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I call on the fates to bring my love to me. As I will it, so mote it be…

Sarah Bell has sworn off love and men -- for now. Ever since she split from the man of her dreams, she’s convinced she won’t find the truly right guy. That is until he swoops back into her life as her knight in a shining Camaro. She never really gave up on reigniting the relationship with Kurt, but there’s one tiny problem. The love spell she’s cast -- Summon a Bad Boy -- isn’t just a lark. It’s real and she knows it because she’s the witch who created it. Kurt might have saved her, but will he be able to handle her secret -- that she’s a witch?

Kurt isn’t ready to throw in the towel with Sarah. He knows his heart and he’s just as stubborn as she can be. He won’t stop until he gets what he wants -- Sarah. Can the witch and the bad boy have the happy-ever-after they deserve? Anything’s possible with the right amount of magic.
Release dateOct 21, 2022

Megan Slayer

Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and BDSM themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been the runner up in the Kink Category at Love Romances Café as well as nominated at the LRC for best author, best contemporary, best ménage and best anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on Amazon.com. When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice.

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    Kurt - Megan Slayer

    Chapter One

    Sarah toyed with her beer and contemplated life. Her friends, her true besties, were all married, engaged or in the midst of their happily-ever-afters with their dream men.

    Not her. She was still alone.

    Nothing made sense. She’d given them the spell, told them what to do and monitored the magic. It worked. She should be happy, but she wasn’t. Why did they have to be so lucky and find love? Why did the magic have to work? The group had a good thing going -- they were tight and there for each other.

    Then men and magic got involved.

    But was it really the guys’ fault? Really the fault of the spell?


    Her friends had used the love spell she’d provided. They’d found love, while she found none.

    Are you still here? Brady sat beside her. Nursing the same beer, no less.

    She toyed with the condensation, then drummed her fingers on the bar. I’m thinking. Thinking she needed to find a new place to hang out. Brady Vaughn was nice enough, but not her type.

    He’d been a football player, wrecked his knee in a freak accident, destroyed his throwing arm and imploded his career with the Beefeaters in the space of five years. He’d married and divorced twice, both centerfold models. He was only thirty-one and hanging around a dive bar. Why he spent time there was beyond her. She would’ve thought he’d have a better place to drink beer.

    So? What are you thinking about? Brady ordered a beer. Tell me.

    You don’t care. Well, he probably didn’t. Besides, she didn’t want to tell him. She didn’t know him.

    I bet I do.


    I’ve seen you here a few times, and I’ve heard rumors. You’re still hung up on Kurt. I’m betting you’re thinking about him tonight, he said. Am I right?

    No. She hadn’t been thinking about Kurt. Not for the last ten minutes at least. But why was anyone spreading gossip about her? She wasn’t that exciting. Why?

    He’s seeing someone.

    His words hit her like a rock. What? Kurt wasn’t hers any longer, but that didn’t mean she wanted to see him with a new girlfriend. Who?

    Her name is Dicey. She’s cute. A tattoo model, I think. He met her at one of the cons. Brady sipped his beer. Said he’d never thought he’d find her, and there she was.

    That sounded like something Kurt would say. Her heart sank. Her Kurt, the man she thought one day she’d marry, was with someone else.


    I heard, but I can’t substantiate that they’re engaged, Brady said. Crazy. I tried marriage twice and it wasn’t my cuppa.

    She wobbled on her seat. Engaged? Why? Her lunch reversed course. I need to go.

    To break them up?

    To barf. She hustled out of the bar to the parking lot and proceeded to get sick on the curb.

    God. She’d sunk so low. She’d pushed away the man she truly loved because of a miscommunication, and now he’d found someone else.


    Sarah? Brady helped her to her feet. Let’s get you cleaned up.

    I’m okay. She didn’t want him touching her.

    You’re pale.

    I just got sick. It’s not like I’d win a pageant right now -- unless it’s for Miss Guidance. Her life was out of control, despite her best efforts to keep it balanced. She’d had the misguided idea she could keep the walls around her heart and stay safe. She’d been so wrong.

    Stop. He helped her back into the bar long enough to pay their tabs. Let me drive you home.

    I’ll get a cab. She left the bar again. You didn’t need to pay that.

    You don’t need to be here, either. Brady slid his arm around her waist. Let me take care of you. He palmed her breast.

    No. The gravity of the moment hit her. She’d been drinking -- half a beer, but still -- and this jerk wanted to get fresh with her. He’d sexually assaulted her. Who in the hell did he think he was? Her heart was broken, and she felt so low, but that didn’t mean he could touch her. Get off.

    She wrestled free from him and pulled her phone from her purse. She had to arrange a ride and fast.

    Let me drive you. Brady reached for the phone. You don’t need to call anyone.

    No. She fumbled with the phone. Stop. What a fucking jerk. She knew this type of guy -- entitled and believing he could do whatever he wanted because he’d been a jock at one time. She yanked her arm away.

    You’re not yourself, he said.

    I’m not with you, either. She tapped the first number in her phone, hoping whoever she’d managed to call would answer.

    Brady tried to slap the phone away from her. You don’t need that. I said I’d take care of you.

    Stop. She kept the phone in her hand, but couldn’t dial anyone. Damn it. She slapped at Brady to get away from him.

    You’ve been giving me the eye all night. You flirted with me, Brady said. You know who I am. You want me.

    No, I don’t. She wrestled with him again, trying to get free. Stop. Let me go. His fingers bit into her skin. He shook her, rattling her brains. He pinched her breast this time, drawing a yelp from her.

    You can’t turn me down. Don’t you know who I am? I get what I want. He yanked her hair. Don’t fucking toy with me. I will hurt you.

    Jackass. She kicked him, connecting with his shin, then her knee with his crotch. Where was the fucking bouncer?

    Brady let go of her and doubled over. Bitch.

    She tapped her phone and selected the first number in the list. Didn’t matter who she called as long as they could help her. Hello?

    Hello? Fucking balls. She knew that voice. She’d called Kurt. Didn’t matter. Right now, she needed his help. Hi. It’s me.

    I know. What’s wrong? Kurt asked.

    Can you pick me up? She darted back into the bar to get away from Brady. I’m being chased and harassed by Mr. Grabby Hands. I’m kinda scared.

    I’ll be right there. You’re at One More Round?

    Yes. Shame filled her. This guy could be with his girl tonight, but he was about to bail her out.


    Jack stepped into the bar and folded his arms.

    Thank you, God.

    Sarah rushed up to him. I’m waiting on my ride, and I don’t feel safe. I’ve already been groped, and I want the hell out of here. May I wait with you?

    She trusted Jack. He might not say much and might look scary, but he could be a teddy bear. Her friend, Mandy, had managed to charm him into coming out of his shell, and they’d married two months ago.

    Sarah couldn’t be happier for them or for his presence.

    Brady? Jack asked. Did he grope you?

    He’s the one. She trembled. She hated being scared. Thanks.

    He’s annoyed two women tonight and now you. I’ll have to send him packing, Jack said.

    After I go.

    I’m on it. Jack spoke into his radio.

    Sarah rubbed her bare arms. She had to make a change. Hanging out at the bar and trying to find someone to love this way wasn’t working. She’d been in jams before, but she’d never been alone.

    She couldn’t do this. Maybe she needed to find an app and get a date. Or just use the love spell on herself. It’d worked for her friends. They’d all found their partners that way.

    It could work for her.

    But she didn’t want just anyone.

    Kurt rushed into the bar. Sarah? He nodded to Jack. Hey, buddy. Thanks.

    Welcome. Jack nodded. Have a good night.

    We will. Kurt escorted her out of the bar. Once they were on the way to his vehicle, he spoke. What happened?

    I came here for a night out, and I thought I was safe, but I wasn’t. She settled on the passenger seat. She didn’t recognize this car. He’d had a Challenger when they’d been together. Not a Camaro. When did you get this?

    A couple months ago. I got a good deal on the Challenger. He locked the doors and drove away. Sarah.

    What? I went out and someone made a move. No, the bastard had assaulted her. It sucked, and he threatened me twice. She tucked into herself. I’m sorry.


    She knew that tone, and she hated being patronized. I messed up.

    You should’ve gone out with a friend.

    Who? My friends are all successfully paired up and happy after casting the spell. I’m the last one, and I can’t go out with them when they’re busy with their respective guys.

    You don’t have any other friends? Come on. Kurt stopped in the shopping center parking lot. What’s going on? Huh?

    I got attacked, and I needed help.

    Which is why I’m glad you called me. He parked the car under one of the lights. You turned to me for help, which I’m glad because I’d like to rip that jerk who attacked you limb from limb.

    Me, too. She wished she’d have reported everything to Jack.

    Why call me? I’m not upset. I’m glad you did.

    You were the first number in my phone.

    You hate my guts.

    You moved on. Tears blurred her vision. I’m sorry. God, she was crying.

    Stop apologizing. You moved on, too. He tugged her across the console and held her on his lap. I’m sorry he did that. No one should attack anyone else, and that bastard had no business touching you. Doesn’t matter why or how you were there. He had no right to put his hands on you or threaten you.

    She sobbed and couldn’t find her words. Her life was a mess, she’d done something foolish and now turned to her ex for help. God, she needed to sort herself out, but the way he held her helped. He made her feel safe.

    Kurt said nothing and instead held her. He petted her hair. He soothed her with his touch and presence. Kurt knew her better than anyone.

    He’d been

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