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Trail Riding
Trail Riding
Trail Riding
Ebook223 pages2 hours

Trail Riding

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Recently updated and extended, Trail Riding joins the experience and enthusiasm of equestrian Micaela Myers with the wisdom of Horse Illustrated to bring this definitive guide to beginning trail riders. The book covers the fundamentals of America's #1 equestrian pasttime—from picking out the right gear and training your horse for the trail to planning your jaunt and learning proper trail manners. Complete with step-by-step instructions, countless tips, full-color photos, and an easy-to-use glossary, this guide takes the guesswork out of trail riding.
Release dateDec 27, 2011
Trail Riding

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    Trail Riding - Micaela Myers


    Nothing is more relaxing than enjoying nature from the back of a content horse. In fact, most equestrians are recreational riders, not competitors. For the horse lover who is a bit of both, there are a number of trail activities to quench any competitive thirst. Although urban sprawl is eating up much of our open space, with a little research even most city dwellers can find miles of trails practically in their backyards.

    This book offers all the information you need to enjoy trail riding to its fullest. Whether you’re looking for a horse or already own one, we’ll start with how to size up a trail candidate. Then, we’ll explore the options in tack and attire so you and your horse can be comfortable on the trail. Even though trail riding isn’t a contest for the best form, we’ll discuss how you can be a better rider by positioning yourself and using your training aids effectively to make rides easier on your horse.

    Because modern-day trail riding often means sharing the trails with others and riding on roads to access trails, this book offers detailed instruction on how to desensitize your horse. We’ll also look at how to care for your trail horse and how to plan ahead to make sure you both stay healthy and happy on the trail. Riding with other horses and riders requires trail manners, so we’ll discuss leading and following manners and what to do if you want to train your horse to ride out alone.

    Although a steady, well-trained horse is a must for the trail, even the best horses occasionally act up; we devote an entire chapter to dealing with those problem behaviors on the trail. After we’ve discussed the training and planning aspects, we’ll explore ways to find trails, to camp, and to compete in trail-riding activities.

    If trail riding interests you, read on for a wealth of information that will have you safely exploring trails near and far.

    Choosing the Right Horse

    Many characteristics define the ideal trail horse. Of course, she should have a good head on her shoulders and not be frightened by every odd noise or each unusual rock that she passes.

    A good trail horse is also responsive to her rider, obeying subtle cues and accepting direction willingly. She should be sure-footed and sound, carrying her rider safely over rugged terrain. A trail horse also must be fit so she does not tire quickly while traversing the countryside. In addition, her gaits should be easy to sit, as her rider will be spending ample time in the saddle.

    The ideal trail horse is all these things, certainly, and much more. The attributes listed above fall into four general categories that must be evaluated: temperament, training, health, and breeding. Whether you already own a horse or are purchasing one for trail riding, carefully critique her suitability by looking at these four areas.


    Although training and experience can change to a certain extent how a horse handles new and unusual circumstances, all horses are born with particular temperaments, just like people. Some horses handle stress and change better than others. Some get flustered or worried and prefer the security of calmer, more predictable environments. You can train horses (and people) to control their emotions and reactions to some degree, but you can’t change their innate temperaments.

    For you to enjoy trail riding, your horse also must enjoy it. You need to accept that an extremely high-strung or nervous horse probably will not be happy on the trail, and her rider won’t have a very good time either. Choose a trail horse with the following attributes:

     calm demeanor

     mild reactions and quick recoveries




    Calm demeanor: A good trail horse candidate will be relaxed and laid-back. You can spot these gentle, easygoing horses by their calm demeanors. A confident horse with a sensible temperament will show relaxed body language as she moves about on the lead or under saddle, whereas a nervous horse will be rigid or tense and ready to react to the slightest disturbance.

    Mild reactions and quick recoveries: All horses react instinctively, usually with a flight response, to things that frighten them, but some horses respond more quickly or violently than others do. Although occasional shies are certainly forgivable, a horse that rears, bolts uncontrollably, or spooks violently can unseat a rider and cause serious injury. A mount that puts her rider in danger is most unsuitable.

    Even a good trail mount may spook or react to new sights and sounds, but she’ll quickly regain her composure. A horse that can recover from a scary situation willingly and move on is invaluable.

    Curiosity: A good trail horse is naturally curious. She will look at unusual items or surroundings with interest rather than fear. If allowed, she will walk forward to investigate rather than bolt. Even a horse that is nervous when passing a frightening object but doesn’t spin around or spook is a good candidate for trail riding.

    Independence: Horses are herd animals, and, as such, they feel more comfortable in the company of other horses. This can be a negative. Some horses get very antsy and upset if their friends are out of sight for even a moment. You could plan on always riding with other people, but a horse confident enough to move away from her friends is an important asset; someday, you might need to ride for help or to perform other tasks alone. You want a horse that will listen to you and not lose her cool the minute she’s separated from other horses.

    A horse warily examines unfamiliar brush beside a trail. A trail horse may spook if she sees a foreign object, but she should quickly regain her composure.

    Trust: A horse that can’t trust her rider or that would rather let her instincts consume her is probably not a good trail candidate.


    In addition to having the right temperament, to be safe on the trail, your horse must listen to your cues, which means she needs to be well trained, with a solid foundation. Horses lacking basic training will be difficult to control on the trail and, in some cases, dangerous.


    Like show horses, trail horses should be able to walk, jog, lope, back up, side-pass, stop, and turn with hand and leg cues in an arena before heading out on the trail. A trail horse also needs solid ground manners, including holding still while the rider mounts and dismounts, leading without dragging or bullying the handler, and tying safely. If a horse lacks any of these skills, some basic training is in order before you leave the safety of the stable.

    Trail horses are also asked to tackle tasks and situations that show horses will never encounter. A trail horse often needs to stand patiently while the rider opens and shuts a gate from the saddle. It’s helpful if the horse knows how to ground tie, as well. She’ll also need to be trained to cross water; this can be daunting if the horse has never crossed water or is fearful of it. Depending on what type of trail activities you plan to do with your horse, she may require additional skills.

    For example, if you plan to pack into or camp in areas without corrals, you’ll need a horse trained to stand hobbled or tied on a high line. Know ahead of time what you plan to use the horse for, then devise a list of skills your candidate must possess before you take to the trails.


    Age is not as important as temperament, training, and health. A four-year-old with a great deal of training and experience may be a better choice than a ten-year-old that hasn’t been ridden or handled as frequently. However, older horses often have more training and experience than their youthful counterparts. Never overlook a senior horse; many horses can still trail ride well into their twenties.

    A rider lopes down the trail on his mount, which is riding nicely on the bit. Solid training is a must for trail horses.


    Your horse can always learn new skills. As the rider, you must also know how to correctly cue your horse. If you or your mount needs to brush up on any basic skills, find a qualified trainer or riding instructor in your area. Quality instruction can be costly, but your life may literally depend on it. It’s one of the best horse-related investments you can make.

    Here are some points to consider when choosing a trainer or an instructor:

     Choose an instructor with strong references. Ask horse owners in your area who they recommend, or ask the trainer or instructor to provide references. Talk to other trail riders who have had success with this person.

     Walk around the facilities. If they’re dirty or unkempt or if the horses do not seem in good condition, keep looking.

     Watch the trainer or instructor at work. How does he or she treat the horses and the clients? If any methods or actions make you uneasy, trust your instincts and look elsewhere.

     Find out what qualifications the person has. Did he or she apprentice or get a certificate? As a trail rider, you may not be concerned with the trainer’s or instructor’s show-ring accomplishments, but you will want to choose someone with experience training trail horses and riders.

     What methods does the trainer or instructor use to help trail horses? For example, if your horse spooks easily, is the trainer experienced in using desensitization methods?

     Does the trainer or instructor have access to trails on which he or she can help you and your horse handle the type of riding situations you may encounter?

    You’ll want to consider each of these factors when choosing a trainer or an instructor. Having a trusted professional to advise you is invaluable. Not only can this person help you and your horse master the basics needed to succeed on the trail, but you can also go to him or her with questions or new challenges.


    Choose a horse that’s in good general health. A horse won’t enjoy her job or respond correctly and consistently if she’s uncomfortable or in pain. Few horses are blemish free, and minor issues may not be a problem for your intended use, but ongoing or chronic conditions must be carefully considered and may exclude a potential candidate.

    Soundness is a key concern when sizing up a trail horse. Many people retire their horses from more strenuous jobs, such as jumping and racing, to become just trail horses. But if you plan to take long rides, go on rides over steep or difficult terrain, or compete in endurance or competitive trials, you’ll need a horse that’s sound and athletic. Horses with conditions such as mild navicular disease or arthritis may be fine for short trail rides over smooth terrain. Always ask your veterinarian exactly what type of exercise and how much is best, or even tolerable, for your particular horse.

    Conformation, or the way a horse is built, will affect her soundness and ability to perform a particular activity well. The more athletic you need the horse to be, the more conformation comes into play. Obviously, a trail rider can be less of a perfectionist than a halter class competitor can, but severe conformation defects can cause soundness issues down the road, especially if you plan to ride long distances or to compete. Your trainer, riding instructor, or veterinarian can help you determine if a particular horse’s conformation may hinder her ability to perform the tasks you have in mind.

    Here is an overview of essential health factors for you to consider when you choose a trail horse:

     good feet. A trail horse doesn’t have the luxury of perfect arena footing. Trail riding requires travel over varying—and often rough terrain—so choose a horse with good, solid, healthy feet. Your horse should have feet that are sound and will hold up well with regular maintenance.

     good eyesight. A horse with failing eyesight will not be safe to ride over difficult

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