Episode 2 - Commentary and its Impact (That Is A City, Not A Name): In this episode of In The Loop, Kite (@mossyzinc), Iman (@I7manI7), Kat (@katherineya0), and Lo (@letsgocrazysp) discuss commentary and it’s impacts on the sport of figure skating, as well as their favourite iconic programs from 2000 and beyond. Ful ... by In The Loopratings:
73 minutes
Aug 7, 2018
Podcast episode
In this episode of In The Loop, Evie (@doubleflutz), Niamh (@rivrdance), and Nikola (@notgneissatall) discuss the goings-on at the first Challenger Series event of the 18-19 season - the Asian Open Figure Skating Trophy!
Bonus segment including interviews with Kerry/Dodds, and Komatsubara/Koleto is also now available on all our platforms!
Full transcript available here: https://inthelopodcast.tumblr.com/post/176730022695/episode-7-transcript
Ko-fi donations page: https://ko-fi.com/inthelopodcast
News featured in this episode
Sui/Han withdraw from the Grand Prix: https://isu.org/docman-documents-links/isu-files/event-documents/figure-skating-4/2018-19/gp-8/series-files-19/entries-2/17410-pair-skating-2018-19-all-6-events/file
Daria Panenkova leaves Eteri Tutberidze: https://rsport.ria.ru/figure_skating/20180725/1139722094.html
Grant Hochstein retires from competition: http://www.usfigureskating.org/story?id=91679&type=media
Icon, Header, and Graphics by Gabb (@tegomass)
Mixing, Music, and Editing by Evie (@doubleflutz)
Produced by the In The Loop Team
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InTheLoPodcast
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inthelopodcast
Bonus segment including interviews with Kerry/Dodds, and Komatsubara/Koleto is also now available on all our platforms!
Full transcript available here: https://inthelopodcast.tumblr.com/post/176730022695/episode-7-transcript
Ko-fi donations page: https://ko-fi.com/inthelopodcast
News featured in this episode
Sui/Han withdraw from the Grand Prix: https://isu.org/docman-documents-links/isu-files/event-documents/figure-skating-4/2018-19/gp-8/series-files-19/entries-2/17410-pair-skating-2018-19-all-6-events/file
Daria Panenkova leaves Eteri Tutberidze: https://rsport.ria.ru/figure_skating/20180725/1139722094.html
Grant Hochstein retires from competition: http://www.usfigureskating.org/story?id=91679&type=media
Icon, Header, and Graphics by Gabb (@tegomass)
Mixing, Music, and Editing by Evie (@doubleflutz)
Produced by the In The Loop Team
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InTheLoPodcast
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inthelopodcast
Aug 7, 2018
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (93)
- 49 min listen