Take a second to relish favorite sentence in the universe.)

What prenup? she asked.

Craig sat back, impressed.

Powerful and bulletproof. But about the hyperdrive— she said.

John reappeared. Here you go, babycakes. Hey, Craig, you’re sitting. Those antibiotics must’ve cleared everything up.

He presented Marion with her (fierce), and now comfortable, Louboutin slingbacks.

Cute, John. By the way, your mom came in for a fitting. You might not recognize her, I shaved her back. So, Marion, the new genius girl has you doing your own shopping? Craig sneered without taking his eyes off her shoes.

Hardly. I lunched at Chow’s, across the street. It’s a Chinese—

I’ve been to Mr. Chow! snapped Craig.

—the food’s perfect but salty so I popped in to have John stretch my new shoes so I can survive a museum tour this afternoon. Thanks. They’re perfect.

John smooched her, then left to put the Prada display back together. Stay outta those public bathrooms, Craiggers. Ya only get three strikes.

Marion pointed her toe for Craig and coughed for his attention since he was futilely scanning the Louboutin shelves for her shoes.

(Aaand turn the knife.)

‘My new girl’ sent these, last week. They’re not even in the stores yet.

Department-store buyers don’t always order the more garish styles in a collection.

Those sour grapes taste good? She stood to go but didn’t get two steps.

But we’re not finished with the vicious competition part of my theory.

(Don’t like the way he’s smiling.)

With charities? Don’t quit your day job, Craig. Maybe there’s competition for fund-raiser calendar dates or young wives for junior boards, but it’s not as ruthless as you’re fantasizing. We’re all pretty much friends who support each other’s concerns.


Always the secret keeper, Marion. If you’re not gonna gossip, let’s go hypothetical: What would any of your friends do if you pulled their charity identity out from under them? As you said, this is Los Angeles. Home of name-above-the-title. What if you just ran over their little public-and-self-esteem face, moved in on their ‘cause,’ and got more credit than they did?

Now you’re just being bizarre.

(And it was too scary to even think about.)

Okay, not a close friend.


"And let’s say, just for fun, you did have a prenup. How many of your friends would stay your friends if Richard divorced you and you wound up with zip? How many of your friends would leap like gazelles at the chance to take a crack at him the minute you moved out?"

(How many?)

This isn’t about charity anymore, is it?

It never was.

Now I remember the reason I fired you. It wasn’t just your mediocre skills.

(Run. Away.)

Marion swanned out of the shoe department and toward the exit. She didn’t even glance at the case of Fendi clutches. Not for a second.

She never thought lunging into a Wilshire Boulevard intersection exhaust could feel like a breath of fresh air. Her new onyx Maybach, gleaming like her first pair of patent-leather maryjanes, was purring at the curb. She dove into the back. So much for the marketplace.

Carl, we need to stop at the first drugstore on the way.

Sure, Mrs. Zane. There’s one over on Beverly.

Marion’s stomach was churning like a darkened sea before a hurricane.



The bar crystal was wrong. It had cuts. Marion fingered the rocks glass and figured it was probably from the Tiffany set. And she didn’t need to wear her glasses to recognize the Buccellati ice bucket, which meant that the whole shebang was way too much—the biggest mistake you could make at a political event. Donors like to think every penny of their money is going into boots-on-the-ground media campaigns for the average working Joe and other rolled-up-sleeves stuff. This bar said the pope and Queen Elizabeth were coming over to burn dollar bills. (Yeah, yeah, you could choke on the irony.) There was also that McCain-Lieberman-thing law about not spending too much. Bottom line: it was wrong.

People would notice and talk.

(And she’d be a target.)

Marion felt the ghost of an all-too-familiar yip in her stomach.

(Oh, no you don’t.)

This was totally fixable.


Yes, Mrs. Zane? said a soft German voice at her elbow.

Marion almost knocked over the portable bar. You’d think that after fifteen years, she’d be used to her assistant’s spooky habit of appearing before she could even speak his name, but it still jigged the bejesus out of her. The foyer was the size of a small church with vaulted ceilings and freakin’ marble floors. How’d he sneak up so quietly in hard soles?

Ivan’s James Bond face was neutral, but she could feel him smirking on the inside as he offered her her reading glasses. Eerie. At least he wasn’t in a tux.

From the first day she’d met him, Marion had always imagined Ivan in an advertisement for expensive shirts (or on cheery days, expensive underwear). His sculpted good looks, perfect grooming, grace, and efficiency led everyone to assume, at first, that he was gay. For a while every rich, gay power player in town was descending on the Zane compound, armed with fictitious reasons to speak with Marion’s Aryan.

He never, though, responded to their entreaties. Yet, she realized, Ivan didn’t respond to any of Marion’s trampier girlfriends’ advances either. Nowadays she just regarded him as a preternatural, asexual being and wrote off his sixth sense about dress as part of the package.

We gotta dull this down, she told him. Where’s Jeff?

Here, Mrs. Zane, a voice promptly answered, and Jeff, her tuxedoed (yikes) majordomo, came bustling in, trailed ten paces by a silent six-year-old boy who was doing his best to appear invisible.

"Okay, it’s a political event, so on all the bars: plain crystal instead of cut—use that Baccarat; plain silver bar accessories, plain cocktail linens, not jacquard—use that French set, plain serving trays, quiet flowers. Jeff, way too dashing in the tux. Just coat and tie, like Ivan, and shirtsleeves and bow for waitstaff. You guys know how to do this."

Jeff shot a look at Ivan.

What? Marion asked.

Jeff hesitated. Mr. Zane said to use the good stuff.

Ah, Jeffery, there are about twenty different sets of crystal in the basement.


Right, but in my husband’s mind, we’ve got two: jelly jars and ‘good stuff.’ Warn me the next time he wants to take a hand in choosing the dishes. I’m sorry you had to drag this up.

Jeff smiled and bounced a nod. He got it. She wouldn’t have to explain it again. I’ll change everything right away, Mrs. Zane, he said.


Jeff gasped as he spotted the boy leaning on one of the Louis XVI gilt and alabaster console tables and started to shoo him back to the kitchen.

Is that Peter? Marion asked.

Um, yes, Mrs. Zane. I apologize, but Karen had to work…

Marion whipped off her readers, walked over to the boy, and squatted so as not to freak him out. Good thing she was in her uniform of jeans, a white shirt, and bare feet. If she’d been glammed, he’d probably have recoiled. Hey, I’m Marion. You met me when you were three. Your parents let you watch cartoons?

The boy looked at his father’s raised eyebrow, then made the sign for a little with his fingers.

What’s your favorite?

SpongeBob, he whispered.

Marion nodded. I’ve got that. C’mon.

She took him by the hand. He came without pulling.

Mrs. Zane, you don’t have to…

"Please. At least there’ll be one person in this house tonight who isn’t bored to tears."

Marion led the boy out of the foyer, toward the north wing. She watched his head tilt up as they passed the Rodin bronze. Twelve feet tall and armored with defiant breasts and wide hips, the nude made a formidable guard before the carved stone archway to the family wing.

Caught ya lookin’.

The boy giggled.

As she set Peter up before the giant flat screen and called for juice and popcorn, Marion had to admit she was kind of pissed at Richard’s latest request: Honey, I need you to give a reception on Thursday for a Senate candidate. He wants something intimate. Use your good list.

Translation: she had less than five days to round up no fewer than fifty (campaign manager’s idea of intimate) billionaires, tastemakers, and A-list movie stars who would probably donate to a newcomer.

That she’d done it in four was beside the point.

Did her husband think she just pulled these people out of her butt?

And here she was ragging on the finest staff in the world about bar stuff. All so Richard could seduce and place some millionaire-who-was-boughtout-of-his-company-but-still-wanted-to-wield into a position to change some law. It had to be zoning because Richard already had the media consolidation thing locked. That, coupled with above-normal libidinal demands, could mean only one thing:

Richard was building again.

Land development did the same thing for her husband as scrapbooking did for grandmas. He was always happiest when he had a project. Richard had made his first millions in land development. It was sentimental creativity.

Marion padded back to the foyer with Ivan at her elbow. She waited to make sure Henri and the waiters hadn’t confused the crates of plain Baccarat with the ones of cut patterns. They hadn’t. Make that the fuckin’ finest staff in the world.

Mrs. Erhardt’s gardener’s niece was ecstatic with the Sting tickets, Ivan told her. Mr. Sting is sorry you’ll have to miss tonight’s concert.

It’s what I do for love, Ivan.

Mr. Zane is building again, he added.

No shit. Are you all packed?

Tonight, Ivan was taking his first real vacation in fifteen years. He was committing to a three-month stay at a monastery in the Canary Islands. The order observed a strict code of silence. Guests had to turn in their electronics at the door and couldn’t retrieve them until their departure date. Recreation consisted of thrice-daily silent vespers and meditative walks.

Ivan’s idea of the perfect sabbatical.

Marion gave him three days before he’d run screaming for a cabana in Ibiza. If not, she’d make him her charades teammate for life.

Yes. My flight is at midnight. The event should be over by then.

In the name of all that is holy, Ivan, it better be. And speak of the devil…

Hi, honey. This is perfect. Almost too good for that weenie Powell.

Marion winked at Jeff as her tall, salt-and-pepper-haired, handsome-for-a-billionaire husband rolled into the foyer, clutching the RSVP list. He snaked out an arm, coiled her in by the waist, and smooched her neck. Enveloped in her husband, Marion felt her stomach relax—and pissed turned into miffed.

She was in the safest place in the universe.

And her place had on a surprisingly great choice of tie! Richard Zane was the most successful media mogul aside from Rupert Murdoch and a legendary real-estate titan, but he rarely made unpainful wardrobe decisions—and refused to work with a valet.

I’ll make this up to you tonight, he murmured in her ear.

She was about to ask her husband not to squeeze her ass in front of the staff, but before she could speak, in strode Zephyr—known as Marion’s younger-and-taller-but-not-prettier-because-she-doesn’t-do-anything-with-herself sister—who slammed a peck on her cheek so hard Marion made a mental note to call her chiropractor. Tonight, Zephyr’s signature aggressive pantsuit was navy instead of black, leading Marion to assume she was in a wildly fanciful mood.

He might be a weenie, said Zephyr, but once Jack Powell’s in the Senate, we use his appropriations influence to kill the zoning restrictions.

Yep, Richard was building again.

That’s a pretty enormous assumption for a junior senator, said Marion.

(Shit. Did it again.)

The woman was over twenty-one. Marion had to stop correcting her.

Thankfully, Zephyr was in too buoyant a mood to take offense—not that her facial expressions revealed anything, anyway. Marion could tell by the relaxed jaw muscles and hands.

He’ll get on the committee, replied Zephyr, with professionally dry assurance. "Or we’ll trade him on with a ‘green’ favor. The man’s a guaranteed zoning change."

And that means ‘downtown’ is moving again! chirped Richard. Throw in a school or some green space and we’ll have—

—instant desirable housing and unlimited office, Zephyr added, reflexively flipping her hand out for Richard to low-five.

Zephyr had followed Marion’s lead in moving to California then raised the family bar by passing the bar exam. She was the Zane empire’s real-estate attorney.

Why would Powell want to influence rezoning in downtown L.A.? Marion asked. Isn’t he running as a Democrat?

Richard and Zephyr exchanged a look.

What was that about?

"Powell is a Blue Dog Democrat, where development’s concerned," corrected Zephyr.

Richard immediately caught the negative reaction on Marion’s face and squeezed her tight. He knew she regarded Blue Dog Democrats as a farm team for the Republican Party and believed they needed to be closely monitored. "But he’s our Blue Dog, sweetheart," he said.

Okay, now she was being patronized. As far as Marion was concerned, tonight’s event was just a big ol’ waste of MAJOR INFLUENCE. They could be fund-raising aid to Africa or clean energy development or…well, Richard did mention something about a school. Plus, if he built any greener, he’d be on the front of a package of frozen vegetables. All of his projects used green materials and were environmentally sensitive. Hell, they were just building, not invading a country. And building projects made Richard so happy. There was an old saying in the talent agency business: Sell ’em, don’t smell ’em. It was good advice for her marriage. And tonight, her husband wanted her to sell Jack Powell.

So be it. Squirming out of Richard’s embrace, she left him and Zephyr talking about stages of investment.

"She’s over six feet tall. Her pussy is like a montagne! Oh, mon Dieu! I beg your pardon, Mrs. Zane—I didn’t realize you were in the kitchen."

No need to, Roger, I’m under six feet.

Marion swept across her hotel-size kitchen, passed her mammoth (and now apoplectic) culinary genius, and plunged a greedy finger into one of his perfect mini chocolate cakes. Mmm. The melted center rivaled orgasm. She briefly flashed on being a teen and putting away about twenty of these. Then she remembered trying to wear jeans as a teen. Well, this was all she was getting tonight. She smacked her hand on the white, time-polished marble countertop, punctuating her resolve.

Damn good. Don’t frost it.

Surveying the identical countertops that rivaled an apartment in square footage, she took stock of the evening’s fare. Serve the miniburgers, crudités, empanadas, and pot stickers. No garnish. They look gorgeous, but we have to give the shrimp to the shelter.

Roger’s big red buffalo head swiveled and fixed Jeff with a boiling glare. "Three hours of steaming. I told you it was politics." Two hundred pounds of tyrannical, temperament-challenged perfectionist were coming around the counter. Marion threw herself protectively in front of Jeff.

No blame. Richard messed him up.

Roger snorted, further cementing the buffalo image in Marion’s mind. After a second he went back to chef ’s station and started chopping green onions like an ax murderer. Did they change the bar service? he growled.

Already done. Thank you, Roger, and so sorry about the shrimp. The rest is perfect, as usual. And you can shower off the fishy smell in the guesthouse if you’re going out after.

Now he was violently dumping sour cream into a huge steel bowl. It is I who apologize for listening to a moron.

Roger disappeared below counter and rummaged through dried herbs. He wasn’t cooled down, but at least he was out of murderous mode.

Seeing Jeff had already slipped out of the kitchen, Marion thought it was a good idea to join him.

Roger was the only employee she ass-kissed, knowing since childhood that it was a bad idea to displease the person who touches what you swallow. Besides, the guy made five-star spa food. Who cared that she’d been blackballed at the Plaza Athénée, the Paris hotel from which she’d poached him. He was worth the trouble.

Shit. She hadn’t checked the last-minute RSVPs.

Ivan came around the corner with the list. Make that fuckin’ eerie.

She took note of the last-minute add-ons.

"So now the mayor is coming. He’ll bring no less than six, so tell the girls at check-in. That makes only three regrets. Not bad for a last-minute."

Two out of town. Donald Blum attending his brother’s funeral. We sent a donation to the memorial fund, added Ivan.

Marion’s gaze stalled at a name on the list. Oh no! Alan Hertz. You have to call.

Hertz wasn’t on invites. He’s a Republican.

But he switch-hits for Blue Dogs. Zephyr said Powell was Blue Dog. He’ll be insulted. Say ‘Terrible mistake, Marion’s horrified, blah, blah.’ Go, go, go.

Ivan was off like a phantom.

More important, Zane Enterprises had just acquired Swift Technological Research Corporation, and Alan Hertz was the CFO. Powell, no doubt, had a publicist, so Alan might find out about the event and wonder why he hadn’t been invited. Bad faux pas to begin a marriage. Most perilous of all was the fact that Marion knew Kimble, Alan’s wife, quite well.

Kimble Hertz was social. Ambitiously social. Slight a woman like that and she could become a dangerous enemy.

Or an even more dangerous friend.

For over a decade, Marion had reigned from a social position that appeared rock solid, but she didn’t want to tempt fate. She’d witnessed what happened when the herd turned on its own. The memory of Verna Hale was still vivid.

And speaking of Blue Dogs, there was something she remembered reading about Jack Powell. Something she had taken the time to record. Something unsavory.

Not remembering started her stomach tightening. After all, they were endorsing this guy. Actually, she was endorsing him because she made the calls. It was on her head. What else had she forgotten?

Marion headed upstairs.

She needed her Black Book.

She skipped up the Malibu-tiled, circular servants’ stairs that led to each floor, ending at the tower parapet. Since it was dusk, she sneaked a glance up to the top, hoping to catch a glimpse of Gilda the Ghost, the supposedly joyful child bride of Rutherford Wilson, who’d built the main mansion and gardens of the Zane compound for himself and his young wife. Gilda had leaped to her death from the tower parapet at exactly this time of day. The dowager who sold the Zanes the property claimed to have encountered Gilda more than once at several locations in the mansion—including this staircase. Marion hoped to do the same one day.

She wasn’t the airy-fairy type. She’d failed catechism class and had no time to suffer through any new dogma. She just felt driven to know the reason behind the seemingly senseless suicide of Gilda Rutherford. Records left a total mystery. One evening the girl went upstairs to dress for a lavish dinner party in honer of Rutherford’s birthday and instead took a swan dive into the reflecting pool. No note. No evidence of depression or foul play.

Tonight, Marion had her own theory.

He only gave you five days to get the whole thing together, right? she whispered.

No answer. No time. She got off on the second floor.

Marion rushed along the colonnaded marble corridor that framed the inner second story of the conservatory, marveling that she had never broken her ass in the place. She hooked a right at the family-wing hallway and broke into a trot. Pausing only to adjust the Picasso outside the master suite (knowing full well that her maid, Xiocena, would adjust it back), she entered her inner sanctum.


Her maid had been invisible all afternoon. It was a first for the robust Latina, who hovered over Marion like a mother hen. Squishing across the pillowy-plush silk carpet, she passed through the elegantly-appointed-yet-not-too-feminine sitting room and lavishly-appointed-yet-not-too-feminine bedroom (no husband wants to sleep in Girlie-Foofy World) and into her dressing rooms (Definitely Girlie-Foofy). At least Xiocena had remembered to lay out her evening ensemble before she turned invisible. The silver velvet fainting couch was adorned with an appropriately-quietyet-arrestingly-chic-yet-doesn’t-look-like-you’re-trying-too-hard little black Chanel dress, La Perla bra, G-string, Louboutin slingbacks, and double-strand pearls. Xiocena knew her shit. For a half second it struck Marion that the clothes looked like her body had melted out of them. Like she’d been absorbed by the mansion.

In the last closet, she reached through sable and cashmere, pressed a panel on the back wall, and it sprang open. She touched her thumb to the screen on the safe and click, the steel door slid back and Marion extracted her Black Book.

It contained everything she needed to know. Everything.

She flipped through to the political listings and found Jack Powell’s name. She had already edited it from the corporate section when he was bought out of his Internet venture-capital firm, Crane Partners. Now next to his name she wrote:

Running for and sure to win open California seat as Democrat—with a Zane endorsement, safe Democratic state, and homely opponents in both the primary and general, it was a given. Blue Dog—probable no vote on Environmental Regulations, All Tax Break/Subsidies, Rollbacks, and Nationalized Health Care. Swing on Women’s issues, Separation of Church and State. Contact advantage for all things Business/Land Development. Future Earmark King. Hosted Fund-raising.

She made a note of the date.


Marion found what had been troubling her. She was glad she’d recorded it.

There was another, older notation. One from Powell’s days as top dog at Crane; a secretary had brought a sexual-harassment and battery suit against him. Depositions revealed that Powell had a reputation for putting his arm a little too far around women. By the end of a workday, Jack could give an exact account of who was and who wasn’t wearing an underwire bra. Ugh. Better put Ivan on perv watch tonight.

But the notation didn’t end there.

She’d also recorded the fact that six months later, the secretary had dropped the lawsuit. Coincidentally, at the same time Powell allowed himself to be bought out of Crane. In other words, the top dog had become a liability.

And now he was a politician? Talk about throwing grease on the liability fire!

(Too much smelling, Marion.)

Still, she made a note to call the Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House to warn them before she moved on.

In a lighter vein, she also noted that producer Billy Price had fallen in love with a local girl while filming on location and married her on the spot. A twenty-five-year-old beauty queen who gave tours of town hall. Must’ve been some tour, she thought.

A quick scan of some names from the guest list proved she was well prepped, after all.

Marion slapped the book shut with an exhale. Nineteen years. No yips.

The Black Book had started out as a method for dealing with black-hole baboon-screaming panic at the notion of social interaction. And as she grew, it grew. Now, her Black Book was the best goddamned sourcebook on the planet.

And the old Marion was dead. She’d never have to feel that social panic again.

She’d rather take a carving knife to her throat.

The Black Book went back into the wall safe. Her life was excellent.

Marion stripped down, slathered on a custom body cream that simultaneously moisturized, exfoliated, and performed heroic Preparation H dermis tightening, and buzzed downstairs to send up hair and makeup while she admired her silky hide.

Turning around, she came face-to-face with Ivan. Marion didn’t cover up. She’d been changing in front of her assistant for years and he’d never batted an eye.

More confirmation for her asexual theory.

Ivan’s conduct was so nonreactive to her nudity that even her Richard didn’t give a shit if Ivan saw bod. Of course she drew the line at waxing and other private ablutions, but having an open door to the closet really made things efficient, especially when they needed to discuss matters that couldn’t be blared over the intercom system.

Mrs. Zane, he said without batting an eye. We tracked down Xiocena. Her niece woke up with terrible stomach pains that wouldn’t go away, so she’s taking her to the trauma center at Mercy, downtown.

"Oh no! Why didn’t she tell me? Downtown hospitals could take hours. I would’ve set her up with Lyndy."

I’ll check in for updates at fifteen-minute intervals.

Yes, please. Xio adores that girl; she’s all the family she’s got.

Right. Very good. Ivan exited as silently as he’d come.

Damn! She should be with Xiocena, helping her not Jack Powell.

Hair and makeup arrived. No choice but to wait.

An hour later, Marion was in complete battle dress. Alone, she regarded the package:

The dress was constructed, yet easy-to-undress soft. The heeled slingbacks gave a bare effect while providing proper political modesty. She wore the pearls but no other jewelry besides an eleven-carat, cushion-cut, D-color, flawless Key to the Kingdom. Thick, dark auburn locks fell long enough past her shoulders to advertise sexuality. Brazilian surgeons, in the eighties, had given her a perfect Suzy Parker. (At the time Marion had no idea who Suzy Parker was, only that she was somebody beautiful, and that was an improvement.) Assorted exclusive face whisperers protected it from succumbing to thinned, over-Botoxed muscles or formula-heavy balloon lips that stretched the skin below women’s noses until their faces resembled those of great apes. The faint smattering of freckles across her upper cheeks and nose tended to put both men and women at ease. Her breasts were wide rather than deep, allowing Marion to simultaneously wear fashion without looking matronly and thrill every man who ever took off her bra. Body sculptors had created her tiny waist without allowing the obliques to build out into column body. Modern science, in the form of a vicious vacuum cleaner/laser blaster, forbade cellulite from even considering encroachment on her taut thighs, and thanks to Pilates, Power Plates, squats, and the evil ham-curl machine, you could serve a martini off her ass. At forty-five, she could pass for barely thirty. Make that a damn good-looking barely thirty. The fat little outcast from Cleveland was now a Total Trophy. Marion couldn’t help but chuckle.

Her own mother wouldn’t recognize her.

Downstairs for one final check. And a perfect little blended margarita waiting for her in the kitchen, courtesy of Jeff.

Thank God, they started making Porfidio again. No hangover whatsoever.

Ivan stuck his head into the kitchen. Any minute, Mrs. Zane.

He tossed her a breath mint and disappeared.

As she risked brain freeze gulping down the rest of her drink, a waitress, exiting the kitchen, caused Marion to do a double take. The woman wasn’t on their regular catering crew, but that wasn’t what struck her.

She looked familiar, but not as a waitress.

It wasn’t so much the woman’s face she recognized, it was her…what? Being? She tried to grasp the impression but it was fading like a phantom cramp. A past life? Had she contracted hyperspiritual hysteria from her pal Patti Fink? Nah. Nobody but Patti held a passport to that disassociated locale.

Anyway, personal fortunes undulated wildly in this town. The waitress may very well have had dealings with Marion in a different capacity. Maybe she’d assisted her at a store or a restaurant or maybe she was a long-forgotten client back in the eighties when Marion was a young real-estate Turk.

But it must have ended badly…

The hair on her neck was prickling and her arms were doing an imitation of raw chicken. This wasn’t a yip. It felt…dangerous? She frowned and set her glass down.


Richard was searching her out, via intercom. No time for once upon a time.

But it took almost a minute to shake off the chicken skin.



"Suzie Stein wants the number of my what? Is she retarded? First of all, nobody styles me, and second…hello…hello?"

The iPhone flashed CALL TERMINATED BY NETWORK. Communication by Cell Phone instantly rose in rank on Lyndy’s interminable and constantly distended list of life’s disappointments.


Lyndy banged on the limo’s partition, making furious spasmodic gestures, which included shaking the iPhone as if it were a can of hairspray at their chauffeur. NO RE-CEP-TION! TAKE SUN-SET! she bawled.

The chauffeur, impressed yet again by the soundproofing efficiency of the Bentley manufacturer’s choice of glass, changed course without batting an eye. His turning was smooth, yet precisely abrupt enough to cause Lyndy to lap-slosh her goblet full of Armed Response, an immune-system supercharger and crucial prerequisite to any activities that bore the distinct possibility of leading to human contact.

Lyndy’s disappointment ratcheted up into a state of ground-glass agitation.

Didn’t the moron see she was on the phone? With a beverage? That’s three times this week he’d been completely oblivious to her needs. He’d be gone by morning.

And no more drivers. (Unless it was to an awards show, or an event with a red carpet, or an evening where they wanted to drink, or anywhere without valet.) She’d buy a Jaguar Vanden Plas in aquamarine to match the color of her contacts and chauffeur herself.

And give the finger to all those self-satisfied little Prius jockeys!

Lyndy’s lips stretched tight while she IM’ed instructions to her personal assistant, Jojo, to play dumb to the Stein woman’s pathetic request. New-money vampires. This town was thick with them. She hated the way they thought they could just suck up the details of your life and use them to replicate like a bad horror-movie creature. Her hand moved reactively to the collar of her perfect Brioni casual-yet-regal suit as if it were about to be snatched away.

Stylist! Like some twaddling actress. She didn’t have a look. She had an…air. Yes, an air into which one had to be born. She was a Montgomery, for heaven’s sake. Since California had achieved statehood, the name had been synonymous with privilege, refinement, and social hegemony. Montgomerys had graced polo fields, governor’s mansions, ballrooms, and country clubs from Humboldt to San Diego. Few California cities of note were without a museum or municipal building that bore the family name. The Montgomery lifestyle was a culture unto itself. There was no formula for the clothes they wore on their tall, sportif frames. It was they way they wore them.

The whole thing was so upsetting…she dove into the recesses of her brown croc Birkin for her treasured silver cigarette case. Years of use had nearly worn away the gold-filigreed M, but Lyndy wouldn’t dream of reengraving it, wouldn’t dream of tampering with the case’s magic. She snapped it open, withdrew one of her grandmother’s handkerchiefs, scented with rose and lavender oil, and putting the lacy swatch to her face, breathed deeply. When her father moved out, he had discarded the case in the trash, but little Lyndy rescued it in childish hopes of possessing at least a piece of the parent who’d abandoned her in such haste. Through the years, the story of its origin had evolved and blurred until she referred to it as a family heirloom, passed down by a great-grandparent.

The case, handkerchief, and oil worked like a talisman. Huffing the pheromones of birthright transported her to a balmy night from her childhood:

She was in the summer gardens of Rancho del Rey, the Montgomery family estate in Santa Barbara. The oaks, sycamores, and Monterey pines had been garlanded with hundreds of rainbow-hued paper lanterns. To her six-year-old eyes, it looked as if a door had been opened to Faerie. Earlier, they had witnessed Uncle Clyde score the winning goal astride his magnificent polo pony, Xanadu, with only seconds left in the final chucker. Now everyone was celebrating in high Montgomery style! She remembered the heady perfume of fine cigars and horse manure. Les Brown’s band had thrown caution to the wind, playing a scandalous rendition of Light My Fire. Gaucho-clad waiters running back and forth to a buffet table groaning under iced lobster and caviar. Players, still in their jodhpurs and team shirts, backslapped handsome young men in madras jackets. Pastel summer frocks and upswept hair for the girls, each sporting an important piece of family jewelry, like an afterthought. Lyndy’s grandmother had bought her a dress from Bullocks Wilshire and the petticoat rustled with every step of her pert white Keds with no laces. Uncle Clyde sneaked her a sip of his Pims. Ronald Reagan laughing and dancing with her great-aunt. So casual. So effortlessly elegant. Swish! Swish!

Memories reserved for only a precious few.

Suzie Stein’s practically forty—a little late to change one’s breeding and history. Let those Trophy wives cannibalize each other, she proclaimed, triumphant.

Lyndy’s husband, Max, who resembled one of those fantastic fairy-tale illustrations of a palace guard with a human body and the head of a toad (and in Max’s case, the face of a mournful toad), patted her thigh while remaining entranced with the evening’s gridlock. Tough break, sweetheart. You wanna pill? he asked.

He didn’t see her shake her head or hear her proudly declare that her case was comfort enough. For Max, in the tradition of all wealthy husbands who found themselves decades into a marriage unblemished by a prenuptial contract, had developed shamanistic powers of detachment that would rival those of the most potent of mystics.

Right now Max was having an out-of-the-body experience in Rio by the Sea-o. Actually he’d brought his body along with him for this one: nubile topless girls of all possible racial combinations were attending him as he broiled upon a padded poolside chaise outside a mountaintop casino. He could see the statue of Christ, embracing the azure bay, taste the sugar-rimmed mojito, smell the coconut massage oil administered by a lush and lusty minx with emerald eyes and skin the color of chocolate crème brûlée.

…not the first time and surely won’t be the last I have to deal with such women, Lyndy was saying. I’m just going to concentrate on making it through this evening.

Lyndera Montgomery Wallert, socialite-philanthropist wife of Max Wallert—creator of two long-dead-yet-still-syndicated action series, producer of numerous lukewarm-domestic-but-overseas-hit action films, and undisclosed Dry Cleaning King of West Covina—was never one to confuse Reality with Facts:

Reality: Suzie Stein had phoned Jojo for the number of Lyndy’s hairstylist. Her grandmother was coming in from Boca that week and Lyndy’s sensible chestnut coif was a dead ringer for dear Nana’s.

Fact: As a member of the stately Montgomery family, Lyndy’s perpetual burden was to gracefully endure spirit-sucking hordes of new-money vampires if she wanted to be successful in her return to the TOP.

And right now she was headed for an endurance marathon at the home of the Queen of the Vampires: Marion Zane.

When the Zanes had rolled into town, they were awful Orange County. It didn’t matter that they had billions, they were practically rubes. Naturally, Lyndy took pity on them and out of the goodness of her heart introduced them to her sophisticated Westside lifestyle, inviting Marion to private trunk-show luncheons at Barneys and a Civic Preservation Society dinner at Mr. Chow’s. Lyndy even went so far as to offer Marion a coveted seat on her beloved fund-raising board for Beverly Hills Central Hospital. She had been so disappointed when it was declined. Looking back, she now realized Marion had actually been feeding off her, using her exclusive connections as a launchpad to rocket herself up the social ladder. The moment of liftoff was forever seared into Lyndy’s consciousness:

She had given a large, star-studded dinner party in honor of Oscar de la Renta. She’d spent weeks planning every aspect of the affair, even personally shopping for the Venetian-glass Neapolitan dishes. Lyndy had plans to become buddies with Oscar. She even indulged in fantasies of a front-row seat at the Paris shows, gift boxes of gowns, and big, white, lacy blouses arriving at her home.

Instead she’d staged her own downfall.

When one guest couple developed the flu, she’d replaced them with a last-minute mercy invite to the friendless newcomer Zanes. What a dipshit mistake. The designer, who was seated beside her and obligated to be her dinner partner, barely said two words to his hostess all evening. He’d been too busy fielding a bombardment of conversational vomit fired by Marion Zane. The stupid, brazen wannabe even had the horrifically bad taste to engage Oscar in a political discussion. Forcing the man to explain himself in complicated anecdotes that left no room for any of Lyndy’s signature witticisms. Valiantly, she tried to change the subject, but it was like trying to cut vanilla pudding, so seamless was Marion’s theft. When Oscar abruptly checked his watch and said he was late for a flight, Lyndy thought: Poor man, he must be dying to get away from the bigmouth redhead. But when Oscar bid farewell to Marion, he invited her to visit him at his villa on Lake Como.

Lyndy would have given her left tit for a vacation invitation from Oscar de la Renta.

All she’d received was a pat on the arm and a hasty, Thank-you-lovely-evening.

He then turned back to Marion and embraced her. Embraced her! Oscar was into Marion.

Everyone else heard. Everyone else took note.

Lyndy Montgomery Wallert had been publicly humiliated.

And Marion Zane had been crowned.

Without remorse, the little bitch had actually sent a thank-you note the next day to rub Lyndy’s nose in her larceny. Next, she copied Lyndy and Max’s glamour and muscled her way into Hollywood. Lyndy knew Marion was behind the Zane Enterprises purchase of Quantum Studios. Horror-movie replication. Check under your beds for pods.

Suddenly it was Marion, instead of Lyndy, whose invitations were unregrettable. Marion whose charities had the thickest tribute books and most glamorous guest lists. Marion who had first crack at everything from designer collections (even before actresses) to insider trading tips. Marion who was the darling of great world and spiritual leaders. Marion who stole my goddamn spot at the TOP. Marion-the-new-money-vampire skank whose reception tonight is the A-list-place-to-be-I-can’t-miss-even-though-it’s-for-a-fucking-Democrat.

Marion the-Orange-County-Scuz-New-Money-Whore-Trophy-Wife-Cunt-Who-Stole-My-Oscar-Como-Vacation-and-My-Big-White-Blouses!

Lyndy realized she was digging her nails into the gel-padded seat of her custom ass-enhancing panties. She watched the blue anacondas disappear from the top of her hands as she used her handkerchief to return to the present, taking note that she had already spent her two-hour

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