Is your Body Resisting Certain Foods? by Tolman Self Care Podcastratings:
10 minutes
Mar 1, 2021
Podcast episode
The purpose of doing a detox is to clear unwanted waste from your body that can otherwise accumulate, making you sluggish, run down and prone to sickness and dis-ease.Periodic detoxing is a smart insurance policy for your health and longevity because it allows your body to re-set, and your digestive system to take a break form the constant rigours of digesting food.Detoxing has been practiced for thousands of years - and it offers both mental and physical health benefits. However, when you detox it's common to experience discomfort, particularly during the early stages of your fast as your body begins dumping metabolic waste.Listen in to learn more about what you should expect from a detox. Visit us at https://tolmanselfcare.com/ for more information and all of your health care needs. For more information and all of your self care needs, visit us at www.tolmanselfcare.com
Mar 1, 2021
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 11 min listen