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Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering
Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering
Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering
Ebook437 pages2 hours

Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering

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About the Book:
Numerical Methods is the go-to textbook for B.Sc and B.Tech students in search of a comprehensive guide to numerical analysis. This self-contained classroom text offers an in-depth exploration of key topics such as errors, difference operators, and interpolation with both equal and unequal intervals. With detailed explanations of methods for solving linear algebraic and transcendental equations, numerical integration, differentiation, and ordinary differential equations.
            Additional topics covered in this text include central difference interpolation formulas, inverse interpolation, and the Guass-Jacobi and Gauss Seidel methods. Whether you are a student or a professional in the field of numerical analysis, Numerical Methods provides the solid foundation you need to succeed.
         This book is an essential resource for students seeking to master the principles and techniques of numerical analysis.
1.    Errors in Numerical Calculations
2.    Solving Algebraic and Transcendental Equations
3.    Differential Operators
4.    Interpolation with Equal Intervals
5.    Matrices, Characteristic Equation, Eigen Values and Eigen Vector
6.    Central difference Interpolation Formulae
7.    Numerical Differentiation
8.    Numerical Integration
9.    Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
10. Inverse Interpolation
11. Curve Fitting
12. Solving of a System of Linear Equations and Matrices
PublisherBSP BOOKS
Release dateAug 2, 2024
Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering

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    Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering - B. Ravindra Reddy

    Chapter 1

    Errors in Numerical Calculations


    Numerical methods are very powerful and popular tools for solving a variety of engineering, mathematical and scientific problems using the four basic arithmetical operations. In this chapter we introduce Numerical techniques are used to solve problems involving higher order polynomials. They are used in solving transcendental equations. The numerical methods are also used in solving equations involving several variables. The techniques employed in numerical analysis are times approximate. Therefore the results (i.e., outcomes) obtained by numerical methods have some errors.

    Let X


    denote an exact number and a be a number that differs slightly from X and is used in place of X in calculations, then a is called an approximate number.

    If α is less than X then it is called a minor approximation of X , and if α is greater than X, then it is called a major approximation of X

    Definition: Let x be an exact number and a be the approximate number of x, then the difference between x and α is called the error of α.

    It is denoted by E and is given by

    If X > α, then the error is positive, and if X < α, then the error is negative.


    The absolute error E


    of an approximate number α is the absolute value of the difference between the corresponding exact number x and the number α.

    It is also denoted by ∆X


    Definition: The limiting absolute error of an approximate number is any number that is not less than the absolute error of that number.

    Thus if ∆α is the limiting absolute error of an approximate number α which takes the place of the exact number XE, then

    The exact number X lies within the range

    We can write X = α ± ∆α

    Note: The absolute error does not suffice to describe the accuracy of a measurement or a computation. An essential point in the accuracy of the measurements is the absolute error related to unit length. It is called the relative error.


    The relative error E


    of an approximate number a is the ratio of the absolute error E


    of the number to the modulus of the corresponding exact number x.

    From the definition we have

    Relative error

    We can also write


    The limiting relative error of a given approximate number α, is any number not less than the relative error of that number. It is denoted by δα .

    By definition we have δ ≤ δα

    That is

    Thus for limiting relative absolute error of a number α we can take ∆a = x| δa |, from which, knowing the relative error δα we can obtain for the exact number. Since the exact number lies between α (1-δα) and α (1+δα)

    We can write X =(1 ± δα)

    If α is an approximate number taking the place of an exact number X, and ∆α is the limiting absolute error of α taking

    For the limiting relative error of the numbera.

    Similarly we can show that

    Note: If ∆α is very much less than α, and δα is very much less than 1, we can take


    The percentage error Ep is defined by

    Ep = E


    × 100


    The errors in mathematical solution of problems are of five types.

    1. Errors involved in the statement of the problems

    2. Errors stemming from the presence of infinite processes in mathematical analysis

    3. Errors due to numerical parameters whose value can only be determined approximately

    4. Errors associated with the system of numeration

    5. Errors due to operations involving approximate numbers

    In this section we discuss two types of errors namely truncation error and computational errors.

    The errors which are inherent in the numerical methods employed for finding numerical solutions are known as truncation errors

    The truncation error arises due to the replacement of an infinite process such as summation or integration by a finite one. These errors are caused by using approximate formulae in computation

    Trigonometric functions are computed of by summing series.

    is replaced by the finite sum

    For example consider

    Is summed t n terms. Suppose we wish to calculate  We might begin by creating an error by specifying e⁰,³³³³

    So that the propagated 

    Then we might truncate the series after 5 term, leading to the truncation error

    Finally we might sum with the rounded values:

    1 + 0.3333 + 0.0555 + 0.0062 + 0.00005 = 1.3955

    Where the propagated error from the rounding's is -0.00002963

    The error is called inherent error

    When performing computations with approximate numbers, we naturally carry the errors of original detain to the final result. In this respect errors of operation are inherent


    If α is a positive number it can be represented as a terminating or nonterminating decimal as follows.

    where αi are digits of the number α [i.e αi = 0,1,2 ,3, . . ,9]

    αm ≠ 0 is called the leading digit m is the highest power of ten in the expansion. It is an integer

    For example consider the number 5214. 73. It can be written as follows:

    5214. 73 = 5 ∙10³ +2 • 10² + 1 • 10² + 4∙ 10 + 7∙10-1 + 3∙10-2 +. . .


    A significant digit of an approximate number is any non-zero digit, in its decimal representation or any zero lying between significant digits or used as placeholder, to indicate a retained place. All the other zeros of the approximate number that serve

    Only to fix the position of the decimal point are not be considered as significant digits.

    For example consider the number 0.007040. The first three zeros are not significant digits, since they serve only to fix the position of decimal point and indicate the place values of the other digits. The other two zeros are significant digits since the first lies between the digits 7 and 4 and the second shows that we retain the decimal place 10-6 in the approximate number. If the last digits of 0.007040, then the number must be written as 0.00704. From this point of view the numbers 0.007040 and 0.00704 are not the same because

    The former has four significant digits and the latter has only three. When writing large numbers, the zeros on the right can serve both to indicate the significant digits and to fix the place values of other digits. This can lead to misunderstanding when the numbers are written in the ordinary way.


    In this section we now introduce the notion of correct digits of an approximate numbers.

    Definition: If the first n significant digits of an approximate number are correct if the absolute error of the number does not one half unit in the nth place counting from left to right

    If α is an approximate number given by (1.2) which takes the place of an exact number X we know that

    Then by definition the first n digits

    αm, αm-1,αm-2,... ,αm-n+1 of this number are correct for example consider the exact number X = 25.97. Then with respect to X, the number α = 26 .00 is an approximation correct to three digits, since


    In this section we derive a general formula for determining error committed in using certain functions.


    Be a differentiable function in the variables x1 , x2 , . . , and xn

    Then we get

    Expanding the right handed side by Taylor's series we get

    terms involving and other higher order terms which are negligible

    Neglecting squares and higher powers ∆xi we have

    The above equation is the equation for the absolute error of u.

    Dividing (1.2) by u, we get

    which is the formula for finding the Relative Error hence we have

    Remarks: Let | ∆xi | , ( I = 1,2, . . . , n ) be absolute errors of the arguments of the function .Then the absolute error of the function is

    Expanding by Taylor's theorem and proceeding as mentioned above we get


    Theorem 1: If a positive approximate number a has n correct digits in the narrow sense, the relative error S of this number does not exceed divided by the first significant digit of the given number, or

    Cor 1: If for the limiting relative error of the number αm we can take

    where αm is the first significant digit of the number αm.

    Cor 2: α has more than two correct i.e. n 2, then for all practical purposes the following formula If the number holds

    1.12 ERROR OF A SUM

    Theorem: The absolute error of an algebraic sum of several approximate numbers does not exceed the sum of the absolute errors of the numbers

    Proof: Let u1, u2, . . . , un denote the n numbers. Let u denote the algebraic sum of these numbers.

    We have

    Hence, we have

    Cor 3: For the limiting point absolute error of an algebraic we can take the sum of the limiting absolute errors of terms

    From the above Inequality is follows that the limiting absolute error of the sum cannot be less that the least accurate term, which is to say the term having the maximum absolute error.


    (i) Find the numbers with the least member number of decimal places and leave them unchanged

    (ii) Round off the remaining numbers, retaining one or two more decimal places than those with the smallest number of decimals

    (iii) Add the numbers, taking into account, taking into account all retail decimals

    (iv) Round off the result, reducing it by one decimal

    The rounding error of the sum does not exceed

    Theorem 2: If the terms one and the same sign , the same sign ,the relative error of their sum does not exist the maximum limiting error of any of the terms



    Let u denote the difference between approximate numbers u1 and u2

    Then we have u = u1 -u2

    The limiting absolute error of the difference is

    Hence the limiting absolute error of difference is equal to the sum of the limiting absolute error of the difference is diminuend

    Where E is the exact value of the absolute magnitude of the difference between the numbers u1 and u2

    Sol and the numbers with examples

    Example 1: Find the percentage error in computing

    y = 3x²- 6x at x =1, if the error in x is 0.05

    Solution: We have y = 3x²- 6x, ∆x = 0.05

    Differentiating we get

    Example 2: The height of a tower was estimated to be 50 m

    Using Theodolite But the height was 45. Calculate the absolute error, relative error and percentage error involved in the measurement

    Solution: We have Actual height = X


    = 45 m

    Estimated height = X


    = 50 m

    Absolute error  = E


    = | X




    | = |50 —45|

    = 5 m

    Relative Error =

    Percentage error = E


    × 100 = 11.1 %

    Example 3: If U = 10 x²y²z³ and errors involved in x, y, z are 0.01, 0.02, 0.03 respectively are x = 1, y = 2, z = 3. Calculate the absolute error, relative error, and percentage relative error involved in evaluating u.

    Solution: It is given that u = 10 x²y²z³

    We have absolute error

    The Relative Error =

    Percentage Error = 100 E


    = 100 × 0.07 = 7.13 = 7%

    Example 4: What is the limiting relative error if n = 3 & am = 3.

    Solution: From the given data we have n = 3, αm = 3

    Therefore we get

    Using Cor 2

    Example 5: Young's modulus is determined from the deflection of a rod, a and b are the dimensions of the cross section

    where l = length of the rod, a and b are the dimensions of the cross section, s is the bending deflection, and p is the load. Compute the limiting relative error in a determination of young's modulus E if p = 20 kg, δp = 0.1 %, a = 3mm, b = 44mm

    S is the bending deflection and p is the load. Compute the limiting relative error in a determination of Young's modulus E. If p =20 kgs,

    Solution: It is given that

    Taking logarithms on both sides, we get

    Ln E = 3 ln + ln p - 3 ln a - ln b - ln s - ln 4

    Replacing increments by differentials, we get Relative error

    The relative error = 3 .0 × 0.01 + 0.00 1 + 3 .0 × 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 = 0.081

    Therefore the 8 % Error


    1. Define the terms Absolute error and Relative Error

    2. Briefly explain Round off rule

    3. Define percentage error

    4. Round off the following to three decimals

    (i) 2.3645 

    [Ans: 2.364]

    (ii) 4.3455 

    [Ans: 4.346]

    5. Round off the following numbers to 4 significant digits

    (i) 63.38257 

    [Ans: 63.38]

    (ii) 0.009231542 

    [Ans: 0.009232]

    (iii) 0.2537514 0 

    [Ans: 0.2538]

    6. If the

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