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Song of the Lark
Song of the Lark
Song of the Lark
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Song of the Lark

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Song of the Lark is the third novel by American author Willa Cather, written in 1915. It is generally considered to be the second novel in Cather's Prairie Trilogy, following O Pioneers! (1913) and preceding My Ántonia (1918).

The book tells the story of a talented artist born in a small town in Colorado who discovers and develops her singing voice. Her story is told against the backdrop of the burgeoning American West in which she was born in a town along the rail line, of fast-growing Chicago near the turn of the twentieth century, and of the audience for singers of her skills in the US compared to Europe. Thea Kronborg grows up, learning herself, her strengths and her talent, until she reaches success.

The title comes from a painting of the same name by Jules Breton in 1884 and part of the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago.


Dr. Howard Archie had just come up from a game of pool with the Jewish clothier and two traveling men who happened to be staying overnight in Moonstone. His offices were in the Duke Block, over the drug store. Larry, the doctor's man, had lit the overhead light in the waiting-room and the double student's lamp on the desk in the study. The isinglass sides of the hard-coal burner were aglow, and the air in the study was so hot that as he came in the doctor opened the door into his little operating-room, where there was no stove. The waiting room was carpeted and stiffly furnished, something like a country parlor. The study had worn, unpainted floors, but there was a look of winter comfort about it. The doctor's flat-top desk was large and well made; the papers were in orderly piles, under glass weights. Behind the stove a wide bookcase, with double glass doors, reached from the floor to the ceiling. It was filled with medical books of every thickness and color. On the top shelf stood a long row of thirty or forty volumes, bound all alike in dark mottled board covers, with imitation leather backs.

As the doctor in New England villages is proverbially old, so the doctor in small Colorado towns twenty-five years ago was generally young. Dr. Archie was barely thirty. He was tall, with massive shoulders which he held stiffly, and a large, well-shaped head. He was a distinguished-looking man, for that part of the world, at least.
Release dateDec 5, 2023

Willa Cather

Willa Cather nació en Winchester (Virginia) en 1876, de una familia de origen irlandés, y pasó su infancia en Nebraska, en los años de la primera gran colonización de inmigrantes checos y escandinavos. Siempre activa y de espíritu independiente, estudió en la Universidad de Nebraska, donde se presentó, vestida de hombre, con el nombre de William Cather. Fue viajera, periodista, maestra, dirigió revistas; vivió durante cuarenta años con su compañera, Edith Lewis; y, cuando hubo ahorrado lo suficiente, se dedicó exclusivamente a la literatura. Admiradora de Flaubert y Henry James, así como de Turguéniev, Conrad y Stephen Crane, su primera novela, Alexander’s Bridge, se publicó en 1912. Al año siguiente, con Pioneros (ALBA CLÁSICA núm. L) introdujo el que habría de ser uno de sus temas centrales: el mundo vitalista de los colonos en el que transcurrió su infancia. A ésta siguieron otras novelas como Mi Ántonia (1918; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. XXXV), One of Ours (1922), que mereció el premio Pulitzer, La muerte y el arzobispo (1927), Shadows on the Rock (1931) o Lucy Gayheart (1935; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. ) y algunas exquisitas nouvelles como Una dama extraviada (1923; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. LX) o Mi enemigo mortal (1926; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. XXXII), ejemplos de un modo de escribir complejo y personal que se ganaría la admiración de escritores como William Faulkner y Truman Capote. Es autora asimismo de un gran número de relatos, reunidos en Los libros de cuentos (ALBA CLÁSICA MAIOR núm. ), y de un delicioso libro de recuerdos y ensayos, Para mayores de cuarenta (1936; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. LV). Murió en Nueva York en 1947.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Published in 1915, this is a beautifully written novel about the life of Thea Kronberg, a feisty female protagonist who overcomes the social restrictions of the time and eventually makes her mark as an opera singer. It opens in the 1890s, when Thea is eleven years old. She is one of seven children born to a Scandinavian immigrant family in the small (fictional) town of Moonstone, Colorado. She learns piano and gives lessons. She eventually moves to Chicago to pursue vocal performance education.

    This book is the second in the Great Plains trilogy (along with O Pioneers! and My Antonia), Willa Cather’s narratives of strong women in the American West, but it can easily be read as a standalone. One of Cather’s strengths is the ability to vividly depict the landscapes of the places Thea visits. It is an early example of relationships in which the men in the story admire the woman for her ambition and talents and help her achieve her goals. It has aged well. I can see why it is considered a classic.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was certainly a dating book for 1915. Thea Kronberg is a minister’s daughter in a small, provincial Colorado town who has talents and dreams that her hometown cannot fulfill. With the help of Dr. ARchie a local doctor who acts as her mentor and Ray, a railway worker who is in love with her, she heads to Chicago to pursue a musical career as a pianist.
    Once there, her teacher, Mr. Harsanyis, tell her that her real talent is not the piano, but her voice and that she should pursue a career as an opera singer. Through Harsanyis, Thea meets Fred Ottenberg the heir to a t. Louis beer family, who further encourages her efforts. When Thea becomes ill, Fred tells her to spend the summer in Arizona with fiends of his, the Bitmers. Thea learns to love the high desert and the ancient cliff dwellings. When Fred joins her in July, and after the two of them are trapped in a storm, they realize their feeling for one another. Fred then suggests that they go to Mexico City before she leaves for further vocal training in Germany.
    In Mexico Fred confesses to Thea that he has been married for 8 years, but has been living apart from his estranged wife. Thea says she understands, but since he’s married she cannot continue their relationship or take any financial help from him for her studies. She writes to Dr. Archie who finances both her passage across the Atlantic and her studies in Germany.
    The scene then shifts to ten years later both Fred & Dr. Archie are in New York to hear Thea perform. She is rising star singing Wagner. When she performs Sieglinde she proves that their trust in her and all her hard work have paid off. Thea has followed her talent and established a successful and independent life for herself and found happiness and contentment.
    This book was ahead of its time and can be an excellent roadmap for young women today.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    [The Song of the Lark] is about a young woman, Thea Kronberg, growing up in the West who is a talented musician with dreams of success. She'll have to leave her town of Moonstone to be in the spotlight. She moves to Chicago and ultimately to Europe, but is still drawn to the beauty of the American West. The book is a portrait of an ambitious artist and the ups and downs of that sort of life.

    I enjoyed this. I thought that Cather did a really good job exploring what it's like to learn a craft like being a successful professional musician. I found it much more realistic than other books I've read on this subject. I also liked that it wasn't overdramatic - this isn't a [[Thomas Hardy]] novel where everyone fails and/or dies. There's some sadness and nostalgia and typical life questions about whether chosen paths were really the best. But in the end, Cather does what I think is harder to write - creates a character with great depth and subtlety.

    I don't think this novel stands out for me as much as [My Antonia] or [O, Pioneers], but I would recommend if you enjoy Cather and haven't read this yet.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    "You can't try to do things right and not despise the people who do them wrong."

    The story of a young girl who parties on the Mexican side of town in Colorado and grows up to become a true diva.

    If only she saw the look on Spanish Johnny's face at the end...
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    New lady crush: activated. Cather has written a beautifully compelling Kunstlerroman (coming of age of the artist, in layman's terms) that is also deeply unsentimental and blunt. I cannot recommend it enough.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Cather vocalizes the vivacity and torment of raw talent - from a very few others recognizing a non-specific light, self-realization, the quest for knowledge & refinement, discovering you have no peers (at least not in geographic proximity or possibly even contemporary), the balls-out energy required to deliver your talent to the masses, and the consciousness that still only a few truly appreciate it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Primarily an exploration of the artistic drive but also a description of a time (1890 to 1920) and places (Colorado, Arizona, Chicago, and New York City)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I am writing this review almost two months after reading the story so I will just provide some general observations, as memory serves. The Song of the Lark is Cather’s third novel, and is considered to be the second book in her Prairie’s Trilogy. The story itself is straightforward. Readers follow Thea Kronberg as she grows from a young girl with a beautiful singing voice to a woman who’s focused ambition leads her to become a prima donna singer. Not a “rags to riches” story. Thea’s story is one of how no matter how high your ambitions or how far you move away from your home, one never really leaves their past behind them. Thea is a strong woman, but she does have her flaws. I found it hard to emotionally invest myself in Thea’s character. Her driving ambition, at the expense of her relationship with her Swedish Methodist family, is laudable as it does achieve its end goal, but at an enormous cost, IMO. As with other Cather novels I have read, the setting – and Cather’s wonderful descriptions – play a key role in our heroine’s character development. Different aspects of Thea’s character come forward in different settings. Cather’s beautifully descriptive, straightforward prose makes this story a joy to read, although I did find the characterization to be more forced/contrived than I have found in other Cather novels I have read. I struggled with the last section. While it brings closure to the story, I found it came across as something that Cather may have rewritten a few times, never fully satisfied with the result.

    Even with these less than perfect aspects, I loved this story, as I have with the other Cather novels I have read so far.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Loved the beginning. Thea's growing up in Colorado and the adults who helped her along the way. I loved the section on Thea's time in Arizona. It was beautifully written and made me long to be in those canyons and cliff dwellings. The ending bored me. I felt I needed to know German or more about opera.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Song of the Lark is the story of the making of an artist. Thea Kronborg is transformed from a minister's daughter living in a small Colorado town to a world renowned opera singer. Cather's protagonists tend to be strong, industrious women and Thea is no exception. Once Thea recognizes that her voice (not her piano playing) is a gift and that she has the stuff that artists are made of, there is no stopping her. Thea is fortunate to have the support of several good men in her life (Ray, Dr. Archie and Frank) who encourage her and provide her with the means to pursue her dream. I did not like this book as well as O Pioneers or My Antonia but I still enjoyed it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I was disappointed in this second of Willa Cather's Prairie Trilogy. While the writing is very good, I disliked Thea, the main character. There is a richness in the description of life in Colorado and New York during those times and the characters are very well drawn. The story takes a fairly long time to unfold and I sometimes found my attention wandering and decided the story itself just didn't grip me as much as it might have. I will go on to read the third and final book in the series, My Antonia.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Cather is an interesting storyteller. This story leaves you wondering what else will happen.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not my favorite of Cather's books, but I did enjoy this one. My favorite part was the beginning when Thea is still at home and the whole world is new. Some great characters, but it was very slow.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    What a disappointment this book was. I've loved just about all the Cather I've read, even minor works, but this seemed endless, and after about 80% I realized I just didn't care what happened to the characters and so quit.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Song of the Lark by Willa Cather was an interesting read that had a autobiographical feel to it as the subject matter was about a young girl developing into an artist, in this case a singer, and is set against the backdrop of the American West. I couldn’t help but wonder if the author implanted some of her own traits and feelings into Thea as she grew up knowing herself to be different from the rest of her family and the people of the small Western town of Moonstone, Colorado.

    Willa Cather writes with great authority and this story details Theas’ determination and strong work ethic as she strives to reach her goals. Originally training to be a piano teacher, when her instructor hears her voice she is told that her voice is worth all that she can put into it. Through the course of the book, Thea learns to put her art first, and although there are setbacks, she eventually finds that her singing is what she gets the most pleasure from.

    What made this book come alive for me were the various characters that Thea met along the way, and the author’s descriptive writing that makes the American West come alive on the pages. This was a book that, didn’t entirely sweep me away, but was still a very good read. I did appreciate how the book came full circle with Thea, her friends and even with its’ ending back in Moonstone, Colorado.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Our title “lark” is Thea Kronborg, a young girl growing up in Colorado in the late 19th century. Even at a young age her musical talent is obvious. She learns how to play the piano and her ability soon out shines the resources available in her tiny hometown. Thea’s story is told in six sections which chronicle her struggle to become an artist.

    We watch as she befriends the community doctor, teaches piano lessons, loses a good friend in an accident, discovers the Mexican community in her town, and more. As she grows up she begins the lifelong battle to find a balance between ambition and family, a desire to succeed and her personal relationships. Her journey is a long one, taking her at times away from her goal or into lonely places to improve her talent.

    The message that seems to echo throughout time is that you can have success and glory or you can have a life filled with family and friends. So often the two seem mutually exclusive. The closer Thea got to her dream, the farther she was from the people who loved her most.

    When Thea heads to Denver to study music it's a lot like a freshman leaving for college for the first time. They ache for the life they are leaving, but when they return home everything feels different. But in reality she’s the one who has changed, and her experiences are making her see her family in a whole new light. They have completely different in goals and values and she has a hard time reconciling her feelings with this new discovery.

    As her priorities shift, she can’t relate to her family in the same way she used to. They have so little in common and a shared childhood can only get you so far. Their intolerance of the Mexican people makes no sense to her and only drives them further apart. I think many people have the same realization when they leave home in those formative years. As you discover more about the world around you and the views of other people, you begin to question the things you took for granted as fact in your youth.

    Thea’s talent is both a gift and a curse. Life is almost simpler for those who aren’t endowed with natural abilities that shine so brightly. Less is expected from them and they are able to choose their path with lower expectations.

    * This is technically the second novel in the author’s Prairie Trilogy, but each novel works as a standalone.

    BOTTOM LINE: Cather’s writing is beautiful and I can’t wait to read more of her work. I didn’t love it quite as much as “O Pioneers!” but Thea’s struggle resonated with me. She learned so much over the years. She had to make difficult decisions about her future. As we grow up we are shaped by our experience and the paths we choose. That still remains true a century after the book was first published.

    “There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm.”

    “People live through such pain only once. Pain comes again—but it finds a tougher surface.”

    “Art is only a way of remembering youth. And the older we grow the more precious it seems to us."
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book. I was first introduced to Willa Cather as a teenager when my mother urged me to read My Antonia. Over the years I have randomly picked up other novels by Cather -- Sapphira and the Slave Girl, O Pioneers!, Shadows on the Rock, Obscure Destinies, and the odd short story that has been anthologized in lit. textbooks. This is my favorite.

    The Song of the Lark, a kunstlerroman, chronicles the adolescence and growth into artistry of Thea Kronborg, the daughter of a Methodist minister in a small northern Colorado town who becomes a renowned opera diva.

    Thea, a middle child in a large Swedish family, seems destined for something larger, even as a young girl. She is noticed by the town doctor, adored by a young railway man, provided with piano lessons by her mother, and driven to hard work and accomplishment by her piano teacher. Eventually she makes her way to Chicago to study piano, and her voice is discovered.

    Thea's journey is fascinating, but it is her surroundings (her kith and kin, if you will) that make the book so rich and resonant. Cather captures the life and landscape of growing up in a small Plains town vividly: the relationships among the siblings in a large family, the small town scrutiny of the preacher's daughter, the uneasy relationship between the "American" side and the "Mexican" side of the town, the central role the railroad played in the settling of the West, and most importantly the natural landscape, both of Colorado Plains and later of the Arizona cliff lands.

    Cather herself grew up in Red Cloud, Nebraska, in similar circumstances, and much of Thea's childhood draws from Cather's -- down to the description of the prized bedroom which she claimed for herself in her teens. We went to Cather's childhood home in Red Cloud a couple of years ago, and the bedroom remains preserved as it is described in The Song of the Lark.

    Cather's characterization of Thea is unsentimental, recognizing the hardness that one must develop in order to achieve great artistry. In many ways, this is an old-fashioned book -- full of wonderful characters and unashamed of its values.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Some of the elements are familiar--the misfit child in a backwater who by dint of energy and talent rises to international fame--the changes it puts her through. Is it talent or drive or a unique combination of the two? She gets some breaks, but she seizes and uses them. As her fame rises the old town of Moonstone and its characters fade and dissipate, leaving only a few characters to see the whole story. Cather was criticized for the epilogue, but I think it was brilliant.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    After finishing O Pioneers and loving it, I thought I'd pick this up next and read the Prairie Trilogy in order. I won't say I regret doing that, exactly, but there's definitely a reason this book isn't as well known (or as widely praised) as O Pioneers. The show-to-tell ratio in this book is, unfortunately, much lower than in its predecessor. Either through her narration or, more tediously still, through her characters, Cather gives voice to a number of philosophical declarations, especially about the nature of being an artist (not to say the nature of art, really). Some are interesting, some are not, but few are very enlivening, and whole sections of the book are mired in these discussions. Apart from that, it's not bad, and there's plenty to like as well. The characters, despite their occasional roles as vessels for Cather's philosophizing, are relatively well fleshed out and interesting. Still, I expect to enjoy the last Prairie novel (My Antonia) more, and I certainly did O Pioneers.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Interesting book about the creation of a true artist, in this case, an opera singer. Lots of poignant description of Colorado small-town life during the late 1800's - early 1900's when telegrams and railroads ruled the day. We learn the price of artistry when approached as an all-consuming quest, although it is difficult to define what the quest is actually seeking. I enjoyed the setting early in the book, felt a little burdened by the constant philosophizing about perfecting ones 'art,' and felt completely over my head with all of the specific operatic references and the German song lyrics that peppered the entire book. Never really liked the main character all that much, although that was likely the point. All in all, a very mixed bag yielding my 3 stars. Interesting edition utilizing the original 1915 text, which had different uses of contractions that i had been otherwise unfamiliar with. Ok, but not great for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    [The Song of the Lark] is [Willa Cather]'s third novel, apparently written between [O Pioneers!] and [My Antonia]. It demonstrates the surprising range of her writing beyond the prairies of Nebraska. This one is about a small town Colorado girl, Thea Kronborg, possessed of a compelling musical gift, and her determination to experience it fully.

    Thea grows up in a large household in Moonstone, Colorado, headed by her highly organized and insightful mother. "Mrs. Kronborg's children were all trained to dress themselves at the earliest possible age, to make their own beds - the boys as well as the girls - to take care of their clothes, to eat what was given them, and to keep out of the way. Mrs. Kronborg would have been a good chess-player; she had a head for moves and positions."

    But Thea can feel herself being called away from the predictable life waiting for her. "Thea got her music book and stole quietly out of the garden. She did not go home, but wandered off into the sand dunes, where the prickly pear was in blossom and the green lizards were racing each other in the glittering light. She was awakened by a passionate excitement. She did not altogether understand what {music teacher} Wunsch was talking about; and yet, in a way, she knew. She knew, of course, that there was something about her that was different. But it was more like a friendly spirit than like anything that was part of herself. She brought everything to it, and it answered her; happiness consisted of that backward and forward movement of herself."

    She can only learn so much in Moonstone, and eventually is sent to study with a music teacher in Chicago. He turns out to be just what this talented, but naive and largely untrained, girl needs. "It was like a wild bird that had flown into his studio on Middleton Street from goodness knew how far! No one knew that it had come, or even that it existed; least of all the strange, crude girl in whose throat beat its passionate wings." How far can she travel on those passionate wings?

    The book is divided into three parts. The first, set in Moonstone, will feel familiar to those who have read the more famous Nebraska novels. But Thea is a fish out of water in many ways, strikingly illustrated by an evening she spends in the Mexican part of town, enchanted with music, as she sings with Spanish Johnny and others. Her family, except for her mother, finds it scandalous. Her mother understands her, and essentially asks the others what their problem is.

    The last two parts of the book chronicle Thea's learning about her craft and living in the city, as well as her breakthroughs, as she rises in the world of music. She is spiky and not always likeable, but there is no deviation from her integrity, charisma or passion. In another lovely section of the book, a paramour invites her to spend her summer at his ranch in northern Arizona, where she spends nearly all her time exploring Panther Canyon and the ruins of the cave houses and "rock-rooms" of the long gone ancient Cliffdwellers. There her mind empties and the way forward becomes clear.

    The book is filled with vibrant, real characters, many of whom try to help her on her way. That she will continue to fight to realize her gift, and the rewards of performance, is never in doubt. "As long as she lived that ecstasy was going to be hers. She would live for it, work for it, die for it; but she was going to have it, time after time, height after height." I'd love to know more about where in Cather's experience this all comes from,; it's a fascinating and rewarding read. We accompany Thea as she struggles to make herself a successful artist and person, to surmount her small town ignorance and limitations, and to attempt to become a big city and international presence. Yet that small town upbringing remains ever in her thoughts, and a guide for her actions. The book title comes from a painting of a girl working in a field that she sees in the Art Institute of Chicago. When she sees it, it simply strikes her as"right". "The flat country, the early morning light, the wet fields, the look in the girl's heavy face - well, they were all hers, anyhow, whatever was there." It's the transformation of that girl, along with what will never be transformed, that makes for such an captivating reading experience.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A classic of course. A lovely glimpse of life in “Moonstone,” a small town in Colorado around the beginning of the twentieth century. Since most reviewers have emphasized the artistic, operatic themes of the book, I’d like to mention her sense of place and background. Thea, the singer, develops an international career and leaves behind the conservative attitudes of her childhood. She becomes sophisticated, hardened, practical, and she is a wonderful character. Yet what I most enjoyed is that at the height of her career she finds comfort in remembering the home of her childhood, her family, and in the steadfast support from her old friend Dr. Archie. She braces herself against these memories and values. As she says to Dr. Archie, “…I always measure high buildings by that Moonstone standpipe. There are standards we can’t get away from.”
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I love Cather and this book is very good, it just seems less unified than some of her other books. Also, I found the ending unsatisfying. I thought she was trying perhaps a bit too hard to weave in her philosophy of art.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Song of the Lark is the story of Thea Kronborg, a small town Colorado girl with a big dream of developing her natural musical talent into something extraordinary. Thea is fortunate that several of the adults in her life recognize that she has a combination of raw talent and strength of will to do something great. Her mother, Doctor Archie, piano teacher Professor Wunsch, and her great admirer Ray Kennedy provide nurture and guidance through her adolescent years. When Thea has absorbed all that Moonstone has to offer her, she leaves to study music in first Chicago, then further afield. Although Thea leaves Moonstone behind, it never leaves her.

    I have mixed feelings about this novel. The first half is outstanding, but the second half is mediocre. As soon as Thea leaves Moonstone for good, the novel seems to lose its bearings. The rest of the novel seems to wander. The dialogue becomes lackluster. Perhaps Cather intended this, though, to illustrate how large a role Moonstone played in Thea's identity. Readers without knowledge or love of music may find it difficult to stick with this book all the way to the end.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    1077 The Song of the Lark, by Willa Cather (read 19 Sep 1970) I wasn't going to read any more Cather, but I read her short story, Old Rosicky, and was so moved that I decided to read all her work. This book,
    The Song of the Lark, was published in 1915. it is not one of her best, but it had its moments. It tells the story of Thea Kronberg, of Moonstone, Colo.. A Methodist preacher's daughter, she becomes a great opera singer. It is sort of women's fiction, but better. Yet the theme seems diffused in a way. But I am not sorry I read it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ranging from Arizona cliff dwellers, Moonstone to Chicago, New York and beyond this book tells of Thea Kronborg’s voyage of discovery. She was destined to become a Wagnerian soprano and the book chronicles that journey and the characters she encounters en route. The relationship between herself and the places she travels are described and reflected upon, her work, her being and the places she inhabits are inextricably intertwined. With a forward by A.S. Byatt this Virago edition of 1982 was originally pared down in 1932 by Cather herself. Apparently it was originally two hundred thousand words long but she cut it savagely by about ten percent. The writing is often moving and at times rhapsodic (to quote Byatt). A delight to read, this rags to riches journey of self discovery also related to the artistic ambitions and self discovery of the author herself.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Cather's book is so consistently wonderful. The development of a young girl into an acclaimed opera singer and all the people and experiences along the way combine for a fabulous, sweeping story. From a small town in Colorado, to Chicago, to New York, to Europe and back, the reader journey's through the triumphs and losses of this memorable character, Thea Kronberg. There were some moments which made me cry, and others which made me chuckle. Most of all, a bittersweet feeling permeates the book, full of the poignant relationships which keep Thea going on her life journey.

Book preview

Song of the Lark - Willa Cather



Dr. Howard Archie had just come up from a game of pool with the Jewish clothier and two traveling men who happened to be staying overnight in Moonstone. His offices were in the Duke Block, over the drug store. Larry, the doctor's man, had lit the overhead light in the waiting-room and the double student's lamp on the desk in the study. The isinglass sides of the hard-coal burner were aglow, and the air in the study was so hot that as he came in the doctor opened the door into his little operating-room, where there was no stove. The waiting room was carpeted and stiffly furnished, something like a country parlor. The study had worn, unpainted floors, but there was a look of winter comfort about it. The doctor's flat-top desk was large and well made; the papers were in orderly piles, under glass weights. Behind the stove a wide bookcase, with double glass doors, reached from the floor to the ceiling. It was filled with medical books of every thickness and color. On the top shelf stood a long row of thirty or forty volumes, bound all alike in dark mottled board covers, with imitation leather backs.

As the doctor in New England villages is proverbially old, so the doctor in small Colorado towns twenty-five years ago was generally young. Dr. Archie was barely thirty. He was tall, with massive shoulders which he held stiffly, and a large, well-shaped head. He was a distinguished-looking man, for that part of the world, at least.

There was something individual in the way in which his reddish-brown hair, parted cleanly at the side, bushed over his high forehead. His nose was straight and thick, and his eyes were intelligent. He wore a curly, reddish mustache and an imperial, cut trimly, which made him look a little like the pictures of Napoleon III. His hands were large and well kept, but ruggedly formed, and the backs were shaded with crinkly reddish hair. He wore a blue suit of woolly, wide-waled serge; the traveling men had known at a glance that it was made by a Denver tailor. The doctor was always well dressed.

Dr. Archie turned up the student's lamp and sat down in the swivel chair before his desk. He sat uneasily, beating a tattoo on his knees with his fingers, and looked about him as if he were bored. He glanced at his watch, then absently took from his pocket a bunch of small keys, selected one and looked at it. A contemptuous smile, barely perceptible, played on his lips, but his eyes remained meditative. Behind the door that led into the hall, under his buffalo-skin driving-coat, was a locked cupboard. This the doctor opened mechanically, kicking aside a pile of muddy overshoes. Inside, on the shelves, were whiskey glasses and decanters, lemons, sugar, and bitters. Hearing a step in the empty, echoing hall without, the doctor closed the cupboard again, snapping the Yale lock. The door of the waiting-room opened, a man entered and came on into the consulting-room.

Good-evening, Mr. Kronborg, said the doctor carelessly. Sit down.

His visitor was a tall, loosely built man, with a thin brown beard, streaked with gray. He wore a frock coat, a broad-brimmed black hat, a white lawn necktie, and steel rimmed spectacles. Altogether there was a pretentious and important air about him, as he lifted the skirts of his coat and sat down.

Good-evening, doctor. Can you step around to the house with me? I think Mrs. Kronborg will need you this evening. This was said with profound gravity and, curiously enough, with a slight embarrassment.

Any hurry? the doctor asked over his shoulder as he went into his operating-room.

Mr. Kronborg coughed behind his hand, and contracted his brows. His face threatened at every moment to break into a smile of foolish excitement. He controlled it only by calling upon his habitual pulpit manner. Well, I think it would be as well to go immediately. Mrs. Kronborg will be more comfortable if you are there. She has been suffering for some time.

The doctor came back and threw a black bag upon his desk. He wrote some instructions for his man on a prescription pad and then drew on his overcoat. All ready, he announced, putting out his lamp. Mr. Kronborg rose and they tramped through the empty hall and down the stairway to the street. The drug store below was dark, and the saloon next door was just closing. Every other light on Main Street was out.

On either side of the road and at the outer edge of the board sidewalk, the snow had been shoveled into breastworks. The town looked small and black, flattened down in the snow, muffled and all but extinguished. Overhead the stars shone gloriously. It was impossible not to notice them. The air was so clear that the white sand hills to the east of Moonstone gleamed softly. Following the Reverend Mr. Kronborg along the narrow walk, past the little dark, sleeping houses, the doctor looked up at the flashing night and whistled softly. It did seem that people were stupider than they need be; as if on a night like this there ought to be something better to do than to sleep nine hours, or to assist Mrs. Kronborg in functions which she could have performed so admirably unaided. He wished he had gone down to Denver to hear Fay Templeton sing See-Saw. Then he remembered that he had a personal interest in this family, after all. They turned into another street and saw before them lighted windows; a low story-and-a-half house, with a wing built on at the right and a kitchen addition at the back, everything a little on the slant—roofs, windows, and doors. As they approached the gate, Peter Kronborg's pace grew brisker. His nervous, ministerial cough annoyed the doctor. Exactly as if he were going to give out a text, he thought. He drew off his glove and felt in his vest pocket. Have a troche, Kronborg, he said, producing some. Sent me for samples. Very good for a rough throat.

Ah, thank you, thank you. I was in something of a hurry. I neglected to put on my overshoes. Here we are, doctor. Kronborg opened his front door—seemed delighted to be at home again.

The front hall was dark and cold; the hatrack was hung with an astonishing number of children's hats and caps and cloaks. They were even piled on the table beneath the hatrack. Under the table was a heap of rubbers and overshoes. While the doctor hung up his coat and hat, Peter Kronborg opened the door into the living-room. A glare of light greeted them, and a rush of hot, stale air, smelling of warming flannels.

At three o'clock in the morning Dr. Archie was in the parlor putting on his cuffs and coat—there was no spare bedroom in that house. Peter Kronborg's seventh child, a boy, was being soothed and cosseted by his aunt, Mrs. Kronborg was asleep, and the doctor was going home. But he wanted first to speak to Kronborg, who, coatless and fluttery, was pouring coal into the kitchen stove. As the doctor crossed the dining-room he paused and listened. From one of the wing rooms, off to the left, he heard rapid, distressed breathing. He went to the kitchen door.

One of the children sick in there? he asked, nodding toward the partition.

Kronborg hung up the stove-lifter and dusted his fingers. It must be Thea. I meant to ask you to look at her. She has a croupy cold. But in my excitement—Mrs. Kronborg is doing finely, eh, doctor? Not many of your patients with such a constitution, I expect.

Oh, yes. She's a fine mother. The doctor took up the lamp from the kitchen table and unceremoniously went into the wing room. Two chubby little boys were asleep in a double bed, with the coverlids over their noses and their feet drawn up. In a single bed, next to theirs, lay a little girl of eleven, wide awake, two yellow braids sticking up on the pillow behind her. Her face was scarlet and her eyes were blazing.

The doctor shut the door behind him. Feel pretty sick, Thea? he asked as he took out his thermometer. Why didn't you call somebody?

She looked at him with greedy affection. I thought you were here, she spoke between quick breaths. There is a new baby, isn't there? Which?

Which? repeated the doctor.

Brother or sister?

He smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed. Brother, he said, taking her hand. Open.

Good. Brothers are better, she murmured as he put the glass tube under her tongue.

Now, be still, I want to count. Dr. Archie reached for her hand and took out his watch. When he put her hand back under the quilt he went over to one of the windows—they were both tight shut—and lifted it a little way. He reached up and ran his hand along the cold, unpapered wall. Keep under the covers; I'll come back to you in a moment, he said, bending over the glass lamp with his thermometer. He winked at her from the door before he shut it.

Peter Kronborg was sitting in his wife's room, holding the bundle which contained his son. His air of cheerful importance, his beard and glasses, even his shirt-sleeves, annoyed the doctor. He beckoned Kronborg into the living-room and said sternly:—

You've got a very sick child in there. Why didn't you call me before? It's pneumonia, and she must have been sick for several days. Put the baby down somewhere, please, and help me make up the bed-lounge here in the parlor. She's got to be in a warm room, and she's got to be quiet. You must keep the other children out. Here, this thing opens up, I see, swinging back the top of the carpet lounge. We can lift her mattress and carry her in just as she is. I don't want to disturb her more than is necessary.

Kronborg was all concern immediately. The two men took up the mattress and carried the sick child into the parlor. I'll have to go down to my office to get some medicine, Kronborg. The drug store won't be open. Keep the covers on her. I won't be gone long. Shake down the stove and put on a little coal, but not too much; so it'll catch quickly, I mean. Find an old sheet for me, and put it there to warm.

The doctor caught his coat and hurried out into the dark street. Nobody was stirring yet, and the cold was bitter. He was tired and hungry and in no mild humor. The idea! he muttered; to be such an ass at his age, about the seventh! And to feel no responsibility about the little girl. Silly old goat! The baby would have got into the world somehow; they always do. But a nice little girl like that—she's worth the whole litter. Where she ever got it from— He turned into the Duke Block and ran up the stairs to his office.

Thea Kronborg, meanwhile, was wondering why she happened to be in the parlor, where nobody but company—usually visiting preachers—ever slept. She had moments of stupor when she did not see anything, and moments of excitement when she felt that something unusual and pleasant was about to happen, when she saw everything clearly in the red light from the isinglass sides of the hard-coal burner—the nickel trimmings on the stove itself, the pictures on the wall, which she thought very beautiful, the flowers on the Brussels carpet, Czerny's Daily Studies which stood open on the upright piano. She forgot, for the time being, all about the new baby.

When she heard the front door open, it occurred to her that the pleasant thing which was going to happen was Dr. Archie himself. He came in and warmed his hands at the stove. As he turned to her, she threw herself wearily toward him, half out of her bed. She would have tumbled to the floor had he not caught her. He gave her some medicine and went to the kitchen for something he needed. She drowsed and lost the sense of his being there. When she opened her eyes again, he was kneeling before the stove, spreading something dark and sticky on a white cloth, with a big spoon; batter, perhaps. Presently she felt him taking off her nightgown. He wrapped the hot plaster about her chest. There seemed to be straps which he pinned over her shoulders. Then he took out a thread and needle and began to sew her up in it. That, she felt, was too strange; she must be dreaming anyhow, so she succumbed to her drowsiness.

Thea had been moaning with every breath since the doctor came back, but she did not know it. She did not realize that she was suffering pain. When she was conscious at all, she seemed to be separated from her body; to be perched on top of the piano, or on the hanging lamp, watching the doctor sew her up. It was perplexing and unsatisfactory, like dreaming. She wished she could waken up and see what was going on.

The doctor thanked God that he had persuaded Peter Kronborg to keep out of the way. He could do better by the child if he had her to himself. He had no children of his own. His marriage was a very unhappy one. As he lifted and undressed Thea, he thought to himself what a beautiful thing a little girl's body was,—like a flower. It was so neatly and delicately fashioned, so soft, and so milky white. Thea must have got her hair and her silky skin from her mother. She was a little Swede, through and through. Dr. Archie could not help thinking how he would cherish a little creature like this if she were his. Her hands, so little and hot, so clever, too,—he glanced at the open exercise book on the piano. When he had stitched up the flaxseed jacket, he wiped it neatly about the edges, where the paste had worked out on the skin. He put on her the clean nightgown he had warmed before the fire, and tucked the blankets about her. As he pushed back the hair that had fuzzed down over her eyebrows, he felt her head thoughtfully with the tips of his fingers. No, he couldn't say that it was different from any other child's head, though he believed that there was something very different about her. He looked intently at her wide, flushed face, freckled nose, fierce little mouth, and her delicate, tender chin—the one soft touch in her hard little Scandinavian face, as if some fairy godmother had caressed her there and left a cryptic promise. Her brows were usually drawn together defiantly, but never when she was with Dr. Archie. Her affection for him was prettier than most of the things that went to make up the doctor's life in Moonstone.

The windows grew gray. He heard a tramping on the attic floor, on the back stairs, then cries: Give me my shirt! Where's my other stocking?

I'll have to stay till they get off to school, he reflected, or they'll be in here tormenting her, the whole lot of them.


For the next four days it seemed to Dr. Archie that his patient might slip through his hands, do what he might. But she did not. On the contrary, after that she recovered very rapidly. As her father remarked, she must have inherited the constitution which he was never tired of admiring in her mother.

One afternoon, when her new brother was a week old, the doctor found Thea very comfortable and happy in her bed in the parlor. The sunlight was pouring in over her shoulders, the baby was asleep on a pillow in a big rocking-chair beside her. Whenever he stirred, she put out her hand and rocked him. Nothing of him was visible but a flushed, puffy forehead and an uncompromisingly big, bald cranium. The door into her mother's room stood open, and Mrs. Kronborg was sitting up in bed darning stockings. She was a short, stalwart woman, with a short neck and a determined-looking head. Her skin was very fair, her face calm and unwrinkled, and her yellow hair, braided down her back as she lay in bed, still looked like a girl's. She was a woman whom Dr. Archie respected; active, practical, unruffled; goodhumored, but determined. Exactly the sort of woman to take care of a flighty preacher. She had brought her husband some property, too,—one fourth of her father's broad acres in Nebraska,—but this she kept in her own name. She had profound respect for her husband's erudition and eloquence. She sat under his preaching with deep humility, and was as much taken in by his stiff shirt and white neckties as if she had not ironed them herself by lamplight the night before they appeared correct and spotless in the pulpit. But for all this, she had no confidence in his administration of worldly affairs. She looked to him for morning prayers and grace at table; she expected him to name the babies and to supply whatever parental sentiment there was in the house, to remember birthdays and anniversaries, to point the children to moral and patriotic ideals. It was her work to keep their bodies, their clothes, and their conduct in some sort of order, and this she accomplished with a success that was a source of wonder to her neighbors. As she used to remark, and her husband admiringly to echo, she had never lost one. With all his flightiness, Peter Kronborg appreciated the matter-of-fact, punctual way in which his wife got her children into the world and along in it. He believed, and he was right in believing, that the sovereign State of Colorado was much indebted to Mrs. Kronborg and women like her.

Mrs. Kronborg believed that the size of every family was decided in heaven. More modern views would not have startled her; they would simply have seemed foolish—thin chatter, like the boasts of the men who built the tower of Babel, or like Axel's plan to breed ostriches in the chicken yard. From what evidence Mrs. Kronborg formed her opinions on this and other matters, it would have been difficult to say, but once formed, they were unchangeable. She would no more have questioned her convictions than she would have questioned revelation. Calm and even tempered, naturally kind, she was capable of strong prejudices, and she never forgave.

When the doctor came in to see Thea, Mrs. Kronborg was reflecting that the washing was a week behind, and deciding what she had better do about it. The arrival of a new baby meant a revision of her entire domestic schedule, and as she drove her needle along she had been working out new sleeping arrangements and cleaning days. The doctor had entered the house without knocking, after making noise enough in the hall to prepare his patients. Thea was reading, her book propped up before her in the sunlight.

Mustn't do that; bad for your eyes, he said, as Thea shut the book quickly and slipped it under the covers.

Mrs. Kronborg called from her bed: Bring the baby here, doctor, and have that chair. She wanted him in there for company.

Before the doctor picked up the baby, he put a yellow paper bag down on Thea's coverlid and winked at her. They had a code of winks and grimaces. When he went in to chat with her mother, Thea opened the bag cautiously, trying to keep it from crackling. She drew out a long bunch of white grapes, with a little of the sawdust in which they had been packed still clinging to them. They were called Malaga grapes in Moonstone, and once or twice during the winter the leading grocer got a keg of them. They were used mainly for table decoration, about Christmas-time. Thea had never had more than one grape at a time before. When the doctor came back she was holding the almost transparent fruit up in the sunlight, feeling the pale-green skins softly with the tips of her fingers. She did not thank him; she only snapped her eyes at him in a special way which he understood, and, when he gave her his hand, put it quickly and shyly under her cheek, as if she were trying to do so without knowing it—and without his knowing it.

Dr. Archie sat down in the rocking-chair. And how's Thea feeling to-day?

He was quite as shy as his patient, especially when a third person overheard his conversation. Big and handsome and superior to his fellow townsmen as Dr. Archie was, he was seldom at his ease, and like Peter Kronborg he often dodged behind a professional manner. There was sometimes a contraction of embarrassment and self consciousness all over his big body, which made him awkward—likely to stumble, to kick up rugs, or to knock over chairs. If any one was very sick, he forgot himself, but he had a clumsy touch in convalescent gossip.

Thea curled up on her side and looked at him with pleasure. All right. I like to be sick. I have more fun then than other times.

How's that?

I don't have to go to school, and I don't have to practice. I can read all I want to, and have good things,—she patted the grapes. I had lots of fun that time I mashed my finger and you wouldn't let Professor Wunsch make me practice. Only I had to do left hand, even then. I think that was mean.

The doctor took her hand and examined the forefinger, where the nail had grown back a little crooked. You mustn't trim it down close at the corner there, and then it will grow straight. You won't want it crooked when you're a big girl and wear rings and have sweethearts.

She made a mocking little face at him and looked at his new scarf-pin. That's the prettiest one you ev-ER had. I wish you'd stay a long while and let me look at it. What is it?

Dr. Archie laughed. It's an opal. Spanish Johnny brought it up for me from Chihuahua in his shoe. I had it set in Denver, and I wore it to-day for your benefit.

Thea had a curious passion for jewelry. She wanted every shining stone she saw, and in summer she was always going off into the sand hills to hunt for crystals and agates and bits of pink chalcedony. She had two cigar boxes full of stones that she had found or traded for, and she imagined that they were of enormous value. She was always planning how she would have them set.

What are you reading? The doctor reached under the covers and pulled out a book of Byron's poems. Do you like this?

She looked confused, turned over a few pages rapidly, and pointed to My native land, good-night. That, she said sheepishly.

How about 'Maid of Athens'?

She blushed and looked at him suspiciously. I like 'There was a sound of revelry,' she muttered.

The doctor laughed and closed the book. It was clumsily bound in padded leather and had been presented to the Reverend Peter Kronborg by his Sunday-School class as an ornament for his parlor table.

Come into the office some day, and I'll lend you a nice book. You can skip the parts you don't understand. You can read it in vacation. Perhaps you'll be able to understand all of it by then.

Thea frowned and looked fretfully toward the piano. In vacation I have to practice four hours every day, and then there'll be Thor to take care of. She pronounced it Tor.

Thor? Oh, you've named the baby Thor? exclaimed the doctor.

Thea frowned again, still more fiercely, and said quickly, That's a nice name, only maybe it's a little—old fashioned. She was very sensitive about being thought a foreigner, and was proud of the fact that, in town, her father always preached in English; very bookish English, at that, one might add.

Born in an old Scandinavian colony in Minnesota, Peter Kronborg had been sent to a small divinity school in Indiana by the women of a Swedish evangelical mission, who were convinced of his gifts and who skimped and begged and gave church suppers to get the long, lazy youth through the seminary. He could still speak enough Swedish to exhort and to bury the members of his country church out at Copper Hole, and he wielded in his Moonstone pulpit a somewhat pompous English vocabulary he had learned out of books at college. He always spoke of the infant Saviour, our Heavenly Father, etc. The poor man had no natural, spontaneous human speech. If he had his sincere moments, they were perforce inarticulate. Probably a good deal of his pretentiousness was due to the fact that he habitually expressed himself in a book learned language, wholly remote from anything personal, native, or homely. Mrs. Kronborg spoke Swedish to her own sisters and to her sister-in-law Tillie, and colloquial English to her neighbors. Thea, who had a rather sensitive ear, until she went to school never spoke at all, except in monosyllables, and her mother was convinced that she was tongue-tied. She was still inept in speech for a child so intelligent. Her ideas were usually clear, but she seldom attempted to explain them, even at school, where she excelled in written work and never did more than mutter a reply.

Your music professor stopped me on the street to-day and asked me how you were, said the doctor, rising. He'll be sick himself, trotting around in this slush with no overcoat or overshoes.

He's poor, said Thea simply.

The doctor sighed. I'm afraid he's worse than that. Is he always all right when you take your lessons? Never acts as if he'd been drinking?

Thea looked angry and spoke excitedly. He knows a lot. More than anybody. I don't care if he does drink; he's old and poor. Her voice shook a little.

Mrs. Kronborg spoke up from the next room. He's a good teacher, doctor. It's good for us he does drink. He'd never be in a little place like this if he didn't have some weakness. These women that teach music around here don't know nothing. I wouldn't have my child wasting time with them. If Professor Wunsch goes away, Thea'll have nobody to take from. He's careful with his scholars; he don't use bad language. Mrs. Kohler is always present when Thea takes her lesson. It's all right. Mrs. Kronborg spoke calmly and judicially. One could see that she had thought the matter out before.

I'm glad to hear that, Mrs. Kronborg. I wish we could get the old man off his bottle and keep him tidy. Do you suppose if I gave you an old overcoat you could get him to wear it? The doctor went to the bedroom door and Mrs. Kronborg looked up from her darning.

Why, yes, I guess he'd be glad of it. He'll take most anything from me. He won't buy clothes, but I guess he'd wear 'em if he had 'em. I've never had any clothes to give him, having so many to make over for.

I'll have Larry bring the coat around to-night. You aren't cross with me, Thea? taking her hand.

Thea grinned warmly. Not if you give Professor Wunsch a coat—and things, she tapped the grapes significantly. The doctor bent over and kissed her.


Being sick was all very well, but Thea knew from experience that starting back to school again was attended by depressing difficulties. One Monday morning she got up early with Axel and Gunner, who shared her wing room, and hurried into the back living-room, between the dining-room and the kitchen. There, beside a soft-coal stove, the younger children of the family undressed at night and dressed in the morning. The older daughter, Anna, and the two big boys slept upstairs, where the rooms were theoretically warmed by stovepipes from below. The first (and the worst!) thing that confronted Thea was a suit of clean, prickly red flannel, fresh from the wash. Usually the torment of breaking in a clean suit of flannel came on Sunday, but yesterday, as she was staying in the house, she had begged off. Their winter underwear was a trial to all the children, but it was bitterest to Thea because she happened to have the most sensitive skin. While she was tugging it on, her Aunt Tillie brought in warm water from the boiler and filled the tin pitcher. Thea washed her face, brushed and braided her hair, and got into her blue cashmere dress. Over this she buttoned a long apron, with sleeves, which would not be removed until she put on her cloak to go to school. Gunner and Axel, on the soap box behind the stove, had their usual quarrel about which should wear the tightest stockings, but they exchanged reproaches in low tones, for they were wholesomely afraid of Mrs. Kronborg's rawhide whip. She did not chastise her children often, but she did it thoroughly. Only a somewhat stern system of discipline could have kept any degree of order and quiet in that overcrowded house.

Mrs. Kronborg's children were all trained to dress themselves at the earliest possible age, to make their own beds,—the boys as well as the girls,—to take care of their clothes, to eat what was given them, and to keep out of the way. Mrs. Kronborg would have made a good chess player; she had a head for moves and positions.

Anna, the elder daughter, was her mother's lieutenant. All the children knew that they must obey Anna, who was an obstinate contender for proprieties and not always fair minded. To see the young Kronborgs headed for Sunday School was like watching a military drill. Mrs. Kronborg let her children's minds alone. She did not pry into their thoughts or nag them. She respected them as individuals, and outside of the house they had a great deal of liberty. But their communal life was definitely ordered.

In the winter the children breakfasted in the kitchen; Gus and Charley and Anna first, while the younger children were dressing. Gus was nineteen and was a clerk in a dry-goods store. Charley, eighteen months younger, worked in a feed store. They left the house by the kitchen door at seven o'clock, and then Anna helped her Aunt Tillie get the breakfast for the younger ones. Without the help of this sister-in-law, Tillie Kronborg, Mrs. Kronborg's life would have been a hard one. Mrs. Kronborg often reminded Anna that no hired help would ever have taken the same interest.

Mr. Kronborg came of a poorer stock than his wife; from a lowly, ignorant family that had lived in a poor part of Sweden. His great-grandfather had gone to Norway to work as a farm laborer and had married a Norwegian girl. This strain of Norwegian blood came out somewhere in each generation of the Kronborgs. The intemperance of one of Peter Kronborg's uncles, and the religious mania of another, had been alike charged to the Norwegian grandmother. Both Peter Kronborg and his sister Tillie were more like the Norwegian root of the family than like the Swedish, and this same Norwegian strain was strong in Thea, though in her it took a very different character.

Tillie was a queer, addle-pated thing, as flighty as a girl at thirty-five, and overweeningly fond of gay clothes—which taste, as Mrs. Kronborg philosophically said, did nobody any harm. Tillie was always cheerful, and her tongue was still for scarcely a minute during the day. She had been cruelly overworked on her father's Minnesota farm when she was a young girl, and she had never been so happy as she was now; had never before, as she said, had such social advantages. She thought her brother the most important man in Moonstone. She never missed a church service, and, much to the embarrassment of the children, she always spoke a piece at the Sunday-School concerts. She had a complete set of Standard Recitations, which she conned on Sundays. This morning, when Thea and her two younger brothers sat down to breakfast, Tillie was remonstrating with Gunner because he had not learned a recitation assigned to him for George Washington Day at school. The unmemorized text lay heavily on Gunner's conscience as he attacked his buckwheat cakes and sausage. He knew that Tillie was in the right, and that when the day came he would be ashamed of himself.

I don't care, he muttered, stirring his coffee; they oughtn't to make boys speak. It's all right for girls. They like to show off.

No showing off about it. Boys ought to like to speak up for their country. And what was the use of your father buying you a new suit, if you're not going to take part in anything?

That was for Sunday-School. I'd rather wear my old one, anyhow. Why didn't they give the piece to Thea? Gunner grumbled.

Tillie was turning buckwheat cakes at the griddle. Thea can play and sing, she don't need to speak. But you've got to know how to do something, Gunner, that you have. What are you going to do when you git big and want to git into society, if you can't do nothing? Everybody'll say, 'Can you sing? Can you play? Can you speak? Then git right out of society.' An' that's what they'll say to you, Mr. Gunner.

Gunner and Alex grinned at Anna, who was preparing her mother's breakfast. They never made fun of Tillie, but they understood well enough that there were subjects upon which her ideas were rather foolish. When Tillie struck the shallows, Thea was usually prompt in turning the conversation.

Will you and Axel let me have your sled at recess? she asked.

All the time? asked Gunner dubiously.

I'll work your examples for you to-night, if you do.

Oh, all right. There'll be a lot of 'em.

I don't mind, I can work 'em fast. How about yours, Axel?

Axel was a fat little boy of seven, with pretty, lazy blue eyes. I don't care, he murmured, buttering his last buckwheat cake without ambition; too much trouble to copy 'em down. Jenny Smiley'll let me have hers.

The boys were to pull Thea to school on their sled, as the snow was deep. The three set off together. Anna was now in the high school, and she no longer went with the family party, but walked to school with some of the older girls who were her friends, and wore a hat, not a hood like Thea.


And it was Summer, beautiful Summer! Those were the closing words of Thea's favorite fairy tale, and she thought of them as she ran out into the world one Saturday morning in May, her music book under her arm. She was going to the Kohlers' to take her lesson, but she was in no hurry.

It was in the summer that one really lived. Then all the little overcrowded houses were opened wide, and the wind blew through them with sweet, earthy smells of garden-planting. The town looked as if it had just been washed. People were out painting their fences. The cottonwood trees were a-flicker with sticky, yellow little leaves, and the feathery tamarisks were in pink bud. With the warm weather came freedom for everybody. People were dug up, as it were. The very old people, whom one had not seen all winter, came out and sunned themselves in the yard. The double windows were taken off the houses, the tormenting flannels in which children had been encased all winter were put away in boxes, and the youngsters felt a pleasure in the cool cotton things next their skin.

Thea had to walk more than a mile to reach the Kohlers' house, a very pleasant mile out of town toward the glittering sand hills,—yellow this morning, with lines of deep violet where the clefts and valleys were. She followed the sidewalk to the depot at the south end of the town; then took the road east to the little group of adobe houses where the Mexicans lived, then dropped into a deep ravine; a dry sand creek, across which the railroad track ran on a trestle. Beyond that gulch, on a little rise of ground that faced the open sandy plain, was the Kohlers' house, where Professor Wunsch lived. Fritz Kohler was the town tailor, one of the first settlers. He had moved there, built a little house and made a garden, when Moonstone was first marked down on the map. He had three sons, but they now worked on the railroad and were stationed in distant cities. One of them had gone to work for the Santa Fe, and lived in New Mexico.

Mrs. Kohler seldom crossed the ravine and went into the town except at Christmas-time, when she had to buy presents and Christmas cards to send to her old friends in Freeport, Illinois. As she did not go to church, she did not possess such a thing as a hat. Year after year she wore the same red hood in winter and a black sunbonnet in summer. She made her own dresses; the skirts came barely to her shoe-tops, and were gathered as full as they could possibly be to the waistband. She preferred men's shoes, and usually wore the cast-offs of one of her sons. She had never learned much English, and her plants and shrubs were her companions. She lived for her men and her garden. Beside that sand gulch, she had tried to reproduce a bit of her own village in the Rhine Valley. She hid herself behind the growth she had fostered, lived under the shade of what she had planted and watered and pruned. In the blaze of the open plain she was stupid and blind like an owl. Shade, shade; that was what she was always planning and making. Behind the high tamarisk hedge, her garden was a jungle of verdure in summer. Above the cherry trees and peach trees and golden plums stood the windmill, with its tank on stilts, which kept all this verdure alive. Outside, the sage-brush grew up to the very edge of the garden, and the sand was always drifting up to the tamarisks.

Every one in Moonstone was astonished when the Kohlers took the wandering music-teacher to live with them. In seventeen years old Fritz had never had a crony, except the harness-maker and Spanish Johnny. This Wunsch came from God knew where,—followed Spanish Johnny into town when that wanderer came back from one of his tramps. Wunsch played in the dance orchestra, tuned pianos, and gave lessons. When Mrs. Kohler rescued him, he was sleeping in a dirty, unfurnished room over one of the saloons, and he had only two shirts in the world. Once he was under her roof, the old woman went at him as she did at her garden. She sewed and washed and mended for him, and made him so clean and respectable that he was able to get a large class of pupils and to rent a piano. As soon as he had money ahead, he sent to the Narrow Gauge lodging-house, in Denver, for a trunkful of music which had been held there for unpaid board. With tears in his eyes the old man—he was not over fifty, but sadly battered—told Mrs. Kohler that he asked nothing better of God than to end his days with her, and to be buried in the garden, under her linden trees. They were not American basswood, but the European linden, which has honey-colored blooms in summer, with a fragrance that surpasses all trees and flowers and drives young people wild with joy.

Thea was reflecting as she walked along that had it not been for Professor Wunsch she might have lived on for years in Moonstone without ever knowing the Kohlers, without ever seeing their garden or the inside of their house. Besides the cuckoo clock,—which was wonderful enough, and which Mrs. Kohler said she kept for company when she was lonesome,—the Kohlers had in their house the most wonderful thing Thea had ever seen—but of that later.

Professor Wunsch went to the houses of his other pupils to give them their lessons, but one morning he told Mrs. Kronborg that Thea had talent, and that if she came to him he could teach her in his slippers, and that would be better. Mrs. Kronborg was a strange woman. That word talent, which no one else in Moonstone, not even Dr. Archie, would have understood, she comprehended perfectly. To any other woman there, it would have meant that a child must have her hair curled every day and must play in public. Mrs. Kronborg knew it meant that Thea must practice four hours a day. A child with talent must be kept at the piano, just as a child with measles must be kept under the blankets. Mrs. Kronborg and her three sisters had all studied piano, and all sang well, but none of them had talent. Their father had played the oboe in an orchestra in Sweden, before he came to America to better his fortunes. He had even known Jenny Lind. A child with talent had to be kept at the piano; so twice a week in summer and once a week in winter Thea went over the gulch to the Kohlers', though the Ladies' Aid Society thought it was not proper for their preacher's daughter to go where there was so much drinking. Not that the Kohler sons ever so much as looked at a glass of beer. They were ashamed of their old folks and got out into the world as fast as possible; had their clothes made by a Denver tailor and their necks shaved up under their hair and forgot the past. Old Fritz and Wunsch, however, indulged in a friendly bottle pretty often. The two men were like comrades; perhaps the bond between them was the glass wherein lost hopes are found; perhaps it was common memories of another country; perhaps it was the grapevine in the garden—knotty, fibrous shrub, full of homesickness and sentiment, which the Germans have carried around the world with them.

As Thea approached the house she peeped between the pink sprays of the tamarisk hedge and saw the Professor and Mrs. Kohler in the garden, spading and raking. The garden looked like a relief-map now, and gave no indication of what it would be in August; such a jungle! Pole beans and potatoes and corn and leeks and kale and red cabbage—there would even be vegetables for which there is no American name. Mrs. Kohler was always getting by mail packages of seeds from Freeport and from the old country. Then the flowers! There were big sunflowers for the canary bird, tiger lilies and phlox and zinnias and lady's-slippers and portulaca and hollyhocks,—giant hollyhocks. Beside the fruit trees there was a great umbrella-shaped catalpa, and a balm-of-Gilead, two lindens, and even a ginka,—a rigid, pointed tree with leaves shaped like butterflies, which shivered, but never bent to the wind.

This morning Thea saw to her delight that the two oleander trees, one white and one red, had been brought up from their winter quarters in the cellar. There is hardly a German family in the most arid parts of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, but has its oleander trees. However loutish the American-born sons of the family may be, there was never one who refused to give his muscle to the back-breaking task of getting those tubbed trees down into the cellar in the fall and up into the sunlight in the spring. They may strive to avert the day, but they grapple with the tub at last.

When Thea entered the gate, her professor leaned his spade against the white post that supported the turreted dove-house, and wiped his face with his shirt-sleeve; someway he never managed to have a handkerchief about him. Wunsch was short and stocky, with something rough and bear-like about his shoulders. His face was a dark, bricky red, deeply creased rather than wrinkled, and the skin was like loose leather over his neck band—he wore a brass collar button but no collar. His hair was cropped close; iron-gray bristles on a bullet-like head. His eyes were always suffused and bloodshot. He had a coarse, scornful mouth, and irregular, yellow teeth, much worn at the edges. His hands were square and red, seldom clean, but always alive, impatient, even sympathetic.

MORGEN, he greeted his pupil in a businesslike way, put on a black alpaca coat, and conducted her at once to the piano

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