Pilot with Ervin Laszlo and Frederick Tsao: Welcome to DAWN OF AN ERA OF WELL-BEING: The Podcast, a program that is dedicated to helping us find knowledge and comfort at a time when an atmosphere of confusion has become so pervasive. In this pilot episode, our hosts Ervin Laszlo and Frederick Tsao by Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: The Podcastratings:
15 minutes
Jun 23, 2022
Podcast episode
Hazel Henderson was a tremendous intellectual force helping us make economic sense out of human connection and advocating for a green agenda to mitigate climate change long before many of us knew what these terms meant. Hazel was also a close friend and collaborator with our program’s co-host, Ervin Laszlo—in fact, she was our first guest on the show. She was also a contributor to Ervin Laszlo and Fred Tsao’s recent book which shares the same title as this podcast, Dawn of an Era of Well-Being. Sadly, Hazel departed this world on May 22, 2022, though we can be assured that wherever she may be, the strength of her ideas will continue to drive this planet in the direction peace, love, and sustainability.In today’s abbreviated episode, our moderator Alison Goldwyn speaks with Ervin as he reflects on Hazel Henderson’s legacy and their friendship. Please stay tuned for more episodes of Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: the Podcast. We will be announcing the release of Season Two very soon which will include such guests as Deepak Chopra, Eben Alexander, and Jean Houston. Here is a link to the Hazel Henderson episode of Dawn of an Era of Well Being from December 2021: https://dawnofanera.transistor.fm/episodes/hazel-hendersonNew York Times obituary:https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/27/climate/hazel-henderson-dead.htmlWebsite:https://hazelhenderson.com/
Jun 23, 2022
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (37)
- 46 min listen