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Mia's Passion
Mia's Passion
Mia's Passion
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Mia's Passion

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Mia Collins was a smart and pretty woman, and hardheaded as well. She always figured she could handle anything, whether it be man or beast. Mia was also fearless to the point of rashness. She was proven wrong one evening when, on the way home, she was chased by a massive black wolf. The thought of the wolf pouncing on and eating her filled her mind, spurring her to run faster. She nearly fainted from fright when a woman stepped out from behind a tree next to the path. When Mia woke up, she was at home with no memory of what happened to her or where she had been for the last few days. Her parents didn't care about that. They were just happy that she was alive and at home where she belongs. A few weeks later, a well-dressed young man rides up to their house. He introduces himself as Joshua Taylor. He has come to take over his grandfather's farm. He sees Mia and is smitten, and after he leaves, he can't keep her from his mind. The next several months are a whirlwind of love and heartache for both Mia and Joshua, changing Mia's life forever.


Mia's Passion is my first Supernatural Romance, it is a non spicy story. It is the story of love and loss and the eternal lonliness of a vampire and her search for love. 

PublisherMark Maynard
Release dateAug 5, 2024
Mia's Passion

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    Mia's Passion - Mark Maynard



    The sun was quickly setting as Mia hurried on the ever darkening path. She had stayed too long in the village; she had been visiting her aunt Stella, and lost all track of time. Please, child. Her aunt begged. The darkness will overtake you before you reach home. Stay! And return home in the morning. Mia laughed, it’s alright auntie. The forest is not safe, child. Aunt Stella, I don’t believe in ghosts, and goblins, like you and mother do, I am not afraid! Stated Mia as she wrapped her shawl around her shoulders, and walked out the door of Stella’s modest cottage. You should be, child, Please, Stay! I beg you! pleaded Stella. Mia smiled at her aunt and continued on her way.

    Mia’s mother had always warned her, beware of the dark. She had never shared her mother’s fear of the darkness. Her mother also believed in witches and demons. Mia had always laughed at her superstitious beliefs. She had heard the stories from her mother and others in the village. Stories of monsters that stalk the forest at night, looking to snare the unwary. She had always laughed at the stories. She had seen none of those monsters, nor met anyone who had. Mia had always considered them stories to scare the young into obedience. She glanced around her. The trees took on frightful shapes in the dusky light, lending fears to her imagination. Only now she wasn’t so sure.

    As the sun set, she felt as if unseen eyes were watching her. She paused and listened. The night sounds were strangely silent. Chills of an unnamed fear ran up her spine. She pulled her shawl tighter around her shoulders and quickened her pace as she tried to shake off the feelings of foreboding. What was that? She had heard movement. Mia stood there, still as a statue, listening. A growl came from the trees. She looked into the deep gloom, seeing nothing. A wolf stepped out from behind an old oak tree next to the path. It stood there staring at her. Mia’s eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. It was barely 20 feet from her. She had never been this close to a wolf before. Her heart started beating hard against her breast, and her breath caught in her throat. It just stood there, with its head lowered, watching her. She watched its upper lip draw back to reveal long sharp teeth, then it took a step toward her. Mia screamed and ran, losing her shawl.

    She could hear heavy breathing as it chased after her. Low-hanging branches slapped at her as she ran through the darkness. Peace child. Said a voice out of the dark. Mia slid to a stop and screamed as a tall woman stepped onto the path before her. Mia nearly fainted as the woman approached her.

    Easy child, what made you so frightened? A wolf! There is a wolf! Babbled Mia. Where? Asked the woman, looking back along the path. Mia turned, looking for the wolf. It was real! It chased me! Insisted Mia. I wouldn’t worry, child, it was probably just curious. Why are you here, in the forest, and alone? Asked the woman. I was going home, Said Mia, as she turned and looked at the woman. She was beautiful, and her skin was very pale. Even in the darkness, Mia could see her perfect features. She had dark hair, and a long dark cloak that covered her from neck to foot. That was all Mia could see.

    Excuse me, but why are you here? Mia Asked, suddenly suspicious. I often walk in the forest at night. Said the woman. Mia stared at her. Her dark, penetrating eyes looked into Mia’s. Please, forgive me for staring. Said Mia with a blush. It’s alright, child. I am beautiful, am I not? Asked the woman suddenly. Yes miss, you are beautiful. Said Mia hesitantly. Then look upon me, child. She said as she threw her cloak back to reveal her perfectly formed body. She was completely naked, but for a cloth that hid her loins.

    Mia blushed and looked away, embarrassed by the other’s nudity. Look at me! the woman commanded. Mia’s eyes snapped back to look at her. She held her arms out to Mia. Come to me! the woman ordered. Mia’s body went rigid, and she lost all command of her body. Her feet and legs seemed to move of their own accord. Try as she might, she could not stop herself until she was standing in front of this strange woman.

    The woman wrapped her arms around Mia, as if she meant to embrace her. She smiled as she looked at Mia. She reached up and moved Mia’s long red hair off her neck. Mia wanted to scream when she saw two fire red dots appear in the center of the woman’s eyes. The power that held her prevented her from screaming. Mia watched in horror, unable to move, as her teeth grew into long, sharp fangs.

    The woman opened her mouth, and leaned her head back, and with terrifying speed, she lunged forward, and sank her fangs deep into Mia’s neck. Her body shook with pain and fear, still unable to move. Mia’s eyes rolled back into her head as tears flowed from the corners. Her last conscious thought, I’m going to die! The only sounds to be heard were the sucking noises, and the purrs of pleasure, as the vampire fed.

    As fast as she started, she stopped. She held Mia’s unconscious body in her arms as her incredibly long tongue licked the blood from her chin. She looked down at Mia, and with a wicked smile, then lifted Mia into her arms and vanished into the forest.

    At dawn the next morning, Stella was gathering eggs for breakfast. As she walked across the yard to the cottage, she heard someone calling out to her. She shaded her eyes against the morning sun, and saw her brother-in-law, John, walking across the field. Morning John, what can I do for you? Asked Stella. John smiled at Stella. She was always such a pleasant person. I have come to get Mia. Her mother wants her home for chores. Said John. Stella’s face went blank. John looked at her face and was instantly concerned. What? What is it? Demanded John. She’s not here John. Said Stella. What do you mean, she’s not here? Where is she? Snapped John. She left here yesterday, just before dark! Said Stella. John’s face was a mixture of fear and anger. Why didn’t you make her stay here with you last night? Demanded John darkly. Tears ran down Stella’s cheeks, I tried John, I really did. She refused to stay. You know how strong willed your daughter is. Said Stella. John glared at her. Get your man, and your boy too. We must look for her. Ordered John.

    Half an hour later, Stella’s husband George, and their son Paul, and half a dozen men from the village, were searching the surrounding forest for Mia. Even though the men of the village offered to help search for her, not one of them believed the girl was still alive. But John Collins and his wife Alice are well known and respected in the village. The men of the village knew every forest path and trail in the area, and they intended to search them all. George had gone with John. For the longest time, John said nothing as they searched.

    Finally, George could not take the silence any longer. Please, John, I know you are angry. No matter what Stella said to her, she would not stay with us last night. Explained George. I know George, I’m not angry with you, or Stella, I am just worried. Why would she walk through the forest so close to dark? She knows the forest is not safe. Said John. She said to us she was not afraid, and that she didn’t believe in ghosts and goblins. You know your daughter John. She does not believe in anything that she has not seen for herself. Said George. I know George, I know, Said John.

    They continued walking in silence, both hoping to find Mia and both fearing the worst. The oppressive silence of the forest was shattered, By the shouts of a man in the distance. Who is that yelling? Asked George. I don’t know, george. It’s coming from that direction. Maybe they found her! George said, suddenly full of hope. John looked at him. George saw a mix of hope and fear in John’s eyes. Let’s go," said John, as he left the path and pushed his way through the heavy underbrush.

    Moments later, they were on another path. Which direction? Asked George. This way, Said John as he turned and ran down the path as he spoke. They hadn’t run very far when a voice hailed them. John, HERE! George nearly collided with John as he slid to a stop. The man who had called him was standing on a small side path. Did you find her? asked John with trembling lips. No, John, I didn’t. All I found was this, said the man as he held the shawl out to him. John stepped forward and took it from him. Yes, it’s Mia’s. Her mother made it for her. Said John, his voice husky. He looked up at the man, You found nothing else? Asked John. He couldn’t ignore the note of fear and desperation in John’s voice. It caused him to hesitate. What? Tell me! Demanded John. The man hung his head. I found Mia’s tracks. She was running, and I found wolf tracks, and blood farther up the path. Said the man quietly. Are you sure? Asked John, with a quivering voice. Yes, I’m sorry John, Mia is gone. Said the man. Tears welled up in John’s eyes as he looked at the shawl in his hands. Slowly, he dropped to his knees and wept for his lost child.



    Mia felt pain and weakness. When she tried to open her eyes, they felt gritty, like she had sand in her eyes. Everything was out of focus. She tried to sit up and failed. A surge of dizziness, and the weakness in her limbs, prevented her. She lay there with her eyes closed until the dizziness abated. ‘What happened to me?’ Her thoughts were fuzzy and unfocused. She opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a room that she did not recognize. A single candle was burning on the stool next to the bed. It was the only light in the room. By its dim light, she could see a small windowless room. The walls were of rough-hewn stone, with a small door made of planks across from her.

    Mia had no memory of how she came to be here. The room had a musty earth smell, like it was underground.

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